You can take away a man’s gods, but only to give him others in return. The leaders of the mass state could not help being deified, and wherever crudities of this kind have not yet been put over by force, obsessive factors arise in their stead….

Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self

The psychoanalytic movement was a cult. Sigmund Freud denied this, but Carl Jung was more inclined to admit it. Today, the insights of Freud are largely dismissed. Some of his apostles have been rechristened as sexual predators who slept with their patients. Indeed, we have reason to question the “achievements” of clinical psychology. For those who oppose totalitarianism, however, Carl Jung and Jordan Peterson have presented some insightful commentaries. Yet both men were problematic — a subject which Alex Benesch and I discuss below.

On C.G. Jung & Jordan Peterson

Jimmy From Brooklyn: Globalism & Communism

“You want the doctor to tell you the truth…. There is no way you can solve a problem without knowing the truth.” – Jimmy

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105 thoughts on “Two Interviews: Alex and Jeff on C.G. Jung/Jordan Peterson & Jimmy on Global Communism

  1. The Theories of Jung and his Book “Aion” are very interesting, but maybe a bit “forced”, especially when he talks about the dark side of God…….

    1. I am no theologian but a political scientist, so it’s hard to understand these abstract passages in Jung’s book about the source of all being in the universe being good an evil (objectively). Metaphysics was the most difficult class I took during my senior year, and the one in which abstractions got the better of me; especially the discussion of God existing outside of time and space. How can a mortal mind comprehend such an existence?

      The question behind Jung’s analysis of the Apocalypse is whether Evil exists in and of itself. Jung takes issue with the privatio boni which is the notion that evil is simply the absense of good. He quotes from Dionysus the Areaopagite, who gives a detailed explanation of evil in the fourth chapter of De divinis nominibus. According to Dionysus, evil cannot come from good. The reason is that it would not then be evil. Everything is in some way good; therefore, “evil does not exist at all.”

      Jung refuses to accept this. He says evil exists, and he says the Antichrist exists. This is an unusual thing for a psychiatrist to write. He quotes other Church fathers as saying “evil is not a substance,” for as it has not God for its author, it does not exist. He quotes St. Augustine as saying evil is merely the diminution of good; and St. Thomas Aquinas says “darkness is known through light. Hence, evil must be known from the nature of good.”

      Aquinas makes sense to me; but Jung contradicts Aquinas by saying that light is also known through darkness, and that opposites do exist and possess being. But even if we admit St. Thomas’s point, says Jung, “evil can be represented as a diminution of good but with this kind of logic one could just as well say: the temperature of the Arctic winter, which freezes our noses and ears, is relativesly speaking only a little below the heat prevailing at the equator.” (p. 52)

      This also makes sense, which is confusing.
      Jung then calls the privatio Boni “a euphemistic petitio principii no matter whether evil is regarded as a lesser good or as an effect of the finiteness and limitedness of created things.” Jung then insistes that the formula “Deus = Summum Bonum” does not get God off the hook for creating things of diminished goodness. A disturbing argument to be sure, and were I a theologian I’d admit the point and say, “So what?” God exists outside of space and time. He is not subject to thingness, or the difficulties that arise from derivative mortal questionings. Perhaps Jung and these theologians can be reconciled.

      All would admit that evil seems quite real — despite the privatio Boni. Jung wrote, “One could hardly call the things that have happened, and still happen, in the concentration camps of the dictator states an ‘accidental lack of perfection’ — it would sound like mockery.” He then confesses, strangely, “Psychology does not know what good and evil are in themselves; it knows them only as judgments about relationships.”

      Of course, the explanation for these passages is that Jung’s conception of diety are pagan conceptions. But then, he is writing about Christian concepts regarding the end of days. These issues are worth meditating on, because we appear to be headed for a nuclear war and nobody seems able to stop the train from accelerating down the tracks.

      If anyone can throw light on this, they are welcome to try.

      1. All very fascinating.

        If I am remembering correctly, Jung wrote in his “Red Book” that, while on hallucinogens, he encountered beings that Christians would describe as demons, and attributed being taught things like “collective consciousness” to them.
        If I’m not confusing another source with his own, it seems as if he received some of these things straight out of the pit of hell.

        Makes me wonder how much of his theological influence came from these demonic entities.

        “These issues are worth meditating on, because we appear to be headed for a nuclear war and nobody seems able to stop the train from accelerating down the tracks.”
        I was brought to you and the defector literature through the seers and mystics, which appears to be strikingly complimentary of one another. While I do not believe in fate in the pagan sense, it seems to me that there is no stopping this train because mankind will not repent–outside of some unforeseen, wonderous divine intervention.

        May God have mercy on us

      2. There are psychological and metaphysical works touching on the problems we are going through; and some thinkers present us with insights that help us understand those problems. How did they get their insights. Sometimes, if you know how the sausage is made, you may not want to eat it. Fortunately, we do not have to eat our insights. It is only a matter of understanding the evil that is presently overwhelming us.

      3. It is not possible for a human to wrap his mind around the nature of God. We can, for example, accept that God inhabits eternity, but because eternity is endless we can’t wrap our minds around it. That alone places God beyond or intellectual ability.

        What you call the end of days, isn’t. We are approaching the end of an age, but God’s plans extend far beyond what we see coming on the horizon. God assures the believer that he is in charge and they will be brought through whatever is coming. We have only a bare outline and don’t know the details, but what we do know would frighten anyone that does not have faith in God.

        In Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, we see the a prophecy that is probably of the use of nukes, when Russia and the coalition Russia heads fails in its attempted invasion to destroy Israel. One can say all they like that Russia will not do such a thing because there seems no strategic interest for Russia. Such considerations do not predict what a man like Putin can be brought to do.

        Peter Zeihan had expected Russia to invade Ukraine for many years and predicted the approximate time frame when it would happen, and he was pretty close. Putin has no real strategic interest he can fulfill by taking Ukraine back, no matter what the man says. He is squandering Russia’s future economically and in terms of manpower resources, and will accomplish little to nothing even if he were to pull of a miracle and win.

        I’m not able to go into all the issues that probably bring questions to mind. A good Systematic Theology would do a lot for you. I have several Systematic Theologies I could send you. Theology proper is usually not too lengthy, and I can recommend the section(s) to read. All I have are in pdf format.

      4. Mr. Nyquist thank you for your incisive remarks regarding Carl Jung’s difficulties in acknowledging reality. There are degrees of Good. 1. good 2. Better 3. BEST. There are degrees of Bad.
        1. bad 2. Worse 3. EVIL. As Paul said Out of Him (God) and through Him (God) and for Him (God) is all. From my personal observations I conclude that God does not sin ie. God does not “Miss the Mark”. Nonetheless God’s thinking, sentient creatures Often sin…Miss the Mark. My impression from your description of Carl Jung’s infatuation with Chit-Chatting and Hobnobbing with Demons is that the good Doctor was constantly being fed a pack of out and out lies… Along with superficially credible Misinformation for the purpose of Gainsaying God’s decisions and questioning God’s fairness and wisdom. A.E. Knoch had some interesting things to say concerning the types of matters that challenged Carl Jung.

        A.E. Knoch
        The Source of Sin.

        A.E. Knoch
        The Source, Course, and Consummation of All is God.

      5. To be fair to Jung, I should clarify something even I probably misunderstood in Jung’s book. In “Aeon” Jung said that he was not criticizing God or even writing about God or theology or the historical Christ, but was writing about the “image” of Christ used by man and its empirical resemblance to a symbol of the self. In writing about the Church’s notion of Evil, he expressly stated that he was not making a “confession of faith” but a psychological observation, based on empirical facts. We prefer to underestimate evil — in ourselves and in others. This is clearly true, especially today.

        Jung explained that his approach was similar to that of an art historian, reflecting on the words of those theologians and Church fathers who softened our view of evil in an effort to accentuate the positive. I think there is something of value here. That Jung is not writing theologically or even philosophically, is hard to grasp for anyone with a Bible ready at hand to contradict him. From my perspective, I am interested in these ideas from the standpoint of our political crisis. Jung is pointing to the rise of totalitarianism and its relation to Christian thought. We need clarity about this. When we see World War II, or we see Russia and China today, we are not looking at the usual historical regimes. We are looking at a new kind of evil, which is more destructive than anything known to history. I cannot underscore this enough. And now, when we look at America and the West, we are seeing something grotesque. We see two distorted political formations, East and West, that are growing out of one another, or out of man’s “modern” Manichean conceptions.

        Such is an extraordinarily strange thing, but clearly visible. How does this relate to what Jung calls the “image” of Christ (as opposed to the historical Christ)?

        What people do with an “image,” how they embellish it, stems from psychological errors that are met with in everyday life. That is, we can test it for ourselves. Yet here we see something developing on a world-wide scale. This is terrifying, and I think there is more to this. It is something that deserves further attention.

        As for Jung’s chit-chatting with demons, we cannot be sure what happened with his cousin who acted as a medium, since she began confabulating contact with the planet Mars. In fact, it is likely that she was confabulating to impress Jung, because she had fallen in love with him. So here is something we must set aside. People do silly things. As for Jung’s visions and dreams reported in his Red Book: one might say he spoke to demons. Maybe. Yet, maybe there are other explanations; for Jung’s dreams were prophetic. He saw the future. The notion that all supernatural experiences are demonic logically leaves us with a dogma rather than a question. And questions are always more appropriate when we do not know what is going on. So we have to be careful, and avoid uncritically condemning other people as demonically influenced, especially people who have genuine insights we might need.

        From my own political research, I see something dark coming. Without doubt, we have underrated or misunderstood evil to the point where most people today — including “Christians” — no longer discern evil. It is such a common experience for me, and so disconcerting, that I sometimes feel like breaking off all contact with other people. We are, quite literally, in a madhouse environment — and EVERYONE is affected on some level.

        Jung’s later works are of interest because he said that we have entered into a period of mass insanity. He was clearly able to see the evil and the madness, and he predicted it would get worse and that it would involve the kind of mass narcissism we are seeing today, and it would lead people to blaming others even as the evil grows inside THEM. The worse the evil, the more blind people would turn out to be. How did he arrive at such a precise and correct prediction? Just take a look at our politics today, at our entertainment, at our discourse with each other and the extreme rudeness and intolerance.

        Jung had an analytical method which offered some genuine insights. He also had visions late in life of a nuclear war, which greatly disturbed him. These were recorded in his Black Books. My own analysis suggests that we are headed for a nuclear war. I have written extensively on this. There are also the Marian apparitions which point to this. Many Protestants say these apparitions are demonic. I would not be so sure.

        I strongly suspect that nuclear war is coming. My suspicion in this regard caused me to look at Jung’s work and occasionally refer to it. I have also looked at other sources that predict nuclear war, attempting to understand them properly.

        Returning to Jung: How could he have seen the likelihood of nuclear war, pointing to such a war occuring in the first half of the twenty-first century as far back as 1954? And here we are, at the most dangerous moment in history — the closest we have ever been to nuclear war, with Russia fighting Ukraine.

        Naturally, I want to know what allowed Jung to spy into these dangers. You might say it is merely his demons telling him the future. But then, you have not read Jung’s explanations. He pointed to the heart of the madness around us before it was entirely visible to everyone else. He said this madness was and is associated with the reality of Antichrist. By this term he was not making a theological statement. He was, once again, making a “scientific” psychological statement. This is not easy for us to come to grips with. Jung proposed that the human “self” consists of opposites held in tension. To prove this he refered to empirical facts drawn from psychological case histories. We have to remember that Jung spent a great deal of his time with crazy people. If anyone knew about insanity it was Jung. And Jung saw a collapse of equilibrium in mental illness.

        What Jung is pointing at, ultimately, with regard to our own collective insanity, is a loss of balance. That is part of our problem. And whatever Jung’s many faults, which certainly included his mid-life desire to escape sexual “repression” through polygamy, it seems he nonetheless saw our larger problem. He was, like all of us, infected. And we ought to sit up and pay attention to his confessions.

        The problem of living through the next two decades requires thought. We can lay down and die if we want, but I do not believe God blesses suicide, or wants us to take the easy way out. We are here for a purpose, and it is not to indulge in wishful thinking or lazy ideas. And much of what passes for doctrine today, in the sciences and in religion, is lazy. And personally, I am sick of intellectual laziness. There is nothing good to be said for sleepwalking through the past century of crime. And by sleepwalking I mean the repetition of blind formulas — scientific or religious. We are going to have live and solve real problems. What else does our duty consist in?

        It is very hard for us to see what is wrong because we are so deeply immersed in the wrongness. It is very difficult to get outside ourselves and see the compromises we have made. We crucify the Truth every day, and we always do so while claiming to have the Truth. Such is our wickedness. If we have the Truth, then why are we losing our country? Why are we always taking wrong turns? Why is destruction ongoing, with no brake?

        The mass of well-meaning unconscious people continue to walk toward destruction while ferociously hating anyone or anything who threatens to wake them.

      6. 1 Corinthians 2:9-14 (KJV) But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
        But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
        For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
        Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
        Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
        But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

  2. March 18 2024
    Russia – A Democracy that Works
    Paul Craig Roberts
    With a 75% voter turnout, 87% of the turnout for Putin

    No , the election was not rigged…….

    Roberts continues with the article showing America is bad and Russia is good.

    Wow! Unbelievable ! What a twisted guy.

      1. Re: Paul Craig Roberts

        I was not aware of his history going to university in the Soviet Union. Given his mixed bag of views on his site it may explain it. Interesting! Yes…..Maybe?

      2. PCR has struck me as well off balance for at least 20 years. He was a Reagan appointee, but has changed tremendously since Reagan left the scene. Had been recruited, it would not surprise me. He talks like the typical fake conservatives I’ve seen on Unz review and Gateway Pundit. I have not bothered reading his rubbish for years. He doesn’t allow commenting because he has been shredded time and again for his idiocy.

    1. As for election, it is amazing how Putin (or his double) played opposition. Navalny asked everybody to come to vote at noon to show how many people are against Putin. Then he died. People came at noon to commemorate the martyr’s last wish. What do we see on TV? Crowds of people attending elections in very long queues. Which gives right to forge unprecedentedly high numbers of attendance and of number of votes for Putin. The opposition has been played again. Has it been planned that way? Was it a lucky coincidence? Konstantin Borovoy believes that it was planned and that Yulia Navalnaya is a collaborator, which I find hard to believe. How hard hearted could you be to collaborate with the murderers of your husband a month after he died! She does not seem to be that kind of a person.

      1. They want to discredit Navalny’s wife, and Navalny. They have a martyr if they do not succeed in discrediting him. What do they have to lose by trying? By the way, tonight Conservatives4Ukraine on Facebook is hosting a roundtable of speakers. I will be there. It will be a Zoom meeting. Here is the Facebook site

  3. Of course it is a very difficult topic. In the past people asked “What was God doing before creating the World?” It was, i think, Saint Augustine in his “cofessions” who came with this great theory of God beyond time and space?I am not sure anyway unfortunatley we have freedom of choice (perhaps the biggest drama of human nature) so if bad things happened, for instance in the concentration camps, it’s because we humans were responsable for it (not God). In the new testament it’s written that after Judas choosed to betray Jesus Christ, Satan entered in him. Therefore i think that a dark side exists when we choose not to follow the direction of Christ. So there is dark, only if we decide not to follow the light. I know not a good explanation

      1. God is a mystery to normal humans. He has revealed much about his nature, but a lot of that is beyond the intellectual ability of man. Scripture gives all we need to know for salvation, however. while those of us who spend eternity with God, we will learn much, but God will always be something of a mystery to us.

    1. Time seems to be a measure of change, and thus has meaning for that which is mutable, but time has no meaning for that which is immutable.

      1. Perhaps something similar is true for space. Space is a measure of location, so perhaps space has no meaning for that which is omnipresent.

  4. As we are being distracted by Ukraine, we forgot about open borders crisis. The traitors of the US recently ruled in favor of illegals being able to carry arms in exercise of 2nd Amendment. Meanwhile, the same corrupt justice systems prosecute any US citizen from carrying arms. It is merely a matter of time that armies of illegals will start destroying the US and other Western states violently.

    At the same time, I highly doubt that NATO will directly fight Russia. China recently announced that it will defend Russia.

    The communists have gone mask-off to double down on conquests against the West! With the migrants in every single position of the Western society, the full invasion will involve them bombing all critical infrastructures within the West. Nevertheless, the communists are very clever that they won’t just straight go all out violence. They will compromise the West with traitorous elites, then gradually the process of normalization will occur as Bezemov described. The recent Ukraine War demonstrated that some of Western elites get spooked by communists, so I suspect the armed migrants will be killing those elites in near future if Russia doesn’t get what it wants in Ukraine or China gets what it wants in Taiwan.

    Personally, I think the communists will sabre-rattling through the usage of armed migrants threats, then later they will try killing off segments of conservative population who are against their agenda – using armed migrants, of course. NATO will dissolve or become communist.

      1. One of the commenters in YouTube video professed an interesting idea that Ukrainians have long believed about origins of Russia. Ukrainians portrays the Russians as non-European descendants of Mongols and other nomadic empires since their great grandmothers were concubines to Asiatic overlords. White women were beautiful and submissive to be raped regularly under Mongol rule to the Turkic rules in ancient Russia.

        We often overlook how incredibly influential were these nomadic empires. Modern historians often believed nomadic empires simply disintegrated into nothing but they do not realize how powerful were descendants of these rulers who still hold power to this date. Genghis Khan has the most descendants on Earth now more than millions of people. I am not surprised if we find out that Putin is the descendant of Genghis Khan because he looks pretty Asiatic facially. 16 Turkic Empires from Xiongnu of China continue to dominate various parts of Eurasia for centuries! Their ancestral empires collapsed multiple times but their descendants always make comeback. Timur the Lame resurrected the Mongol Empire in Middle East, while Mughals conquered India. You also have Manchus in China whose descendants are still controlling the Communist Party of China, and funny fact is that the most zealous followers of Mao Zedong were Chinese Northerners whose lineage traced back to nomadic empires that conquered China multiple times! The fiercest Chinese fighters in Korean War were almost all Northerners.

        I read a few materials on the cultures of nomadic empires that these people heavily favor communalism in ancient times, and I am not surprised on why they’re very prone to adopt communism. Arguably, the nomadic empires’ version of communalism is precursory to Marxism-Leninism. Conspiracy theories about Jews or Roman elites controlling the world seem not to hold a candle on what descendants of nomadic empires are ruling today.

        The ongoing war of global communists against the West could be the stemming hatred from Mongols and nomadic empires for not able to conquer the West in old days? The descendants of past nomadic empires want to finish off the West, so they can finally dominate the world.

  5. RE: Paul Craig Roberts

    Maybe his recent article about David Irving is maybe a Red Flag too. The light is coming on.

    1. He wrote about David Irving? Irving’s career was closely associated with a German national who Romanian intelligence defector Ion Pacepa named as a communist disinformation asset.

      1. How do communists benefit from denying holocaust? If holocaust was faked it had to be done by Soviets, they will get the blame for faking it.

      2. The communists penetrated and took over the Nazi diaspora and various Nazi groups in 1945. Denying the Holocaust helps those groups, strengthens them, and also strengthens Russia’s allies in the Muslim world where hatred of Israel and Holocaust denial is rampant. The Red-Brown alliance is an old Soviet manuever.

      3. David Irving has never denied the holocaust. There are many accusation directed at him, but I have read all of his stuff and have never seen anything close to denial of the holocaust.

      4. The question of Communist influence on the “far right” (conspiracists, white separatists, libertarians) should be addressed. I noted that Jimmy from Brooklyn covered some of this territory in your most recent interview. Didn’t David Duke receive a doctorate from a university in Ukraine when that country was still a de facto Russian satellite? Ron Paul has in the past made frequent appearances on Russia Today. He may have stopped in deference to his son’s career. Lt. General Mike Flynn attended a party in Moscow in 2015 celebrating RT’s tenth anniversary, sitting next to Vladmir Putin at the “captain’s table”.

      5. Yes. There are many connections between Moscow and the right. This has been quietly growing. And do not forget Alex Jones and his Russian staff. There is much going on.

  6. I think it is impossible to look at good and evil from abstract dimension, without connecting them to personalities and their ultimate representatives (God and Satan) and human behavior, when we are pulled to choose one or the other. Even truth is impersonified by Christ, when He said: “I am the way, the truth and the life”. So if you look at these things without scriptural interpretation, everything will be very difficult. Even scriptures can be interpreted confusingly, if you do it without the Holy Ghost. But with the scriptures even a child can understand good and evil. And the truth was intended that way, that even a child would understand. Because our eternal salvation depends on our correct understanding of these things.

    So for me the good is in building relationship with God, seeking for your actions to be influenced by the Holy Ghost, it is in growing compassion towards human beings. And evil is falling under the influence of Satan, where you are his servant, like in a gang, where you are asked to confirm your allegiance by committing more and more crimes. Until you find yourself in total darkness. And you are never still. Whatever you choose for yourself, you grow and develop in it.

    In this world you can’t escape for a second being pulled in both directions. I believe that for every thought, for every idea and for every action, the source of it, it’s origin, can be traced back to ultimate good and ultimate evil. These are hard to trace right now. But I believe that at some point we will be able to see everything very clearly for what it truly is.

  7. “There is a little bit of GOOD in EVIL; and there is a little bit of EVIL in GOOD”.

    Or in an even more explicit statement: “Even the. MORNINGSTAR was originally not only good in the beginning, the CHERUB was the greatest of the good of his kind, a supreme, creation, only the greatest that was more than was the FATHER, his creator, and the architect of all that is Creation. And his SON the LAMB.

  8. Drunk with Blood: God’s Killings in the Bible.
    July 16, 2013

    Completely Revised Second Edition with 23 new killings from the Apocrypha.

    Drunk With Blood includes a separate account for each of God’s 158 killings. These stories fill the pages of the Bible, yet they are seldom read in church and are ignored by most Bible believers, which is a shame because God is so proud of his killings:

    “I kill … I wound … I will make mine arrows drunk with blood and my sword shall devour flesh.” Deuteronomy 32:39-42

    You’ve probably hear of a few of God’s killings. Noah’s Flood,Sodom and Gomorrah, David and Goliath, maybe. But there are over 150 others that are unknown to pretty much everyone, believer and nonbeliever alike.

    Did you know, for example, that God:

    *Forced friends and family to kill each other for dancing naked around Aaron’s golden calf?

    *Burned Aaron’s sons to death for offering him strange fire?

    *Burned complainers to death, forced the survivors to eat quail until it literally came out their noses, sent “fiery serpents” to bite people for complaining about the lack of food and water, and killed 14,700 for complaining about his killings?

    *Buried alive those that opposed Moses (along with their families)?

    *Burned 250 men to death for burning incense?

    *Rewarded Phinehas for throwing a spear though the bellies of an inter-tribal couple while they were having sex?

    *Ordered, assisted in, or approved of dozens of complete genocides?

    *Accepted human sacrifice in the cases of Jephthah’s daughter and Saul’s seven sons?

    *Helped Samson murder thirty men for their clothes, slaughter 1000 with the jawbone of an ass, and kill 3000 civilians in a a suicide terrorist attack?

    *Smote the Philistines of several cities with hemorrhoids in their secret parts?

    *Killed a man for trying to keep the ark of the covenant from falling and 50,070 for looking into the ark?

    *Approved when David bought his first wife with 200 Philistine foreskins?

    *Killed King Saul for not killing every Amalekite as he told him to do?

    *Slowly killed a baby to punish King David for committing adultery?

    *Killed 70,000 because David had a census that he (or Satan) told him to do?

    *Sent a lion to kill a prophet for believing another prophet’s lie, another lion to kill a man for not smiting a prophet, and some more lions to kill people that didn’t fear him enough?

    *Killed 450 religious leaders who lost a prayer contest with Elijah and burned 102 men to death for asking Elijah to come down from his hill?

    *Sent two bears to rip apart 42 boys for making fun of Elisha’s bald head?

    *Killed 27,000 Syrians by having a wall fall on them, sent an angel to kill 185,000 sleeping soldiers, interfered in human battles to kill a half million Israelite and a million Ethiopian soldiers?

    *Killed King Ahab for not killing a captured king, and then sent King Jehu on a series of mass murders to kill all of Ahab’s family and friends who had ever “pissed against a wall?”

    *Killed Jehoram by making his bowels fall out?

    *Killed Job’s ten children in a bet with Satan?

    *Killed Ezekiel’s wife and told him not to mourn her?

    *Killed Ananias and Sapphira for not giving Peter all their money?

    *Killed King Herod by feeding him to worms?

    All of these killings, and more, are found in the Bible, and their stories are told in the 2nd Edition of Drunk With Blood.

    1. We must remember to judge a thing not as it is, but in accordance with what it is becoming. To see all time, to see all things, to know the beginning and the end, is to know the end and judge by the ultimate end. This signifies a wisdom and a knowledge and a perfection in goodness (as wholeness) that the mortal mind cannot grasp. Our moral judgments are always problematic because we do not know what is ultimate, what is intended by ultimate mind. We cannot encompass it.

    2. Stoning and tithing only work if everyone does it. Mercy is at the heart of justice.

    3. The problem here is this. Is YHWH really God? God of the universe, all of creation, etc.?
      Christians assume this because ChristianOS it’s all they’ve been programmed with since birth. It’s difficult to deprogram the core operating system belief structure even if you have the nagging feeling something is faulty and doesn’t feel right nor make any real sense.

      It’s difficult to have a discussion about ‘good’ vs ‘evil’ when the default here on this blog is a Christian mindset only. And more so with fundamentalists that insist that the bible is the inerrant word of God. So right there the predisposition that all is absolute and true leaves zero room for any meaningful discussion. And there’s the apologists chiming in to remind us we’re all going to hell because we’re not all fundamentalists like them and ‘we just don’t get it.’.

      I don’t remember this being a religious fire-and-brimstone blog.
      Please can we keep the personal fantasies to ourselves? Or at least visit a blog for that sort of thing.

      I’m here to listen to what Jeff has to say about what’s coming. I return again and again because Jeff has been correct, or very close to the mark again and again.
      I’m here to try and see when all this is going to go hot so I can protect my family, and those close to me I love.

      Here and there I provide alternative views, but I wont do that any more. For myself I find it inappropriate.

      -Bill Freeman

      1. Bill: I hope you stick around, Bill. Few agree when it comes to religion, and it has always made me uncomfortable to see people going after each other on that basis. There are thousands of creeds, and a lot of speculation related to “faith.” In politics and war, we need reasoned and informed analysis and opinion. We have an enemy coming for us, and we need to include everyone who wants to oppose that enemy.

      2. King James Version, Bible Prophecy, is what validates the veracity of the ancient Hebrew Scriptures discovered at Antioch.

      3. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll contribute/comment as I have before when I see something of value to post concerning the current situation. It’s just a hassle to need to scroll past all the faerie tales and trolls to stay engaged in what you were trying to convey.

        I guess my thinking is that ‘game time’ isn’t far off and better to focus on the problem and the stark reality that the USA could very well have a major war on it’s soil. I’ve seen enough of the horrors of the wars in Ukraine and Gaza on telegram channels to say unequivocally:
        Believe me, you don’t want that here in the USA at all. At all.

        Jeff, you’ve provided real actionable intelligence for people to digest and act accordingly.
        I believe a large part of your analysis is correct and at the moment the USA’s trajectory is into a black hole. In fact my bet is that the event horizon has already been crossed and there’s no going back. I;m very concerned for my family.

        Being informed and prepared (not paranoid) may save some of us here from the worst of what is to come.

        The reason I am where I am is that I believe the coming pole shift will be disastrous and I want the human species to survive. So I’ve been looking into hidden caves and structures high in the Andes, hoping, preparing.

        -Bill Freeman

      4. Do you think the weakening of the earth’s electromagnetic field is scientifically shown to be catastrophic? Or might it be a mere EMG hiccup?

      5. Charles Hapgood tried to push the Earth Crust Displacement. Yet, couldn’t find a mechanism to unlock the crust from the low velocity zone.

        A strong enough nova will do that by pushing the moon away enough to allow a tilt until the orbit corrects itself. Hapgood never mentioned the moon. The moon is what keeps Earth from tilting and rolling like a ball around the sun. Without the moon, experts estimate the Earth’s tilt could increase as high as 45°

        It’s also worth mentioning that each planets orbit gets pushed farther out with each nova event. Maybe that’s why Earth was warmer…closer to the sun?

        And smaller? Less gravity giving rise to large flora and fauna, dinosaurs? The new Zealand island chain make Pangaea a problem. Why? New Zealand island chain was once part of South America and fits nicely. You can even see the smudge/smear as it spread away.
        This arrangement works best on an expanding globe.

        Doug Vogt collected ancient mythologies speaking of the Earth stopping and spinning the other way. The book of Job, I believe, speaks of the sun not setting for an entire day and in Peru they speak of the sun not rising for 24 hours. Doug’s Diehold Foundation series 4 goes into this very much. All of Series 4 is fascinating.

        The Legends of the Last Great Flood & Nova and How Some People Survived It

        Whether the planet sloshes like a drunk or stops and spins the other way, continental flooding will occur. The giant deep sea continental shelf canyons that go to the bottom of the ocean floor prove this. And no it was not slow melt. The Navy Alvin discovered boulders and trees splintered into pieces within the canyons near the Carolinas. This was rapid water run off as if it were going over a continent and draining off the sides back into the abyss.

        As far as predicting “chaotic pole shift idiosyncrasies” yes they are. The main way is reading the field-lines of polarity embedded in the ocean floor.

        6000yrs – Noah Event

        12,000yrs – Gothenberg

        18,000yrs – Hilina Pali

        24,000yrs – Lake Mungo

        12000 yr full cycle and 6000yr half cycle excursions.

        1 Solar Cycle = 11.06 years (re-synchronizing frequency)
        8 Solar Cycles = 88.735 years (synchronizing frequency)

        Knows as a Gleissberg Cycle

        136 Gleissberg Cycles = 12,068 years (All geared to the main clock cycle)

        There again is revealed the main clock cycle.

        This would mean we exist in a synchronous system, and that is very interesting in and of itself. An operating system?

        Series 4, Introduction, Causes of the Ice Age and Nova, the Greatest Secret of the United States

        And don’t forget the end of the Maya cycle and the end of the Hindu Kali Yuga.

        The Coming of Kalki,+the+flipping+of+the+Earth%27s+magnetic+field,+the+ice+-+age,+and+all+the+terrible+effects+such+happenings+could+start&source=bl&ots=SlOTCs20lz&sig=ACfU3U3KTL_zcbYWmOi6iJgD3RcoE50wKg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiJhpa3nYiFAxUEBbkGHdUVDz8Q6AF6BAgwEAM#v=onepage&q&f=false

        And I’m seeing a lot of new apocalyptic sites emerging. For example:

        All this and the coming World War has put me off my tea.

        -Bill Freeman

      6. Charles Hapgood tried to push the Earth Crust Displacement. Yet, couldn’t
        find a mechanism to unlock the crust from the low velocity zone.

        A strong enough nova will do that by pushing the moon away enough to
        allow a tilt until the orbit corrects itself. Hapgood never mentioned the
        moon. The moon is what keeps Earth from tilting and rolling like a ball
        around the sun. Without the moon, experts estimate the Earth’s tilt could
        increase as high as 45°

        It’s also worth mentioning that each planets orbit gets pushed farther out
        with each nova event. Maybe that’s why Earth was warmer…closer to the

        And smaller? Less gravity giving rise to large flora and fauna,
        dinosaurs? The new Zealand island chain make Pangaea a problem. Why?
        New Zealand island chain was once part of South America and fits nicely.
        You can even see the smudge/smear as it spread away.
        This arrangement works best on an expanding globe.

        Doug Vogt collected ancient mythologies speaking of the Earth stopping and
        spinning the other way. The book of Job, I believe, speaks of the sun not
        setting for an entire day and in Peru they speak of the sun not rising for
        24 hours. Doug’s Diehold Foundation series 4 goes into this very much.
        All of Series 4 is fascinating.

        The Legends of the Last Great Flood & Nova and How Some People Survived It

        Whether the planet sloshes like a drunk or stops and spins the other way,
        continental flooding will occur. The giant deep sea continental shelf
        canyons that go to the bottom of the ocean floor prove this. And no it
        was not slow melt. The Navy Alvin discovered boulders and trees
        splintered into pieces within the canyons near the Carolinas. This was
        rapid water run off as if it were going over a continent and draining off
        the sides back into the abyss.

        As far as predicting “chaotic pole shift idiosyncrasies” yes they are.
        The main way is reading the field-lines of polarity embedded in the ocean

        6000yrs – Noah Event

        12,000yrs – Gothenberg

        18,000yrs – Hilina Pali

        24,000yrs – Lake Mungo

        12000 yr full cycle and 6000yr half cycle excursions.

        1 Solar Cycle = 11.06 years (re-synchronizing frequency)
        8 Solar Cycles = 88.735 years (synchronizing frequency)

        Knows as a Gleissberg Cycle

        136 Gleissberg Cycles = 12,068 years (All geared to the main clock cycle)

        There again is revealed the main clock cycle.

        This would mean we exist in a synchronous system, and that is very
        interesting in and of itself.

        Series 4, Introduction, Causes of the Ice Age and Nova, the Greatest
        Secret of the United States

        And it’s the end of the Maya cycle and the end of the Hindu Kali Yuga.

        The Coming of Kalki

        And I’m seeing a lot of new apocalyptic sites emerging. For example:

        All this and the coming World War has put me off my tea.

        -Bill Freeman

      7. I have read through some of this literature. Einstein was very interested in Hapgood’s work, but it did not receive any larger acceptance because of problems. Yet I understand that moon rock data on a micro nova does exist.

    4. Anyone that has read through the entirety of scripture has read all of those. I have also heard those dealt with in Church as to why God ordered or did them.

    5. I normally try to avoid talking about the Bible and what it teaches on sites like this, but I find this post by Wake Queen a hate-filled screed based on mistranslations, taking out of context, leaving out important details, and totally out of context to what Jeff presents here. It will be a waste of time and effort to answer each point made above.

      As for the possibility for World War III and the use of nukes, I’ve noticed that Bible believing people are more attuned to the danger than society as a whole. As for me personally, it is my following Biblical teachings that led me to question, then reject the “fall of the Soviet Union”. It has been decades since I saw this war approaching. Yet things keep getting worse, the war closer. As Lude Media reported a while back, I would not be surprised if the war is started by China this year. I have visited other sites that discuss the total break down of society thanks to war, and noticed that the Bible believers are represented in far greater numbers among those who comment than the roughly 5% they are in society as a whole. That’s also true for this site.

      1. This is not to spark debate or contention, at all! Just some scripture and bullet points for consideration. Responding to R.O.s ” I have visited other sites that discuss the total break down of society thanks to war, and noticed that the Bible believers are represented in far greater numbers among those who comment than the roughly 5% they are in society as a whole. That’s also true for this site.” I also have a question at the end:

        Believers are on the alert, for sure, R.O.. In Rev 1:1, the “soon” in “the things which must soon take place” doesn’t necessarily mean “soon” from a calendar/clock paradigm. Instead, the Greek phrase “en tachos” (think tachometer) means that once something starts, it will take place swiftly. (I didn’t discover that insight on my own. Saw it in some bible notations. 😊) In the Interlinear bible, the Greek translation in english is “things which must occur with speed.” I have heard it said by one I respect every bit as much as I do JRN, “If we can just overcome this season and push the communist revolution back, we could have another 1000 years of peace on the earth.” Just don’t see that happening due to scripture and also the absolute global encasement of darkness, evil and widespread genocidal real capacities spreading so quickly. Never have such conditions impacted every single corner of the globe before. But even in this growing darkness, His light and hope will shine thru! Isaiah 60:1-3.

        Still, the fullness of all this may be years to decade(s) out, but this is also very interesting.

        Jesus said only the Father knows the “day and the hour” of the Son’s return. (Matt 24:32-36, esp 36) But, Jesus also rebuked Israel for not recognizing the broader “times and seasons” they lived in, that their scripture spoke of, regarding His first coming. (Matt 16:3 and Luke 12:54-56) He has given us massive scripture in OT and NT to recognize the times and season, events, and conditions that will culminate just before and during His 2nd Return.

        Many wondering if this current conflict in Israel COULD lead to the 7 year peace treaty with the anti-Christ, (Daniel 9:27) which would start the 7 year general clock of His return. Such a treaty COULD set conditions for (Ezek 38:10-16 with a focus on vs 11) to come to pass. Israel has NEVER been wall-less nor “living securely” since its 1948 rebirth.

        Yes. Believers sure are on the alert in this “Watch and pray” season. (Mark 13:33-37)

        The question:

        Do you feel this is a credible page or is it largely propaganda? ⬇️
        It seems pretty authentic to me, but want some verification. CCP put out those videos of people shockingly dropping dead on the streets in early Covid days. Believe they were found to be largely faked to just spread fear. So, wonder if there could be any component of that to this site? Some good people follow it, but just wondering people’s thoughts. If legitimate, China’s 15 minute cities are the beta test for the development of the global Babylon financial control system– whenever that would be implemented down the road – months/years/decade(s).

        Also, really appreciated the discussion with Jimmy. Need to listen to other interview yet. All so good and clarifying. Thank you.

      2. Yes, but there truly is a mutual sharing of new, interesting info that is very synergistic- similar to when you and Trevor, and others, get together to discuss.

  9. To Wade Queen :

    What are you getting at with the comments about Lucifer ? And about violence in the Old Testament ?
    Many interesting discussions could be had. I see your text. Just not sure what your subtext is.

  10. Freud originally developed ‘Trauma Theory’ which correctly observed that psychosis was caused by traumatic incidences, often times in the form of pedophilia. For having asserted this theory, Freud became ostracized by peers and society, alike. People didn’t want to believe such abuse could occur, while the guilty didn’t want their behavior to become commonly known. So, Freud came up with ‘Polymorphous Perverse’, ‘blame the victim’ theory. For that, peers and society haled Freud as a genius.

    Modern psychology of course now recognizes that trauma is usually the cause of most psychosis., but Freud is not credited for his original ‘Trauma Theory’.

  11. Earthquake ALERT!: Pursuant to methodology of the late, Jim Berkland, former Marin County Geologist, who predicted the Oakland World Series Quake.

    Forecasting an 80% chance of an 6.4 – 9.2 quake anywhere around the Ring of Fire, (+/-) 10 days of the full Moon on March 24th, 2024.

    With further confirmation of quake potential in consideration of the Spring Equinox on the 21st, and total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, the chance of an devastating Earthquake could extend up until May 1st. Another confirming indicator is an increase above average of missing pets notices on telephone poles, and/or lots of snakes seen crawling around.

    1. I also have seen a post on FB somewhere of people who take care of elephants that they are very agitated now in more than one place and trying to seek higher ground. Which usually happens before disasters..

      1. This it?

        Demi Potvin
        A life long friend of mine has lived in many different parts of Africa for almost 40 years. She has spent 30 of those years working directly with elephants conducting behavioral research. She just told me that she and her colleagues are witnessing ALL OF THEM moving to higher 👇
        2:08 PM · Mar 9, 2024
        from West Springfield, MA

      2. Berkaland also predicted the Jakarta 9.2 quake. Indonesia is of course along the Ring Of Fire. Elephants in Africa might well react in advance of another big trembler along the same fault. The British Royal Navy sent a submarine to research the sea bottom and was astounded to see that the tectonic plate had risen about a mile in elevation, which must have occurred in a mere, instant. That plate had only risen about half the length of the fault, so the other half is likely to go, sooner or latter.

        I take that report of the elephants to be an indicator that Indonesia will be hit this time, again. That doesn’t negate potential that the entire West Coast of the United States won’t get a 9.2 as well.

      1. You also might enjoy this concerning the pole shift and micronova.

        Diehold Foundation

        Doug had some real good nuggets in his presentations.

        This is also extremely interesting.

        Peratt and Petroglyphs

        Anthony Peratt discussing Petroglyphs and solar outbursts and plasma physics experiments in the lab.

        So many things point to the sun as the instigator to the catastrophe cycle in antiquity and now today.

        -Bill Freeman

  12. Hi Jeff,

    Your source at Lude Media is correct again. The Chinese were trying to lure in US assets.

    55 Chinese sailors in submarine feared dead ‘caught in trap’ meant to snare UK and US

    And of course this is of interest.

    World on the brink as Taiwan admits US troops are now stationed on Chinese border

    Thanks again for all your efforts Jeff.

    -Bill Freeman

    1. Gateway Pundit expressed as you did. It’s not possible to be in Taiwan and be on the border with China as Taiwan is an island. The “Girl Scouts” are on island that is about a mile from teh coast of China.

  13. Peter Zeihan had a great video today, short, sweet and to the point.

    My comment on Zeihan’s video:

    “The Russians are master strategists via propaganda and still our enemy. The Cold War never ended. Putin and his Kremlin masters still hate the U.S. and even Donald Trump and certainly his conservative base are ignorant to this fact. Conservative media (former Faux News) personalities like the idiots Tucker Carlson and Clayton Morris praise the Russians as our friends. It’s all a ruse. The Russians want to destroy the U.S. period.
    We haven’t built a nuclear weapon since 1992. Our Minute Men missiles and nuclear arms are outdated. Russia and China never stopped building nukes. And America sleeps. 99% of our leaders and politicians sell out the average American to our enemies. South American countries are becoming Communist countries run by dictators. They are surrounding us. And nobody seems to know, nobody seems to care.
    But some day soon all will know…but it will be too late for America.”

  14. Jeff I am appreciative of your broad knowledge base and grateful for your Patriot views on what the American masses must do starting with “to unite together” to fight our mostly domestic traitorous criminal enemies and deep state actors, as otherwise we are absolutely doomed sooner rather that later. My favorite line of thought….
    “In the beginning of a change The Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, scorned. When his cause succeeds the apathetic [and lazy] join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot” – Mark Twain

    [several TPN websites under construction to do just that on a massive scale]

  15. To Ohengineer
    PCR article on David Irving was published Feb. 9.
    He seemed to be a good researcher and read his long piece about research.
    I struggle to sort out stuff sometimes. Thanks
    Kevin Taylor

  16. How can we even discuss politics and leave God out of it? He is King and Lord over all kings on the earth. By Him their counsels are overruled and to Him they are accountable. Has any of them ever been able to hide from Gods justice and wrath?
    We are to consider the sudden removal of others as a warning to ourselves-repent or perish. “Unless you repent, you too will perish” (Luke 13).

    Our problems in this world is we leave God out and take God out of everything. Our pride has deceived us, we believe the foolish wisdom of the world even though all their senseless knowledge has always turned to nonsense. We don’t think it is worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God so we are filled with evil, greed, depravity, murder, just inventing more ways to do evil (Rom 1). If we KNEW God, His unchanging character, His power, strength, sovereignty, omnipotence, would we not submit to Him and stop resisting Him? The problem is we have Christian substitutes, church attendance, tithe, good works, but we don’t KNOW God as Lord of our lives and we don’t do what He says.

    God is the Alpha and Omega, who was and is and is to come. God created everything, everything He created is from Him, through Him and for Him. He is the first and the last, He is the beginning and the end of all things. God is eternal and unchangeable, what He did before He will do again. There are mysteries about God we will never know till we get to heaven. But when you KNOW God, when you have applied and experienced the perfection of His truth, you know enough to sustain you.

    Jesus said, “No one is good except God alone.” God call us evil, compared to Him. Jesus is the only good thing in us and God gets all the credit for anything good we do. Everything good we have is from God alone. Evil hates and wants to destroy all that is good because it is from God. Evil is always trying to attack Gods people, Gods goodness, God truth, Gods heart.

    God has always used evil as a tool to purify us, punish and discipline us, wake us up so we repent and don’t perish. He allows evil and He controls it.
    We overcome evil by continuing to do good, living IN CHRIST, and not compromising with evil or enabling and tolerating it. Teaching truth to our kids to discern evil from good. We are to hate evil! We are to stand and fight for truth and justice.

    “God is good, ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy for all that call upon Him and ask for help.”

    Thanks Jeff!

    1. Politics is a subject, like auto maintenance, like plumbing. You may know the Bible and all the promises of God, but if you do not understand how to fix a broken pipe and a busted radiator, you will eventually be without running water or transportation. Man does not live by bread alone, but he does need bread. We also need political understanding (prudence) to fix our political problems. God will not make our plumbing work any more than he will make our politics work if we are political illiterates. He gave us brains and hands to fix things, and that includes the fixing of broken polities.

      1. Politics is a subject of people with the power to bring ruin, disease, destruction and death to a people and country. Building on a foundation of lies instead of truth causes a country to crumble into a million pieces. How can someone be a proper politician or leader without fearing God? He has no true wisdom, knowledge or understanding to guide a people in freedom, they themselves are led astray and so they are misleading a people down the path of destruction.
        If I go to a mechanic to fix a tire and he drains all the oil out of my car and it is destroyed? Do I pay him? Do I allow him to work on my car ever again?
        Yes, we have brains and hands but we don’t use them to keep evil out. Is God not just in bringing a famine on a land that allows its politicians to kill and destroy lives because we never did anything to fix it?
        Jeff you know more and our better qualified than any politician. God gave us the right men to save us, but we settled for bread and circuses.

        Thanks Jeff

      2. In politics, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That’s why our Founding Fathers established a limited form of government, with checks and balances. Since men can be corrupted, we do not give them unlimited power. That is one aspect to political science. But here we have a problem where our politicians are finding ways around those limits. And we have limited tools and limited time to do it. You can pray for our deliverance, but we have to act. And before we act, we have to know who our friends and enemies are. This is also political science.

    1. He is primarily concerned about a big one pending for Tokyo, but mentions in passing a “Global” event. If mag 10s occur simultaneously in multiple locations, consider the implications of mega tsunamis traveling in all directions.

      1. The Hilina Slump is the Southwest corner of the Big Island, Havvai’i. It’s not a matter of if but of when it will drop off into the ocean. If the submerged ledge holds, there will be a tsunami. If the ledge collapses, there will be a tsunami 1,500 feet high, all the way to Vietnam.

  17. [Excerpts]

    “In every area,” Holt stressed, “the Chinese are not only making deals favorable to the Chinese and their interests, but also to second and third order interests.” These include Russia and Iran, he explained. “And if you look through that prism, things start to explain themselves.”

    “For example, we’re not going to take Iran to task on anything, because we’d be messing with China’s oil supplier,” Holt told WND. “That’s why we’re doing nothing more than throwing rocks at the [Iranian-backed] Houthis instead of just ending them.” Thus, explains Holt, Chinese interests are being protected.

    “We also have a wide-open southern border that compromises American security,” he added. “Fentanyl is killing the country, but once again, it’s the Chinese alliance with the cartels that makes China off limits.”

    “When you look at these incompetencies or malevolencies, is this administration doing anything that’s not helpful to Chinese interests?” Holt asked. “The only saving grace we have is that the Chinese regime seems to be coming down under its own weight economically.”

  18. Hello, m-r Nyquist. I am interested not only in geopolitics but in military affairs too. What do you think about the possibility of NATO and Israel winning WW3? Do you think Russia and China will lose, bearing in mind their enormous mafia and political influence over the West? On the other side, why, in your opinion, the Russian air defense doesn’t stop Ukrainian drones which attack Russian infrastructure like oil depots?

    1. Drones are small and hard to track, so they can get through defenses. And yes, it is possible the west and Israel could win a war against their enemies. There are many factors, and it’s hard to tell how it could play out.

      1. I wonder what Jimmy thinks of some of Trumps comments on Putin and Russia. Though we are doomed if Biden wins again, I do worry about what Trumps intentions are when it comes to Russia. To be clear, I do not buy into the Russian collusion thing, but he’s said some disconcerting things lately.

      2. Trump’s role is to discredit conservatives. All these bogus prosecutions will be defeated, as the real offenses are ignored, such as Trump’s braggadocio about how great he is for Operation Warp Speed, which has killed 10 million Americans to date, while we coincidentally, now have 10 million illegal aliens in the United States.

      3. Trump did not try to force the fake vaxx on people. Blaming him for the vaxx deaths is utterly absurd, and in character for you.

  19. i’d consider this interview rather enlightening regarding peterson. it sticks to science and politics without delving into spiritualism, however. in this interview peterson is debating the left’s most prominent intellectual.

    when peterson comes at risk of being demonstrably wrong, he uses his force of personaltiy and intellectuality to bully destiny but then quickly brings himself back into line. more significantly, peterson points out at the end of the interview that destiny is clearly more concerned with being “right” than being factually accurate.

    the interview shows peterson at his real-time “general intellectual” best.

    1. “Destiny” is the left’s leading intellectual? What a world. I remember when he wasn’t even top 5 Zerg in Starcraft2. So he’s apparently built on that dead game to propel himself here? And his failed bisexual polyamorous marriage shows he’s a degenerate.

      1. lol. i never said i was impressed. i started subbing to leftist media to try to better understand the progressive perspective and almost immediately noticed that they don’t have any highly influential thinkers outside a handful of elderly communist professors. they also don’t have any prominent media voices that most leftists would readily recognize outside of destiny. leftist media is mainly a smattering of various greater or lesser intellectuals on the left who spend their energies engaging in poorly contextualized personal attacks on rightwing media hosts.

      2. Now that is interesting Tom B. This is your summary after following the leftists? So it all comes now to Noam Chomsky and his epigones. And these epigones are decided inferior? (By the way, when forced to read Chomsky in graduate school I found him dull, dishonestly propagandistic, and shallow. I could not understand why these leftist professors thought him the “cutting edge.”)

    2. Thanks for sharing. Peterson is interesting a effective in this kind of setting, though I am always surprised when educated people pronounce “often” by emphasizing the “t.” In all my dictionaries the pronunciation given for often is “ofen.” Just something that annoys me as I watch people use English in public. It doesn’t matter if they change the language on their own, for whatever reason. Right?

      1. In the dictionaries I’ve seen often is one of the pronunciations along with ofen. Those in my circles have always pronounced it often.

      2. These must be new dictionaries. My grandfather’s 1943 Webster’s International Dictionary says “ofen.” If you go back sixty years I think you aren’t going to find “of-ten” in any of them. That is called changing the language.

      3. PS – You will really drive me crazy if you start saying “sof-ten” rather than “sof-en.” English words have never been pronounced the way they are spelled. That’s what they have in German. Not in English.

  20. Back when I was a university student, I took a year long survey of world religions presented by the philosophy department. I figured that unlike much of western philosophy developed by eggheads in ivory towers, religions are the philosophies brought to the street. As it was the philosophy department, they concentrated on those religions that have extensive philosophical writings. That leaves out tribal religions that don’t have writing.

    Of those that have religious texts, I found it interesting that all were based on the same philosophical thought patterns as the ancient Greek philosophers—Aristotle and Plato. There are two main exceptions.

    The first that I’ll mention is the occult. It has an openly spiritual nature devoid of philosophical theorizing. Some of it is openly Satanic. It is amoral. Intellectual consistency is unimportant, so that members can contradict themselves and otherwise be logically wacky, and it’s no big deal. As a result, they can infiltrate other movements.

    The other not mentioned is the Bible. Its teachings use the same tools from logic that are used in western philosophy, but in a different context. I finally came to the conclusion that the Bible was omitted was not so much from enmity, though there is some of that too, but mainly because they don’t understand it.

    Western philosophy is ahistorical, based on form. The present is the key to the past. Form has given us formal logic, geometry in math, and the problem of uniting universals with individuals (e.g. what form defines a chair?).

    The Bible teaches a philosophy that is based on history and function. The past is the key to the present. Look at how people have acted in the past, and you can predict how they will act in the present. Therefore careful and accurate records of the past are important. Combine history with function, and we get morality—God who created us therefore has the right to define good and evil. From function we also got modern science with its limitations, which is now being destroyed by modern “scientists” who hate its limits.

    A little known historical fact is that Luther was indirectly involved with the Copernican revolution in science, he sent two of his professors to work with Copernicus and to get his book published. This is just one of many examples of Biblical thought being applied to the material world.

    The record of the past, of the evils of which men are capable because they have been done in the past, inform us of the evils possible from Putin and Chi. The history of the occult informs us that we need to watch out for their infiltration into our thinking and groups. Communism with its chameleon like shape shifting and infiltration acts much like the occult without the spiritual aspect, officially. History also informs us of what happens to societies that abandon morality. Those who study the Bible and learn its lessons, then look at the present moral and political scene, are more likely than others to see World War III on the horizon.

    1. I think we need to be objectively fair in our assessment of the ancient pagans. They were not overt Satan worshippers. They did not even believe in Satan in the sense that Christians believe. While every religion has “devils” or malevolent entities, they generally worshipped “gods” who were not conceived of as devils. Of course, pagan religions did not emphasize the same moral ideas as Christianity (see Lecky’s “History of European Morals”). Pagans did have a moral code, and we see much of that reflected in Aristotle’s “Ethics” and the writings of Cicero. Pagan ethics often emphasized the four cardinal virtues, with an emphasis on virtue rather than being concerned with sin and vice etc. If we read Plato and Xenophon, especially about Socrates, or if we read Cicero, we find that the pagan religions almost certainly derived from shamanism, and from the extension of shamanistic “visions.” As such, pagan practice was centered on festivals, oracals, on watching for signs and omens, the flight of birds, the cutting open of sacrificial animals to examine the entrails, astrology, etc. They were looking for messages from the divine and were concerned in communicating with superior non-human beings. It was St. Augustine, probably borrowing from the “Asclepius” and other Hermetic writings, who said that all the pagan gods were “demons.” The pagans, in their turn, accused Christians of atheism because they Christians not beleive in what pagans considered to be widely accepted manifestations of divinity. The argument was ultimately resolved by the Emperor Theodosius in favor of the Christians. Under theodosius the pagan temples were closed and destroyed, the priests killed or driven off. Within that generation the Western Roman Empire collapsed and was overrun by barbarian invasions (and Rome was sacked). The word “pagan” used for the polytheistic belief systems of the Mediterranean world is actually an insult, since the word means “ignorant country dweller.” The Christians were, according to Max Weber, predominently city dwellers and persons of the middle class. (Weber denied Niezsche’s claim that Christianity was a slave religion, and Weber’s scholarship is hard to argue with). Christianity spread through the cities first, and was adopted by middle class families. (It is interesting that Aristotle thought the best class was the middle class, since having too little or too much could distort a person’s character). It is interesting that Christianity has been a mainstay of the middle class in Western society, especially in America; that is, until recently, as the middle class sent its children to school with the Marxists — which now spreads through the urban areas like Christianity once did.

  21. Tried to reply to user THE concerning “There is no predicting specific chaotic pole shift idiosyncrasies.” but it didn’t seem to accept the comment.

    I’ll try dropping it here.

    Charles Hapgood tried to push the Earth Crust Displacement. Yet, couldn’t
    find a mechanism to unlock the crust from the low velocity zone.

    A strong enough nova will do that by pushing the moon away enough to
    allow a tilt until the orbit corrects itself. Hapgood never mentioned the
    moon. The moon is what keeps Earth from tilting and rolling like a ball
    around the sun. Without the moon, experts estimate the Earth’s tilt could
    increase as high as 45°

    It’s also worth mentioning that each planets orbit gets pushed farther out
    with each nova event. Maybe that’s why Earth was warmer…closer to the

    And smaller? Less gravity giving rise to large flora and fauna,
    dinosaurs? The new Zealand island chain make Pangaea a problem. Why?
    New Zealand island chain was once part of South America and fits nicely.
    You can even see the smudge/smear as it spread away.
    This arrangement works best on an expanding globe.

    Doug Vogt collected ancient mythologies speaking of the Earth stopping and
    spinning the other way. The book of Job, I believe, speaks of the sun not
    setting for an entire day and in Peru they speak of the sun not rising for
    24 hours. Doug’s Diehold Foundation series 4 goes into this very much.
    All of Series 4 is fascinating.

    The Legends of the Last Great Flood & Nova and How Some People Survived It

    Whether the planet sloshes like a drunk or stops and spins the other way,
    continental flooding will occur. The giant deep sea continental shelf
    canyons that go to the bottom of the ocean floor prove this. And no it
    was not slow melt. The Navy Alvin discovered boulders and trees
    splintered into pieces within the canyons near the Carolinas. This was
    rapid water run off as if it were going over a continent and draining off
    the sides back into the abyss.

    As far as predicting “chaotic pole shift idiosyncrasies” yes they are.
    The main way is reading the field-lines of polarity embedded in the ocean

    6000yrs – Noah Event

    12,000yrs – Gothenberg

    18,000yrs – Hilina Pali

    24,000yrs – Lake Mungo

    12000 yr full cycle and 6000yr half cycle excursions.

    1 Solar Cycle = 11.06 years (re-synchronizing frequency)
    8 Solar Cycles = 88.735 years (synchronizing frequency)

    Knows as a Gleissberg Cycle

    136 Gleissberg Cycles = 12,068 years (All geared to the main clock cycle)

    There again is revealed the main clock cycle.

    This would mean we exist in a synchronous system, and that is very
    interesting in and of itself.

    Series 4, Introduction, Causes of the Ice Age and Nova, the Greatest
    Secret of the United States

    And it’s the end of the Maya cycle and the end of the Hindu Kali Yuga.

    The Coming of Kalki

    And I’m seeing a lot of new apocalyptic sites emerging. For example:

    All this and the coming World War has put me off my tea.

    -Bill Freeman

  22. People need to realize we are not dealing with humans we are dealing with a spirit that influences them. Is it the Holy Spirit-the spirit of truth? Is it an evil spirit-the spirit of deception?
    Jesus dealt with the evil spirits influencing people, He prayed and set people free from the evil spirit causing physical and mental weaknesses in people many times. Jesus instantly set them free from being bound by Satan for years and lifetimes.
    One must accept the truth that we all have to choose for Jesus to deliver us from the power of evil and it’s influence and rescue us from the power of the dominion of darkness through redemption and forgiveness of sins. We must choose to accept Jesus into our hearts and lives, being filled with the Holy Spirit and seeking Him and His truth to help us continually, to keep us free in mind, body, spirit.

    People are destroyed from not knowing the truth and rejecting it. (Hosea 4:6). You must acknowledge there are church leaders that lack discernment and lead whole congregations astray. They teach lies and mislead people down paths that destroy their lives, homes, families, communities. They are tolerant and silent on evil and what’s right and their congregations and communities are being deceived, consumed, slaughtered.

    People need to know what God says and His truth for themselves, so they can know what He says and discern between good and evil. If you listen to humans, ask what spirit influences this person? Is it a spirit of deception or a spirit of truth? Does what they say line up with what God says? We are all capable of being blind in areas.

    Thanks Jeff

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