Truth is a power. But one can see that only in rare instances, because it is suffering and must be defeated as long as it is truth. When it has become victorious others will join it. Why? Because it is truth? No, if it had been for that reason they would have joined it also when it was suffering. Therefore, they do not join it because it has power. They join it after it has become a power because others had joined it.

Søren Kierkegaard

Many people do not care for the truth, except when the truth wins – because they are all about winning. When lies prevail, they want to get on the bandwagon and embrace the lies. For them, even the lies do not matter. It is the bandwagon that matters most to them. The saddest thing, of course, is when the truth finally prevails and attracts these people to its banner. Gifted at exploiting what others fought and bled for, they get their dirty fingers all over the truth. What, then, prevails? When inferior souls hijack a victorious truth, that truth becomes adulterated. It is then soiled by dirty fingers. And then, over time, the truth becomes an empty word. It becomes a “truism.” And, in the end, it ceases to be true. It turns into a stale dogma under an Empire of Lies.

This sort of thing is always happening – in government, in religion, in science. You might ask why this sort of thing is tolerated. But that would be the wrong question. The adulteration of the truth is widely celebrated, proudly looked back on, and eagerly anticipated; for so hateful is the truth to the vulgar mob, they are always crucifying it. Famously so.

Take, for example, the truth about rainbows. The Bible says God gave us rainbows as a promise that he would not destroy humanity in a second Deluge. Today, of course, people use rainbows to symbolize racial tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism, etc. Ironically, however, our modern rainbow effectively stops the melting pot from melting the various rainbow components into one solid national color. We are reminded that Jesus loved the little children – all the children of the world:

“Red and yellow, black and white;
“They are precious in his sight.
“Jesus loves the little children of the world.”

But the followers of Karl Marx want all the little children to murder one another for past wrongs. For Marx’s followers, the rainbow signifies a very different promise. It is the promise that red, yellow, and black will destroy white and, by destroying white, destroy civilization. Marx originally envisioned a class war accomplishing this goal.

The Program of the Communist Party calls for a coalition of minorities and women with which to transform America into a socialist commonwealth. The objective of this “rainbow coalition” is to bring about a New Deluge which drowns humanity in blood by turning tolerance into intolerance. The Marxists have turned the symbol of God’s reconciliation with man into a symbol glorifying man’s irreconcilability.

Why would anyone do this? First, because they have dirty fingers and dirty intentions. As with everything else, the policy followed is one that perverts everything and anything. Today’s rainbows pretend to have many colors; but alas, they are only red (the color of communism and martial law). Mankind will drown in blood as race opposes race, as poor oppose rich, as women oppose men, as religion attacks religion. And it does not end there.

The process of destruction is not engendered by accident. The Universe is not the product of random chance. The structure of the Universe has been ordained. Limitations have been placed on all living creatures, including man. But the rebel, the revolutionary, rejects these limitations. He rejects Nature, through which all limitations are manifest. One might say that limitation is the Great Truth of this world; that is, birth and death, linked by a short span of years.

The Marxist does not appreciate this Great Design. His creed rejects birth and death, linked by a short span of years. He impotently rages against it. Ultimately, his doctrine is one of non-acceptance, of naysaying, of negation. He is not a good sport. He sees no lesson, no higher meaning, in anything. His impulse is to destroy. His motto is, “I am not what I am.” Therefore, as all humans are born into a tribe, he teaches the rejection of the tribe. As all humans are born to a particular class, he teaches them to reject class. Although all humans are born either male or female, he teaches the rejection of male and female.

What remains? A poor sad creature without a country or tribe, without a place in society, that is neither man nor woman. And if this creature is still a human being, he may not be human for long. The logic of this process, which is antihuman at its core, leads beyond transgenderism. It leads directly to transhumanism and the destruction of the human race.

Jimmy From Brooklyn – On Last Chances

A Tale of Two Americas

In the opening comment I mispoke and referred to January 6 as January 1. Setting that aside, it’s an important discussion.

Jeff Nyquist and Alex Benesch Discuss U.S. Civil War Scenarios

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90 thoughts on “Evil Rainbows

  1. I just revisited information about Marina Kalashnikova. It seems that she was among the few anti-communist believers who tried to warn us about the fake collapse of USSR and communism. It is unfortunate that the Soviets assassinated her.

    It seems that your name is on the article.

  2. Dear Jeff and Friends, speaking about lies I’d like to take advantage of me being one of the earliest commenters and share my very nasty and ominous experience related to the discussion about Grand Solar Minimum. I intended to write about that six months ago but, meantime I travelled extensively to Europe and my native Poland and upon returning I had to prepare to and was relocating to me new place in Melbourne so I’ve forgotten about that a bit. However, I’ve begun to write the letters about GSM to prominent and conservative members of the Australian Parliament and other conservative public figures both in Australia and Poland as well I realized that the menace is still lingering and even growing behind the wall of our forgetfulness.

    Around six months ago I watched YouTuber and researcher Tom Nelson conducting an interview with prof. Valentina Zharkova in which Zharkova corroborated her thesis about incoming GSM and subsequent severe Global Cooling. In that interview, she also managed to smuggle the sinister piece of information about the Sun itself.

    According to Zharkova, the axle around the Sun rotates is no longer in the middle of the sun ball but has moved few dozen of thousands kilometers aside and the Sun is now rotating eccentrically. One can only imagine, or it is rather beyond our imagination, how disrupted are processes occurring inside the Sun itself. Perhaps this is the reason for the appearance of those gigantic, irregular sun spots, some of which reach three hundred thousands kilometer in diameter and also increasingly violent Coronal Mass Ejections.

    What struck and puzzled me though, that prof. Zharkova never mentioned the unusual alignment of the four giant planets who have positioned themselves on one side of the Sun as the obvious and the only reason for those irregularities. Neither Tom Nelson asked her about that.


    In fact, none of the YouTubers and researches producing their analyses about the current state of the Sun’s activity aren’t mentioning the planetary giants. The only researcher who pointed on the giant planets as the reason for Sun’s irregular functioning is David DuByne on his vlog Adapt 2030 in his conversation with Mr. Nyquist.

    Without taking into consideration that factor, the entire discussion about the genesis of the incoming GSM seems to be pointless.

    Finally, one of the smarter and more discerning commenters asked that obvious question:
    “OK, what about the giant planets? What influence do they have on those processes Zharkova is talking about?”

    And another, equally smart and discerning commenter responded: “Much greater than people realize.”

    So I wrote my own response to the first guy: “Dear Friend, if you venture into the website, you will notice that all the giant planets have aligned themselves on one side of the Sun. One doesn’t have to be an astronomer or astrophysicist to realize immediately that such an unusual planetary configuration causes profound disruptions in the gravitational dynamics of the entire Solar system, the Sun and the Earth included. I wonder, why those astronomers who are observing the movements of the planets for centuries already and are perfectly capable of calculating their angle speed haven’t been warning us for at least fifty years that those giants will start congregating on one side of the Sun ad that means trouble. We would have enough time to prepare ourselves for any eventuality and, perhaps, survive.”

    Driven by curiosity whether any of those gentlemen responded to my post, I returned to Tom Nelson’s canal the next day only to discover that my post HAS BEEN DELETED! I was, obviously, surprised and shocked by that act of vandalism as I never offended, insulted or threated anyone. I just stated an obvious and easily verifiable cosmic fact.

    However, I immediately smelled some kind of nasty game from YouTube’s censors.

    So I wrote that post again and checked in after four hours and it was gone again. Then I wrote it the third time and after two hours it was gone again.

    For me, it was a proof that THE BEAST is watching this discussion closely to make sure that that crucial piece of information will not reach a wider audience which is barbarically ignorant, anyway.

    Tghis incident made me also grasp why Zharkova refrains from talking about the giant planets. I suspect that some important individuals in the British government body responsible for funding Zharkova and her institute’s research must have told them specifically not mention the planetary giants under the threat of cutting the funding for their research. There is no other plausible explanation for Zharkova’s omission of that ABSOLUTELY FUNDAMENTAL cosmic fact.

    If Zharkova pointed clearly on the giants as the reason for all those irregularities, the entire GLOBAL WARMING SCAM would collapse within seconds. Otherwise, her findings are being constantly questioned at every possible venue.

    Apart from severe global cooing as a consequence of GSM there is an increasing threat of a prolonged Solar Storm that could last for weeks and even for months. David DuByne talked about that as well.

    For example; J.R.Dunn from conservative “American Thinker” blog wrote an article about the massive Coronal Mass Ejection that happened on 12th March 2023 and whose energy was ten to hundred times more powerful than that which took place in 1859 which is known as “Carrington Event” and which damaged primitive, at that time, communication equipment around the entire world.

    Luckily for us, on 12th March the Earth found herself on the other side of the Sun, otherwise, the world’s entire electrical and electronic infrastructure would be destroyed and the humanity would be thrown back into caves.

    Unfortunately, as the irregularities of the Sun’s activity seems to be intensifying, the possibility of one of those massive Coronal Mass Ejections could hit us as well especially if those single solar events degenerate into a prolonged solar storm.

    I decided to produce such a long post because it illustrates on of the aspects of THE BIG LIE that has descended upon us and which Mr. Nyquist is writing about.

    Regards – Bogdan

  3. By the way: I checked Tom Nelson’s interview with Zharkova three days ago whether those two guys, the one who asked the original question and the other who responded to him are still in the commentary section. And both of them are GONE!
    We have absolutely NO DOUBTS now about the nature of the GAME.


    Marxism and Islam are, as I wrote few weeks ago, are two major PARASITIC ideologies that THE BEAST utilizes in ITS fight against us.

    In the, above described case, it is THE BEAST’s ECOFASCIST head that is controlling the narrative about Grand Solar Minimum and its consequences.

    Regards – Bogdan

    1. I know the Russians and Chinese are aware of the Grand Solar Minimum. They had a big conference about it in China, in 2018. It may be the real reason they started prepping for war. But the sun’s motions are complex. Winters have been milder than I was led to think, and the Earth is in a shooting gallery where a single hit puts us in the Dark Ages.

  4. And another observation I’d like to share: Let’s hope that there won’t be any “mini ice age” or no powerful solar flare will strike the Earth and we will avoid the worst case scenario. However, there could be a significant prolonged drop of world’s temperature of 2,5 -3.0 degrees Celsius, which Zharkova defined as the most optimistic scenario.
    Even such a moderate cooling would cause a dramatic raise of demand for the energy materials and the oil and gas in particular. Subsequently, it would cause equally dramatic raise in prices of gas and oil with price of oil jumping to 250-300 Dollars per barrel.
    Needless to say that the so called “Western civilization” would be an enormous loser while oil and gas producers and especially the Putinist Russia would be winners. This would allow Putin to fill his empty coffers again and rebuild his shattered economy and, obviously, military.
    I suspect that Putin knows about the incoming Grand Solar Minimum and its consequences.
    Why wouldn’t he? After all he’s got his own astronomers and astrophysicists and they have just told him.
    This eventuality raises my hair as I observe our own EUNUCHALIAN political figures and journalists babbling incoherently and without the end about protecting our environment and how to maintain a robust economy without gas, oil ana atom.
    The ignorance of those people is just mind blowing.

    Regards – Bogdan

    1. This was recently posted on suspicious observers site,
      Been around since 2015


      This is also fascinating.

      From what I understand is that shell is about to be blown off.

      The magnetic poles are converging.

      -Bill Freeman

      1. Hi Jeff,

        Yes I do. It seems to be cyclical. The Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis are one thing.
        There are two debated scenarios I’m trying to sort out. One is that the Earth tilts over 90 degrees. The other is that the planet stops and starts spinning the other way.
        If the planet tilts toward the sun that would mean the blast has disrupted the moons orbit relative to the Earth. If that were ever to be permanent I suspect life would be wiped out.

        Interestingly, the ones that propose that an asteroid hit the planet. I think it was a chunk of the nova shell.

        This is a look at the local bubble. That bubble is hypothesized to be from an old dead star, but I suspect it’s from our star having cyclical nova events throughout time. Every 12,000+- years.

        Plato The Statesman.

        “there are two cycles of the world, and in one of them it is governed by an immediate Providence, and receives life and immortality, and in the other is let go again, and has a reverse action during infinite ages. This new action is spontaneous, and is due to exquisite perfection of balance, to the vast size of the universe, and to the smallness of the pivot upon which it turns. All changes in the heaven affect the animal world, and this being the greatest of them, is most destructive to men and animals. At the beginning of the cycle before our own very few of them had survived; and on these a mighty change passed.”

        Doug Vogt had a interesting perspective on it.

        Sadly Doug passed away recently.

        -Bill Freeman

      2. I have read some in this area, though much is speculative, there are catastrophes referred to in ancient writings and in various legends. Many fragments from ancient writers refer to multiple mass extinctions of people and animals.

  5. (Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut)

    At Victor Ziegler’s Christmas party:

    Bill Harford, getting irritated by those two flirtatious models: “Ladies, where exactly are we going – exactly?”

    First model: “Where the rainbow ends.”

    Bill Harford: “Where the rainbow ends?”

    Second model: “Don’t you want to go where the rainbow ends?”

    Bill Harford: “Well, now, that depends where that is.”

    1. The rainbow ends where 25 percent of generation Z say they intend to change their gender at some point. A statistic I discovered while writing the article.

      1. Before long, uncorrupted people who haven’t yet lost their minds might be hunted down as anti-social dinosaurs, who by their dangerously outdated, reactionary attitudes deserve to be killed. The rest will keep dancing in rainbow-coloured la-la land until the Grim Reaper, with a hammer in one hand, a sickle in the other and a Red Star on his budenovka cap, stands at their door, claiming his due. – Rien ne va plus!

    2. Western occultism is largely a farce, while Catholic Church and Orthodox Church both hold actual power and secret knowledge in mysticism. Unfortunately, both Churches have been under control of communists in a secret war of wiping out mystical opposition that ended with the seizure of Tibet and independence of India.

      Western occultists, non-affiliated with both Churches, are merely imitating what they think is the real, hidden knowledge in prescience and paranormality.

  6. Jeff, I always enjoy hearing Jimmy from Brooklyn interviews. I echo his encouragement to all of us to educate yourself on the threat today and for folks to read these books, including the Marxist publications, and pass them on to family and friends.
    I highly recommend “Covert Cadre: Inside The Institute For Policy Studies” by S. Steven Powell.
    I also look forward to Jimmy’s work on getting his documentation out on the internet soon.

    Another book to add to my growing library will be “None Dare Call it Treason” by John A. Stormer.

    I pray daily for guys like you and Jimmy and Trevor who are doing their part in educating the masses in America who are ignorant of what is happening, ie, the infiltration, the decline of our Republic.

  7. I have vehemently opposed my own children having this application and explained to them over a year ago the owner and ties to the Communist Party in China and data collection involved.
    They both know from early in their childhood what I speak of as their mother and I fought Common Core (Commie Core) curriculum implemented and still prevalent in public schools here in Missouri as most of the country.

    Anyway, a great webinar for those interested in the work of some great minds (including Jeff as a contributor from time to time).

      1. We know what you meant. And what you want. And how impishly gleeful you are to see God’s bow hijacked for nefarious symbolic purposes by your comrades, and how you look forward to the day those who fell for those evil symbols are crushed under the Communist boot. Your statement was one of eager anticipation.

    1. No more rainbows, but one big, bloody Red Dawn: the final apotheosis of this evil trickster, Karl Heinrich Marx (who actually died 141 years ago today).

      1. I saw a meme posted on the anniversary of Marx’s death about him making his greatest contribution to the world on that day.

  8. @BOGDAN JODKOWSKI: You’re on to something grander than we can perceive. I have an opportunity to know about Chinese defectors who disclosed to me on how the communists in China are even more mystical and believing in occults more than we do. Illuminati, Egyptian magic, Kabbalah are all bullcraps to the global communists as these Western methods are occultist fantasy not real mystic arts. The real magic, mystical capital of the world is in Tibet. China under Mao conquered the Tibet for this very reason because the amount of hidden knowledge on mystics and astronomy is massive in Tibet. Buddhists and Hindus are the real mystics of the world, and some communist elites believe that India was the remnant of an advanced, human civilization from previous cycle (kalpa). Babylonian, Near East, Egypt mysticism are largely ripping off from India. China also had the same mysticism systems in Taoism and folk religions that later developed in parallel with Indo subcontinent mysticism. Everything that Chinese leaders do always coinciding with their mystic arts of Fengshui all the way to the advanced mysticism in Tibet. There are mountains in China where real Taoist sages live to supply the Chinese communists with potential power. The Soviet Union/Russian Federation has been largely becoming a follower to China in the matter of mysticism as they have abandoned Western occultism as it is largely obsolete compared to the East. It wasn’t surprising when Bolsheviks spent a chunk of fund on finding the city of Shangri-La after succeeding in the October Revolution, while it is only the surface of the grander story.

    Chinese defectors also disclosed some facts that Chinese PLA has an entire department of mysticism that existed to collect intelligence in the West. It is so advanced that PLA mystics in Tibet can do astral projection to enter secret Western military bases or corporations to steal secrets. China has been gaining a massive advantage economically due to this method. Russia also learns from China as the microwave weapons in Cuba seems to emulate Chinese successes in mysticism to weaponize into a weapon of harm. During Vietnam War, it is rumored that the NVA used the mystics art to hypnotize and mind control the South Vietnamese elites into collaborators.

    All of this mysticism sounds all too outlandish to believe but there is one thing in common that mystics of all cultures do is astronomy. These mystics always calculate the celestial movements of the universe to determine the best course of action. China has the Fengshui and 12 Zodiac systems which even the invasion of Taiwan can only occur in a certain date with appropriate Zodiac year. 2024 is the year of the dragon which is also beneficial for someone born in the year of the snake like Xi Jinping.

    Solar Grand Minimum is definitely something that the global communists anticipated years ago but they purposely suppressed it after wiping out the Western mystic opposition. Any Western mysticism has devolved into occultism or fraud due to the communists want to hold a monopoly on mysticism globally. I believe this was done around 20th century which was totally completed in the Western defeat with the seizure of Tibet by the communists as well as the independence of India. The defeat comes with the significant decline in the knowledge of prescience in astronomy and astrology within the West. That’s why we can’t even perceive and understand how communists penetrated every aspect of the world today.

    1. You are using the terms, mysticism and magic, synonymously, while in fact they are exact opposites! The mystic says, “Thy will be done!” In contrast, the magician wants to dethrone God and grab all power for himself (as is true of communism and, by extension, of any left-handed path). Also, Hinduism is way too diverse and multi-layered as to be viewed as one coherent religion. There is very high philosophy, there is the most ecstatic mysticism also, but there certainly is the world of darkest sorcery, as well. As for Tibetan Tantrism, beware!

      Tibetan monks reciting:

      1. Mysticism or Magic is just Science that people have yet understood and mastered. That’s why I used the terms synonymously. Many true teachings of Jesus Christ have been twisted by evil people throughout centuries. The only way of walking with Christ is through spiritual means. Everyone throughout history studied and tried to harness the unknown, and we can categorize all of these into magic or mysticism. Eventually when it is truly mastered, the mystics will become scientific.

  9. To Grayknight – the symbol was invited by Harvey Milk, an American flag. American embassy is the only building waving this flag in many countries.

  10. Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent running blackmail operation. It is well documented. What is your evidence of communist connection?

    1. And Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA hitman, disguised as a temporary communist defector to the Soviet Union. His young Soviet wife Marina, whom he brought to the United States, was just an innocent neo-American housewife. And yes, only idiots believe the Americans ever landed on the moon!

      Ask Comrade Fabián Escalante!

    2. Harvey Milk, fellow traveler of socialists/Communists, such as Harry Britt, and…Jim Jones.

      Working for the same goals of Communists, like undermining and overthrowing Christian morality in America, as well as fostering division in society between a fake class -the serial perverts and degenerates- and decent, moral people.

      Wittingly or unwittingly, he was marching in step with the Marxists.

      And who is ultimately behind all rebellion against good and right, to whom the Marxists and the serial degenerates are enslaved? Just who is the father of lies?

      Poor, wretched knhacker8. You have done tremendous damage to your soul, and you are too blind to see it.

    3. It is interesting that the FSB is obsessed with portraying Epstein as Mossad-connected. One assumes the purpose of this is to partially admit the truth, that he was working for an intelligence agency, but then divert it at the last minute.

      1. That makes perfect sense as to why they do it. And ther innate hatred of Jews makes Mossad the logical intelligence agency to associate him with in deflection from themselves.

      2. What Epstein was doing with underage girls is so morally objectionable that it is doubtful Israel would have risked that kind of espionage against an ally. The Soviets, on the other hand, actively worked to develop pedophile networks. One should consider KGB activities in Thailand as decisive.

  11. Hello Mr. Nyquist, i saw an interview where you talked about a book, “The morning of the Magicians” and about what one of your sources from the Soviet Union said about the connections- between the green dragon / Tibetans and the Soviet Union. Unfortuntatley the interviewer interrupted you

    1. “Morning of the Magicians” is not an entirely reliable text. There are Soviet connections to Tibet — an attempt to manipulate the Tibetan religion. On the other hand, there is the strange claim, from a Russian source, that there are Sanskrit texts in Russian possession about Tibet controlling various empires by use of black magic — manipulating the Third Reich and the Soviet Union. It’s intriguing but I would put no store in it unless the documents in question are authenticated.

  12. “Therefore, as all humans are born into a tribe, he teaches the rejection of the tribe. As all humans are born to a particular class, he teaches them to reject class. Although all humans are born either male or female, he teaches the rejection of male and female.” Ultimately, what the Marxists reject is the very concept of truth, the universal, absolute truth. All that counts is power. Culture, tribe, class, even male and female, all are concepts based on truth. Reject truth, then anything goes. “Anything” includes all the evils of communism. In rejecting truth, they persecute those who accept that there is a universal, absolute truth, that which is taught in the Bible. No one is more a threat to communism and its rejection of the truth therefore persecuted than one who recognizes that the Bible is the truth. And equally hated though easier to recognize are those who by their mere existence are evidence that the Bible is true, namely Jews; it’s sad that so many of them turn out to be traitors to the truth and their own people (e.g. Marx, Trotsky, etc.) Communists are not the only ones who reject truth.

  13. Jeff, just wanting your opinion if possible, I came across a paper from the City University of Hong Kong, the paper is about the Fall of the Ming Dynasty in 1644, the conclusions are the last Grand Solar Minimum that ran from 1350 to 1850 played a huge part. They also found famine contributed to social unrest, what i am finding as a huge surprise is the education system no longers talks about the last Grand Solar Minimum as well:

    1. They certainly know it is dangerous and inopportune to refer to Global cooling when their grand strategy, and its associated “carbon tax,” intends to suck the West dry.

    2. David Dubyne of Adapt 2030 has said that he originally went to China to study Chinese history. In it, he found that every major regime change happened during a period of global cooling. Historically, regime change with Chinese characteristics has not been pleasant to the old regime. In the article below he sums it up with “When you see the intensification of the Grand Solar Minimum, know this, China’s back will be against the wall. This is why they’re in Africa setting up food growing areas and this is why you’re seeing all this saber-rattling. The power base in China realizes that it is nearly finished unless it does something drastic to hold that power, and feed the people of China. What lengths will they go to, to feed the people, so they’re not overthrown?” Now take that in context with General Chi Haotian’s speech about moving a large portion of the Chinese population to the U.S., can we expect war here inside the U.S.?

      1. Jeff, just wanting to ask is it possible to ask Mr Wang on how much the Chinese Scientists know about the Grand Solar Minimum, also David DuByne (Adapt2030) recently did a video on which agriculture zones in the Northern Hemisphere will go offline in a Grand Solar Minimum and David Dubyne mentions Northern China which includes Heilongjang will be the first to go offline, is it possible to have Mr Wang examine David DuByne’s info on China on the Grand Solar Minimum in regards to the agriculture zones going offline as well?

    1. The Politico article on J.D. Vance contains the usual unrealistic leftist assessments. When an author is looking at a Republican Senator reflected in a far left Funhouse mirror, it’s hard to discern Vance’s real deficits. This is not a recommended exercise. Of course, Vance is ambitious and wants to make America a manufacturing power again, and he has some very good ideas. But he needs the Ukrainian Army to buy him the ten years he says he needs to retool the country. For if he loses Ukraine for us, Europe and Japan may fall to pressure from Russia and China. In that event he will not have the cash or the time to rebuild America. He will find us without allies, cut off from key resources, and bankrupt. Plus social unrest. Good luck with that, Senator.

      1. The text trailer at the beginning of the original Red Dawn movie (of 1984) wasn’t so unrealistic at all:

        – Soviet Union suffers worst wheat harvest in 55 years.
        – Labor and food riots in Poland. Soviet troops invade.
        – Cuba & Nicaragua reach troop strength goals of 500,000. El Salvador & Honduras fall.
        – Greens Party gains control of West German parliament. Demands withdrawal of nuclear weapons from European soil.
        – Mexico plunged into revolution.
        – NATO dissolves. United States stands alone.

        Unfortunately, all those great efforts during Reagan’s first term to inform the public about the communist threat (whether books or movies) were soon erased, dissolved into thin air, crossed out, by false Soviet liberalisation and “collapsible communism”. – Still worried about communism, in the age of “post-communism”? Go find a psychiatrist, PLEASE!

      2. Indeed! When I was at university, and turned down the communist’s recruitment offer, my actual opions were suddenly in the open. In my academic file, a psychiatric diagnosis was entered. I was deemd “schizophrenic.” They had already said I was brilliant plus, which put them in a difficult position. This earlier assessment had to be turned on its head. How to do that? They had to say I was mentally ill. Brilliant at moments, and crazy at the same time. Very simple. And there was no doubt. I would have been a very “important” and wealthy person had I accepted their kind offer. My career would have been made. But then, everything thenceforth would have been a lie. EVERYTHING. What would have happened to my sanity, then?

      3. “Indeed! When I was at university, and turned down the communist’s recruitment offer, my actual opions were suddenly in the open. In my academic file, a psychiatric diagnosis was entered. I was deemed ‘schizophrenic.’ They had already said I was brilliant plus, which put them in a difficult position. This earlier assessment had to be turned on its head. How to do that? They had to say I was mentally ill. Brilliant at moments, and crazy at the same time. Very simple. And there was no doubt. I would have been a very ‘important’ and wealthy person had I accepted their kind offer. My career would have been made. But then, everything thenceforth would have been a lie. EVERYTHING. What would have happened to my sanity, then?”

        Wow! They “diagnosed” you as schizophrenic! Unbelievable! But psychiatry is a weapon that isn’t just used in the overtly communist sphere. Yes, you would have had a splendid career (had you joined those subversives). You might have become Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor or something. Perhaps head of the CIA. Or some Henry Kissinger II.

        I too was manoeuvred out of my line of education many years ago. I had, however, been way too outspoken right from the beginning, and so there was only opposition and intrigue until I finally left. Same thing there: “You are admittedly brilliant, BUT …” And these conversations felt some modified form of Maoist struggle session. A combination of interrogation and forced psychological examination. They know their techniques. After I left, not one of my former colleagues ever bothered to give me a call and ask me about what had happened. They must have instinctively understood that I had been “sacrificed”. – Stay away from pariahs!

      4. The promise of worldly success is something most people do not pass up. Compromises are made. The decision not to compromise entails real sacrifices.

      5. But the decision to compromise also entails real sacrifices—sacrificing integrity, conscience. self-worth, everything that makes you a man.

  14. Just came across this item. Although a bit unrelated, the Russian government’s admitting their plan to “export chaos” is another penny in the jar.


    “Rather than being a concept or a strategy, it is more of a propaganda piece outlining Russia’s domestic problems and grievances with the West. The first chapter, titled General Background, asserts that the challenges confronting Russia are “similar to those of the Great Patriotic War.” It elaborates on how the West’s backing of Ukraine is impeding the rapid conclusion of the “special military operation,” suggesting that the West regards Ukraine as a major investment, with significant financial resources already committed. Consequently, the West is portrayed as unlikely to withdraw its support. The researchers additionally point out internal challenges within Russia, such as war-traumatized individuals returning from the frontlines, an uptick in the retirement age, stagnant wages and pensions, and escalated expenditures on the “special military operation.” The researchers highlight that these factors contribute to a rise in social tensions within Russia and reach a conclusion closely resembling the rhetoric of Putin’s former aide, Vladislav Surkov, before the full-scale invasion (archive):

    “[Social tension – author’s note] is the so-called social entropy, which is essentially chaos.

    Thus, to address the issue of social entropy within such a system of social relations, the most obvious solution would be to continue the policy of exporting chaos abroad – essentially alleviating domestic tensions through international expansion.

    In the historical context, Russia’s relinquishment of territories following the disgraceful Brest Peace, as well as after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, provides ample justification for spilling social tensions abroad for the purpose of internal consolidation.

    Hence, following the completion of the special military operation in Ukraine and the downfall of the Kiev regime, the confrontation between Russia and the West will not cease but rather escalate. In fact, we are witnessing the initial phase of the transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world, characterized by the emergence of various centers of influence and the demise of the West. Russia’s pursuit of its interests, however, will not proceed without impediment, given the centuries of the West’s colonial legacy.”

    1. This propaganda term of “unipolar vs multipolar” must be addressed and discredited.

      The coming Russia-China-led world order will not be “multi”-polar; it will be the most monolithic power system known to man. The current system is multipolar; if the United States wanted to, it could have invaded and occupied every nation on earth after WWII. It could have nuked Russia. It has not taken nearly as much power as it could have.

      That will all change with Russia and China – they are nations that take every single inch of power they can. People will long for the days of the “US-led” world order.

      1. If only the as-ever-megalomaniacal Germans could hear you! Sadly, trusting in their immense technological and economic competence alone (which, ironically, they have greatly undermined by their disastrous socialist policies ever since 1998), they seriously believe they can deal with Moscow as equals (betraying America in the process, needless to say).

        Yes, the world will painfully look back to the days under the indeed-benevolent hegemon of the United States and will cry its eyes out. Raw, brute force, in fact the law of the jungle, will replace any well-measured rule of law, and a human life will be worth nothing.

        The entire history of the 20th century could have taught us what’s awaiting the whole of mankind, should we not guard ourselves against totalitarianism. And yet, all those dreadful lessons seem to have been widely forgotten.

  15. Jeff, not sure if you can comment, according to David Dilley who is a former NOAA and US Air Force Meteorologist, the cooling has begun, by the way i think he would be worth interviewing as well. Also just wanting to mention, New Zealand got winter temperatures early as well, during the day it is 14 or 16 degrees, once the night comes it can plummet to 9 or 6 degrees.

    Link to slides:

    1. Dear MRALEX, here in Melbourne and practically in the entire Victoria the average Sommer temperatures for the last five – six years are ten to twelve degrees lower that they were at the beginning of this century. My observation of the temps across Australia are pretty perfunctory but they are lower about six to eight degrees.

      Only this March the temps are unexpectedly a bit higher but still six to eight degrees lower than before. The highest temperature in March here was thirty six degrees Celsius but it was just in one day and for two maybe three hours. We also have unusually cold Sommer nights with temperature sometimes falling to eight, nine degrees.

      Needless to say that the local ECOFASCISTS are HOWLING about allegedly unprecedented heat waves hitting Australia which is ridiculous considering the fact that at the beginning of this century we were experiencing real heat waves, every fortnight, lasting three – four days with temperature reaching forty two – forty four degrees Celsius.

      Also, I watched few weeks ago a very smart gentleman who was explaining the reason for the unusually hot Sommer in the Southern Europe. According to this scientist, it was the result of the gigantic eruption of Hunga Tonga volcano in January 2022 which ejected billions of tons of fine ash and droplets of steam to the height of almost fifty kilometers.
      The mixture of ash and steam have then spread across the entire Southern chemosphere and created a thin film from which the sun rays were being deflected Northwards and the wind from Sahara desert subsequently carried the heat mostly towards the Southern Europe.

      Unfortunately, I don’t have a link to the above presentation.

      I’m writing about that because the “United Nations” General Secretary, Guterres, attempted to exploit that anomaly to fuel the ludicrous panic about the non happening “Global Warming” and even using even more ridiculous term “Global Boiling”.

      Regards – Bogdan

      1. They are already adapting their propaganda for the case of global cooling: The latest hoax is that allegedly the Gulf Stream is slowing down (due to “climate change”, of course) and will cause catastrophic cooling for Europe.

        But most people (including corporations) are by now so brainwashed, they don’t think any more and won’t realise the obvious: Everything is now being “explained” by alleged anthropogenic climate change: Warming, cooling; floods, draughts; storms, no storms; take your pick.

        And so, they will continue with their lunatic project of economic suicide (Net Zero), no matter what. Entire countries have already adopted this madness as their actual state religion.

        As for that miserable club of fascist-imperialist-patriachal-misogynist-homophobic-xenophobic-Islamophobic Gaya-haters: THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED (by way of socialist “consensus”, but who cares). End of discussion.

      2. Yes. This is exactly right. The economic motor of the world (the free market), which upholds the dignity of man by averting the horrors of starvation, grinding poverty and political oppression, is vilified as being responsible for the weather — and for future weather as anticipated. “Science,” in this context, is propaganda science. Politicized science. But nobody with political clout can emerge to challenge it.

  16. Dear Jeff, allow me to refer to my strategic question that I put forward in my first post; What do you think about this abysmal, collective failure to predict and warn us about the current planetary alignment and is consequences? Was it a result of a some kind of a collective conspiracy or collective implosion of their scientific minds?

    I’m asking that seemingly ridiculous question because I’ve just given a second glance at your conversation with David DuByne. While viewing the commentary section I popped accidentally on the commenter who claimed that his grandmother who was a hobbyist astronomer told him some fifty years ago that in fifty years and that means now, all four planetary giants will align themselves on one side of the Sun and that would mean really big trouble.

    So it seems that some people like that granny astronomer were able to predict the current cosmic event. It is inconceivable that the entire army of astronomers and astrophysicists knew about it and failed to inform us. It is equally inconceivable that they didn’t know anything.

    Regards – Bogdan

    1. Bogdan: While researching “Origins of the Fourth World War” in 1988-9, I ran across news items about massive cheating and the falsifying of data in big science. Congress was then discussing laws and reforms, since government grants funded most of it. But the problem was, indeed, that whoever controlled the proposed “Office of Scientific Integrity” would be corrupted first and the situation would be worse. So they dropped the idea for fear of centralizing the corruption. Of course, the horrifying discovery I made in researching the effects of nuclear war showed massive scientific fraud. The nuclear winter TTAPS study was widely believed, yet I had read the conclusion of the government’s intensive study on the question — which everyone ignored — that showed no significant cooling from a full blown nuclear war. This was known before Sergie Tretyakov defected with testimony that nuclear winter was a KGB hoax. Before that, in 1984, a Soviet scientist had told Western authorities he was part of that hoax, and then was abducted by Soviet officials while at a conference in Spain. Now we see Annie Jacobsen with a new book on the horrifying effects of nuclear war, writing about nuclear winter bringing about the end of mankind. And she was told this by scientists and government officials. So, to answer your question, people are corrupt, they seek career advancement, they do not care about the truth as long as they are well paid, and they are willing to go along to get along. This should not surprise anyone. Most scientists are creatures of the institutions. Look how they behaved in the Third Reich. Unless they were Jews or communists, they did everything required of them. Real science is advanced by individuals. Bureaucratic science inevitably sinks into falsification. When the institutions are controlled by ideological socialists, what else would you expect? So, we are blind and our authorities have been co-opted. For grubby ideologues, corruption is the environment they love most.

      1. Thank you Jeff. Indeed, anything the so called “government” puts its claws on will be sooner or later subjected to corruptive process. This is apt to science, education, health and practically every aspect of human activity like art, for example.
        In Poland under the whip and boot of a communist regime any artist would have to prostitute himself or herself, more or less for the regime otherwise they wouldn’t be able to exist not to mention prosper.

        The awareness of that situation made me choose much more technocratic education and employment than I originally intended. As boy and later young man I dreamed about becoming a painter and then a science-fiction writer but it proved to be impossible for an individual with a bit stiffer spine like myself.

        There is no better example than both corruptive and, ultimately, degenerative processes happening within the so called “war on drugs”. This farse is not only corrupting politicians, police force, creating false employment but it has above all caused the drug producing countries like Columbia and later Mexico to collapse. Everything being funded by the American money. We are talking about THRILLIONS OF DOLLARS here!

        The most tragic aspect of that false human activity called “war on drugs” is the strategic shifting of an individual responsibility from the real perpetrator, a drug addict and eventually his or her parents who have failed to teach their children to be responsible towards the secondary link in that tragic chain, a drug producer and dealer. The collapse of individual responsibility is a moral equivalent of AIDS: An individual devoid of individual responsibility is susceptible to any social pathology and will be eternally incapable of recognizing his own culpability in his own destruction.

        Regards – Bogdan

      2. Nothing works with drugs, and when you legalize the less dangerous drugs the gateway is opened wider for the heroin and meth. I lived in Humboldt County for 23 years where marajuana was practially legal and the meth and heroin literally took over. People want to feel good and they will use it. So, what is the solution? If we legalized drugs, then we must prohibit the addicts from using hospitals or social services. California is being destroyed, and most of your homeless population are drug addicts — the nonfunctional ones. I think corporeal punishment and capital punishment are the only options if you want to stop this. But people would rather allow it, and all the loss of life and wealth in entails. If you support people in their addiction, you are removing the consequences. There has to be consequences.

    2. Jeff and Bogdan, you know what will happen with scientists who were proclaiming the catastrophic global warming when by the 2030’s the Grand Solar Minimum results in colder temperatures and famine, people will turn on them

    3. Bogdan,

      Jupiter and Saturn align every 20 years. Their alignment probably has a significant gravitational effect on the sun, but it is obviously not great enough to cause catastrophes. The additional gravitational force due to Uranus and Neptune aligning is less than 1/2 of a percent as compared to only Jupiter and Saturn aligning. It is highly unlikely that the alignment of all four planets is an issue.

      1. Thank you very much Dal. Your priceless info calms down a bit my own fears of an imminent disaster. That makes also fall of average temperatures of 2 – 3 degrees Celsius, as predicted by Zharkova, more plausible. Still enough to cause the disaster of almost gigantic proportions considering the fact that we could prepare ourselves for any eventuality and, yet, we are doing NOTHING. This will cause also, as I wrote above, the unprecedented shift of wealth from technologically advanced “West” to the oil producing regimes and will be used against us but with much greater efficiency.

        So, even if we somehow avoid any catastrophe of cosmic proportions the silence of the “scientific world” can and must be described as a conspiracy to commit CRCIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Their fear of being cut off funding for their research and thus losing their livelihood doesn’t excuse them at all. They would find employment in other branches of human economic activity.

        It happened to me when I was still living in Poland under the whip and the boot of a communist regime. Because I refused to join the communist party I lost my weel paid and respectful directorial position in a large company. Not only that, my social position was also affected. However, in order to maintain our humanity we have to make some sacrifices.

        Regards – Bogdan

      2. I think the Earth is quite close to the sun in March and will start moving farther away at that season in about 300 years. So, that particular month is going to be warmer. This is merciful for us here in the upper Midwest. The earth’s orbit varies. So global cooling has some counter-action from that.

      3. Dear Dal, I decided to return to your post because after a while my skepticism about your assurances began to grow a bit.

        If you find the time and the will, read thoroughly and in its entirety my first post at the beginning of the commentary section.

        There you will find that some of my fears I expressed and the questions put forward there are quite legitimate and I would be happy if you could address them. You will also find the examples of outrageous suppression of information related to the link between the current alignment of the giant planets and the irregularities in the Sun’s activity.

        If the link between those irregularities and the Giants is so insignificant why would the censor working for YouTube bother to delete them?

        P.S: I use the term “censor” to whether it is a physical person watching the discussion or some kind of algorithm applied to control it or that grotesque, quasi intellectual construction they call “artificial intelligence”.

        Regards – Bogdan

  17. “People say that ignorance is bliss. I like to reply ‘…until it isn’t’.”

    Reminds me of the line by Victor Ziegler in, again, Eyes Wide Shut:

    “Life goes on! It always does … until it doesn’t.”

    1. I recently read “The Franklin Scandal,” which covered the pedophile allegations in Nebraska around 1990. There is no doubt such networks exist and continue to exist. Yet a Harvard scientist Richard Noll likens all this to the witch hysteria of past centuries. Oh yes, there are instances of hysteria, but as you will find with the hysteria in Salem Massachusetts in the 17th century, it was proceeded by real occult phenomena which Cotton Mather saw firsthand, and wrote about. So, in such cases we find that hysteria may be deplorable — but it does not explain away the whole.

      1. In the case of Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut, there are even a host of allusions that point to Tantrism. The Indian ritual music played during the orgy at the mansion; the lightings in the Sonata jazz café, that exactly resemble by their shape Tibetan ritual crowns; quite apart from the underlying motif throughout the film of the gradual raising of the Kundalini energy. The film wasn’t a “psycho-thriller”, much less an “erotic thriller”. It was a not-so-veiled portrayal of the presence of Eastern sexual magic in modern-day Western society (elite or not).

  18. Here is something interesting that some of you may find amusing, that I just read in the book The Man With the Poison Gun, by Ukrainian historian Sergii Plokhy, about the KGB assassin defector (who murdered Stepan Bandera), Bogdan Stashinsky.

    After he murdered Bandera, Stashinsky was given the highest military award by none other than Aleksandr Shelepin.

    Stashinsky had fallen in love with an east German woman named Inge Pohl, and was determined to marry her. His KGB handlers were against the marriage, saying he had to marry a Soviet citizen and female KGB agent who would work with him in his future assignments.

    However, Stashinsky was determined, and brought up the matter to Shelepin in his meeting with him to receive the award for killing Bandera. Shelepin was of the same mind as Stashinsky’s handlers, but finally told Stashinsky that if Inge would become a Soviet citizen and KGB help meet, they could be married.

    Here’s what I just read that just shows how Tucker Carlson is just another dupe following in the same worn guided tours of Moscow given to foreigners by KGB agents.

    Inge agreed to pretend to support Stashinsky’s work for the KGB, and went to Moscow with him, where the agents were working to assess her the whole time.

    The couple was escorted on “sightseeing and shopping tours in the city,” and was shown “masterpieces of tsarist architecture and marble decorations in the **Soviet subway stations**.”

    LOL. They seem to have an obsession with showing off their subway stations, don’t they?

    To Inge Pohl’s credit, “she was shocked by the contrast between the magnificent decor of the buildings and the poorly dressed people inside of them.”

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