We cannot expect to get anywhere unless we resort to terrorism

Lenin, 1918

Hard-hearted rulers, who value their own greatness above the lives of their people, have existed throughout history. Monsters of this kind have names like Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. A more familiar name for Westerners would be Gaius Julius Caesar, who in his Gallic wars “captured eight hundred towns, subjected three hundred peoples and defeated three million armed men….”[i] When the Gauls rebelled at Uxellodunum and were forced to submit, “Caesar ordered that all who had borne arms should have both hands cut off.”[ii] Shortly thereafter Caesar launched a civil war against his own countrymen. In each of his wars, Caesar was the aggressor. Historian Christian Meier tells us Caesar was “disrespectful and alien [to the Roman Senate]; he did not fit into the republic.”

Taking his description further, Meier added,

His cold, unconcealed ruthlessness, his scorn of the traditional institutions and their representatives, his self-centeredness, his total lack of scruple in starting the war in Gaul, his attacks on other nations and, not least, the insufferable superiority he displayed in his dealings with everyone – all this was enough to … make him seem a sinister figure, quite apart from the demonic element in his nature. [iii]

This demonic element, of course, was rooted in ambition. Ceasar admired Alexander the Great, who conquered Persia and the East. Caesar reportedly wept at the tomb of Alexander in Egypt because he thought himself too old to outdo Alexander. In a similar vein, on 23 June 1940, after his conquest of France, Hitler visited the tomb of Napoleon in Paris. “That was the greatest and finest moment of my life,” Hitler said afterwards.

There is an affinity between the likes of Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, and Hitler. Although they were different in many respects, they were all motivated by the same thing. They all wanted power. They all wanted recognition as “great men.” And all of it was paid for in someone else’s blood. The wars they caused had one underlying motive. Personal vanity.

Christian Meier wrote that “Ceasar had never been properly understood in Rome.” Even Cicero, who knew Caesar personally, “called him a … wonderful, frightening, monstrous and inscrutable phenomenon of a higher order – so alien had he become to his peers.”[iv] Like other dictators Caesar was considered charming, brilliant, obliging, polite; but also – cunning, ruthless, deceptive, and even treacherous. Caesar’s self-confidence, self-absorption, and extreme selfishness was built on a mountain of corpses. Hermann Strasburger wrote of Caesar, “He obviously believed in a natural identity between what was desirable for him and what was desirable for the whole world….” Strasburger added that Caesar acted with an “unparalleled immorality” and recorded those acts “with an elation that is tolerable only if one credits him with … utter demonic possession.”[v]

One sees a similar pattern in the life of Napoleon. In Wolfram Siemann’s book, Metternich: Strategist and Visionary, Napoleon’s disregard for human life is documented. In 1813 generals and kings criticized Metternich for offering peace to Napoleon, not understanding that Metternich was putting Napolean’s motives on trial. Was Napoleon a humane man or a monster? Metternich sat down with Napoleon at Dresden to answer this question. According to Siemann, “Once, in Dresden, [Napoleon] provided an impressive demonstration … by confirming to Metternich, with brutal honesty, that he was striving for universal power in Europe….”[vi] Napoleon had no regard for the lives he was sacrificing. In the negotiations there was a telling exchange “when Metternich touched upon what was for Napoleon another sore point: namely, the moral discrepancy between his image of himself as someone promoting progress and human happiness and the unimaginable human suffering of the countless victims of his continual warfare.”[vii]

Metternich told Napoleon that war now involved mass conscription with vast numbers of people being slaughtered. The boys being killed, he told Napoleon, were the “next generation.” Napoleon was furious when he heard this remark from Metternich. “You are no solider,” said the French Emperor, “and you do not know what goes on in the soul of a soldier. I was brought up in military camps, and a man such as I am does not concern himself about the lives of a million of men.” Metternich later hinted that Napoleon had used profanity in referring to the million lives he did not give a “fig” about.[viii]

To show that Napoleon’s outburst at Dresden was characteristic, he made yet another confession to General Graf Bubna von Littitz: “I do not concede anything, not a single village…. A man who was a simple private person and has ascended to the throne, who has spent twenty years hailed with bullets, is not afraid of projectiles…. I sacrifice a million if necessary.” Then the Emperor added, “You want to take Italy and Germany from me. You want to degrade me.”[ix]

When you think entire countries belong to you, and your vanity is ready to sacrifice millions, all sense of proportion has been lost. This same lack of proportion is visible today – in Vladimir Putin’s military aggression against Ukraine. After his recent interview with Putin, Tucker Carlson has insisted that Putin wants peace. But Putin, like Napoleon, says that certain countries belong to him. And if those countries are not handed over, then the fault belongs to the West.  When Putin lectured Carlson on Russian history, he was saying: “You want to take Ukraine and other countries from me. You want to degrade me.”   

Whatever nonsense is put forward by Carlson and others to blame Boris Johnson or Joe Biden for the war, the real reason there are no negotiations between Ukraine and Russia is found in Putin’s motive for invading in the first place. In effect, Putin is a monster striding about in Napoleon’s spurs. The invading army belongs to Putin. The missiles and bombs hitting Ukrainian apartment blocks were launched on Putin’s orders. The tens of thousands who die in futile frontal attacks, belong to Putin. Russian men are sent by Putin to die in an unnecessary war. None of these actions belong to Boris Johnson or Joe Biden.

The political philosopher Eric Voegelin, explaining his hatred for political killers, wrote, “I have an aversion for killing people for the fun of it.” What was this fun all about? Voegelin explained, “The fun consists in gaining a pseudo-identity through asserting one’s power, optimally by killing somebody….” The killer sees himself ennobled when other human beings are sacrificed for him. As Voegelin explained, killing grants “a pseudo-identity that serves as a substitute for the human self that has been lost.” Voegelin further stated, “I have no sympathy whatsoever with such characters and have never hesitated to characterize them as ‘murderous swine.’”[x]

Putin is following in the tracks of Caesar and Napoleon. Of course, he lacks their nobility. The great soldiers of the past, butchers as they were, did not poison their political rivals or assassinate journalists. What we have, in Putin’s case, is a hard-hearted ruler of an even lower type. For his birthday in 2006, Putin received the news that journalist Anna Politkovskaya had been shot in the head. On his last birthday, more than a thousand Israelis were slaughtered in a diversionary attack by Palestinian terrorists. And now, a month before Russia’s presidential election Putin receives another gift. Alexey Navalny is dead in a Siberian prison – in a penal colony above the Arctic Circle. Napoleon would have been furious at such “gifts.” Caesar would have blushed with shame.

The timing of Navalny’s death was not accidental. It occurred in the aftermath of Putin’s interview with Carlson. When Carlson was asked – prior to Navalny’s death – why he did not mention Navalny during the interview, Carlson replied that other journalists could ask about Navalny. Carlson was more interested in the Ukraine War, interjecting that “every leader kills people, some kill more than others. Leadership requires killing people, sorry, that’s why I wouldn’t want to be a leader.”[xi]

Given Carlson’s logic, why shouldn’t Putin kill Navalny?

More recently, in an interview with Glenn Beck, Carlson said he does not care about the death of Navalny. Throughout this interview Carlson engaged in a vile misuse of language; for Carlson confused logistical support for beleaguered Ukraine with making war on Russia (which nobody proposes to do). All his moral outrage was reserved for the United States Government, and none for the Russian Government. From the way he talked you would think the United States had invaded Ukraine. He then lionized himself as a champion of free speech while praising the “peaceful intentions” of Vladimir Putin – an enemy of free speech. Carlson mixes counterfactuals, absurdities and non sequiturs. One might say that Carlson’s spits up a dirty admixture of nonsense and moral posturing. In explaining the dangers of totalitarian ideology, Eric Voegelin wrote, “If anything is characteristic of … ideological thinkers, it is the destruction of language, sometimes on the level of intellectual jargon of a high level of complication, sometimes on a vulgarian level.”[xii]

Carlson is a vulgarian, of course, whose rhetoric is more confused than simplistic – a vulgarian who provides cover for a dictator. Why does Carlson refuse to see Putin’s military aggression as unacceptable? Everything, noted Voegelin, comes down to a “refusal to apperceive” [i.e., apperzeptionsverweigerung] owing to a state of alienation. Here is what Voegelin called “the central concept for understanding ideological aberrations and deformations….”

There is something in the great dictators and killers of history that suggests alienation. There is also an eagerness to recast events, whether in Caesar’s self-serving military narratives or in Napoleon’s St. Helena manuscript. In this age of social media, Putin’s disregard for truth and human life comes to us by way of Tucker Carlson. It seems that history’s killers are not alone in their hard-heartedness.

Notes and Links

[i] Christian Meier trans. David McLintock, Caesar (New York: Basic Books, 1982), p. 330.

[ii] Ibid, p. 328.

[iii] Ibid, p. 332. There is an addendum in Metternich’s hand in the margin regarding Napoleon’s brutal words: “I do not dare make use here of the much worse expression employed by Napoleon.”

[iv] Meier, p. 313.

[v] Ibid, p. 311.

[vi] Wolfram Siemann, Metternich: Strategist and Visionary (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2019), pp. 348.

[vii] Ibid, pp. 348-49

[viii] Ibid, p. 349. In Metternich’s memoirs, there is an addendum in Metternich’s hand in the margin regarding Napoleon’s brutal words during the meeting: “I do not dare make use here of the much worse expression employed by Napoleon.”

[ix] Siemann, p. 351.

[x] Eric Voegelin, Autobiographical Reflections (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1989), pp. 46-47.

[xi] https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/2024/02/17/tucker-carlson-navalny-putin-killing/

[xii] Voegelin, Autobiographical Reflections, p. 47.

[xiii] Ibid, p. 97.


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185 thoughts on “On Hard-Hearted Rulers and Journalists

  1. “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar
    Augustus that all the world should be taxed.”

    So begins the chapter in Luke which tells of the birth of Jesus and his presentation at the temple, known succinctly to Orthodox Christians as “Hypapante,” or the Meeting, “Sretenie” in Russian. To these Christians, it is one of twelve principal feasts in the liturgical calendar, and it is believed that those who are fortunate to pass away on a feast day proceed directly to Heaven without the bureaucratic complications associated with migration.

    Against the backdrop of a voracious tyranny that would tax all the world, Alexei Navalny gave up the ghost on Sretenie. When a hero is saintly in his faith and acts, it is always strange to see how fate favors him, enveloping him in the gossamer of coincidences and symbols, “signs and omens,” out of which future hagiographers spin their tales. When the hero is a martyr to boot, first tortured for months on end and finally speared by the tyrant’s own hand, a timeless vista opens on the struggle of good and evil. It’s the stuff of the vitae of Christian saints, pure and simple.

    We oftentimes call a person “saintly” even when Christianity is not the whole focus of his life. A Greek friend of mine in England, with little or no money to help him along, takes care of several small children and an incapacitated father, cooking, cleaning, and washing, and I do not hesitate to describe him as saintly. Saintly characters fill the novels of Dostoevsky and Dickens, and we scarcely doubt that a great writer’s truths are the truths of life. Saintly means good, as in our hearts we know that the story recounted in the Gospels and in later Christian writings is essentially about how superhumanly hard it is to be good.

    And to be good, moreover – an atheist would say – for the sake of such abstractions as the soul and the salvation of the soul. Navalny was saintly not merely in his martyrdom in the name of an abstraction he called “democracy,” but in that he was impossibly, unnaturally, superhumanly good as a human being. “Everything with us is out of a song, darling,” he wrote to his wife from prison on St. Valentine’s day, the day before his murder, “cities between us, airport runway lights, blue blizzards and thousands of kilometers. But I feel you are near me every second, and I love you more and more.” Anybody who has an ear for the truths of life will hear in this the eternal voice of a good man. It is one of these “hearts cut from parchment,” which St. Valentine is said to have sent to Christians imprisoned under Claudius “to remind these men of their vows and God’s love.”

    But I would go further. Were Navalny’s social media posts from jail to be collected and published, that book would not tremble in shame to share the bookshelf with the greats of Russian prison literature, from Chekhov’s Sakhalin Island to Shalamov’s Kolyma Tales. The author is smiling, meandering, questioning, never solemn, dramatic or didactic, and in post after post, as I scroll through from last week’s Valentine’s Day all the way down, he stands before me as though naked with only a loincloth for covering, ready for his jailors’ clubs and the eventual beheading.

    Some day the descendants of his murderers will fight over his relics, as Rome’s Santa Maria in Cosmedin fights with Savona’s Santa Maria Assunta over the bones of St. Valentine. By then, nobody will remember the politics of the day, only that this was a source of light that illuminated a darkling epoch.

    1. This is an amazing, post, Andrei. I watched the HBO documentary on Navalny. It showed a man who survived an assassination and then returned home to face another.

      1. Dear Jeff, that’s why I compared Navalny to Captain Witold Pilecki, who is regarded as a greatest Polish hero of all time.
        Pilecki volunteered to be smuggled to Auschwitz to see himself what was happening there behind barbed wire. He then started organizing resistance movement inside this HELL, managed to escape and helped to prepare the special report which was then smuggled to the West by another hero, Jan Karski.
        Needless to say that this report was completely ignored by the Americans and FDR himself.
        Pilecki then joined the underground movement that resisted the Bolshevik takeover of Poland, was caught by the commies, terribly torched and then executed.
        His body has never been found.
        Lets hope that the super human sacrifice made by Navalny will be like the light for the freedom loving Russians in this monstrous darkness that has befallen Russia.
        Regards to you and Andrei – Bogdan

  2. Great post Jeff! It is amazing how history repeats itself! Julius Caesar weeps on the grave of Alexander the Great, Hitler reveres Napoleon. And Putin had built a temple devoted to war, with portrait of Stalin on the wall, where stairs are made of metal from German tanks and where the main relic is Hitler’s hat. What worries me is that each subsequent leader kills more and more people. Will number of Putin’s victims surpass that of Hitler’s’?

    And living in a post truth society is tough. With unprecedented amount of available information so many people choose to believe lies, and are totally devoid of any moral orientation.

    1. It is true. The more opportunities we have to find the truth — the more resources for learning — the less we learn and the less truth we recognize. I do think Eric Voegelin is right about alienation and the corruption of language. While watching Carlson’s interview with Glenn Beck it struck me how sloppy Carlson’s use of words. Never an exact word or meaning. Always misapplying his terms and concepts. Is Carlson becoming a demagogue? And then we have Andrei’s heartfelt post about Navalny, which is also striking. Navalny was a person of heart. Putin has a heart of stone. Carlson has no heart because he says, “I do not care about Navalny.” He cares to interview the heartless man.

      1. Just because we have more opportunities to find the truth, doesn’t mean that we can learn.

        There is something known as “information overload” where so much information is thrown at people that they don’t have time to process that information. Too much information overwhelms the ability to learn. In that case, it’s better to have less information. But then one needs to have a core of true information by which to evaluate any news that comes in.

        For Christians, that core of true information is the Bible. Learn it well.

        There is a report of a German spy during the early days of World War II, where the only information he had access to was the newspapers in the 42nd Street library in NYC—he sent more accurate data about U.S. industrial gearing up for war than what was available to the government in secret reports directly from the industries. British spies murdered him. That’s an example where less information, evaluated by a trained mind, was better than too much information.

        I appreciate the information that Jeff and some others on this blog provide—they have the ring of truth. But learning requires that even their information needs to be mentally processed and evaluated. In evaluation, that doesn’t mean 100% agreement or unthinking acceptance.

  3. Journalist is charged with HACKING Fox News distributor’s computers to obtain leaked videos of Tucker Carlson where he mocked gender pronouns and made off-hand remarks about a make up artist:

    *The journalist had been under investigation for charges relating to leaked videos of ousted Fox News host Tucker Carlson that circulated last spring
    *His attorney denies his client’s involvement, arguing the videos were accessible to the public at the time
    *Last May, the FBI searched Burke’s house in Florida shortly before Fox News was notified it may have been the victim of several cybercrimes

    PUBLISHED: 13:07 EST, 22 February 2024 | UPDATED: 16:45 EST, 22 February 2024


      1. We need to be careful with language here.

        Hacking (or in computer jargon “cracking”) is using special computer skills to break into computers to access data that are not public and often should not be public.

        Were the videos public, no special computer skills needed to access them, as the attorney claims, then the reporter did no hacking. All he did then was to publicize videos that were then public.

        Were the videos internal documents freely accessible to anyone employed at Fox, even as freelancers, that again is not hacking. Is he then a whistleblower? I am not a lawyer, I don’t know his legal standing.

      2. On second thought, with the weaponization of the justice system, I fear that that reporter may be subject to a kangaroo court with a hanging judge.

      3. R.O.

        When the term hacker was in common usage in the late 70s, and it was a good label. Criminal hackers were known as “crackers.” I was a hacker during that time, and into the early 80s prior to the introduction of the IBM PC.

      4. Ohengineer: I know the difference between hacking and cracking, which is why I mentioned that what the reporter is accused of is not hacking, but cracking. I never was a hacker, rather the worst I did was to find a bug in the software I was using. It was one of those bugs that sometimes worked, and sometimes failed, completely random.

        Jeff: the Marxists have largely, though not completely, consolidated their power over the “justice system”. especially at the federal level. It looks as if the reporter will be charged at the federal level, which is not hopeful for a just trial.

      5. Yes, I understand what has happened in the Justice Department. Marxists have gone in to positions there. We still have laws and some wish to preserve the rule of law. We simply do not know how things will develop from this point forward; but it cannot be good.

  4. ‘LEGACY OF COURAGE’ Joe Biden hugs Alexei Navalny’s widow after calling Vladimir Putin ‘crazy son of a b***h’
    The Kremlin hit back by saying Biden’s comment about Putin ‘debases America’
    Joe Morgan
    Published: 19:24 ET, Feb 22 2024Updated: 20:03 ET, Feb 22 2024

    JOE Biden hugs Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s widow — shortly after calling Vladimir Putin a “crazy son of a bitch” yesterday.

    Yulia and daughter Dasha met the US President in California, where he hailed Navalny’s “legacy of courage”.


    1. Dear Wade Queen, it’s impossible to blame desperate Navalny’s widow and his daughter and equally desperate Ukrainians allying themselves with Biden and his criminal cohort in a situation when almost the entire American quasi “conservative” sewer is so rabidly and brazenly pro Putin, anti Ukrainian and disregards in such an abhorrent fashion the heroic death of Navalny.
      We say in Poland that “the drowning will grab a razorblade to save himself”.
      Zelenski will do ANYTHING to save Ukraine, even prostitute himself for Biden.
      It is equally reprehensible that almost all American conservatives are unable to grasp the nature of the game being played against them and that they themselves will be the ultimate victims of their own stupidity.
      Of course, Tucker Carlson is becoming now the very symbol of that, self destructive and even suicidal, stupidity.
      Carlson is serving now as the modern version of Walter Duranty/Edgar Snow.

      1. I agree, Bogdan. There are Russian agents among the good. We cannot allow stupidity to rule our policy positions. Biden has been worked with Moscow for decades. It’s impossible that he is genuinely helping Ukraine. And those poor people over there are in trouble if they rely on the likes of Biden an his cohort.

    2. Joe Biden is making the right political move. But he does not mean it. He is another one of those hard-hearted politicians — and a real faker.

  5. Shocking Filing Says Busted Anti-Biden FBI Informant Had Contact With Leader Of An Assassination Squad
    Feb 21st, 2024, 1:42 pm

    Among the shocking details of the DOJ filing on ex-FBI informant busted for telling lies about President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden is that his contacts included someone who controlled an assassination squad.



    Ex-FBI Informant Says His Biden Bribery Claims Were Passed on By ‘Officials Associated with Russian Intelligence.
    Feb 20th, 2024, 6:40 pm

    A former FBI informant who claimed President Joe Biden received a $5 million bribe said that “officials associated with Russian intelligence were involved” in proliferating that claim, according to a Department of Justice filing on Tuesday.

    Alexander Smirnov was arrested last week and charged with lying to the FBI.



    DOJ: FBI informant said Russian intelligence involved in Hunter Biden story.
    February 20, 2024

    The FBI confidential source charged last week for allegedly providing false information about President Biden and his son Hunter Biden implicated Russian intervention, per court documents filed Tuesday.


    1. The Democrats, who control the intelligence agencies, are using Russia to go after the opposition. It’s a double game and too many conservatives are falling into the trap.

    1. Absolutely Navalny loved his country. He really did set an example for all Russians to follow. It is a hard example. It is event saintly, as Andrei suggested. And Ukraine is a nation of Navalnys. Think of that!

      1. Ukrainians do not wish to go back being ruled by corrupt politicians loyal to the Kremlin. I applaud their tenacity to fight the invaders/terrorist Russian regime.

  6. Also, Jeff, you mentioned KGB analyst Igor Panarin’s predictions of the fall of the United States of America on John Moore’s program Wednesday, Feb 21, 3rd hour…it is difficult to find, or access the interview via the WSJ 29December2008. And sadly, 99% of the American public are clueless of this type of information. Even upon discovery, most dismiss his revelations as they haven’t come to pass yet today which just further illustrates ignorance of the American public as if there is an immediate timeline these actions must take place.

    Upon learning of this interview , it reminded me of the piece by Sir John Glubb
    “The Fate of Empires and Search For Survival”….
    as well as “The Nine Nations of North America” by Joel Garreau .

    Balkanization of the lower 48 is a real possibility once “GO” is given by foreign entities and our country and current government is overthrown. Every man for himself very soon.

  7. This comment might not have worked earlier because I was using a VPN. Let’s see if it works now…
    Dear Jeff…. your article and Andrei Navrozov’s response both get to the “depth of things” in an amazingly illuminating fashion. Thank you both so very much. They also highlight how tragic Tucker Carlson’s reporting has been on these topics. I find his descent into “apology for tyranny” bitterly disappointing. He had such an incredible opportunity to make a difference. One day, perhaps, he’ll realize how much he damaged the cause of freedom.

    Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Putin… what a list of demonically driven men of death!

    And then Navalny: an example of how God is working to move the hearts of human beings across the world. It really is a global battle between good and evil, between God and the Dark Forces that drag humans into the pit.

    If I didn’t believe so strongly in God’s omnipresence and indwelling love, I would lose hope entirely in front of the shocking evil that is playing out in front of all of us. But God is larger than all of those dark forces and because of that, we must never abandon hope or turn aside from our efforts to literally save the world.

    Thank you for all that you do!


  8. Julius Caesar was still tame in comparison with Eastern history. He still forgive his enemies but just enslaved the rebels. By ancient standards, Romans were still the most merciful people in the world of “jungles” before there was any concept of human rights. The rise of Christianity was quite crucial because it was the first time that human rights were created as a concept.

    Assyrians or Persians would not show mercy to any traitor as they will be put to death brutally, while their families will be enslaved. However, this is still merciful in the eyes of Far Easterners like China, Mongols, Vietnam, Korea, Japan,… In Imperial China and its vassals, any traitor against Emperor is condemend to the total annihilation of the traitor and his/her clan. North Korea still practices this method to this date but without the needs of execution but just plain slavery. The Mongols is probably the top tier of brutality as they will destroy a nation if anyone posed a threat to them. Mongols destroyed the whole Near East because they just felt like it. They created a caste of people under their empires, and routinely slaughtered a whole village out of nowhere to instill fear. Mongols almost decided to kill all Chinese because they thought Chinese people were animals until a Khitan prince persuaded to enslave and tax Chinese people than killing them. Persia didn’t have the same luck as China at the time because Mongols wiped out the region so bad that the population later recovered in 20th century. Under Mongol rules, a single village’s revolution will result into the total destruction of that village and surroundings. European genes were largely wiped out in Russia because of Mongols until the rise of Catherine the Great who brought European influence back to Russia until the Bolsheviks brought back Asiatic brutality of rulership.

    Putin’s real idol is not the Western one but rather than Eastern ones like Genghis Khan, Qin Shi Huang, Akbar of Mughal,… Western dictators in the past had a shortlived rulership because they were considered too merciful in the eyes of Easterners for leaving enemies alive along with their families. China, Persia, Mughal India and other Asiatic empires lasted for a very long times because they ritualized the worship of authority and brutality against enemies. Putin learned from that mistake as you can increasingly see almost all assassinations under Putin’s order are all about wiping the opponent and their families. It is wrong to think that Putin really admires Napoleon or Caesar.

  9. Q: What political leaders do you find most interesting?

    A: Napoleon Bonaparte. [Laughs.]

    Q: No, seriously.

    A: De Gaulle, most likely. And I also like Erhard. He was a very pragmatic person. He was the one who built the new Germany after the war. In fact, his entire conception for the reconstruction of the country began with the creation of new moral values for society. For Germany, this was particularly important, after the collapse of Nazi ideology.

    (Vladimir Putin. First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia’s President. p. 194. Public Affairs, May 5, 2000. – NOTE THE DATE: KARL MARX’S BIRTHDAY!)

  10. Hi,

    UK’s Trident nuclear-deterrent missile system misfires during test


    Jeff, you’re proven correct yet again. I suspect the US arsenal is also falling apart.
    Ironic how in the 90’s Russia’s military was rusting away and its infrastructure failing.
    Now the west is suffering, unnecessarily, a similar situation.

    Second failure in 8 years. Not a lot of confidence in the operation of this system under pressure. Wolves and Vultures sense this as well.

    I wonder if the name of the Tik-Tok App is a subtle joke from China. Tik-Tok, Tik-Tok, Tik-Tok… Time’s Up! So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. 😉 …BOOM!

    -Bill Freeman

    1. You might be right about TIK-Tok. The Red Chinese have good reason to think they can win. The communist strategists in Russia in the 1960s would talk about “applying” constraints to the U.S. economy and constructing our policy choices. With a small army of true believers in the West, the apparatchiks in Moscow — whether they believed or not — have successfully introduced the mindset and the narratives that limit our economic, military and political choices to those characterized by the Democratic Party. When exposed to communists in the 1980s I heard all their practical schemes described for multiculturalism education and “mainstreaming,” and the concepts implied massive societal expense and demoralization of the youth. When I explained what was coming back in those days people thought I was nuts. I told them the balance of power would tilt against them unless they woke up. People did not understand the communist strategy or the potential of the subtle insinuation of bad ideas into our culture. Bad ideas enabled the enemy within. With all their deficits the communists have managed to impose their limitations on us. And nobody will even say the word “communist,” so that the enemy’s mechanism for victory has remained undiscovered and unchallenged. We are told nobody of significance believes in communism and that its apparatus is limited to a few thousand impotent fanatics in the Communist Party USA. But the agenda advances. Why are our elites implementing it? Not because of an Illuminati conspiracy. It is the empty heads in our elite who have imbibed subversive ideas as their mother’s milk.

      1. It would appear the communist party has thoroughly infiltrated the Democrat party. Anyone claiming communism is not a current philosophy, has no idea what communism entails. Such people are either willfully ignorant, or in on the deal. More likely the latter, in the case of the Party itself, and former in the case of the proles.

      2. Yes, the Russians and Chinese are very good at getting Westerners to adopt wrong-headed ideas. Jeff linked this article on his Twitter page. MAGA Communism sounds a lot like some of the populist right-wing narratives we hear today, only amped up by 10. What does it say that they are not even afraid to use the label “Communism” to entice conservatives? But it’s interesting that there seems to be a real effort (eg. Hinkle and co.) to attract conservatives into the Communist camp. There might be a long-term strategy here, beyond getting conservatives to stupidly indict themselves as pro-Russian traitors.

        …At its core, MAGA Communism is firmly anti-colonialist. It harkens back to Vladimir Lenin’s incisive analysis of imperialism as a critical phase in the capitalist system…This perspective resonates deeply with MAGA Communism, as it underscores the exploitative nature of modern imperialism, not merely as a geopolitical strategy but as an extension of capitalist economic practices.
        … MAGA Communism seeks to dismantle the prevailing structures that perpetuate the globalist conditions, advocating a world order that respects the sovereignty of nations and promotes a true multipolar balance of power.
        A critical aspect of MAGA Communism is its perspective on elite self-aggrandizement and the accompanying lack of social benefits for the poor in the United States.

        Putting all this together, MAGA Communism is a front intended to move conservatives from the 3rd stage of development, according to Marx, to the 4th stage, socialism, after which the last stage is full world Communism. With both the Left and the Right moving in the same direction, is there any part of society that can still resist the road to socialism? Do conservatives under the sway of this anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist messaging, who still denounce Communism, realize where this is going? This thinking which has been infecting populist conservative thought, and which got a big boost from Covid, is now being formally christened as a variant of Communism. Yet no one on the right seems alarmed.

      3. And here we find that “convergence” Golitsyn wrote about. To unite humanity despite the labels; for when you eliminate anti-communism from the right and from religion, why can’t you converge them with communism? People who embrace contradictions are ready for anything.

    2. The Neo-Soviets have not been maintaining their nukes properly either. That does not mean there will be a total failure of the missile stockpile.

    3. The possible message in the Tik-Tok brand reminds me of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra’s 2012 New Year’s Concert, which was conducted by “post-Soviet”/Latvian Maestro Mariss Jansons (1943 – 2019). Jansons was said to have unusually meticulously studied the entire Strauß oeuvre for the occasion, and the programme, if thoroughly examined, seemed to contain a number of sinister political hints, which certainly escaped near-everybody’s attention:

      The concert was prominently opened with Johann Strauß the Younger’s Patriotic March (Vaterländischer Marsch), as if reminding the world of the Soviet Union’s “Great Patriotic War” (otherwise known as WWII). The third piece was Strauß the Younger’s Polka schnell, Either – Or! (Entweder – Oder!), which smells of what Golitsyn famously termed “cooperation-blackmail”. After the break, Joseph Hellmesberger jr.’s Danse Diabolique was played: how descriptive! Jansons also included the Panorama and Waltz from Tchaikovsky’s ballet, The Sleeping Beauty, as if making fun of the fast-asleep West. The orchestra also played Strauß the Younger’s Persian March op. 289 (underlining the Moscow-Tehran connection) as well as his Polka schnell, Under Thunder and Lightning (Unter Donner und Blitz), which, seen in context, felt like a threat of nuclear war. The last piece of the regular programme (after which are always played the iconic pieces of The Blue Danube waltz and Strauß the Elder’s Radetzky March) was Strauß the Younger’s Polka schnell op. 324, Tik-Tak! And to make sure everybody understood (even though nobody did), Mariss Jansons, in the guise of a harmless gag, held up a huge alarm clock, which also started ringing – the message clearly being: WAKE UP, WE ARE COMING! The link below is to a photo of that exact moment:


      1. Waltzing – blissfully – into World October, as the clock is ticking! Here is said Polka schnell op. 324, Tik-Tak, by Johann Strauß the Younger:

      2. Here is the same piece in a different (and much better) recording with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra under Willi Boskovsky:

  11. I go to a conservative Reformed Baptist church. Someone asked me what I was reading.
    I said a David Satter book about Russia and I said “Putin is a snake” My portrayal of Putin was questioned immediately. He follows Paul Craig Roberts. I gave him the Satter book and told him to go to Nyquists Blog.
    “information overload” It got my attention and I find it hard to process all the good informaiton too. Some of the people on this board are incredible. They have been on fire lately. Thanks

    1. I am having similar issues with conservatives I know. They have been beguiled by the number one foreign enemy of western conservativism and think he’s Messianic, a beacon of hope and reason. I remind them of the list of deaths of his political opponents, only to receive the thousand yard stare at best, or be cursed and threatened with violence at worst.

      1. Yes. The Russians have this magic. They can implant thoughts in those who are empty and thoughtless — sincerely believing their thoughts are their own. It is the great psychological discoveries of Le Bon and Pavlov, and others, that led to scientific techniques for instilling false ideas in the masses. Western society is an organic growth, rooted in unconscious processes. The East was always deliberate. The Russians were always one step ahead in the spy game. Of course, the Russians have outmaneuvered themselves. Yet the West cannot defeat them. The West will not study history. Even then, the West’s historians do not know how to think strategically. So what use are their naive histories? All of them miss the mark. Explaining reality to such folk is impossible. They have no taste for reality.

      2. That Pavlovian trick is shocking. How can it be that so many conservatives have this vacuum in their mind, ready to be filled with such notions? Surely this is the outcome of generations of lack of watchfulness? It’s as if they have been trained not to think, not to assess, not to inquire. I am certain much blame goes to the pulpits, or schooling, or to the distractions of bread and circuses filling up what should have been contemplative time, but ultimately, we are responsible as individuals for informing ourselves, regardless of social engineering. This is neglect – a sin of omission – on a personal level, at an industrial scale and makes you conclude that modern society’s institutions (mainstream churching, education, sport, entertainment, etc.) are all part of a pan-communist front designed to shut down forensic inquiry and leave the door wide open for a payload of ruinous deception.

        I have tried to get conservatives to read this blog, or read Golitsyn, etc., but they don’t want their comforting delusions challenged, so they now stand in both moral and mortal danger. Their mentality reminds me of this: “We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves” (Isaiah 28:15).

      3. The refusal to see the truth belongs to spiritual disorientation. Deep within us we are called to the truth. There is a problem with people who turn down the wrong road and will not open their eyes.

    1. Tucker would praise the great patriotic rehabilitation that those poor, brainwashed Ukrainian kids are receiving from loving Mother Russia. Right after saying he doesn’t care about them, just as he did with Navalny.

      Not a surprise that’s happening. Russia needs to train the future cannon fodder, and it will get them from wherever it can. This teenager was taken to Russia and pressured into joining a youth military organization.
      Brainwashed Ukrainian Orphan Escapes Russia – Scripps News

      Tucker would have to turn himself into a pretzel to support this one: jailbreak, Russian style.
      https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1761085168620814680 Feb 23/24
      Russia: Ilya Metlitsky murdered his girlfriend & was sent to prison for 16 years. After serving 3 years he joined Wagner PMC to murder Ukrainians and was pardoned by Putin. Back in Russia, he attacked [another woman]. He received a fine of $250 and was released, because the judge deemed his murders of Ukrainians a mitigating factor.

      Western militaries screen out for murderous nut jobs, meanwhile Russia not only recruits them, but rewards them! This is the nice orderly country that Tucker raves about. But at least the trains run on time.

      1. Very sad state of affairs all around.

        I think Tucker has stepped into a world of evil he knows nothing about.

        It just crossed my mind, that he is somewhat like the vain stag in the Aesop’s fable, that admired his antlers, but when fleeing from a hunter got them caught in a tree branch, and could not get loose and was at the mercy of the hunter.

        Tucker admires what he thinks is his skillful journalism, and the admiration of his “conservative” fan base, to the point of getting his antlers tangled in a Marxist trap, and now he is in Putin’s control.

        He may feel safe and secure, having arrived back in America, but I think he will find he must do his new masters’ bidding, willingly or otherwise.

      2. It’s not so much that he has to do what Moscow wants, but that he has doubled down on opposing help for Ukraine. He knows that reversing himself will anger his fans and new friends. Dugin was very happy about meeting Carlson. Over the moon about it. They must have spoken beforehand. This is worrisome.

      3. Yes, I read some of the filth Dugin put out about there being hope for relations between Russia and America now because of Tucker Carlson, and how Carlson, Trump, Musk, and I believe Abbot are faces of leadership against the globalists, liberals, etc in a brewing Conservative Revolution. It was very nauseating to read and know that they are going to really stroke these men’s–I mean “men’s– egos to further divide Americans, and push for civil war.

        Unfortunately, if a civil war happens, it will mainly be a war of the confused against the confused.

      4. Yes, this is why it must not happen. Without an awareness of the real enemy, any and every organization formed for a political purpose will immediately be infiltrated and captured by the agents of the communist secret apparatus. We see this with MAGA. If people are being turned then someone is turning them. This is not happening by accident. This situation is being shaped, and it is being shaped so that people who know the real danger will be excluded — or even persecuted. Watch how this works. They have even divided MAGA with their salami slicer.

      5. I think Carlson has succumbed to vanity and allowed himself to be flattered to the point that he has crossed a line he won’t be able to cross back over, unless he is willing to forfeit his life as a result. Of course, it would be better to forfeit his life for doing right than to live as a shill for evil, used to bring harm to countless innocent people.

      6. Tucker’s vanity probably got a big boost from being able to influence Trump when he was president. Apparently his monologue in March 2020 in which he said that Covid was 30x more deadly than the flu made Trump reconsider his stance, and he began to take it more seriously. And we all know how that went. This is interesting, given Tucker’s blatant shilling for Russia. When he said this, most conservatives tended not to take Covid too seriously. So Tucker may have played a big role in moving the needle. Interestingly, even today some people on the anti-vaccine side seem intent on exaggerating the outcomes of the vaccine and making wild predictions that everyone who got the shot will die in a few years. I wonder if there is some Russian or Chinese influence at work.

        Carlson says he felt obligation to meet with Trump on virus – March 18, 2020
        “Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson says he felt a “moral obligation” to meet with President Donald Trump and warn him personally about the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic.”

        This paragraph is really a throwback to the time before pandemic panic.
        “Most people who get the coronavirus have only mild or moderate symptoms. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. The vast majority of people recover.”

      7. Mmmm, Lauraz1986, I think the anti-vaccine position really became a serious and legitimate argument, certainly 2 years later. You call it exaggerating, I call it concerning that now we see more and more healthy people who took “the jab” coming up with fast growing tumors and developing other health issues they didn’t experience before. Is it exaggerating to bring this to the public’s attention? The CDC and FDA certainly won’t. Public Safety? Pffft.

        I also believe that the anti-vaccine side have gained legitimacy by pointing out that the CDC (and FDA) have revolving doors with current and former pharmaceutical employees who may be more inclined, or enticed, at increasing personal wealth than public safety. Those new drugs pimped out via drug company reps to your local doctor for some new ailment happen daily (long before Covid). “Free lunches for everyone in the clinic today and here, take a handful of these samples!”

        In other words, the CDC and FDA have lost credibility after their pro-jab propaganda we were bombarded with…. “safe and effective”. These gene therapies (they aren’t vaccines) were never tested long enough and certainly not as traditional vaccines have been in the past.

        So I take issue that anti vaccine people are “exaggerating” anything. I believe it’s the tip of the iceberg and more deaths to come from this bioweapon released and “the cure” that was mandated for everyone afterwards.

      8. So far the vaccine injured appears to be a small percentage. Or have I missed something? Is Cahill right in saying everyone vaccinated will die?

      9. Again, what source(s) say that the vaccine injured appear to be a small percentage? VAERS website was scrubbed long ago of many of the reports of adverse reaction from the novel gene therapies. From whom? Why? CDC officials? The same CDC bureaucrats that followed the narrative that Fauci proclaimed throughout?

        Again, “safe and effective” was the lie, the propaganda, and the trusting public fell in line and “rolled up their sleeve”. After all, a doctor wouldn’t lie to his patient(s), Right?

        I’m not saying everyone who took “the jab” will die. But I don’t trust any of these ABC public health agencies information when they followed right along with Fauci and his colleagues in the NIH and the entire medical and pharmaceutical industry.

        And now that the scam of a pandemic is over suddenly we look back and say “Well there’s only a small percentage of evidence out there to claim the experimental biological agents were the cause of increased death and health complications now 2 years later.”

      10. Jeff, I did think you had quoted an insurance guy in one of your essays as saying that there was a striking increase in deaths comparing pre-vaccine push to before they were rolled out.

      11. Yes, I read the statistical analysts book on it. And the percentage of deaths is overall less than one percent of the total population, but is statistically significant.

      12. In response to BRCC and GreyKnight:

        When I wrote the following
        “even today some people on the anti-vaccine side seem intent on exaggerating the outcomes of the vaccine and making wild predictions that everyone who got the shot will die in a few years”

        I was thinking specifically of people like John Moore, on whose radio show Jeff appears as a weekly guest, who has said on more than one occasion that *all* people who got the vaccine will die within a few years (five years tops). Apologies if I wasn’t clear enough. John has repeatedly made this categoric statement without any qualifications, and seems almost to be urging listeners to view their Covid-vaccinated friends and relatives as the walking dead. Since that is a large part of the population, maybe 90% in Western countries, he is unwittingly saying that we should give up because Russia and China have already won. It is only a matter of time—2 years at most—until the great die-off happens and Russia and China inherit the whole Western world by default. This assertion is very demoralizing and defeatist, and I hope only a minority anti-Covid vaccine people actually believe that.

        This one extreme, ie that everyone who got the Covid shot will die soon, goes hand in hand with the other extreme, that the pandemic was *completely* fake and that there’s no such thing as the Covid-19 virus. People who are really into conspiracy theories believe the latter one even more. I have a close elderly relative who has become completely radicalized since the start of the pandemic, due to all the gaslighting with the lockdowns, and who now believes pretty much every conspiracy theory pushed by Russian agents of influence in the West. The globalists and Evil Capitalists created a fake pandemic out of thin air to coerce people into getting the kill shots. Theories like this are artfully argued and insinuated by “experts” like Jacques Baud, who touts his years of working with Swiss intelligence and NATO. Browsing through Amazon, this guy is quite the prolific writer. Books like “Governing by Fake News” accuse Western governments of doing exactly that for the past 30 years. He even has a book written in 2023 whose premise is that Navalny was not poisoned on Putin’s orders, this is just more fake news pushed by Western elites to justify sanctioning poor innocent Russia. But he’s an expert, and how can you argue with his credentials when people have already been primed to take everything that he, and others like him, assert as gospel. To sum it up, the point is that these extreme, un-nuanced exaggerations by both the pro and anti Covid lockdowns/vaccine supporters have had a corrosive effect on people’s ability to judge events and identify the real enemies who wish us harm.

        For the record, I have read some of Tenpenny’s articles, and the work of others who argue that most childhood vaccines are harmful (eg the autism epidemic) or unnecessary, and the arguments presented appear convincing. The contribution of vaccines to ending the widespread epidemics of the 19th century may have been exaggerated as well. That being said, in the case of Covid and the vaccines, there is a lot that is still unknown. We hear equally passionate scientific arguments from both sides on whether the virus really existed, and what the effects of the vaccine will be on humans years and decades from now. (As an example, I have a co-worker who got pregnant after getting the Covid shots. The baby was born healthy and two years later he’s still hitting all his milestones. According to some people, both her and the baby should be dead or severely ill by now.) In the absence of a clear-cut explanation that is understandable to regular people, all kinds of simple conspiracy theories will dominate the landscape. From Russia and China’s point of view, it doesn’t even matter which conspiracy theory prevails as long as it makes people angry and pulls them away from reality.

        FYI, if I post late or not at all in the next few weeks it’s because I’m swamped with work.

      13. On the Covid vaccines, I generally agree that they were harmful and improperly tested, they never should have been forced on people. There certainly were people who died as a result of getting them. But even if there was an uptick in deaths, even if the death rate doubled, that’s still way off from saying that everyone who got the vaccine will die in a few years, which is the exaggeration that I was taking issue with.

      14. Laura1986,

        I did not take issue with anything you said. I didn’t thank you were saying anything against those against the Covid shots. I think brcc661 misunderstood you because the issue hits so close to him, being a healthcare professional.

        I have long though that some of the more radical narratives that everyone who took one of them will be dead in a few years, and especially the ones even saying those people are somehow no longer human (have changed their dna) are lies pushed by our enemies to further divide society and create paranoia.

        I have no way to know if the one about spike protein shedding is true or false, but I feel it is another lie to divide society, akin to the “you can be asymptomatic and kill your grandmother if you visit her and give her a hug”.

        I do know some people who have immediately, or very soon after taking one of the shots, suffered serious health problems. I know others who took them and are still doing well today. Personally, I think they are harmful, and meant to be harmful. But regardless of that, I wouldn’t ever take one anyway because of the aborted fetal cell factor.

        I didn’t think you meant anything by your comment at all, and were making a point more about Tucker Carlson than anything.

      15. I’d like to say something else about the “spike protein shedding”.

        The reason I am suspicious of it being false, is because it does the exact same thing the Covid restrictions and protocols did, i.e. isolate the elderly. Many elderly people out of fear of the virus and trust in their doctors, took the shots.

        Many of them were already lacking much needed visits and affection (hugs) from their loved ones out of the fear instilled in so many that this God-designed family interaction could be fatal.

        The spike protein narrative, if believed, would continue this basically ostracization/isolation of the elderly (and others).

        There is a guy in a wheelchair about my age, I picked up every Sunday and Wednesday for church for a year or so. I had to pick him up to put him in and out of my truck. He took the jab, so when I first heard about the “shedding”, it made me think for a bit.

        I finally decided that, whether true or false, I couldn’t stop taking this man to church as he needed to be able to hear the preaching and fellowship with others.

        I eventually decided, it must be another lie pushed to divide us, but either way, I can’t avoid the elderly who took it, or the needy. And also, just as we shouldn’t have went along with trying to shut down life in order to protect us from death from Covid (which was a preposterous idea even on its face to me), we also must go on with life whether or not those who took a shot are “shedding spike peoteins” or not.

        I have thought over these past few years, that society needs a little bit more of the “damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead” mentality to push out some of the fearfulness so many are infected with.

      16. GreyKnight and BRCC, thank you.

        And yes, the spike protein shedding is another good example of a likely false narrative re-packaged for the anti-Covid side. It’s a way of continuing the paranoia so that people who believe it start to see the vaccinated as not fully human. It’s a way of dividing people. At my work everyone else is vaccinated and I haven’t experienced any side-effects so far. I also have older relatives with some pre-existing health issues who got the shot, and so far, they’re still okay given their condition. Maybe I’m lucky in that I don’t have anyone close that died or got sick after getting the vaccine. Or maybe it’s because I’m in Canada and the nanoparticle/spike protein dosages were different in each country. There are a lot of things about the mRNA vaccine that we might never know.

      17. LAURAZ1986 I will back up what BRCC661 wrote concerning the jabs. They are far worse than the disease.

        I had Covid back in February 2020, when it was about its most potent. I survived. I haven’t had even a cold afterwards, such a strong boost it gave my immune system. Based on having taken a course on genetics at the university, I recognized immediately what is mRNA and dangers that it poses. Therefore, I refuse the jab and recommend that no-one takes it. But I am an individual and not CDC or FDA, so even members of my family have taken the jab. I lost a nephew to the jab. Two sisters and my mother also refuse the jab.

        Previously I thought the anti-vax people were extreme, but now I’m ready to give them a second look. And the picture I see isn’t pretty. I have lost all trust in the government and its agencies. I have also lost trust in the medical system except in extreme cases such as rabies and physical injuries. Of course I no longer trust the drug and vaccine companies.

        I see the disease and jab as two steps in the biologic war outlined in General Chi Haotien’s secret speech that was leaked. He was aided by traitors such as Fauci, Biden and we now know Tucker Carlson.

      18. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Peter McCullough are, in my opinion, the real warriors that were warning us about the danger of these novel gene therapies when the pandemic scare began and Operation Warp Speed came about. Tenpenny has been labeled long ago as a conspiracy theorist, an anti vaxxer crackpot. These 2 docs both risked their careers during Covid and still are tied up in court cases for taking a stand.

        Personally, as a healthcare worker (my wife as well) I had “skin in the game” in this whole totalitarian move by our wonderful government and bureaucrats running it. Being a federal employee, I was told I had to roll up my sleeve. I resisted, and today, still have my job…so excuse me for getting a little pissed off when folks start insinuating that the anti vax crowd are exaggerating anything. Or that there is no evidence to support folks being harmed or killed by the drug companies “kill shots”. I researched day and night about SARS Covid and mRNA technologies and the traitors Ralph Baric UNC Chapel Hill, Anthony Fauci (who had a lot riding on the Moderna vaccine, much like he did with AZT during the AIDS epidemic) and on and on…this was a collaborative effort by a lot of folks higher than my pay grade to kill off good people.

        Ultimately, I believe it was Communists and their many many sympathizers in our own government and healthcare institutions and media that pulled this whole thing off.

      19. A good source I found on vaccinations, which also discussed the Covis killshots I found is Vaccinations: A Catholic Perspective, by Pamela Acker.

        Even though I’m not Catholic, I found this a very good source, and the author a very honest lady.

      20. She did a really good job. There is a lot of valuable information and insight on vaccines in general, as well as information about coronavirus vaccines. It was published in 2020 before all the adverse responses we have seen since the moderna, pfizer, etc shots were rolled out and pushed.

      21. Jeff, you admit this (possible communist op)? Even though you stated earlier that there is a very small percentage of people injured because of “the jab”?

      1. And Israel’s war in Gaza has shown the UN to be aiding and abetting Hamas against Israel.

        If there was ever any doubt in anyone’s mind that the U.N. is just another organization used by Marxists in their long campaign against the West, these two countries have pulled the mask off for the world to see.

  12. Sława Ukrajini!

    Thank you.
    The blood of your boys gave us these two years to think.

  13. There has to be a careful consideration of the proper terminology and the unchanged and ever-remaining atheistic ideological goals of the communists, like Putin and the KGB Kremlin apparatus – because Putin is not a new Stalin, nor would they accept somebody in that sense, because the agreement on collegiality was made among them after Stalin was taken out by Beria, precisely because of the centered power grab by Stalin, which in the view of the others violated their rights to be also evil…(this is in their furtherance of communism they wanted to have equal share in it and Stalin by his purges made it nearly impossible..).

    This should be considered carefully and it may also serve as another communist deception, if it comes to that, if Putin is replaced by somebody “more friendly”, but still with a Bolshevik criminal mind and deeds aligned with the overall strategy to conquer the whole world, once and for all.

    Also, they are very capable of coordinating their efforts, and it is still a team work, not an individual terror from one man, but collegial consent, which rules today’s Russia.

    The atrocities committed by Russian troops in Ukraine prove this point, and their full commitment to victory of communism, the read flags on tanks (even though very few), and their disregard for civilian lives, that all points one direction – and so Russia has not changed, the leaders are still the monsters of communism, and Putin is just more visible in it, but they ALL are in it for the victory no matter how many will have to die and who will be the one who pulls the trigger to achieve it.

    Putin just happens to be the one at this time, but he might be replaced by a better deceiver and then the scheme will get the more boost, because the already perverted mindset of the western receptors of the communist deception that communism (of its own weight !!!) “collapsed and ceased to be”, are more than ready to become again eager to accept, if for one reason or another the “peace and prosperity” becomes, once again the ruling blindness of their minds and perversion of their souls, as this is inevitably the possible outcome, as the whole deceptive scheme and its dangers lie in the cunningness of Satan himself and his thirst for human blood, in his hatred for all human souls.

    So that Putin is the front man is undeniable, but what about the rest of them in the Kremlin communist Mafia ? They gave consent to him, they want the same exact thing as he does – to rule the entire world with atheistic communism. The Manuilski Doctrine is not forgotten, it has not been abolished, only the KGB Kremlin has become wiser in using it, and more cunning in concealing it, so that none will suspect that when changes happen in the leadership, and they may happen, then the status quo of communism remains unchanged, and the targets and goals stay as they always have been – on its course to the final victory.

    God will visit Russia with horrible punishment, and it is written, and China as well, and the rest of the communists, whomsoever is involved, because this is not individual effort of an evil individual but a diabolically driven effort of millions and millions of involved atheistic fanatics, and their denial of conscience which would otherwise dictate to them to halt the whole bloodbath machine, that is the proof of their thus manifest intent – NOTHING has changed there and nothing will amend, the devil is their master and they follow him, no matter what they pretend to do to the contrary…

    Do NOT be deceived by any potential advances towards peace from Russia, if they come or when they come…communist criminals are still behind them.

    1. Concerned:
      God won’t administer “magical” judgment or justice upon Russia or China. Has God administered any supernatural judgement of justice for all the victims of Mao’s murderous reign? Stalin? Hitler?
      Nope, Nada. Keep cloud gazing.

      The only justice is a bullet to the head or body of the enemy. No one can account for an “afterlife”. I’m a believer in an afterlife but there is no magical “savior” to save me and mine.
      You and I will be forced to fight for any and everything as our government doesn’t give one damn.

      1. Thanks GreyKnight. That was my point. We, in the U.S. of A will be the last generation to literally fight for our country against a land invasion that has never happened before. Americans are clueless and sadly our children will live under slavery or those few that resist will be murdered or tortured for any semblance of freedom. No one knows what happens in the after life.

      2. Friend, I believe the Bible and what it says about the afterlife. I believe you can know.

        But, you are right. If things continue the way they are, then you, me, and others will probably have to fight soon, assuming we don’t die from a nuke or bioweapon or any number of things first. Which, I hope we are able to fight our enemies.

        But the sad thing is, we will only be able to fight for mere survival, because everyone has been so confused, disoriented, and manipulated, that it appears there may be no way to unite many people against the real enemies that have clearly been brought out in the work of Jeff, Contemplative Observer, Loudon, and a few others.

        I don’t think Laura1986 was taking a dig at “anti-vaxxers” earlier, because there were some people at one point who almost had to be Marxist disinformation artists in this broad game of demoralizing and disorienting us which I think was also a part of the “pandemic”, who were saying crazy things like the “vaccines” were the mark of the beast, or had microchips in them, and listing all kinds of crazy ingredients in them like snake venom and such if I remember correctly. (Of course, the real ingredients are clearly harmful regardless).

        But, I wouldn’t call the people spinning that kind of stuff anti-vaxxers anyway, but rather, simply liars, or idiots, and not people such as you and your wife who have medical careers, and had done a lot of research into the shots and discovered a lot of bad things about them.

        I personally know of several people who suffered major health problems almost immediately after, or very soon after taking one of the poisons. There is no doubt they were intended to harm, but I think the vaccines were just one facet of a much larger operation against the West.

      3. Ahh, Lauraz1986 did indeed take a swipe or “dig” at folks who were, or even today, are anti vaccine, for whatever reasons. I’ve posted all day regarding this and she and Jeff have been pretty much tight lipped since.

      4. But brcc661, they may be busy and intend to respond to what you have said later. I know Jeff isn’t against those who are anti poison shot, as he has covered some aspects of it pretty extensively in different essays, and I doubt Laura1986 is either.

        I am definitely no expert at all on it, other than I know those shots won’t ever go into my body as long as I am able to prevent it; and I am 110% convinced they are poison, and meant to be poison.

        That’s just my two cents, yall can hash it out, lol. I just think we’re all on the dame team here (other than the trolls), and don’t want to see a big rift develop between any of us.

      5. This is not my subject area, but I have followed it. I think there is evidence that the vaccines have hurt more people than they helped. Worldwide millions may have died. But that is out of billions. I think the vaccines were irresponsible, but it’s too early to say there was a deliberate attack that is going to kill and maim hundreds of millions. So far it has not appeared to be so. You have to look at the raw numbers.

  14. Lenin’s statement and the comment following reveal not only sloppy thinking on the part of many “on the right”, but also sloppy use of language and general illiteracy, “ “Imperialism is capitalism in that stage of development in which the dominance of monopolies and finance capital is established.” This perspective resonates deeply with MAGA Communism, as it underscores the exploitative nature of modern imperialism, not merely as a geopolitical strategy but as an extension of capitalist economic practices.”

    What Lenin described is something that is no longer capitalism, but a perversion of capitalism to fascism. Yet he calls it “capitalism”. Fascism itself is Marxism in practice. Monopolies cannot exist without state sanction and setting up situations whereby competition (capitalism) is restricted or forbidden. Large monopolies are inherently inefficient and cannot survive without governmental protection. That marriage of big monopolies (in the U.S. oligopolies that work together) and government parallels communism in practice, with only a few surface details that differ.

    So many of the MAGA crowd claim to be Christian, but have they read the Bible? What about the Epistle of James 5:1–6? Many would look at that and claim that it is communistic. I have never heard that passage in church. But its basic premise is based on Micah 6:8 which comes after God condemns ostensive acts of public worship, “Man, cause to set before you (so that you see and hear) what is pleasing and what the Lord is demanding from you, if not doing justice (this is judicial justice in the public square) and that you love undeserved favor and the quietly going with your God.” As James wrote, paying workers a just wage is right while exploiting them is theft.

    This support of “capitalism” that is monopolistic and exploitative of workers stinks and its stench repels. Calling it “capitalism” drives people to communism. That sloppy thinking and use of language is destroying justice and leads ultimately that pinnacle of injustice—communism.

    1. Sloppy thinking characterizes the intellectual environment these days. Those who refuse to engage in such are regarded a cranks. Just look at what has happened to Jeff over the years, or anyone challenging the party line at Gateway Pundit.

    1. Excellent article! Mosier makes a good point that I hadn’t thought of before. Conservatives who oppose military aid to Ukraine because it supposedly siphons funds that could be spent on domestic initiatives are essentially espousing the zero-sum Marxist/Leftist misunderstanding of economics and wealth creation. But after noting the numerous instances of Russian technical and tactical incompetence, John’s conclusion is somewhat pessimistic. Sadly, he may be right.

      “Although in my view Putin has no idea what’s actually happening on the battlefield, his understanding of the western democracies is very shrewd. …The idea that if he just hangs on long enough, the west will quit is basically sound.”

      Here is a good piece by an American veteran in Avdiivka. He makes the point that Jeff has long been making, that the US will be seen as an unreliable ally if it abandons Ukraine now.

  15. And let’s be sure to include our own military, ie, DARPA as sharing some of the responsibility with the novel mRNA gene therapies that were later to be forced upon all, including military personnel.
    One only need pull up the DARPA website and browse through and learn of all the crazy experimental research going on courtesy our military.

    The intent was that mRNA gene therapies were going to help our soldiers deploy faster when, or if, needed anywhere across the globe. Inoculate faster to prevent infection from disease upon arrival if you will. But, seems something more sinister was planned all along.

    1. I’ll refer readers to the Anthrax “vaccine” that was administered to our dedicated fighting forces, ie, government guinea pigs years prior to the Trump/Biden “clot shot” of 2020 to present.

  16. The negative effects of the Vaccines have been exaggerated. Yes, of course there have been negative effects, but not that much as many scientists like Malone, Monatgnier or Calhill have postulated. The big problem of these vaccines is only given by the nanoparticles and not by spike proteins or the RNA. We all know that Biontech developed the vaccines, but only a few know that the german company Curevac holds the patents. Curvec tried to develop a vaccine only mRna based, without nanoparticles, but they figured out that there was absolutley no effect. They knew pretty well that adding nanoparticles could lead to many damagaes and this was the reason why they renounce to launch their product on the market. To sum it up: The problem of the vaccines is only give by the nanoparticles.

  17. Jeff, I’d be very interested for you to ask your contacts in various Communist regimes, specifically China and Russia, if they can confirm or deny that their own military personnel were forced into taking these experimental biological agents during the so-called pandemic as our own military was. I hear it every day here. Soldiers just play it off as just another inoculation they are required to get while standing in line upon entry into Uncle Sam’s Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard. Or yearly follow ups.
    I’d dare say they weren’t. And certainly never issued informed consent.
    After all, if you can convince (via propaganda) the enemy that a “shot” will save lives from an unknown origin?????

    I call it biological warfare activated on an ignorant adversary all the way to the top of our so called leaders via military and the Executive branch. But do these MF’s even care? I say “Negative”.

    Ask yourself who is your primary care provider?????

    I can hear all your answers…BCBS, GEHA, Humana, on and on….and yet you are all ignorant to the fact that your primary healthcare provider is…..YOU!!!!
    Absolutely disgusting that people in America are sheep being led to slaughter in so many ways.

    1. This is why I use Samaritan Ministries as “insurance”. There is no “middle man” between my family and our doctor if we need one. We discuss the costs, what route to go, and choose our doctors (thankfully we have very rarely needed one. We don’t even have a regular doctor that we use.)

      1. I considered Samaritan when I was the sole bread winner. We had no
        “health insurance provider.” I was fortunate to soon be hired by an employer with insurance options. Since then I have friends and family who use this co-op for health expenses. A great opportunity for folks who need health coverage and unable to work for employers who offer it. Which…is another PLUS in America as having an employer pay for part of one’s health care coverage.

  18. Giacomoagus:
    I will vehemently disagree here. They are NOT “vaccines”. They are experimental mRNA gene therapies.

    Dr. David E. Martin submitted a 205 page dossier to every U.S. Senator entitled “The Fauci/Covid-19 Dossier”. Not one…not one…ever reached out to Dr. Martin to ask questions about any of his research and information. Why? Probably has something to do with donors/supporters from various pharmaceutical companies, eh? Money talks. And it buys silence in this case. Including so called liberty lover Rand Paul.
    Of 205 pages, after page 26? It lists all the commercial actors, ie, patents (coronavirus has been experimented with since 1999) who have manipulated and exploited coronavirus for a variety of purposes.
    It’s available on the ‘net or was last I checked. I have a hard copy and one can spend hours looking at all the American companies who have made bank on this technology. 99% of the American public are truly ignorant of this.

    1. brcc66 the concept of a vaccine is wrong but if you believe it or not also the concept of gene therapies is wrong. All these negativ effects that Malone and the other ones predicted are still missing. Why? The point is that they developed a gene therapie (or vaccine), to fight a virus, which has never been isolated, because simply it doesn’t exist. Why do we become sick? First of all because we have some conflicts, out spirit has been hit. Look at the spanish flu, especially young soldiers died, look at all the soldiers who return back with schizofrenia, epilepsy or other diseases. The point is we inverted the ontology, not first spirit and after matter, but only matter, therefore we think that vaccines or gen therapies work

      1. You are “out there”. As I stated earlier, it’s gene therapy and an unexplored, and certainly an unverified, technology on humans? All the previous experiments via animal studies, ferrets for example. resulted in death of 100% of the test subjects.
        Decades ago, so called scientists and virologists (like a Ralph Baric) isolated coronavirus AND they kept experimenting until they isolated a way and synthetically magnified its effects more so than a simple cold to purposely infect human population(s) and this infection would facilitate death via their Petri dish experiments. Traitors.

      1. I don’t agree with Martin’s seemingly New Age bs but he’s spot on about the history of coronavirus. If you listen to any of his presentations or documentary interviews regarding the subject he’s spot on. We’ve been duped. Same as you state all the time, Jeff.

      2. I have listened to him enough to know that he is disoriented. He misreads the larger situation. Plus, the read that he supported the Sandinistas back in the 80s. Maybe I am mistaken in this. It’s difficult to investigate what someone was doing 40 years ago. But if his allegiances are so far left, I do not trust his judgments or his facts.

      3. Disoriented? I’m not speaking to his views of the Sandinistas decades ago. I’m speaking specifically about the totalitarian actions of our government regarding all citizens in the U.S. and mandates requiring an injection of all in response to C-19.

        You’re pretty narrow minded if you want to throw him under the bus and discount him simply on that. You’ve said yourself that we need to put aside differences on some issues to come together to thwart totalitarian policies here amongst conservative minded people.

      4. And you didn’t answer my direct question…or maybe you did confirm it…you’ve not read his dossier have you?

      5. I’m don’t trust him as I do not trust most people I do not know well. You are asking me to put faith in his allegations and judgment. I reserve judgment.

      6. Jeff, on a similar topic I recall you mentioning Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in a recent podcast. He was the German trial lawyer who investigated the pandemic response and the effects of the Covid vaccine. Before that he successfully sued large corporations like Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank. Because of his leftist leanings he has sided with Russia on the war in Ukraine, and has been repeating the usual conspiracy theories. He even appeared on Scott Ritter’s show. Do you think this is suspicious and that it puts his Covid activism in a new light? He was quite popular on the anti-Covid vaccine circuit, being interviewed by the likes of Dr. Peter McCullough for example. Now put this together with people like Carlson on the right playing a role in hyping up the pandemic. Was this a case of planned left-right convergence being pushed by Russia and China behind the scenes? So part of the Right adopts certain positions of the Left, and another part of the Left returns the favor? In some ways, the dueling narratives over the vaccine and pandemic are just as important as the real things they claim to represent. They will ultimately shape the public perception and response to the next bio or other form of attack by China or Russia. So it’s just as important to understand the origins of these narratives as those of the vaccine and the pandemic. Any legitimate sounding protest and movement is eventually infiltrated, subverted, and distorted by Communists for their own ends.

        It feels weird to be talking about Covid on the 2 year anniversary of the most devastating war in Europe since WWII. But the two events are not unconnected. Here is a long piece that talks about the radicalization of the Polish anti-vaxx movement, which quickly turned anti-Ukrainian as soon as the war started.

      7. Laura: Reiner Fuellmich was arrested and extradited from Mexico last year. His Berlin committee colleagues accused him of embezzling money, if memory serves. He was stridently anti-NATO, anti-American. As someone who strongly believed the rushed vaccine policy was a dangerous and irresponsible choice, I appreciate those who spoke against it and against the accompanying censorship; but I really did not appreciated the socialist anti-American conspiracy theories — and I suspect this may have been a contributing factor to the right’s embrace of anti-NATO ideas. It’s hard to see all the moving parts here because there have been so many. But anyone who opposes collective security and who demonizes the Pentagon is automatically suspect in my book. The Pentagon, for all its faults, defends us. Infiltrated or not, it is all we have. If it were entirely taken over by enemies then we’d be dead already. The fact that Russia is in trouble suggests that communist infiltration has not fully worked. It is a mixed picture overall. Even leftists who wake to see that Russia and China are preparing to exterminate us can turn around and fight for their country. This is what we need; for we cannot survive otherwise.

      8. Yes, let’s totally subvert Biden! But in all seriousness, as you said before the moderate left may be amenable to being “subverted” in the sense of allying with the moderate right on issues like security, Ukraine, trans insanity, the border crisis and maybe the crime problem. That should happen. Let the extreme left and extreme right sail off together into the sunset so that the adults in the room can actually govern. As I’m writing this, it occurs to me that this idea is the opposite of what you wrote in Origins where you seemed to rail against the weak, squishy centrists. Times have really changed! Although in a way, the centrists of today are not necessarily ‘squishy’ but really people who are a decade or more behind the extreme left (and now extreme right), and so are still holding on to some sensible positions that were pretty much mainstream once.

      9. It’s been irritating for the last decades to hear leftist extremists refer to themselves as centrists. They have corrupted our language in every way imaginable.

  19. Oh yes, another source who has spent hours and hours of research on the deadly (and mandated) C-19 gene therapies is Dr. Naomi Wolf, a Leftist and admitted feminist who, strangely enough, realized that there was something nefarious about these “kill shots”. She has had an enormous team combing through the internal documents of the traitors at Pfizer for months and months.

    1. Brcc661,

      I don’t know a lot about the medical field, but I smelled a rat from Day One of the coronavirus epidemic. I don’t have any special insight, but when I first heard them talk about shutting down parts of the economy, social distancing, people not being allowed to be with their loved ones in the hospitals and nursing homes, my suspicions were confirmed in my mind, that this was bullcrap being used to do something bad to society. Condition us? Stampede us into kneeling to the dictates of “experts” because they said so?

      I immediately found studies conducted well before the “pandemic”, showing that masks were not effective. Though common sense pretty much told me that.

      Common sense also showed that if it was so very deadly, that grocery store and retail workers, should have been dying in higher proportion than others in the population.

      Also, the social distancing BS was completely arbitrary. Who is the idiot who came up with that?

      Also, they tried to make us paranoid, that we could unknowingly have the virus, be asymptomatic, go visit our grandparents, infect them and *kill* them. Yes, you were supposed to live your life with that mindset,

      Many people allowed themselves to become detached from reality…and from family that needed their presence… by going along with this stuff!

      I had a first cousin who is a software designer and computer programmer. He had created this program that he updated every couple days, in which he “showed” the percentage of the chance that if you were “asymptomatic” (a term I refused to use, but rather stuck with the tried and true phrase “not sick”), and went out in public, that you would *kill* someone- the word he used.

      Another first cousin is a MICU nurse at a hospital in the Birmingham, AL area, and though I had actually heard her *laugh* about the deaths of obe or two of her patients before, once she was labeled a *front-line hero* she became a pusher of all coronavirus protocols.

      I and these cousins had many debates about this stuff. I told the computer programmer that we cannot live life based on a computer program, that a strong healthcare system depends on a strong economy, that we cannot live everyday in fear that visiting a loved one could kill them, etc.

      I was so skeptical at first because of a few things, but two of the biggest ones were.

      1.) The same people telling us we have to shut down people’s businesses; keep people from being with loved ones in hospitals, nursing homes, etc; wear masks to protect those around us.; DO ALL THESE THINGS TO SAVE LIVES ..***these are the very same people (mostly) who say abortion is good and a woman’s right!***

      2.) This same system is the system pushing mutilation on boys and girls, telling them they can be whatever gender they *think they are*, or want to be!!!

      Why on earth would I believe this system (some good people in it notwithstanding) really cares about people dying from coronavirus?

      Also, and Jeff hits on this in his Origins book, I would tell people, **Death is part of life. We are all going to die. You can isolate yourself from dying one way maybe, but it is guaranteed you will die from something!* People act is if death will not happen to them.

      Didn’t the reaction of many show a disconnect from that reality in our society? Do we really think we don’t each have an appointment with death?

      I’m sorry for such a long, disorganized post, but I’ll end it with this little fact.

      Both of those first cousins jumped on the BLM bandwagon in the wake of George Floyd’s overdose death. Both of them said they had to be actively “antiracist”. The one who is an MICU nurse and her fellow nurses and doctors were doing this “White Coats for Black Lives” thing in which they knelt for BLM, and held signs supporting them.

      Another fact: one of these cousins graduated from Auburn University, the other from the University of Alabama.

      I think there is a correlation between their rabid following and defense of the coronavirus “protocols” and “restrictions”, and their vehement support of BLM.

      I think it all goes back to indoctrination of destructive mindsets in college.

      1. My wife and I have been in healthcare for 20+ years. My daughter wants to be a nurse and halfway through college as an EMT and soon a nurse degree. Gotta be honest, I’ve been a Debbie Downer regarding a career in healthcare today. Drug cartels like Pfizer control everything as evidenced by the mandates to roll up your sleeve for the experimental gene therapy jabs.

      1. I did not catch that. I knew she said that the first candidate for a vaccine began trials in China. It must have been the Pfizer one.

        At the time I ordered and read the book, my primary concern was the use of aborted fetal cells at some point along the way of either developing or testing the vaccines.

        To me, if these vaccines were “developed on the backs of aborted babies” as Abbie Johnson stated, then that ruled them out for me even if they were 100% effective and harmless.

        Mrs. Acker verified what Mrs. Johnson said on that aspect of them.

      2. Abbie Johnson was the person I heard refer the book, I believe. She is the woman who the movie “Unplanned” is about, telling how she went from an enthusiastic up and coming administrator in Planned Parenthood, to realizing that they were actually snuffing out innocent human lives and becoming a very vocal and entrenched opponent of abortion.

      3. And what source can you find and post that refutes Acker’s “claim”?
        Jeff, you always seem to want to refute any evidence regarding the forced inoculations of an experimental biological agent(s). You aren’t the only one who researches and you aren’t the only one to question the validity. And yet you always lean towards justification of the totalitarian mandates we were subjected to here and worldwide.

      4. Judy Mikovits is another research scientist who was blackballed by Fauci for her outspoken questions and her stance against Fauci and his minions during the AIDS epidemic and first hand experience of Anthony Fauci all the way back to the Reagan years and his own dictatorial days starting in the early 80’s through 2022-23.

      5. The post you replied to was that I asked what sources you had that prove a small percentage of injuries or death were caused by “the jab”.
        I explained that VAERS was scrubbed long ago.
        (You insinuate that there is no evidence proving that these shots are indeed causing death or injury.)

      6. I read Steve Kirsch’s material and reports from the UK but I do not memorize them and I am not prepared to discuss details as it is not my germane to my essay. Only, I know what I’ve read and this is not what my essay here is about — so please forgive the if I am not prepared for the sudden change in topic.

      7. Fair enough. I only mentioned “the jab” this morning in reply to a comment by Lauraz1986 that insinuated anti vaccine folks exaggerate the damage done by “the jab”. The same “jab” that was used as a bioweapon along with the weaponized virus upon the world and specifically the West, the U.S.
        I’m done commenting further on this thread.

  20. I trust no one in the scientific community or medical community regarding healthcare and I have been a healthcare provider 16 years and counting.. I am my own Primary Health Provider. I’m responsible for my own health, not some 3rd Party. I research for myself and I make an informed decision based on my own research and personal experience.

    My government today is dominated by Communist operatives and sympathizers as is evidenced by the ABC agencies, CDC and FDA. It’s not Democrat Republican. Both major political parties are corrupt, all have been infiltrated by Marxist Communist influence. I am only one individual and I’ll continue to stand against these hollow godless Communists.

  21. No one isolated a Coronavirus. You can’t imagine how weak are their proofs. The animals died because of the high concetration of nanoparticles. So tell me why is the mortality rate so low? The point is that Pfizer and Biontech started also reducing the concentration of nanoparticles in the vaccines, they know pretty well what the problem is

    1. Ralph Baric has indeed isolated coronavirus AND experimented in weaponizing it for decades. There are studies on that wonderful thing we call the internet that prove you’re mistaken when you state “No one isolated a Coronavirus.” Stop denying it here and spewing disinformation and propaganda.
      Don’t make me start posting peer reviewed studies articles that prove you’re wrong. Ralph Baric is a traitor to his country.

      1. Indeed! Corona Virus was not only isolated by its RNA was sequenced. We live in a world of deception and people don’t have the required moral ability to see it. Jesus’ most important command was “be not deceived,” yet that command is ignored and disobeyed as normal course for people’s lives. We see that in medical science, geopolitics and day to day local politics. Putin, Xi, and others rely on that failure and we see it among commentators over at Gateway Pundit and many, many other places.

        Jesus warned about deception, and it is not just theological deception. It is across the board.

  22. I enjoyed your video with Nevin, calling Carlson scum. He really is coming across as a vile person himself, I want to ask the likes of Tucker, Alex Jones and all those folk who claim to be right wing who align themselves with the Kremlin, if you were in charge of Ukraine, would you just roll over and surrender? Would you surrender America if Russia ever did anything against your own country? Maybe just give them back Alaska and we’ll all have peace, right?

    Also by justifying Navalny’s murder as “something leaders do”, would he be okay if the Democrats, Biden’s team started making claims that Carlson deserves to be killed too or is it only okay when it happens to other people? Maybe it it doesn’t have to be the party talking, but what if those Communist organizations such as Antifa make a hit list of popular people on the right who deserve to be punished for their thought crimes with their lives? He seems blissfully unaware how his own discourse is dangerous to himself.

    1. There can be no peace with scum like Putin. Giving him anything is simply paying Danegeld. The first time you pay it, you never get rid of the Dane.

    2. Bingo! This is why Tucker and his supporters come across as incredibly self-centered and insincere. If leaders kill people all the time and it’s no big deal, then they have no right to complain about ANYTHING that the Democrats have done, including the J6 arrests, lockdowns and Covid shots which definitely resulted in many deaths. If extra-judicial murder is okay then logically everything below that is also okay, and Tucker & co. cannot even argue against their own assassination. But what’s good for Russian dissidents is not good for Tucker, hence why I think it’s right to call him insincere and self-centered.

      1. Yes. It does seem appropriate to call Tucker self-centered and insincere. This is the opposite of the image he projects, so that his insincerity extends to gross deception. He is not who he pretends to be.

  23. Hello Jeff, you wanted to do an interview with Maaßen, didn’t you? Now I’m reading this in Der Spiegel and I’m shocked. Is it satire? It doesn’t look like it. If this has already gone so far in Germany that such operations are being set up, then I have little hope for my country.

    Operation Stauffenberg
    A surprising end to a secret operation: On Thursday, Hans-Georg Maaßen announced the dissolution of his newly founded WerteUnion party. “It’s over”, Maaßen said at a press conference in Chemnitz. This was preceded by the resignation of prominent WerteUnion members with links to the “Reichsbürger” milieu.
    This meant that his actual goal could no longer be achieved, Maaßen said: “I only pushed ahead with the founding of the party in order to permanently bind right-wing extremists and let their energy fizzle out pointlessly.” In fact, the former President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution revealed that his involvement with the WerteUnion was an undercover operation to which only he himself, former Interior Minister Horst Seehofer and former Chancellor Angela Merkel were privy. The Chancellor had “sent her best man on a politically explosive and personally very challenging mission”. The top civil servant and the two politicians had staged a public rift, which ultimately led to Maaßen seemingly drifting to the far right and making him a credible figurehead of the extreme right. For years, he had had to disguise himself and gain the trust of the extremists with “absurd statements”. As a private citizen, he was “rather liberal” and it had “torn him apart inside”. That is why he could not continue to present himself as “completely crazy” and finally decided to end “Operation Stauffenberg”.
    Together with Merkel, Maaßen now wants to write a book about “this crazy time” and a podcast is also planned. But first he only wants one thing: “To finally talk to normal people again.”

    1. Oh my! Maaßen was engaged in a deception! He was pretending to be anti-communist! To what end? To split the right? Or was he checking for real anticommunists and finding none, realized there was nothing to worry about?

      1. My opinion on this:

        Mr. Maaβen is constantly attacked by the exponents of the left ideology since he had in his capacity as head of the interior intelligence agency the audacity to call an alleged manhunt of migrants by right wing protesters, as purported by the media and the then head of state Angela Merkel, to be fictional. None of his officers or sources could corroborate any evidence to that effect and he made this public. This did cost him his position.

        This Spiegel piece is yet another barrage fired at him from the delusional crowd that believes him to be fair game.

        He is – judging from his statements and interviews I heard – aware of the thread for the wellbeing of the German people posed by neo socialist ideology, as he calls the driving force of the current majority in German politics.

        But I have found no indication yet that his understanding looks the evil as deep in the eyes as your work and analysis does.
        His answer to the Soviet-Russian aggression seems to be a call for restraint, diplomacy and neutrality for example.

  24. And now it comes out that it was a lie from Der Spiegel, it’s unbelievable what methods are used here:

    SKANDAL! Spiegel with ABSURD Maaßen article…
    The leader of the Werteunion party is vilified in the worst possible way without it being obvious to the normal reader that it is satire. As with the AfD, attacks of the most absurd kind now follow.

    1. That’s not satire. The writer of the Spiegel article is a keyboard warrior. It was written in such a way that the average person would think it was true. The Babylon Bee writes satire, Der Spiegel supposedly writes true articles, though from a leftist slant.

      1. Yes, R.O., many people will believe it. I was convinced at first too. But it was probably written with that intention. And many people don’t realize that it’s a column and not a news item.

  25. In my bringing up, further above, of the late Soviet/Latvian conductor Mariss Jansons’ suspicious choice of music (and strange gestures) at the 2012 New Year’s Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, I forgot one highly visual detail:

    Part of the programme was also Josef Strauß’ Polka Française, “Feuerfest” (Fireproof), during which one can hear hammers striking an anvil, normally played by the orchestra’s percussionist. Well, Mr. Jansons decided to do that part himself and had an anvil placed right on the podium, and he had two nice, little hammers prepared (no sickles, though), as well. Here is that chilling view:


    I should add that his greetings to the audience and the world, back at the 2006 Vienna Philharmonic’s New Year’s Concert which he also conducted, contained the following ominously Soviet-sounding phrase:

    “Let us hope that music will play a greater role for the cultural development of people in the future!”

    The way he said it, he apparently spoke of people’s cultural development in general, not the cultural development of the peoples, as also in German he said, “die kulturelle Entwicklung der Menschen”. But nevertheless: Isn’t the idea of “cultural development” a fairly Soviet idea?


    Finally, in 2006, there was a strange joke involved following Josef Strauß’ Polka schnell op. 240, “Eingesendet” (Sent In). A postman in an old, imperial uniform hands a casket to Mariss Jansons, who then opens it. Inside is a marshal’s baton, with which Jansons conducts the rest of the piece!

    1. He conducted with a marshal’s baton?! What does that symbolize? Does the refer to finishing the whole with war? And they would consciously show this? Am I understanding this correctly?

      1. I watched it myself on video a few hours ago (but can’t find the clip any more). Maybe it was the Eduard Strauß piece, Mit Extrapost, played in the 2016 New Year’s Concert, which was the third and last New Year’s Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic conducted by Mariss Jansons. In any case, it was a piece related to postal delivery, and as a joke, a postman in old imperial uniform rushed towards the conductor, handed him a casket, I think red on the outside, but definitely with red lining on the inside, in which lay a not-too-thick marshal’s baton in deep-blue, albeit mounted with a stylised lyre, and Mariss Jansons put his regular conductor’s baton to the side, took this marshal’s baton (it was a marshal’s baton, nothing else!) and completed the ongoing piece by conducting it with this marshal’s baton instead. Maybe I can still find the clip somewhere, but the copyright for the recordings of these New Year’s Concerts by the Vienna Philharmonic is being very strictly enforced, from what I can see.

      2. I now found a Getty image that shows the moment when the “postman” approaches the conductor, casket in hand, but still closed, and the description shows this was the 2016 New Year’s Concert, so this can only have been Eduard Strauß’ Galopp op. 259, Mit Extrapost. I will continue to search for the actual act, but it is now identified, and I saw it somewhere on a video clip earlier today: Mariss Jansons indeed conducted, for a minute or so, with this marshal’s baton delivered to him!


      3. And here is the full video footage as broadcast by Austrian television, albeit placed on a Russian video platform (sequence begins at the 33:30 time mark). Correction: The “postman” comes along before the beginning of the piece and Jansons conducts it from beginning to end with this marshal’s baton.


        I also made a screenshot that shows the marshal’s baton quite well:


      4. One more detail: The “postman” gets paid by the conductor who rips what looks like a 10-Euro bill from concert master Volkhard Steude’s breast pocket. Interestingly, Volkhard Steude, born in 1971, is from the communist sphere too. He was born in Leipzig, German Democratic Republic, and received most of his musical education in the workers’ paradise until he came to Vienna in 1994.

      5. “Who was this demonstration meant to please?”

        You tell me! In any case, a mace (in German: Tambourstab) as used in military music would be much longer (easily 4 ft.). So by its size, it reminds me much more of a marshal’s baton (if not a sceptre), even though proper marshal’s batons are more massive in diameter. Either way, that baton was meant to signal militarism.

        Maybe the gesture wasn’t supposed to please anyone, but was simply a devious expression of triumph, like those neo-Stalinist high-risers they built in the 2000s in Moscow as well as in Astana, named “Triumph Palace” and “Triumph Astana”, respectively.


  26. Jeff, I want to apologize to you, Lauraz1986, and your readers here for sidetracking the subject matter of the post yesterday. After an earlier Lauraz1986 comment of coronavirus I let my own personal experience sidetrack this blog post.
    I respect Jeff for his knowledge and have learned a great deal here and I meant no disrespect.

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