A (Very) Short Fictitious Interlude

From a humanitarian perspective, we should issue a warning to the American people and persuade them to leave America and leave the land they have lived in to the Chinese people. Or at least they should leave half the United States to be China’s colony, because America was first discovered by the Chinese. But would this work? If this strategy does not work, then there is only one choice left to us. That is, use decisive means to ‘clean up’ America and reserve America for our use….”

General Chi Haotian, 2003 Secret Speech

China’s defense minister, General Chi Haotian, looked at his desk calendar. On Saturday the Year of the Goat begins, he thought. The goat means luck. But I was born in the Year of the Snakethe “little dragon.” The skin of the snake is always cool, hiding a fervent heart. Chi looked out the window of his Defense Ministry Office at the smoggy Beijing skyline. The time was going by very quickly. He was scheduled to retire in March. How does an old snake retire? A copy of Sun Tzu’s Art of War sat on his desk. I will read classics, he thought to himself. Another book also sat on his desk. It was a volume of essays by Mao Zedong. He turned to the first section of the book, “Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society.”

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A Lesson on the Communist Movement: An Expert Speaks

In 1960, a secret directive was issued by the KGB in Moscow to the intelligence service’s representatives abroad and the security service at home on the influencing of foreign visitors to the Soviet Union, especially politicians and scholars; efforts were made to use, recruit, and discredit anticommunist politicians, journalists, scholars, and analysts of communist affairs during their visits to communist countries.

Anatoliy Golitsyn

The common element in all of this is the degeneration of language into an instrument of rape. It does contain violence, albeit in latent form. And precisely this is one of the lessons recognized by Plato through his own experience with the sophists of his time, a lesson he sets before us as well. This lesson, in a nutshell, says: the abuse of political power is fundamentally connected with the sophistic abuse of the word, indeed, finds in it the fertile soil in which to hide and grow and get ready, so much so that the latent potential of the totalitarian poison can be ascertained, as it were, by observing the symptom of the public abuse of language. The degradation, too, of man through man … by all tyrannies, has its beginnings … when the word loses its dignity.

Joseph Pieper

In this age of “technicity,” “sociology,” and “economics,” many people do not take ideas seriously. Instead of ideas, they have catchwords. Everything is resolved into one catchword; and that catchword is “science.” The Marxists and their fellow travelers have claimed “science” as their very own; that is, they claim the social sciences, climate science, and medical science (regarding viruses, vaccines, lock-downs, etc.).

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Russian Strategy and Europe’s Refugee Crisis

You in the West, you think you are playing chess with us, but you are never going to win because we are not following any rules.

Russian mobster to his lawyer
Catherine Belton, Putin’s People


Forty years ago, a serious long-term problem confronting Moscow was the USSR’s fast-growing Muslim population. It was then speculated that the Soviet Union’s high Muslim birthrate would turn the USSR into a majority Muslim country by the middle of the twenty-first century. It is a strange joke, and more than a curious twist of fate, that NATO faces this same prospect today. 

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Absolute Sabotage: The Rise and Coming Fall of a False Narrative

I’ve stuck by my beliefs, I’m not going to change.

Mike Lindell

Since last November the country has been divided about the election. Roughly a third of the population believes the election was stolen from President Donald Trump. About 59 percent disagree with this assertion, with 9 percent saying they do not know. This division of the country is no ordinary one. If this question is not settled by rational inquiry, America could break into two countries – or revert to a one-party dictatorship – a regime of threats and punishments.

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Political Insanity, Part II: From Don Quixote to Mark Milley

Don Quixote sets out alone as a man, a traveling knight, who in the spirit of the tale of chivalry wants to help the humble to what is their right…. Since he departs alone, the matter turns out relatively well, because when he comes to this famous inn and wants to be dubbed knight there, the innkeeper and his staff enter into Don Quixote’s tomfoolery and play the dubbing of a knight with him…. Then he returns home highly satisfied. [It] goes relatively well, as long as he is alone and others benevolently enter into the tomfoolery. So let the buffoon go; he is a buffoon!

Eric Voegelin, “Hitler and the Germans”

Voegelin’s discourse on Don Quixote appears in a book titled Hitler and the Germans. This is no accident, for Hitler was Germany’s buffoon – posing as Germany’s savior. Buffoonish antics, in history, often entail serious consequences. Today we have a new set of buffoons, on the left and on the right. Therefore, nobody should be caught off guard by what is coming. But they will be caught of guard for the very simple reason that they have not been paying close attention. Everything “goes relatively well,” wrote Voegelin, “as long as … others benevolently enter into the tomfoolery.” We are beyond that now. Others are not “benevolently” entering into it. Quite the opposite.

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Political Insanity: A Diagnosis

The intentionality of consciousness toward objects would not in itself lead to fallacious images of reality if man’s participation were automatic, producing in consciousness correct images of reality and nothing beyond that. Consciousness has a dimension of freedom, however, as it designs its images of reality. In this dimension are found such disparate phenomena as … private worldviews of the liberal bourgeois, and constructions of ideological systems. Within this wide range of problems we are here directly concerned only with the possibility of the separation of form and contents of reality, for it is in separation that the phenomena of the loss of reality originate.

Eric Voegelin, “What is Political Reality?”

Many Americans, especially politicians, suffer from a form of insanity. They continue to turn a blind eye to the military preparations of Russia and China. These preparations should be front and center, but they are not. The attentive citizen glimpses the danger out of the corner of one eye, now and again. A series of “little” warnings trickle in from abroad. For example: “Japanese official warns U.S. of potential surprise attack on Hawaii – from Russia and China.” More alarming than this, a source in Ukraine (which I will not name) says that Russia’s military has secretly agreed on a price for Mexican cartels to smuggle Russian Spetsnaz commandos across the U.S.-Mexican border. This, of course, is consistent with the following Russian war preparations: “Russian jets practice bombing enemy ships days after threatening to sink HMS Defender amid NATO war games” and “Putin approves new National Security Strategy preparing Russian economy for war.”

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Discussion With Cliff Kincaid

China and Russia are on the move, America is in retreat.

Cliff Kincaid

In this wide-ranging discussion touching on Mathew Lohmeier’s book, Irresistible Revolution. Cliff and I discuss the controversy surrounding the vaccine, the shifting positions of Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq and Israel.

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Did a Chinese Spymaster Defect?

Conventional methodology tends to regard a secret source as reliable if the information it provides is broadly compatible with other information openly available; conversely, a source reporting information that conflicts with the generally accepted view of the situation in the communist world may be discounted or rejected. In the absence of disinformation, this methodology would be valid. But the Shelepin Report of May 1959 marked the introduction of a systematic program of disinformation.

Anatoliy Golitsyn, KGB defector

On 16 June a prominent U.S.-based Chinese dissident, Han Lianchao, passed along a rumor that Dong Jingwei, vice minister at China’s Ministry of State Security, had defected to the United States. The next day, Conservative media RedState claimed that Dong Jingwei had indeed defected to the Defense Intelligence Agency with information on COVID-19’s origins. China officially denies these reports and rumors. What is the truth behind this alleged defection? Here is my discussion with Cliff Kincaid on the subject.

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The Kraken That Was Not: A Fractured Fairy Tale

Look, Bullwinkle, a message in a bottle!

Rocket J. Squirrel

Once upon a time there was a swamp; and in this swamp was a toad named Dennis “the Kraken.” It is a curious thing for a small and grotesque amphibian to bear such an exalted nickname; yet this toad could bloat himself to several hundred times his normal size, taking the shape of a legendary cephalopod from Scandinavian folklore – the terrorizer of fjords and sea lanes – known in Old Norse as the Kraki. When bloated to Kraken size, Dennis was outfitted with artificial tentacles “fanning” out in every direction. But his tentacles were not his own; for Dennis was only a puffed-out toad made to look like a Kraken, with the insignia of a three-letter agency tattooed on his caboose.

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The Infiltrators

Infiltratornoun, a person who secretly becomes part of a group in order to get information or to influence the way the group thinks or behaves.

Cambridge Dictionary

They look like you. They talk like you. It is assumed that they think like you. Only they are nothing like you. They are the infiltrators. Their job is to infiltrate an agency, a political party, a medical lab, or the White House. In fact, our society has been infiltrated at many levels; but who bothers to notice? Some infiltrators are assigned to approach important people: businessmen, politicians, broadcasters, high-level bureaucrats. If the person in question is important enough, infiltrators come up from the floorboards, through the ceiling, and from the four walls. It is infiltration by encirclement.

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Interview With Man in America

“The community of language gives one access to significances at which he cannot otherwise arrive.”

Richard M. Weaver

Perhaps I talked too much, but Seth has a good-natured easy-going style of interviewing. Here is an attempt to grapple with the question of why China and Russia are preparing for war, how America is being divided, and serious trouble ahead.

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Interview With Nevin: Red Dawn in Retrospect

We’ve got a biological war going on. The Chinese are telling their people to get ready for nuclear war. The Russians are getting ready…. These are all pre-war signs. They [the Russians] are getting rid of [the dollars in their] sovereign funds; and then you have these mass assassinations, these drone attacks in Mexico…. This is very important for them, for pre-positioning [small units of Spetsnaz] troops.

Jeff Nyquist (from the interview)
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Invasion America?

To achieve victory in a future war, it will not be sufficient to have nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them very accurately on target; it will also be necessary that the ground forces be able to move rapidly into regions which have been subjected to nuclear strikes. Only when this problem is solved will it be possible to speak of the effective exploitation of nuclear strikes by tanks and infantry in conclusively defeating the enemy, or of carrying out extensive maneuvers and decisive advances in depth.

Soviet Military Strategy, [p. 343]

In 1990 I spoke with a Mexican gun runner. We met at the house of a someone we both knew. The Mexican placed a loaded gun on the table and spoke expansively about his “love” of mankind, his Cuban drinking buddies in Mexico, and the future destruction of the United States. There was an unmistakable Marxist element in the gunrunner’s far-left worldview. It was clear from our conversation that he hated America and he loved communist Cuba.

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Interview With Nevin, Part III

Western desire for convergence between the communist and noncommunist systems, is, by and large, sincere. There is genuine, intense, and legitimate concern about the avoidance of an East-West nuclear conflict.

Anatoliy Golitsyn, KGB defector

In this interview with Nevin Gussack we hear Nevin ask the question, “How has this country [America] managed to survive?” It is not a trivial question. America believed the Russian lies and dropped her guard. We elected “stealth socialists” to office. We allowed our nuclear forces to become obsolete. Now China and Russia are emerging with a military preponderance. How did we get here? Where is this headed?

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Interview with Leaders of the Hong Kong Independence Party (HKIP)


The Hong Kong Independence Party (HKIP) has been opposed to the Chinese Communist Party’s takeover of Hong Kong. I recently had the opportunity to interview spokesmen of the HKIP, Thomas Fong, K.C. Wong, and John Lee. These gentlemen have a compelling case to make for Hong Kong’s independence. They have direct experience in battling Chinese communism and know the tactics of the CCP better than many “experts” in the West. They offer us a warning about China. At the same time, they pose a question: Will the West stand up for Hong Kong?

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Interview With Nevin G., Part II

This is Part Two of a series of interviews with Nevin Gussack, who is author of Turning the Page. Please forgive me, Nevin, for completely failing to answer the first question.

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Interview With Renato Cristin


Renato Cristin is a professor of hermeneutic philosophy at the University of Trieste, Italy. He is the promoter of a worldwide campaign to conduct a “Nuremberg” trial against communism. This was an idea of Professor Cristin’s friend, the late Russian dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, who believed that a trial of communism was necessary if only to confront the world with communism’s many unpunished crimes. Cristin has a unique way of explaining the collapse of communism. It is a collapse, he says, in which the Iron Curtain was replaced with emerging communist movements in every Western country. Now every country is split within itself. In this process, the communists no longer use their old labels as before. He offers us a striking example of anti-communists being marginalized at the end of the Cold War (instead of Marxists being marginalized). Professor Cristin describes the system of the Chinese Communist Party as a mix of communism and capitalism. He does not mention the revolutionary/strategic significance of Lenin’s NEP or Deng Xiaoping’s Four Modernizations. Even so, he recognizes the communist ideology at the heart of the Chinese ruling system. Here is the reason for the ruling party’s many crimes. Cristin’s emphasis on the immoral nature of communism deserves special appreciation. Please read his words with careful attention

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The Marxist Takeover of America

Becoming aware of the Marxist conquest of American society, one will never again look at things in the same way. Mainstream media, social media, the public education system, including the university, as well as federal agencies have all become vessels of various schools of thought that are rooted in Marxist ideology….

M. Lohmeier

Lieutenant Colonel Mathew Lohmeier was (until last week) an active-duty Space Force commander worried about Marxism in the U.S. military. Lohmeier knows, from firsthand, that Marxism has established a foothold in the U.S. Defense Department; so he wrote a book titled Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military. Since Marxism has taken hold of the upper management of the U.S. military, it is only natural that Lohmeier would be stripped of command and “investigated” for “partisan political activity.”

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Discussion With Cliff Kincaid

I am one of the most censored people in the United States, suffering at the hands of the radical left; but also conservatives, “responsible conservatives,” who don’t like my views … that I am pro-vaccine…. I am in support of what President Trump did with his Operation Warp Speed. I think it’s a tremendous American achievement.

Cliff Kincaid

Cliff’s work has been worth following for many years. Cliff and I had an interesting discussion off-air, prior to our broadcast, about the vaccine. I expressed my reservations and he expressed his confidence in American science. Whatever our differences might be, Cliff is one of those rare journalists who knows that Russia and China are working against the United States. Here is our discussion:

Of Miracles, Seers, and Auspices

MIRACLE, n. An act or event out of the order of nature and unaccountable, as beating a normal hand of four kings and an ace with four aces and a king.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary

Readers have asked for an update from German author Leo H. DeGard, who tapped me twenty years ago for inclusion in his book, Who is Planning the Third World War: An analysis from prophetic, military and intelligence sources. He graciously agreed to discuss present European events in light of past statements by European mystics and seers. Please note: Coverage of this subject is not meant as an endorsement of specific prophecies, seers or predictions.

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When the Lion Kills the Fox: Or, When Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Those are the usual arguments of people who … dread [using violence] … [and] so the fox always reasons – but not the lions; and that is the chief reason why the lion kills the fox in the end.”

Vilfredo Pareto, The Mind and Society, p. 1792

The French right-wing magazine, Valeurs Actuelles, published an open letter from twenty retired French generals last month. In essence, the generals charged the French government with being anti-French. Incredibly, this is a watershed for the West because the French generals are addressing a problem shared by other Western countries; for example, that the German government is anti-German, the Swedish government is anti-Swedish, and the U.S. Government is anti-American, etc.

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Death Knell of the Anglo-Saxons?

As you know, the moral underpinnings of our military have been destroyed. [First] there came the removal of the policy of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ then the forced integration of transgendered people, and now they want women brought to the tip of the spear.

Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, March 2017

In 1948 Richard M. Weaver wrote that “modern man’s descent into chaos” began with “yielding to materialism.” What followed from that, he said, was a crazy train of consequences: the triumph of egotism, social anarchy, the welfare state, and demoralization. The damage has been cumulative. Now we arrive at a very dangerous moment – with slogans like “build back better” and “the Great Reset.” These are codewords for socialist revolution. In fact, these are communist codewords. An internal enemy is now inside our government (inside many governments). Communists have been masquerading as moderates, and sometimes as Christian Democrats or even Republicans. They have armed themselves with state power and the power of the mob – a mob that has already torn down statues of our Founding Fathers; a mob that has torched buildings and looted stores. In the midst of a “pandemic” unleashed from communist China, an election was stolen while agent provocateurs with false narratives piled misdirection onto disinformation. Meanwhile our external enemies – Russia and China – have initiated an unprecedented military buildup, arming themselves with missiles and submarines, nuclear EMP bombs and terrifying superweapons. All the while America’s armament has been weakened. America’s spear has been blunted if not broken by years of neglect, obstruction and sabotage.

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Checkmate: For Twenty-Two Years You Were Warned

…. everything I have said today is not a bluff – it is not a bluff, believe me – and … those who live in the past … unable to look into the future … [should] stop rocking the boat we are all in which is called the Earth.”

Vladimir Putin, 1 March 2018

Nearly two years ago The Washington Post published a piece on “Putin’s dangerous campaign to rehabilitate Stalin.” It pointed out that Stalin and Putin both murdered political opponents. Of course, Putin’s political killings have not been as numerous as Stalin’s; but why would Putin rehabilitate a communist mass murderer like Stalin? Perhaps because Stalin was Russia’s “great” leader during World War II. Perhaps Putin aspires to be such a leader himself. Essayist Simona Pipko, who met Stalin many years ago, once observed that Putin imitates Stalin’s mannerisms. And now, having studied Putin’s State of the Nation Address (which was delivered three years ago last month), it seems that Putin has Stalin’s flare for instilling fear (and perhaps his taste for killing on a grander scale; please see “How Many People Did Joseph Stalin Kill?”)

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Are Russia and China Igniting a Third World War?

Surprise makes it possible to inflict heavy losses upon the enemy in short periods of time, to paralyze his will, and to deprive him of the possibility of offering organized resistance. Surprise is achieved in the following ways: by using various types of methods of combat; by misleading the enemy as to one’s own intentions; by safeguarding the security of operational plans; by decisive action and skillful maneuver; by unexpected use of nuclear weapons; and by using means and methods with which the enemy is unfamiliar.

Soviet Dictionary of Basic Military Terms

On 16 October of last year, during a presentation at a forum in Shenzhen, Chinese sociologist Li Yi made the following statement: “It turns out that China is going to overtake the United States….” He explained that COVID-19 was “a test” that is “bad for Europe and America” but “beneficial for China and North Korea.” Then Li spoke of China being “ahead of schedule” in terms of overtaking the United States. “The U.S. will not survive,” he predicted. “We have gained absolute superiority over the U.S. military in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the Taiwan Strait, and we are expanding our military at a rate unprecedented in human history.” He added that, for several years running, China has launched a new fleet every year the size of the French Navy. This rate of naval production will continue for the next decade. Then he said, “As long as 1.4 billion Chinese people eat, sleep, defecate, and urinate every day … we will drive the U.S. to its death.”

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Grand Strategy, Part VI (1941, Asia and the Pacific)

The efforts of the [Japanese] moderates to avoid a war with the United States were unsuccessful, partly because the attitude of the U.S.A. – and also that of London – [which] became more and more obdurate. When, under pressure from the army, the Konoye cabinet agreed to the military occupation of all Indo-China, the British and Americans announced in July 1941 drastic economic sanctions. Japanese funds in the U.S.A., England and various dominions were blocked.”

Ernst Topitsch

Wracked with economic problems, overpopulation and riots, Japan embarked on a program of military aggression in the 1930s. The first act of aggression was against Manchuria, which was invaded on 18 September 1931 without orders from the government in Tokyo. The prime minister and the Japanese parliament saw the invasion as an act of insubordination by the Imperial Japanese Army; but they could do nothing to control the generals. From that point forward the military began to dictate aspects of national policy. To make matters worse, fanatical young officers butchered liberal politicians who supposedly threatened Japan’s “honor.”

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Grand Strategy, Part V (1940-1941, Europe and Africa)

Germany … has the capability of preempting us in deploying and mounting a surprise attack. In order to prevent this from happening while destroying the German Army, I consider it necessary that in no way should we yield the initiative to the German command. We should preempt the enemy by deploying and attacking the German Army at the very moment when it has reached the stage of deploying but has not yet organized itself into a front….”

S. Timoshenko, Commissar of Defense
G. Zhukov, Chief of the General Staff
15 May 1941

Hitler broke the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-aggression Pact on 22 June 1941 with an all-out assault on the Soviet Union. The Red Army was not able to launch the preemptive strike on the Germans called for in Timoshenko and Zhukov’s 15 May Memorandum. Because the Russian government is still holding back documents, we do not know exactly why the Red Army failed to carry out its preferred plan. We only know that the Red Army was badly defeated on the frontier, and the Soviet Air Force was massacred.

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Grand Strategy, Part IV (1940)

In the Event of a general conflict, only one country can win. That country is the Soviet Union.

Adolf Hitler, 19 November 1937
(conversation with Lord Halifax)

According to Viktor Suvorov, “Everything in the Soviet Union relating to the beginning of World War II is concealed by the impenetrable darkness of state secrecy.” Suvorov’s words are as true today as when they were written. What is Moscow concealing about the Soviet Union’s entry into World War II? The answer is simple. If we understood the Kremlin strategy before World War II, we might understand the Kremlin’s strategy today.

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Grand Strategy, Part III (1939-1940)

But the Second World War was only a phase – though an important one – in the realization of Lenin’s grand strategy to subjugate the capitalist … nations…. The ‘worldwide anti-imperialist struggle’ [later] was … concentrated on the U.S.A. – especially by mobilizing the Third World against that nation – once again in accordance with the thoughts of Lenin.

Ernst Topitsch

To understand where we are today, in terms of grand strategy, it is useful to begin with the history of the last world war. In his remarkable Origins of the Second World War, A.J.P. Taylor says the conflict originated in a dispute “between the three Western Powers over the settlement of Versailles….” He also called it “a war which had been implicit since the moment when the first [world] war ended.” What Taylor didn’t say was that the only country with a viable grand strategy at the outset of the war was the Soviet Union. Neither Germany nor the Allies had properly thought out the consequences of their policies, or the short-sightedness of their strategies. On the other hand, the leaders of the Soviet Union had worked out their basic strategy twenty years before the war began. This claim may seem incredible, but it can be proved out of quotations from Lenin’s Collected Works.

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Grand Strategy, Part II (China versus the West)

In Chinese history, in the replacement of dynasties, the ruthless have always won and the benevolent have always failed.

General Chi Haotian

The great strategist of ancient China, Sun Tzu, offered “sage” advice to military commanders. Central to his teaching was the art of deception. Sun Tzu said, “All warfare is based on deception.” He wrote of holding “out baits to entice the enemy,” feigning disorder and crushing him. Thus, Sun Tzu may be described as the sage of misdirection, a military trickster, and a master of cunning.

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Grand Strategy, Part I

Whether it is a coincidence or not, it is nevertheless a fact that [our] decreasing moral sense has steadily kept pace with the growth in armament; for as explosives have gone up, morality has gone down. Treaties are now scraps of paper, war aims weathercocks which change with each political breeze; pledged words are sugared lies; honor between allies, veiled deceit, and obligations towards neutrals implements of betrayal.

Major General J.F.C. Fuller

Strategy is all around us. People strategize in business, sports, politics, and war. Of course, war is one of the most consequential human activities. In his book On War, Carl von Clausewitz wrote, “Strategy is nothing without battle; because battle is the agent which it uses, the means that it applies. Just as tactics is the use of armed forces in a battle, strategy is the use of battle, — i.e., the linking of the individual battles to a whole, to war’s ultimate end.” And what is war’s ultimate end? It is, says Clausewitz, “the political object of the war.”

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The Zombie Apocalypse and Pope’s Dunciad

Yeah, I know I’m ugly… I said to a bartender, ‘Make me a zombie.’ He said ‘God beat me to it.’

Rodney Dangerfield

According to a Russian source, more than a year ago, President Vladimir Putin ordered his intelligence staff to determine whether Senator Bernie Sanders could win the White House in 2020. After examining polling data, the Russian analysts determined that Trump would beat Sanders in an electoral landslide. When this conclusion was presented to Putin, he imitated Stalin’s Georgian accent and said, “It depends on who is counting the votes.”

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How Communists Discredit Anti-Communists

Among the groups who tried to distinguish the truth from the lie were the White emigres, Russians who had fled their homeland after the Soviet takeover. They were particularly vulnerable to the attack of disinformers. In Western Europe in the early 1920s they were considered to be a valuable and important anti-Communist factor. The emigres numbered about a million people of whom some 135,000 were still under arms and were thought to represent a potential anti-Communist armed force. Among the leaders of this group were men .. who exerted considerable influence over some Western statesmen.

Natalie Grant

In 1921, in order to discredit anti-communist White Russian emigres, the Soviet special services spread false information connecting White Russians with anti-Semitism. According to Natalie Grant’s book on Soviet disinformation, Moscow wanted to portray the average White Russian “as a person dangerous to society, politically immature, conservative to the point of stupidity and engaging in criminal pursuits.”

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Disinformation 101: Hoaxes and False Narratives

[Lenin] is stated to have been enthusiastic about a ‘beautiful plan,’ i.e., the proposal for the Communists to cross the border into another country in order to hang kulaks, priests, and landowners in that country and then pin it onto the anti-communist guerilla units operating in Soviet Russia at the time.

Natalie Grant

Sometimes it is important to revisit the past. Clarity about the past gives us clarity about the present. The Russians and their communist friends have a big bag of tricks. And in that bag you will find a Russian word: Provokatsiya  [провока́ция] or, in English, Provocation. Definition: “A political event staged by an intelligence service on behalf of its government in order to accomplish some political goal.” In the quote from Natalie Grant above, we see a rather bloodthirsty example of Provikatsiya. The communist special services arrange a horrifying event which is subsequently blamed on anti-communists. There is another Russian word, as well: Dezinformatsiya (or disinformation). It refers to misleading information planted by the Russian special services. Let’s look back into history and see if any examples can be found:

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Of Seers, Auspices, Scholarly Prognosticators and Soviet Spies

Golitsyn received CIA’s permission to publish his manuscript in book form, and did so in 1984. But at the time his predictions were made, Sovietologists had little use for Golitsyn or his ‘new methodology for the study of the communist world.’ For the man who had once been ridiculed at CIA’s famous ‘Flat Earth Conference’ for claiming that the Sino-Soviet split was false, it must have seemed yet another classic case of ‘They all laughed at Christopher Columbus.’

Mark Riebling, 1994

The future may be described as an “undiscovered country” gradually revealed by time. However, an occasional Christopher Columbus comes along to trace the vague outline of unknown future continents. And yes, there have been true discoverers and discoveries; some were made by seers, some by auspices, some by scholarly prognosticators and, strangely, some were made by KGB spies.

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The Road to Civil War: A Spanish Analogy

The state is slovenly in its dealings with the citizen, permitting him, on occasion, to evade compliance with its laws; or vice versa, the state itself applies the laws fraudulently and makes them a means of deceiving the citizen.

Jose Ortega y Gasset

In Spain, the dictatorship of Gen. Miguel Primo de Rivera began in September 1923, with a military coup supported by the king. This would prove a temporary solution to an intractable problem. Primo de Rivera governed under the motto “Country, Religion, Monarchy.” To appease the left, he taxed the rich to pay for public works. When the rich complained, he tried to borrow money from banks. When currency inflation resulted, the army refused to support him. In January 1930 Primo de Rivera left Spain a broken man.

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The Communist Program

At that point the shift in the political and military balance would be plain for all to see. Convergence would … be on terms dictated by the communist bloc. The argument for accommodation with the overwhelming strength of communism would be virtually unanswerable. Pressures would build up for changes in the American political and economic system…. Traditional conservatives would be isolated and driven toward extremism. They might become the victims of a new McCarthyism of the left.

Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old, p. 346

America is on the road to socialism. Friedrich Hayek called it The Road to Serfdom. Presently it is a road lined with soldiers, in a capital fortified and afraid. One might ask how a socialist dictatorship begins? Always, it begins with fear. First there is fear on the side of the government. Then the government begins to make the people afraid. It is all part of a “process.”

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Inauguration Day: Utopia Limited or the Flowers of Regression

Hitherto the question has always stood: What is God? – and German philosophy has resolved it as follows: God is man…. Man must now arrange the world in a truly human way, according to the demands of his nature.

Friedrich Engels

Several decades after the devil’s own Friedrich Engels wrote that man “must now arrange the world,” Leon Trotsky argued that the Revolution must make the “collective man” into the “sole master” of all. And now, nearly a century after Trotsky made that pronouncement, we arrive at the inauguration of Joseph Biden. Look at him, before the Capitol, stepping into the shoes of George Washington. Behold this fraud, on old knees, personifying the “sole master” and “collective man,” with his dyslexic malapropisms and lapses of memory. Behind Mr. Biden, the eyeballs of Vice President Kamala Harris are excitedly glued to a banana peel under his left shoe. One thinks of Joseph Stalin and the ailing Lenin in 1922. If we listen, we may hear the mocking voice of Karl Marx citing Hegel’s comment that “all facts and personages of great importance in world history occur, as it were, twice.” Hegel forgot to add, “the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.”

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Quo Vadis?

At present, the public mind is not prepared to receive the truth.

Robert E. Lee, 1866

Why quote a Confederate general as we watch the country dividing into hostile camps? Because Robert E. Lee tried to calm people’s emotions after the Civil War, and there is evidence he lamented the war at its inception. From the point of view of the vanquished, he saw the limitations of violence. He saw that force can destroy and oppress, but it cannot persuade those who inwardly and steadfastly disagree.

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A Momentous Day

It is precisely because Marxism is not a lifeless dogma, not a completed, ready-made, immutable doctrine, but a living guide to action, that it was bound to reflect the astonishingly abrupt change in the conditions of social life.

Vladimir Lenin

The hour is very late. The country has been asleep for decades. But now, it seems, the country is beginning to wake up. The real question is whether our leaders are ready for the task at hand. We have some smart people in government; but do they understand the enemy we are facing? Are they prepared to battle that enemy in the midst of so much confusion and misinformation?

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Guest Editorial: An Idea From Scipio

So, You Wanna Start a Revolution?

If only half of Americans believe that their 2020 election was stolen by a well-funded, well-coordinated, latest-in-a-long-line-of-coup attempts by the anti-American left, here is a proposal that could surely get the attention of those remaining Americans. We must start by penetrating American minds with fact-based truth that has, up to now, been suppressed and replaced with false narratives by the elites in education, media, politics. The left’s control of the commanding heights of our culture leaves much to despise about the direction they are taking this country; their sinister, undermining labors are a boulder in the path of liberty and a millstone around the necks of free people.

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The Challenge of 2021

Out of these pages there comes a blazing challenge to the American people. Shall their Republic … be vigorously alive or on the road to death? Shall the United States … be transformed to a Soviet America or shall it be a thriving Democratic Republic?

So far, the decision of dominant forces, somewhat blindly given, has been in favor of national suicide.

Louis Budenz,
The Bolshevik Invasion of the West

Louis Budenz was born in 1891 and died in 1972. He was a labor activist who joined the Communist Party USA, became managing editor of the Party’s newspaper, Daily Worker, and then became a Soviet spy. In 1945 he renounced communism, testifying under oath about communist subversion and espionage. He wrote books in which he attempted to warn the American people about the dangers of communism. In 1965 Louis Budenz said, “The record of the past thirty years … cannot be depicted as a happy or encouraging one. Since recognition of the Bolshevik Revolution by the United States, the history of the period is dotted with American setbacks….” If Budenz were alive today, he would describe the last thirty years in similar terms.

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Trouble at the FBI?

Out of these pages there comes a blazing challenge to the American people. Shall their Republic, at the end of the next three decades, be vigorously alive or on the road to death? Shall the United States … be transformed to a Soviet America or shall it be a thriving Democratic Republic?

Louis Francis Budenz, 1965
“The Boshevik Invasion of the West”

A Soviet-born intelligence source, with connections in the former Soviet Union, tried to warn the FBI and White House last 26 February about an “imminent cyber attack by Russia on the … Voting System.” He wrote, “I had previously informed the FBI on many occasions on matters of national security. Due to the nature of my disclosures to the FBI … the FBI opened … investigations on me. Last time they secured a 12-month order to monitor my email….”

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On Choosing the Right Side

When you drive your car, do you drive in the middle of the road? This seems a silly question to ask because you don’t, of course, if you want to stay alive and get somewhere.

But a lot of people have been sold on the idea that the middle of the road is the safest place in politics on all sorts of controversial questions. They have been led to believe that in the middle position you are out of harm’s way and you are more likely to be right than those who are on either side of a question. A little thought will show that this idea is born not of wisdom but of confusion or fear or both.

Richard M. Weaver
“The Middle of the Road: Where It Leads,” 1956

Machiavelli warned that neutrality is more dangerous than taking sides; for if you fail to take a side, both sides will despise you. Playing both ends against the middle is also dangerous, since you prove to be a false friend to all. And being everyone’s friend will not work if each side represents diametrically opposing principles. The right camp is never found in splitting the difference between two opposing camps. Conservative philosopher Richard M. Weaver pointed out in 1956, “middle-of-the-roadism is not a political philosophy at all. It is rather the absence of a philosophy or an attempt to evade having a philosophy.”

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Interview on Secure Freedom Radio

…I think the communists have been ahead of us in psychological realism…. They have not held back from the idea of sternness and self-subordination for the promotion of an end. In doing so, they have drawn upon a motive power that we have largely disregarded.

Richard M. Weaver

Given all that is happening, I have been reading Richard M. Weaver’s short masterpieces lately. The quote above seemed appropriate under the circumstances.

Press the listen button for my interview with Frank Gaffney: December 14, 2020.

The Communists are at it, Again

What is the objective of the conspiracy? I think it is clear from what has occurred and is now occurring: to diminish the United States in world affairs, to weaken us militarily, to confuse our spirit with talk of surrender…. To what end? To the end that we shall … finally fall victim to Soviet intrigue from within and Russian military might from without. Is that far-fetched? There have been many examples in history of rich and powerful states which have been corrupted from within, enfeebled and deceived until they were unable to resist aggression.

Joseph McCarthy

When we read Senator McCarthy’s words, we wince a little. We have been conditioned to disbelieve in a Communist conspiracy. And here we are, in the grip of that same conspiracy, ashamed to say what it is, ashamed to say that our domestic and our foreign enemies are implicated in that conspiracy.

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A Disturbing Little Book

Whoever argues for a restoration of values is sooner or later met with the objection that one cannot return, or as the phrase is likely to be, ‘you can’t turn the clock back.’ By thus assuming that we are prisoners of the moment, the objection well reveals the philosophic position of modernism.

Richard M. Weaver

Richard M. Weaver was born on March 3, 1910 and died on April 1, 1963. He was a scholar and author whose work remains relevant today. Had he lived to the end of the Cold War, he would not have congratulated America on its supposed victory. Communism, he knew, was part of a deeper problem; that is, a philosophical and moral problem. The West was sliding into decadence. It was spiritually disintegrating. “Every man participating in a culture has three levels of conscious reflection,” noted Weaver: “his specific ideas about things, his general beliefs or convictions, and his metaphysical dream of the world.”

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Communist Left Organized to Support Election Fraud Before 3 November

Editor’s Note: The following was compiled by Jani Allan from activist instructional material. The marching orders given to the left (by those who organize them) reveal advanced planning to deal with President Trump’s reaction to election fraud. This raises many questions: How did the organizers of the left know there would be so many election irregularities in advance? Why use threats of violence and unrest to resolve voting irregularities? Pay close attention to each of the items below. JRN

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Willful Blindness

Think about the global interests behind your own news organizations. Think about the pressure being brought to bear from the social media companies to shut down free speech on any challenge to the election. This is a massive, well-funded, coordinated effort to deprive ‘we the people of the United States’ of our most fundamental right under the Constitution to preserve this Republic that we all cherish…. It is the 1775 of our generation and beyond.

Sidney Powell, 19 November 2020
White House Lawyers’
Press Conference on election fraud

The election fraud on November 3rd was significant. Evidence for fraud was presented yesterday at a press conference led by Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell. The question is: Will we reinstate the values of the American Revolution, or will we embrace the values of the Bolshevik Revolution? Are we ready for hard truths? Or do we prefer willful blindness? Here is the heart of the matter. Civilization is an ethical proposition. And ethics are rooted in truth — not blindness.

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Discussion With Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid of http://www.USASurvival.org is back and has been writing articles, perhaps the best he has ever written. So it was an honor to be interviewed by Cliff, whose insights into the current crisis are unique. Among those insights: Cliff doubts Trump is going to leave the presidency given the massive election fraud; he notes the surprising changes in the leadership of the Pentagon. Something is bubbling under the surface. Cliff may be onto something here.

Today’s show with Cliff Kincaid at USASurvival.org

Two Presidents, Two Narratives

Mr. Lincoln arrived in Washington and took up the reins of control. It soon became very evident that, so far as the Republican party is concerned, secession if properly managed is rather a benefit than a misfortune.


In his famous essay, “The Great Secession Winter of 1860-61,” Henry Adams wrote, “It appears very generally among our people that our theory of Government is a failure.” This failure manifested itself on February 18, 1861 when Jefferson Davis was sworn in as Provisional President of the Confederate States of America on the steps of the Alabama State Capitol. Two weeks later Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated 16th President of the United States at the East Portico of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. At that moment, America had two presidents instead of one. Two narratives instead of one. Two opposing armies instead of one united army.

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Mr. Lincoln arrived in Washington and took up the reins of control. It soon became very evident that, so far as the Republican party is concerned, secession if properly managed is rather a benefit than a misfortune.

Henry Adams

In his famous essay, “The Great Secession Winter of 1860-61,” Henry Adams wrote, “It appears very generally among our people that our theory of Government is a failure.” This failure manifested itself on February 18, 1861 when Jefferson Davis was sworn in as Provisional President of the Confederate States of America on the steps of the Alabama State Capitol. Two weeks later Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated 16th President of the United States at the East Portico of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. At that moment, America had two presidents instead of one. Two narratives instead of one. Two opposing armies instead of one united army.

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In Defense of Tucker Carlson

The goal [of the Democrats] is not to preserve Obamacare. Again: They voted to scrap Obamacare. The goal is to undermine the legitimacy of our system; in this case, of the Supreme Court; so that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can pack the court full of partisan Democrats who will rubber-stamp their program. Again: It’s about power.

Tucker Carlson

During these troubled times there has been one strong, sane and steady voice on cable television: Tucker Carlson (of FOX NEWS). He comes on TV every weekday, hammers the left for their lies, exposes their lust for power, and demolishes their narratives. He does all this knowing they will come for him; knowing they will twist his words, boycott his sponsors and otherwise threaten him — professionally and personally. Yet he stays the course.

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Putin’s Dialectic

The Democratic Party is traditionally closer to … social democratic ideas. And it was from the social democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved. After all, I was a member of the Soviet Communist Party for nearly 20 years. I was a rank-and-file member, but it can be said that I believed in the party’s ideas. I still like many of these left-wing values. Equality and fraternity. What is bad about them? In fact, they are akin to Christian values.

Vladimir Putin

President Vladimir Putin of Russia gave an interview this past week in which he denied interfering in American elections. He was asked which candidate appealed to him more? — Trump or Biden? “We are onlookers,” responded Putin; “we do not interfere in the process.” Regarding allegations that Russia had interfered with American elections in the past, he said, “It is proof of the standard of the political culture [in America] — or the lack thereof.”

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The Crisis in Belarus

The dialectical method regards as important … not that which … seems to be durable and yet is already beginning to die away, but that which is arising and developing, even though … it may appear to be not durable, for the dialectical method considers invincible only that which is arising and developing.


How are we to interpret so complex a game as that described by Stalin?

Below, Nadia Bancik has written a detailed overview of the situation in Belarus. It appears that Belarusians are losing patience with their dictator. It was a case of the same lies and official corruption that drove the Ukrainians to revolt in 2013-2014. Why would Belarusians be any different? Even the Russian people are becoming agitated. Protests in Siberia and the north of Russia led the Kremlin to a desperate countermeasure — the poisoning of Alexei Navalny with nerve agent.

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Democrat Secession Talk

Dear Red States…. We’ve decided we’re leaving. We intend to form our own country, we’re taking the other Blue States with us … that includes Hawaii, Oregon, California, New Mexico, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and all the Northeast.

Lanny Davis (tweet)

What should we think about prominent Democrats, like Lanny Davis, who want to divide America into two separate countries — along party lines?

In his Farewell Address, George Washington explained that union should be regarded as “the palladium” of our “political safety and prosperity….” Union is of such benefit, and disunion so harmful, he added, “there will always be reason to distrust the patriotism of those who in any quarter may endeavor to weaken its bands.”

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The Mystery of China’s Military Doctrine

In war, the subjection of the enemy is the end, and the destruction of his fighting forces the means.

Carl von Clausewitz

Roger Cliff is the author of a recent study on the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), titled China’s Military Power: Assessing Current and Future Capabilities. Cliff says that modern wars are decided by strategy and doctrine. He also says China hides its military doctrine behind disinformation and secrecy.

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America’s 13th Vendemaire?

We’ll give them a whiff of grapeshot.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Some say the French Revolution turned a corner when Napoleon Bonaparte, on the 13th of Vendemaire (5 Oct.) 1795, ordered 40 cannons to open fire on an armed Paris mob of 30,000. The mob was coming to attack the National Convention at the Tuileries Palace. Between four hundred and a thousand “citizens” in the front ranks of the mob were mowed down by grapeshot and bullets. The mob fled in panic. Power in France remained with five men who, by 1799, gave way to one man — Napoleon.

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It’s Time to Get Out of California

It’s no use lying to ourselves. The state of California is no longer safe. Its government has assumed the likeness of something inimical. It is “progressive,” having turned to the “left.” It has put out the welcome mat for La Raza (UnidosUS), Antifa, and the People’s Liberation Army. The state appears to be run by Marxists. Should that surprise us? California’s business and political elites are tied to Beijing. San Francisco, with its many homeless encampments, is part Chinese colony and part liberal zoo. Meanwhile, Los Angeles is becoming a foreign city.

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George Washington and Nancy Pelosi: A Comparison

The usurpation, which, in order to subvert ancient institutions, has destroyed ancient principles, will hold power by arts similar to those by which it has acquired [power].

Edmund Burke

On 4 July 1776 America declared Independence from Britain. General George Washington, whose Continental Army was then defending New York City against the approach of a mighty British Armada, had the Declaration read to the troops. In the excitement of the moment, Washington’s soldiers pulled down an equestrian statue of King George III at the south end of Broadway, in Bowling Green Park. The soldiers broke off King George’s head and paraded it around the city. The statue, made of 4,000 pounds of gilded lead, was melted down into 42,088 musket bullets.

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Is the FDA Blocking a Cure for COVID-19?

Oleandrin is a molecule that is extracted from [the] Nerium oleander plant and is specifically formulated for oral administration.

Phoenix Biotechnology:
Summary of Research & Safety

Imagine you discovered a new drug for treating COVID-19, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is blocking you. Your new drug has inhibited the action of COVID-19 in monkey liver cells. It has already tested safe as a cancer treatment in humans, but the FDA insists it’s unsafe as a COVID-19 treatment. So what do you do?

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Cultural Subversion and Socialist Dictatorship

It is the … building of a new collective consciousness by attacking, through ideological-cultural struggle and political action, all of the ‘intellectual-moral’ foundations of bourgeois society. This means … a thoroughgoing cultural revolution….

Carl Boggs
Gramsci’s Marxism, pp. 121-123

According to a history of the Soviet State Security “organs,” published in 1977, politically “unstable” Soviet citizens were kept track of and “managed” by the KGB. As it happened, such management required a special kind of “prophylactic” work. The key was to persuade the Soviet citizen in question to recognize the “political harm” of “indiscretions committed … [so they could] get back on the right path.” If this “persuasion” was successful, it would prevent criminal breaches of the Soviet security system and social structure.

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Peace Behind Me, War in Front of Me

Before long, the communist strategists might be persuaded that the balance had swung irrevocably in their favor…. The scissors strategy would give way to the strategy of ‘one clenched fist.’ At that point the shift in the political and military balance would be plain for all to see.

Anatoliy Golitsyn, KGB defector

The communist insurgency in America is not merely a local event. It is intimately bound up with a long-range revolutionary policy, based on an ever-evolving Leninist theory. This is something our experts and pundits have long missed. Communist China’s founder, Mao Zedong, was a Marxist-Leninist. On September 15, 1954, speaking before the First National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China, Mao stated, “The theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism.”

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Ukraine, Russia and the Post-Soviet Civil War

If Yugoslavia was an example of an army let loose after the collapse of a communist regime, the Soviet Union exemplified a disintegrating police state. The type of anarchy that follows from these two scenarios is different. Instead of open civil war as in Yugoslavia, in Russia the civil war is covert.

Wisła Suraska

The brilliance of Wisła Suraska’s book, How the Soviet Union Disappeared, and the brilliance of Anatoliy Golitsyn’s book, New Lies for Old, leave us with two equally important yet incompatible accounts of Soviet collapse. Suraska’s sociological approach, with its deep political science and insights into the weaknesses of the Soviet system, serve as an indispensable guide. At the same time, Golitsyn’s understanding of Soviet counterintelligence, with its controlled opposition and extensive agents networks, helps to explain why the Evil Empire continues under V. Putin.

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The Anthropogenic Global Warming Scam and the Grand Solar Minimum

“[The] Solar Minimum is becoming very deep indeed. Over the weekend, the sun set a Space Age record for spotlessness. So far in 2019, the sun has been without sunspots for more than 270 days, including the last 33 days in a row. Since the Space Age began, no other year has had this many blank suns.

“Sunspots Set a Space Age Record”
17 December 2019

New Zealand solar physicist, Dr. John Maunder, in a 2012 essay titled “Reflections on a changing climate,” reported on a UN-sponsored climate conference held in Villach, Austria in October 1985. According to Maunder, one of the principal findings of the conference was that “greenhouse gases are likely to be the most important cause of climate change over the next century.”

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The Fool and His Enemy: (Available at Amazon)

…Russia overcame the inertia of collapse and started reviving its power while the West, being lulled by sweet day-dreams of the liberal ‘end of history,’ castrated its armed forces….. The balance of power in Europe has thus changed in Russia’s favor.

Pravda, 13 November 2014

I wrote a book, previously published in Europe and Brazil, titled The Fool and His Enemy. It is now available in English. The book is a polemic with a “schizophrenic prelude.” I begin arguing for the defense of society, but a politically correct voice usurps the narrative, accusing me of racism, sexism and homophobia. Society and civilization ought to be destroyed, says the voice. After overcoming this voice, I begin to question its suicidal message.

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Hamlet’s Truth

Give me that man that is not passion’s slave, and I will wear him in my heart’s core, ay, in my heart of heart.

Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2

On 10 June 1859, at the Royal Princess’s Theatre in London, Charles Kean played the lead role in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. He wrote a laudatory preface for the play, characterizing it as “the most stupendous monument of Shakespeare’s genius, standing as a beacon to command the wonder and admiration of the world….” It constituted, according to Kean, “the perfection of tragic art — the grand, the pitiful, and the terrible.” Kean interpreted the play as “a history of mind — a tragedy of thought” containing “the deepest philosophy, the most profound wisdom; yet speaks the language of the heart….”

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The View From Eastern Europe

It is symptomatic that in the history of postcommunist societies the greatest political and journalistic hatchet jobs were against those who had doubts about granting the communists first immunity, then privileges.

Professor Ryszard Legutko

On the Fourth of July I received best wishes from a Romanian friend, Dr. Anca Maria Cernea. I could not help asking what Romanians were saying about the ongoing assault on America’s national symbols — the toppling of statues, the burning of flags (not to mention the pillaging and burning of stores, the defunding of police departments and rising crime in cities like Chicago and New York).

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Notes on a KGB Officer’s Insights

Pressure could well grow for a solution of the German problem in which some form of confederation between East and West Germany would be combined with neutralization of the whole….

Anatoliy Golitsyn
New Lies for Old, 1984


I had a long conversation with a retired KGB officer in January 2011. He outlined the untold story of the Soviet Union’s collapse. KGB Lt. Col. Victor Kalashnikov was a KGB analyst who worked in Austria during the events of 1989-1991. The fall of the Soviet Union, he says, was an event that has been widely misrepresented and misunderstood. “We are going to mark the 20th anniversary of that event this year,” he noted. “I happened to be a witness, and I will comment, from memory, what I experienced; how the authorities acted, and how they reacted.”

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Faction, Subversion and Insurrection

WE put first as a general maxim that factions and parties are dangerous…. They must therefore be prevented wherever possible by wise counsel … and every means should be taken to cure them….

Jean Bodin
On Sovereignty


The sixteenth century political theorist, Jean Bodin, warned that, if factional differences cannot be resolved by a process of law, then the sovereign “ought to resort to force to extinguish them altogether, by punishment of the manifest leaders before they become so strong that there is no prevailing against them.”

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China’s Fifth Column: An Interview With Trevor Loudon, Part 2

This is not about justice for George Floyd — this is about communist insurrection.

Trevor Loudon


It has always been a potential problem, in terms of dividing America, that non-white minorities in a largely white country, could fall under the influence of foreign-aligned communist groups or causes. Whatever strides have been made toward color-blindness since World War II, there remains the history of African slavery in the South before the Civil War and the assertion of white supremacy in Southern states after Reconstruction.

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China’s Fifth Column: An Interview With Trevor Loudon, Part 1

Two pro-China communist parties — Freedom Road Socialist Organization and Liberation Road — are playing leading roles in coordinating the often-violent protests now occurring across the United States.

Trevor Loudon


In previous articles I have asserted that communists are behind the Black Lives Matter “protests.” Many would disagree, citing police brutality and racial equality as causal factors. Any reference to communism nowadays is rejected as “Cold War” thinking. Yet the violent unrest of 2020 was organized and prepared by communists. This is undeniable, says Trevor Loudon — an expert on communism.

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Please do not give to my GoFundMe!

Last week a reader urged me to raise money for the site. I’m embarrassed by the idea of asking people for money, even though I’d like to be compensated for my work. All the many shameless appeals for money out there leave me dubious about asking myself. The more I know about organizations with their hands out, the less inclined I am to give money.

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The Treason of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

Marcus Tullius Cicero


The crypto-Leninist waitress and member of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is heaping praise on radical teens for punking Donald Trump’s Tulsa rally; flooding the Trump campaign with fake ticket reservations, producing an auditorium with a third of the seats left empty. Jubilant at the result, Cortez taunted Trump by saying, “[the teens] tricked you into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mic to pack an arena during COVID. Shout out to ZOOMERS. Y’all make me so proud.”

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Chinese Strategy and the Solar Minimum

Global warming has always been followed by deep cooling within regular two-century cycles.

Khabibullo Abdussamatov
Astronomer, Pulkovo Observatory
Russian Academy of Sciences


What they didn’t tell you, what they won’t tell you, what their active measures were designed to conceal from you, is the significance of the coming solar minimum. If we want to understand China’s strategic timing, in terms of destabilizing actions and military preparations, the coming solar minimum needs to be taken into account.

What is the solar minimum?

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It’s Communism, Stupid

The ideological erosion of the bourgeois order at every level — economic, political, cultural, social — would proceed the initiation of direct frontal assaults on the state.

Carl Boggs
Gramsci’s Marxism, p. 52


Professor Carl Boggs admires Antonio Gramsci. As a socialist, Boggs understands that Gramsci’s idea of the communist revolutionary “process” depends on “the continuous and organic development of the … oppressed classes….” This development is driven by “novel forms of social participation” which gradually extend “the domain of egalitarianism, [and] non-bureaucratic [forms of] social authority….”

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The Tarantulas

Lo, this is the tarantula’s den! Would’st thou see the tarantula itself? Here hangeth it’s web: touch this, so that it may tremble.

Friedrich Nietzsche
Thus Spake Zarathustra, 29


Nietzsche wrote to the tarantulas: “Revenge is in thy soul; wherever thou bitest, there ariseth black scab….” The tarantulas of Nietzsche’s parable preach equality. But their preaching is not honest.

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To the Americans Who Are on Their Knees

The king orders the Swiss to lay down their arms at once, and retire to their barracks.

Louis XVI
To his Swiss Guard
10 August 1792


We are near the end of the Republic. A revolution has begun and no decisive counter-revolutionary actions have been ordered. Why has this happened? Because we have been psychologically and linguistically disarmed.

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Myth and Apocalypse

From ancient Chaldean and Hebrew sources (Gen. iv and part of x), we learn of a mythic age of giants and heroes — before the deluge. Today we eschew this prehistory. We do not believe in a lost Golden Age or the deluge that swept it away. We do not believe in Plato’s Timaeus and Critias, or in Polybius’ fragment on cosmic catastrophes that periodically annihilate civilization. We do not believe the Chaldean and Hebrew accounts of a great flood.

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A Note to Our Generals

The Chinese and Russian grand strategy of today evolved from the ideas of Soviet Marshal V.D. Sokolovskiy and KGB General N. Mironov in the late 1950s (working under a special committee led by L. Brezhnev). Conceived as a long range strategy that would carry into the twenty-first century, its military focus was centered on the decisive weapon of the next war: — strategic nuclear missiles. These could be safely employed only after a prolonged period of low intensity asymmetrical warfare aimed at disrupting the United States.

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The Meaning of Enmity

Social and political revolt erupted in the European and world periphery in the decade prior to World War I, beginning with the First Russian Revolution in 1905, followed by the Iranian revolution of 1906, the great Rumanian peasant revolt of 1907, the Young Turk rebellion of 1908, the Greek military revolt of 1909, the overthrow of the Portuguese monarchy and the beginning of the Mexican revolution in 1910, and the Chinese revolution in 1911.

Stanley G. Payne
The Spanish Civil War

What triggered the revolutions and civil wars of the last century? What triggered the first and second world wars? One thing triggered them: ENMITY.

What is enmity?

Enmity is ill will, hostility, antipathy, animosity, rancor — and, above all, it is hatred — not passive, but active. It is a hatred that fuels the cruelty of war. It is the meaning of war. It is the reason for war. It is the all-in-all of war.

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Politics as the Negation of Science: The Case Against Anthony Fauci

…the annihilating recognition of our complete ignorance came down upon me like a sledge hammer….



Without an admission of ignorance, nothing can be learnt or discovered. But modern science, which has become an adjunct of the state, cannot admit its ignorance. Such an admission would destroy the authority of the “scientist” as state official. Therefore, when confronted with a new problem for which he is ill-equipped, the science bureaucrat pretends to be knowledgeable, and concocts a plausible discourse. (He has even been known to concoct “scientific” results that are anything but scientific.)

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On the Shortness of Insight

Most human beings … complain about the meanness of nature, because we are born for a brief span of life, and because this spell of time … rushes by so swiftly and rapidly that with very few exceptions life ceases … just when we are getting ready for it.



Seneca complained that ancient Rome’s degradation stemmed from people’s preoccupations. To rush around, without careful thought, was a waste of one’s life. To live, he said, is to be alive to the truth — to take account of reality. The problem with preoccupation, with ambition and career, is the way ambitious and preoccupied people disregard truth. After many years, instead of growing wiser, the ambitious man resembles a fool. He has not stopped to take account of his surroundings, or his associations, or his country, or the truth about himself.

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The Preparatory Period

Nuclear war … should not be thought of as a gigantic technical enterprise alone — as a launching of an enormous number of missiles with nuclear warheads…. Nuclear war is a … many-sided process, which … will involve economic, diplomatic and ideological forms of struggle. They will all serve the political aims of the war….

on War and Army, p. 12

The generals in Moscow and Beijing were educated under war-fighting principles antithetical to ours. Marxism-Leninism borrowed its military theory from Clausewitz; especially believing that “war is simply the continuation of politics by other means.” (Ibid, p.2) Though Americans will refuse to believe this, Russia’s strategists have long held that nuclear war is no exception to Clausewitz’s rule.

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Economic Crisis and Political Unrest

You are waging economic warfare on Texas!

Sen. Ted Cruz
To the Saudi Ambassador


KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn, who successfully predicted all the stages of the long-range communist bloc strategy in 1984, warned us about “the economic weapons of the bloc,” grain and oil. We can readily see that precious metals are also part of this game. As events unfold, it is increasingly obvious that America is under intensive economic attack.

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The Lies We Believe

The people who brought Vladimir Putin from St. Petersburg to Moscow never cared about his credentials as a specialist in developing business. For them he was an expert in controlling business. All the time Putin worked in St. Petersburg, he played an official role as deputy mayor and chairman of the Committee [for Foreign Liaison], but, behind the scenes Mr. Putin operated in his most important identity — the Case Officer. In St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin was an ‘operative.’ Businessmen were not partners but targets.

Fiona Hill and Clifford Gaddy
Mr. Putin: Operative
in the Kremlin, p. 166


Most people, including journalists and political leaders have the wrong idea about the “fall of the Soviet Union” and the changes in Russia. They also have the wrong idea about China.

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What President Trump Must Do to Stop China’s Invasion

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile – hoping it will eat him last.

Winston Churchill


The President of the United States must publicly change his position on China. In the past, President Trump has described China’s President, Xi Jinping, as his “friend.” It is necessary, at this pivotal moment, for President Trump to say that President Xi is not his friend. He must admit, instead, that Xi is America’s enemy. To do otherwise is to paper over President Xi’s many hostile actions, his preparations for war, and his policy of blaming America for the pandemic.

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Psychological Warfare in the Midst of a Biological Attack

…we’ll never use the damn germs, so what good is biological warfare as a deterrent? If somebody uses germs on us, we’ll nuke ’em.

Richard Nixon


Professor Yanzhong Huang is a political scientist and “expert” in pandemics. He is an exemplar of the mainstream media’s approach to the COVID-19 bio-weapon question. It might be more appropriate to list him as an expert in “polemics.” Professor Huang clearly dislikes the idea the virus was weaponized in a Chinese lab. One might even say he is sensitive on the question.

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The Triumph of Inversion

Socialism will usher in a new era in this country. The great wealth of the United States will for the first time be for the benefit of all the people.

Program of the Communist Party USA


Twenty-one years ago I was having coffee in Washington, DC, with former British MP John Browne, Newsmax chief editor Missy Kelly, and Col. Stanislav Lunev, a GRU defector to the United States. John was waxing eloquent on the idea that Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan had saved the West from socialism. As Missy showed interest in John’s thesis, Lunev leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I don’t understand this.” Lunev then added, “America is the Marxist paradise. Russia is dog-eat-dog capitalism.”

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President Xi’s Big Lie

If China shuts the door on exports of medicines … within a couple months our pharmacies would be empty…. our healthcare system would cease to function. That’s how dependent we are.

Rosemary Gibson


It is worth quoting excerpts from President Xi Jinping’s speech of 27 March, made during the “extraordinary” G20 video summit. One might characterize his speech as a tissue of lies. He said, “the COVID-19 outbreak … caught us all by surprise….”

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China and Russia vs. America

The fact that I will visit Russia, our friendly neighbor, shortly after assuming the presidency, is testimony to the great importance China places on its relations with Russia.

Xi Jinping


The President of the United States mobilized a million servicemen on 27 March. The “essential staff” of the Pentagon was placed 2,000 feet underground in a Colorado bunker. Our two aircraft carriers in the Western Pacific, the USS Roosevelt and USS Ronald Reagan are stuck in port because of COVID-19. There are US military moves in the Caribbean which could be masking preparations against Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

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The Sino-Soviet Long-Range Strategy: From Sputnik to World War III

Mankind is entering a period of the greatest scientific and technological revolution, resulting from mastery of nuclear energy and the conquest of space…. These developments will largely determine the nature of a future war….

Soviet Military Strategy


In the two decades following the Second World War a revolution in military affairs occurred. In that period, Russia and America developed the H-bomb, and Russia launched the first man-made satellite, named “Sputnik.” These advances prefigured the coming deployment of thousands of intercontinental rockets armed with thermonuclear warheads.

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Marxism and Mass Destruction

We have already said … that the theory of Marx and Engels of the inevitability of a violent revolution refers to the bourgeois state. The latter cannot be superseded by the proletarian state … through the process of ‘withering away,’ but, as a general rule, only through a violent revolution.

V.I. Lenin


According to the founding fathers of communism, the final overthrow of capitalism will be violent. Friedrich Engels said future revolutionary wars will result in the extermination of whole classes and races of people.

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Did Xi Jinping Intentionally Release the COVID-19 Virus?

Our military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan, but in fact is aimed at the United States, and the preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers or satellites.

General Chi Haotian


The Chinese Communist Party, and its allies around the world, have been operating under a plan. It is, as Chinese dictator Deng Xiaoping once said, “a united front strategy about which the Americans know nothing.”

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The Rise and Fall of a Fool’s Paradise

Twenty years ago, a reader sent me an email as follows: “I have read your most recent articles with interest and fascination.” He then described himself as an expert “in biology, biotechnology, chemistry and biological weaponry.” He was apparently troubled by my approach to the subject of biological war, and asked the following question: “Do you have any thoughts as to why many writers or various individuals focus on the threat and do not spend equal time on counter-strategy discussions?”

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Socialism as Universal Solvent

Solvent: something that eliminates or attenuates something especially unwanted.

Merriam-Webster dictionary


Suppose we reject our God-given existence. What follows? The ungrateful creature, eager to thwart his Creator, would have to concoct an antidote to existence — a universal solvent — with which to dissolve Universal Being.

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Unexpected Tidbits from a Russian Military Defector

In late August 1998 I found myself sitting in a private meeting room at the Cosmos Club in Washington, D.C., flanked by two journalists. Pensively standing next to his chair on the other side of the table was former GRU Col. Stanislav Lunev, who had defected from the Russian Federation in March 1992. As we listened, spellbound by his brilliance, we learned of Russia’s descent into corruption. But then he surprised us, quite unexpectedly, by saying that Russia’s degradation had occurred as blowback after a decades-long KGB campaign to spread moral corruption in America.

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A Note on Theology, Slander and the Holocaust

I am talking about the ‘Jewish evacuation’; the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that is easily said. ‘The Jewish people is being exterminated,’ every Party member will tell you. ‘Perfectly clear, it’s part of our plans, we’re eliminating the Jews, exterminating them, ha! — a small matter.’ And then along they all come, all the 80 million upright Germans, and each one has a decent Jew. They say: ‘All the others are swine, but here is a first-class Jew. And none of them has seen it, has endured it. Most of you will know what it means when 100 bodies lie together, when there are 500, or when there are 1,000. And to have seen this through, and — with the exception of human weakness — to have remained decent, has made us hard and is a page of glory never mentioned and never to be mentioned.

Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer-SS
Speech before SS officers at Posen
October 1944


There was an attempt, within living memory, to exterminate the Jewish people. Those who are unsure of this fact are invited to listen to Heinrich Himmler’s Posen speech, which is the only surviving audible recording of a top Nazi official admitting the whole thing. If anyone doubts the Holocaust was real, don’t take it from me, listen to Himmler’s glorification of mass murder yourself.

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The Exigency

One can easily be in a story and not understand it.

Eric Voegelin


The world is in crisis. I am not referring to the viral pandemic. There is another kind of pandemic, more dangerous than any disease. It is a pandemic of the philosophic kind. It encompasses willful misconstruction, disinformation and self-conceit. It is a pandemic of sloppy thinking, of ideological pathologies and pathological idiocies. Fevered and infected, some of our leaders have imagined the wrong kind of future for us. It is a future without poverty, war, or disease. It is a future of perfection — of utopia — of heaven on earth.

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The Antisemitism of E. Michael Jones

Anti-Semitism, hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group.

Encyclopedia Britannica

….the Jews are the people that have rejected logos, and because of that, they became revolutionaries, and the book [Jones’s book] is basically about two thousand years of revolutionary activity. All the way up to neoconservatism, and so on, and so forth.

E. Michael Jones


After my “Note on Antisemitism” from last week, a mad twitter-storm erupted in which I was accused of being a “Fraud,” a shill,” a “conscious deceiver,” a “Jew,” a “Judaizer,” and a “traitor.” All this for pointing out the absurdities and false claims of antisemitism. When I cited scholarly books on the Protocols forgery, my assailants insisted the Protocols were authentic, though not as important as the “scholarly” writings of E. Michael Jones.

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A Note on Antisemitism

The worst mistake I ever made was that stupid, suburban prejudice of antisemitism.

Ezra Pound


There are three basic kinds of antisemitism. There is the antisemitism of the left — of Karl Marx and his essay on the Jewish question. There is the “antisemitism” of Muslims who want to drive Israel into the sea. There is the antisemitism of the National Socialists. Each antisemitic approach connects with a form of totalitarianism — a form of government that suppresses freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and economic freedom. But this is not all.

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A brief note on unexplained deletion of comments (now restored)

About three or four weeks ago there was some kind of formatting error which sent a number of reader postings to the trash bin. I have no idea how this happened, but only discovered it this evening when I noticed excellent postings somehow in the “trashed” section. I had wondered why familiar readers were no longer posting. The protocol seems to bloc people whose posts are trashed. I went through the deleted posts and restored several. I also noticed there was a pornography link posted in between the deleted postings. It could be the hosting services policing kicked into high gear and deleted postings on either side of the offending pornography post.

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Paranoid Ideation in Political Discourse

….I believe there is a style of mind that is far from new and that is not necessarily right-wing. I call it the paranoid style simply because no other word adequately evokes the sense of heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy that I have in mind.

Richard Hofstadter


The prevalence of paranoid personality disorder in the general population has been estimated at around 4.5 percent. In effect, the United States is home to over 14 million paranoids. But there is another category of persons, of indeterminate number, who indulge paranoid thoughts without being clinically paranoid. These are the people Richard Hofstadter described as evincing a “paranoid style” of political thought.

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American Reds

By what process did the American Democratic Party become an alternative Communist Party? The answer is simple. After a century of subversion and infiltration, Marxists gradually gained the upper hand at the highest levels — all others driven out. The Marxists often succeeded by portraying themselves as moderates. Behind the scenes, however, as revealed by researcher Trevor Loudon, the leadership of the Democratic Party is anything but moderate. Theirs is a red network of radical groups — from Alinskyite “community organizers” and “Democratic” socialists, to Maoist and Kremlin stooges.

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How to Deal With the Chinese Communists

First, you have to discover what the Chinese Communists think. From this you can piece together their agenda. Anyone who studies the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and understands the thinking of President Xi Jinping, will also understand that communism is all about destroying capitalism, and destroying the leading capitalist power — America. Anyone who does not understand this, understands nothing.

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Obama and Russia

Barack Hussein Obama, the 44rth President of the United States, was born into this world because his parents were students of the Russian language. [1] That is to say, his parents first met in a Russian class. His father was an African socialist. His mother was an American socialist (or so her biography suggests). Why were they studying Russian?

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Truth and Beauty

We possess art lest we perish of the Truth.



In his wandering meditations on German thinkers and artists, Erich Heller asks, “Has the ugliness of the ugly truth increased so drastically since Plato’s time that now anyone associating truth with beauty commits a philosophical felony?”

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A New Year’s Resolution: Hold the Poseurs Accountable

It is now sixteen or seventeen years since I saw the queen of France, then the dauphiness, at Versailles; and surely never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, a more delightful vision. I saw her just above the horizon, decorating and cheering the elevated sphere she just began to move in, — glittering like the morning star, full of life, and splendor, and joy. Oh! What a revolution! And what an heart I must have, to contemplate without emotion that elevation and that fall! Little did I dream … that I should have lived to see such disasters fallen upon her in a nation of gallant men, in a nation of men of honor and of cavaliers. I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult. — But the age of chivalry is gone. — That of sophisters, economists, and calculators, has succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished for ever.

Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France


The poseurs who made the French Revolution charged Marie Antoinette, queen of France, with high treason. Her own child was compelled to accuse her of incest. The sentence was predetermined by Robespierre’s infamous Committee of Public Safety. Her lawyers were given less than one day to prepare her defense. After receiving a sentence of death, the guillotine was set to receive her. For the occasion she wore a white dress to represent her innocence. Her hands were painfully bound behind her and she was transported to the place of execution in an open cart. She maintained her dignity despite the jeers of the rabble. She ignored the “constitutional” priest sent to hear her confession. On mounting the scaffold she stepped on her executioner’s shoe. “Pardon, sir,” she said. “I did not do it on purpose.” Her head was struck off by the fall of the blade and dropped into a basket below. Her body was unceremoniously thrown into an unmarked grave.

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General Chi’s Nasty Wuhan Soup: A Recipe for BioWar?

Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio-weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle…. We are capable of achieving our purpose of ‘cleaning up’ America all of a sudden.

General Chi Haotian


In a secret speech given to high-level Party cadres nearly two decades ago, Chinese Defense Minister, Gen. Chi Haotian, explained a long- range plan for ensuring a Chinese national renaissance. He said there were three vital issues that must be grasped. The first was the issue of living space — because China is severely overpopulated and China’s environment is deteriorating. The second issue, therefore, is that the Communist Party must teach the Chinese people to “go out.” By this Gen. Chi meant the conquest of new lands in which a “second China” could be built by “colonization.” From this arises the third vital issue: the “issue of America.”

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A Word on the Resignation of the Russian Government

It has been said that timing is everything. In the case of Vladimir Putin, indeed, timing has been his specialty: — to become prime minister at the right moment, in 1999, when Boris Yeltsin was eager to find a safe exit; to annex Crimea at the right moment, when Obama was president and NATO in weakened state; and now, Putin cashiers his own long-serving prime minister, Dmitri Medvedev.

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Anne of the Green New Deal

Presentism (noun), uncritical adherence to present-day attitudes, especially the tendency to interpret past events in terms of modern values and concepts.


Lucy Maud Montgomery wrote one of the best-loved stories in the English language: Anne of Green Gables. It is the story of a red-headed orphan girl adopted in the 1890s by an elderly man and his sister — in rural Canada. Anne is depicted by Montgomery as a strong, intelligent, creative person; and now she has been transformed by Moria Walley-Beckett into a social justice warrior, in a television retelling of the story, titled Anne with an E.

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Magic and Destruction

He who does not have demonic seeds within him will never give birth to a new world.

Dr. Ernst Schertel


Such was an annotation found in Adolf Hitler’s copy of Schertel’s book, Magic: History-Theory-Practice. It seems that Hitler had no problem with “demonic seeds.” And he wanted to “give birth to a new world” — as did Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin.

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The Apocalypse of Radical Stupidity

“What are the symptoms of … the derailment of man?” asked Eric Voegelin in his book, Hitler and the Germans. Man has a particular nature. He is a spiritual being and a rational being. The West drew its reason from the ancient Greeks, its spiritual grounding from the ancient Israelites. This was our twofold heritage. Only now we have abandoned it for positivism and materialism. Consequently, Western Civilization is rapidly unraveling.

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The Red Flag of War Over the Jamkaram Mosque: “O ye Avengers of Hussein”

Severe revenge awaits the criminals….

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei


After the death of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami promised “crushing revenge.” While visiting the bereaved daughter of Gen. Soleimani, President Hassan Rouhani was asked, “Who is going to avenge my father’s blood?” Rouhani replied, “all of us will avenge his blood.”

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Gnosticism as Metaphor for the Democratic Contenders

Gnosticism, thus, has produced something like the counter-principles to the principles of existence; and, in so far as these principles determine an image of reality for the masses of the faithful, it has created a dream world which itself is a social force of the first importance in motivating attitudes and actions of Gnostic masses and their representatives.

Eric Voegelin, The New Science of Politics


The dreamworld of Voegelin’s Gnostics may be glimpsed while watching the Democratic presidential debates. Listen to their absurd fantasies — of global warming and coastal flooding, of erasing national borders and spending trillions on programs to impoverish us all. Where indeed will the money come from? Indebted to the hilt, this can only accelerate the erosion of prosperity and bring about an unprecedented economic dislocation; but, hey, it’s all good, because, from thereon and after we can blame capitalism and sexism and racism — and move forward in agreement to build real socialism, or communism, or the Green New New Deal, without airplanes or cows or cars or free speech. God help the poor fool who objects.

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A brief Note from the Unconscious

Consciousness should defend its reason and protect itself, and the chaotic life of the unconscious should be given the chance of having its way too – as much of it as we can stand. This means open conflict and open collaboration at once. That, evidently, is the way human life should be. It is the old game of hammer and anvil: between them the patient iron is forged into an indestructible whole, an ‘individual.’

Carl Jung


It is embarrassing to have a logical premise dismantled in a dream; but that is exactly what happened over the holidays. My previous column, published on 23 December, was titled “Left and Right as Cosmological Systems.” My premise was that left and right symbolize good and evil respectively.

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Left and Right as Cosmological Systems

What is the right, and what is the left? Do they represent economic interests? Are they mere political designations? Might they signify metaphysical or moral doctrines? What if the answer is — all the above? What if left and right were grounded in two opposing cosmological ideas? (Cosmology being a theory or belief about the origin of the universe.)

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The Tory Landslide in Light of the Trump Impeachment

The Tories won the United Kingdom general election last week because the left overplayed its hand. Yesterday, in the United States, the House Democrats won an impeachment vote against President Donald J. Trump. Here again, the left overplayed its hand.

Why do they do this? Don’t they know it will hurt them? No. They are confident the right does not know how to use its electoral victories to good effect.

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Joseph McCarthy and George Marshall

Very few conservatives have been willing to approve Senator Joseph McCarthy’s criticisms of General George Marshall. Some of McCarthy’s strongest defenders did not dare revisit McCarthy’s book, Retreat From Victory. Better leave that one alone, they figured. It is widely assumed that McCarthy made a mistake about Marshall; for it has been admitted, even by McCarthy’s supporters, that the senator from Wisconsin had gone too far; that George Marshall, as Chief of the Army Staff, was an exemplary figure — beyond reproach.

But was Marshall exemplary? Or was he simply too iconic to attack head-on?

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The Surveillance State is Here, and the Left is Using it to Suppress Dissent

Once upon a time the left worried about a surveillance state in America. Liberal judges ruled against the FBI monitoring or maintaining files on left wing subversive groups. But now, after these same subversive groups have taken control of the media and the intelligence agencies, a Democratic Congressman, in charge of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, is monitoring conservatives and (evidently) maintaining files on them. (See https://www.scribd.com/book/438107041.)

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Misusing Alt-History: Amazon’s Man in the High Castle

The left/right polarization of the country is accelerated, in part, by the manipulation of culture; and today’s culture is driven by television. Some of the most interesting television is found on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu and even YouTube. It is not the formula television of the 1960s, 70s, or 80s, in which each episode is the same story variably reconfigured. Now television aspires to literature by way of the small screen.

The culture warriors of the left are always casting about for new material. It is no surprise, therefore, to see them latching onto the late Philip K. Dick. He was an artist. He was nominally a leftist, it is true; but here they picked the wrong kind of leftist. In actuality, Dick was a nonconformist. His real interests carried him into Jungian psychology, metaphysics, theology and the occult. In his younger days, living in Berkeley, he so enraged a communist that she put her cigarette out in his coffee. An individualist of this type cannot be safely turned to account by anybody. Real art defies political categories; and Dick’s best work, safe to say, was art.

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2019 Hong Kong Protests: An Introduction to Controlled Opposition

This blog post, written by Chiang Chen, argues that the 2019 Hong Kong protests are part of a larger communist deception strategy. It will introduce the tactical concept of “Controlled Opposition.” It will discuss how the Hong Kong Government’s attempt to pass an Extradition Bill with China and Taiwan was in fact used as a provocation by the Chinese Communist Party. We will also look at Controlled Opposition as a tactic, which was used by the Soviet Union and its successor states, and by China. This document will cover what the international media will not cover regarding the Hong Kong Protests.

2019 Hong Kong Protests

By Chiang Chen

The author of the document will show that in its more violent manifestations, the Hong Kong protests are not a spontaneous expression of the city’s desire for independence, but fully planned by the Chinese Communist Party and carried out by the Ministry of State Security.

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A Brief Comment on the Hearings of the House Intelligence Committee

The House Intelligence Committee has heard testimony from several people — national security officials and diplomats — supportive or not of the interpretation that President Donald Trump conditioned military aid to Ukraine on the opening of an investigation against Hunter Biden’s company, Burisma Holdings, Ltd. (Hunter Biden is, of course, the son of former Vice President Joseph Biden.)

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The Secrets of the Swamp

The secret inner-workings of the swamp are found in the history of the revolutionary left. It is a history of treachery and greed, larceny and murder. The first secret of the swamp is hard for some to grasp; but here it is: the humanitarianism of the leftist revolutionary is a pose. His real creed is lust for power and wealth.

The first American revolutionary communist leader, Louis C. Fraina, received $386,000 from the Comintern to start a revolution in Mexico. What did he do? He spent the money on himself. The Comintern did not kill him for his bad faith, most likely because he had blackmailed other leading communists regarding their own improprieties and frauds.

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It’s the Socialists, Stupid: A Note From Benjamin Gitlow

The goal of the socialist is to consolidate political power. Only then can he build his ideal world by eradicating the “evils of capitalism.” The socialists’ cynical dislike of the existing system opens the way to the building of an even more cynical system — far from the ideal world they are trying to create. True-believing socialists can appear formidable, of course, even ferocious; or they can sound silly, even childish.

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The Swamp and its Creatures

What is the swamp? In the 1950s, Senator Joseph McCarthy had a name for the swamp. He called it “the international communist conspiracy.” He spoke of the communist penetration of government, the subversion of U.S. policy, the betrayal of our servicemen on faraway battlefields. He pointed to communism’s nefarious domestic machinations. He wrote about our “retreat from victory,” the legacy of General George C. Marshall — the gifting of Eastern Europe to Stalin, the betrayal of Nationalist China to Mao, and the loss of our atom bomb monopoly.

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What Will the Spider do?

“In a wilderness of mirrors. What will the spider do [?]”

T.S. Eliot, “Gerontion,” 1920

Twenty-five years ago a Soviet-era defector named Alex told me about a KGB office in the Soviet Union. They had all the desks arranged on the main floor, with one large desk in the middle of the office at which sat a nice, helpful, old man. He was everyone’s friend. He listened sympathetically to the personal problems of the KGB staff. He gave them advice on all matters, and he smoothed things over with the boss, whose office door was always closed and dark. No one ever saw the boss except the old man. One day the old man retired and they had a party for him. It was at this party the old man announced he had been their boss all along. Alex finished the story by making his fingers into walking spider legs and said, “The spiders are everywhere.” Then he winked.

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The “Impeachment” Fracas

No Apostle has ever doubted the future of his faith, and the socialists are persuaded of the approaching triumph of theirs. To the disciples of the new dogmas nothing appears more simple.

Gustave Le Bon

If socialism is a new kind of religion, if they must have power to save the downtrodden, if they are politically correct in word and deed, then they must have Donald Trump’s head.

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Little Red Riding Hood and the 2020 Election: Or, The False Grandmother

Once upon a time there lived a little girl in a village whose grandmother was running for President. Indeed, this grandmother was very political; so much so that she gave her beloved granddaughter a red cloak with a hoodie. Thus the girl came to be known as “Little Red Riding Hood.”

The grandmother liked the color red. In fact, she believed it was better to be Red than Dead. The grandmother was so fervent in this idea she imaged herself to be the spawn of Red Indians, which resulted in the grandmother’s political nickname — Pocahontas.

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When Traitors Call Treason

Recently I had a long conversation with Simona Pipko, who worked as a Soviet lawyer in the 1950s to early 80s. She said that Stalin devised the Soviet political and legal systems. “He told the communists to never admit any crime,” she explained. “Always put the crime on the enemies of communism.”

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The Joker Movie: When Evil Clowns Become Revolutionary Heroes

It is the story of a clown. He is mentally ill and creepy. He has delusions and is maladjusted. He can’t hold down a job. Of course, like other oppressed people he is literally downtrodden and mocked.

So he gets revenge.

He kills three Wall Street boys on a subway. They weren’t nice. He brutally murders a coworker. The coworker also wasn’t nice. He murders a comedian on live TV for trying to make fun of him.

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The Triumph of Provocation in Hong Kong

The principle communist method of manipulating political events is called “provocation.” It is a method that makes use of “agent provocateurs” who infiltrate noncommunist or anticommunist causes. These provocateurs initiate actions which lead to specific “reactions.” Through a dialectical calculus, sometimes employing a “scissors strategy,” the agent provocateurs set up a win-win situation by stirring up trouble.

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The New Patriot’s [Devil’s] Dictionary

Centrist n., A person who stays too close to the double yellow line and gets run over by traffic going both ways.

Communist n., A hominid species consisting of two subspecies: (1) Homo stultus utilis and (2) Homo politicus homicidam. The latter lives parasitically off the gullibility of the former, producing detrimental effects on the society of Homo sapiens sapiens. The life cycle of Homo politicus homicidam has three phases: (1) the pre-revolutionary subversive phase, in which it pretends to be democratic and concerned with poverty and injustice; and (2) the revolutionary phase in which total political control is consolidated through mass murder, mass brainwashing and universal impoverishment; (3) the phase of controlled liberalization in which the ruling Communist Party hides its political supremacy behind a mask of liberal reforms and international friendliness calculated to deceive the rest of the world into disarmament.

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Is the Violence in Hong Kong a Communist Provocation?

The protests in Hong Kong began as an anti-extradition protest. Initially the anti-communist Chinese supported the protest. But the protests have turned violent, with more than 24 policeman injured. Hong Kong government buildings have been assailed with petrol bombs. Shopping malls have also come under attack, and it is difficult to see why — unless the protests are under Chinese Communist direction.

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