Infiltratornoun, a person who secretly becomes part of a group in order to get information or to influence the way the group thinks or behaves.

Cambridge Dictionary

They look like you. They talk like you. It is assumed that they think like you. Only they are nothing like you. They are the infiltrators. Their job is to infiltrate an agency, a political party, a medical lab, or the White House. In fact, our society has been infiltrated at many levels; but who bothers to notice? Some infiltrators are assigned to approach important people: businessmen, politicians, broadcasters, high-level bureaucrats. If the person in question is important enough, infiltrators come up from the floorboards, through the ceiling, and from the four walls. It is infiltration by encirclement.

The infiltrator can be an FBI asset, a political operative, or a spy sent by a foreign intelligence service. There might even be infiltrators who are all three at once. While you go about your business, working for a better America, for fair and free elections, for truth in government, etc., the infiltrator has a different agenda. Aside from winning your confidence, the infiltrator is assessing your weaknesses, your gullibility, your knowledge. The infiltrator wants to know your level of situational awareness. In terms of assessing the ground, he wants to know three things:

  • Is there something you would cheat or lie for?
  • Can you be flattered or bribed?
  • What lies are you ready to swallow?

It is this latter point that they play off of; for if they know your blind spots, and they know what kind of information you are looking for, they can play to your biases. An infiltrator will feed you information for which you are grateful. But it is information that will either discredit you in the eyes of others, compromise you, waste your time, or lead you into danger.

When crafting a false narrative, the infiltrator does not work alone. He is supported by a network of experts and advisors. To attain credibility, the infiltrator also works with other infiltrators; that is to say, they work in groups or teams. They know that people will trust and believe a narrative that comes from multiple sources. Confirmation bias does the rest.

According to Wikipedia, confirmation bias “is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one’s prior beliefs or values.” Confirmation bias includes “ignoring contrary information.” There is also another phenomenon which is more subtle. It is the feedback loop. When disinformation is passed by an infiltrator and people reject it, the infiltrator mirrors the disapproval registered by others and retreats. The unaccepted disinformation is then reshaped or repackaged in a way that the target audience will accept.

The greatest obstacle to the infiltrator is an honest person. There is an old saying that “you cannot cheat an honest man.” From the point of view of the infiltrator, there are two types of people: (1) there are people who think and ask questions because they care about the truth; (2) there are people who do not care about the truth, who willingly set questions aside, thinking only of personal gain. The infiltrator prefers the second type to the first.

The annoying child who asks his mother “why?” is trying to understand the world. The same thing can be said about adults who are always asking questions. The infiltrator does not like probing questions. Instead, the infiltrator creates a thick fog around himself. Everyone in the vicinity of an infiltrator thinks they know what is going on; but nobody can really make sense of it. The infiltrator likes obfuscation and sowing seeds of suspicion. The infiltrator wants to make people distrustful. Best to make them trust only the infiltrator and those who have joined the infiltrator’s team.

It is the policy of the infiltrator to kick truth-seekers to the curb. A great deal that happens in modern politics can be explained by a process that weeds out inquisitive, honest, and intelligent people. Thus, the infiltrator relies on teamwork. Infiltrators come not as single spies, but in battalions. Each works from a different angle. They pour the same lies into everyone’s ear. They initiate whispering campaigns. They invent derogatory information and assessments of inquisitive, honest, and intelligent people. They might attack the inquisitive person’s qualifications, loyalty, judgment, or sobriety. A bad word from two or three infiltrators and the inquisitive, honest, and intelligent people are not hired. They are not listened to. They are, in the end, ostracized. Who then gets hired? The unquestioning, dishonest, shallow people – the very raw material of the Deep State.

There is a curious sociological phenomenon that happens when a team of infiltrators goes to work. The target of their infiltration – whether it is the Oval Office or an intelligence agency – is gradually filled with unquestioning, dishonest, shallow people. It is no accident that most of America’s top officials fit this description. We saw, for example, General Mark Milley’s disgusting performance in Congress the other day. When questioned about indoctrinating the armed forces with Critical Race Theory, he forcefully asserted that Capitol Hill was stormed last January 6 by “thousands of people” trying to “overthrow the Constitution” because of “white rage.”

General Milley’s fawning defense of the Pentagon’s Marxist left drew the following commentary from Tucker Carlson: “He’s not just a pig, he’s stupid.” To be more precise in our analysis, General Milley bears the markings of someone beholden to infiltrators; for he blithely repeats enemy propaganda intended to divide and demoralize our country and armed forces; and he does so unthinkingly, knowing that his past promotions were obtained by a likeminded obsequiousness. It is a special kind of stupid to wear the uniform, with four stars on each shoulder, and mouth a communist mass line narrative. The question must be: Who promoted, from rank to rank, this four-star stooge?

The infiltrator’s job is to promote the incompetent, the obsequious and the cowardly. We all remember the slogan, “It takes a village.” In this case, “It takes a useful idiot.” The character of this sort of person is neither competent, outspoken, or brave. The infiltrator knows who to launch a whispering campaign against, who to praise and where to cast suspicion. If a person has a weakness for money, if his ego needs a boost, if he harbors inappropriate ambitions, the infiltrator can hook him, and reel him in.

Our society has been easy to infiltrate. This infiltration has produced, over many years, a peculiar moral deformity in our ruling class. Those who have an outwardly plausible appearance, but are without inner substance, tend to rise. Those who have principles, who tell the truth, are – all too often – the odd man out. We wonder why the country’s problems are not dealt with properly, why warnings are not taken, why the good guys always seem to lose. Well, I think – we need to look for the infiltrators. Yes, they are there. In fact, they are everywhere.

Next week we will delve deeper into this gaping morass.


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87 thoughts on “The Infiltrators

  1. thanks Jeff for writing this. Just watched 1949 b/w movie called Conspirator produced by Warner Brothers. It is literally from a time when a patriotic world view was the dominant paradigm in our nation and UK. Without giving away too much, Its touches on a communist member in a cell who is an infiltrater into the UK military and seduces an unsuspecting darling. Lots of interesting insights in the movie. While I was watching it, it almost seemed to be a visualization of aspects of what Whitaker Chambers described in his Witness memoir on how communist cells functioned. Chamber’s testimony occurred one year prior to this movie.

      1. Who ever suspected that the genahsys
        of these two quotes was a super-hot
        strawberry blonde – who didn’t quite
        succeed in infiltrating ol’Patrick,
        .. who ever knew just how strong
        he was?

        “For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost,
        I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the
        worst and to provide for it.”
        Patrick Henry

        “Suspicion is a virtue as long its object is
        the preservation of public good.
        “Patrick Henry”

        Now we return you to your regularly
        scheduled programming, after this
        brief commercial – “…..”

    1. Arnold, I looked for the movie, but no luck. Where did you find it?

  2. Thanks Jeff for the interesting article. It reminds me of the book “Psychology of the Masses” by Gustave Le Bon. Because the masses don’t like them either, the inquisitive, curious, truth seeking people and they are easily infiltrated and directed. I hope Deppl has translated this correctly.

  3. Here’s my own little half baked hypothesis, based upon personal experience, observation, and contemplation. They say that there’s no such thing as an ex Marine. When a Marine is discharged from the Corp, he joins the Masons. The Masons have a private, undercover detective force. They spy on the general public, and report to Federal, State, County, and City, law enforcement. This evades prohibitive laws against government abuse of citizens’ Rights.

    I can’t seem to locate an recent article I read, about the DoD placing agents in civilian jobs to spy on US citizens.

    1. …The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called “signature reduction.” The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies.

      The unprecedented shift has placed an ever greater number of soldiers, civilians, and contractors working under false identities, partly as a natural result in the growth of secret special forces but also as an intentional response to the challenges of traveling and operating in an increasingly transparent world. The explosion of Pentagon cyber warfare, moreover, has led to thousands of spies who carry out their day-to-day work in various made-up personas, the very type of nefarious operations the United States decries when Russian and Chinese spies do the same….

      1. You’re parroting Russian propaganda! There are about 10,000,000 agents and their confederates active in Russia today. In communist Czechoslovakia there were about 250,000. They served the Russian occupiers and communist totalitarianism. Thanks to them, the communists imprisoned about 270,000 people and executed or tortured thousands. To this day, none of the communists have been brought to justice for their crimes. In contrast, today’s America is still a paradise on earth. Although even here, the communists have already covertly taken power under a false flag and are leading the country towards civil war and totalitarianism.

        Best wishes to all the good and the bad!
        Peter Cibulka, +

    2. Your post strikes me as the work of a Russian infiltrator, which the article discusses. It is true that anti-Christian Masons threaten the entire world. They are satanists. But at the top are mostly Luciferians. Anti-Christian Freemasons have been infiltrated by anti-Christian Soviet and Russian secret services for at least 100 years. No one knows where the line is between the Freemasons and the Marxist-Satanist Russian secret services. All Satanists and Luciferians have a common goal: to destroy Christianity. But the Marx-Satanic Russian + Chinese secret services have another goal: to destroy the USA and Europe as world powers. That is why they are even more dangerous today than the Freemasons. That’s why I’m surprised that you are so bothered by the Freemasons but not by the Russian and Chinese secret services!

      I apologize in advance for any errors in my translator:

      Sincerely all the good to all the good and the bad away!
      Petr Cibulka, +

      1. The British and the US may as well be one a far as Russia goes; they have a longstanding mutual defence treaty which goes far beyond the standard NATO arrangements and which gets renewed every so many years.

  4. What you describe was exactly my experience when I worked at Canada’s Nortel Networks in Ottawa in the 90’s and early 2000’s. There was a massive Chinese infiltration of the company that contributed to it’s downfall (100,000 employees world wide in 2001). Billions in stolen technology. And they walked across the road to create Huawei Canada.

      1. I’m afraid that every initiative is always founded by agents of the Russian secret services and their western useful idiots. Whoever joins them is under their control and direction from the start. Without gaining mass psychotronic literacy = relative omniscience we have no chance against them. That is why I think there is no time for political solutions. Every election is rigged and the mass media cannot be penetrated. At least in Europe.

        So let’s look for solutions in Europe. The question is: World War III 2011-2038 has already begun. The acute phase will erupt in 2025 with a Turkish attack on a betrayed and undefended Europe and an uprising of European Muslims. The US will leave Europe in 2026 and NATO will disintegrate in 2027.

        According to Moscow’s plans, the West is to be destroyed in a civil war between a satanic coalition of Marxists and Muslims, led by a well-covered agency of the Russian GRU, and a coalition of Christians and Western patriots, led by a well-covered agency of the Russian KGB. When no stone is left unturned, satanic Brussels will ask satanic Moscow for military fraternal international help. 1/3 of Humanity will die. WILL IT BE US OR THEM?

        Otherwise, I think Russia and China have a similar scenario in store for America. They have more than enough of their useful idiots to do it here too. Plus they control politics, mass media, Google, YOU TUBE and social networks.

        Otherwise, Jeff, please take care of yourself. The Russians are wiping out anyone who stands in their way! All the information is available in the book “Death Lab, from Lenin to Putin” – by Arkadi Vaksberg. And they don’t just have poisons. They also use psychotronics to liquidate inconvenient people. But it usually takes much longer. Just type four keywords into a Google search: KGB General Ratnikov psychotronics.

        Best regards to all the good and the bad away!
        Peter Cibulka, +

      2. PS. There’s one more thing I’d like to ask you, Jeff. This is my third discussion post today. But only this one was published + then one other. Where did my first two discussion posts go? They were relatively long. Is there a limit to the length of discussion posts? Thank you very much in advance for your reply!
        Best regards to all the good and the bad away!
        Peter Cibulka, +

      3. Peter: for some reason the WordPress protocol is requiring my approval on your posts and I just now approved all of them. So you should see them all posted.

    1. What you describe applies to Europe as well. I think it’s much worse here. I see it as proof of the total infiltration of the West and its intelligence services by Russia and China. Russia, China and the West have been controlled by Marxists for many decades. Karl Marx was a TOP Satanist and Marxism is an extreme form of Satanism. Why would they fight each other?

      I apologize in advance for any errors of my translator:

      Regards all good to all good and Bad away!
      Peter Cibulka,

  5. The strategy of infiltration is most obvious in play when the infiltrator has an ideology/belief that is either too odious and/or alien for their target of infiltration to accept openly, were the person simply to be honest and lay out their beliefs. This is often the case when there is little if any common ground between the would-be infiltrator and those they wish to infiltrate.

    Another possibility of an infiltrator at work is when the Infiltrator DOES share a certain common ground of belief with the target of infiltration, but wants to use that common ground belief as a wedge to persuade the target or mark to accept those other beliefs also. One must be careful though to understand these distinctions, because on this level of persuasion these are matters of belief and opinion, not necessarily truth and facts to be used.

    Fascist infiltration of Anti-Communist organizations, or Communist infiltration of Liberal and Socialist organizations, come to mind,without getting into the possibility of some groups being set up as Communist or Fascist ”false front organizations” to begin with.

    These matters were raised to the level of an art form in the Islamic world during the Middle Ages when different sects would infiltrate each other and outside entities for example, infiltrations made easier by tactical use of Islamic strategic warfare concepts like ”Muruna”, ”Kitman”, ”Taqiyya”, and ”Tawriya”…

      1. It’s a sad wisdom to have, is it not? But, one only need look at history to see that there are traitors and infiltrators in existance.

    1. The Hashshashins or Hash assassins were the original and best at infiltrating any and all levels of the ruling kingdoms. Sometimes taking many years to get close to rulers they wanted to kill, and were very successful in doing so, to such an extent that many rulers were in constant fear of their lives.

    2. I totally agree with you!Moreover, it is proven that during the times of communist totalitarianism and today’s (post) totalitarianism, the secret services of the ruling Marxist-Satanists themselves founded and are founding so-called “anti-state organizations” or “extremist organizations”. These “anti-communist” organizations carried out intensive activities, recruited new members and then, of course, were exposed and their members imprisoned or executed. Today, in the same way, the Marxist-Satanist (post) totalitarian secret services set up opposition political parties and other organisations and recruit members into them. Always under their direction, of course…

      I apologize in advance for any errors of my translator:

      Regards all good to all good and Bad away!
      Peter Cibulka, +

  6. The anti-white propaganda is targeted outside. An attempt of western elites to stay relevant in the third world (mostly Africa).

    1. Relevant to the third world in what way? Like the common people in these nations don’t know what’s going on in their own nations, the resource stripping and siphoning of their natural wealth into Western financial institutions and corruption of local elites? What lessons are they supposed to draw when thinking about the Western elites, that these elites care about them too? That the elites conduct propaganda against themselves, demonize themselves and then kneel on the floor in abject contrition?

      The powerful and wealthy don’t do pretending to grovel very well. Maybe they are not powerful after all, maybe their wealth is not real.

      It doesn’t make sense to me. Thing is, they seem rather oblivious to almost everything outside of making money and living like swine. There must be other reasons.

      1. I think the reasons are well known. The ruling Western “elites” are Marxists. Marxism is an extreme form of Satanism. The West is Christian or (post) Christian. They want to destroy it. The white race gave the world Christianity, freedom, prosperity and democracy. If you destroy the white race, you destroy everything. Then you can replace it with whatever you want.

        The Marxist West cleared out Africa to be occupied by Marxist China and Russia. I think today communist China is exploiting Africa more than the West. But all the mass media is silent about it.

        Communist ultra totalitarian China is now a world power. It has been made a superpower by the Western Marxists. They moved the West’s manufacturing capacity to Communist China. They brought the West to its knees and Communist China to its feet…

        It is important to look at our world through the eyes of war (2011-2038), a hybrid war for now, not through the eyes of peace. As far as I know, the hybrid war will turn into a real war in 2025. Turkey will attack a betrayed and undefended Europe. Then the uprising of “European” Muslims will begin.

        Then today’s events will begin to take on a different meaning than we think today…

        I apologize in advance for any errors of my translator:

        Regards all good to all good and Bad away!
        Peter Cibulka,

    2. if apartheid was immoral then we whites in Europe and the US obviously dont have the right to stay ourselves.When the devastating floods hit Holland in 1953 the ‘racist regime’ was the first to provide us humantarian aid.Gratitiude?None whatsoever.I believe we are paying and will pay for our treacherous,ungratefull and hypocritical betrayal.

  7. Let’s not forget the highest level infiltrator of all.

    The mole.

    1. The top mole is an American president in the pay of Soviet, Russian or Chinese intelligence services! America had the vast majority of such presidents in the 20th and 21st centuries. Europe was much worse off in this regard…

      I apologize in advance for any errors of my translator:

      Regards all good to all good and Bad away!
      Peter Cibulka, +

  8. Besides all that, what a useful history for a militaristic,
    empire building China ( 1980 – ???? ) “Those foreign
    devils killed 200 million Chinese in “The Great Starvation”.

    Perpetual justification forever.

    As far as the idea that Russia *would not ally with China* –

    Really? 3 Super-powers in the world, and Russia has a choice
    to have an ally or not, and you think they would risk having
    China ally with the West, which might happen if Russia told
    and shown the Chinese leadership that Russia is not and
    will not be an ally of China.

    Why would Russia choose the option that is
    apparently self – destructive?

    I’m curious, enlighten me.

    1. When I asked the Russia historian, Marina Kalashnikova why Russia and China were intensively cooperating more than a decade ago, she impatiently answered, “Because they are communists!”

  9. I was banned as an “infiltrator at Adam Piggott’s site because I called attention to the BS he posted about Russia and Putin. It is sad that people like Piggott and Theodore Beale (AKA Vox Day) are pro-Putin and refuse any warning as to the end of the path they are on. Anyone daring to tell the truth is, as you have experienced, is regarded as discreditable. The lack of critical thinking is sad.

    1. This is a serious problem for us. The deception strategy of our enemy has been successful. How do we show people the truth when they strongly believe what is contrary to truth?

      1. Without being overtly theological in my response, the Truth is shown when the Truth is seen as a Person. After that, the lies fall away, when one employs a great humility. When one realizes anyone can be fooled.

        There are two words in Russian that don’t easily translate into English that encapsulate the great struggle between good and evil, and the deception evil uses.

        The first is ”Poshlost”, one word which encompasses the insight that evil is sin against the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. ”Poshlost” is in bad taste; tawdry, gross, vulgar, filthy, banal, cheezy, philistine, odd, bizarre, stupid and with the suggestion of absurdity, and of seediness and sexual immorality. Dostyoevsky’s ”Brothers Karamazov” has a scene in which Ivan Karamazov (the liberal atheist intellectual brother) has a conversation with the Devil, who is incredibly very stupid and the very archetype of ”Poshlost”. Evil absolutely cannot disguise it’s inner ”Poshlost” very well.

        The other word is ”Prelest”, or closest to English; ”Spiritual Deception”. ”Prelest” is Evil’s attempt to fool the proud and the arrogant by the appearance of being something or someone that is true, good,and beautiful. If one is humble,and prayerfully engaged in one’s ”Podvig” (another difficult Russian word that means best in English;”Spiritual Combat”), one is alerted to the presence of Evil’s foulness, the Spirit of Antichrist, by a sign of the appearances ”Poshlost”.

      2. I know this Russian word, but never had it explained in terms of the denial of transcendentals. This makes sense. Evil is its own kind of stupid.

      3. People tend to believe what they want to believe, usually based on fear and anxiety.
        When the Soviets pulled off one of the greatest deceptions of all time in 1990/1991, people bought it hook, line, and sinker because the fear of nuclear war was supposedly gone, and communism was defeated. None of which was true. When you convince people that the boogeyman is gone, and in this regard, was far easier than the Soviets ever thought it would be, you have your enemy right where you want them. It then becomes a matter of just when you want to strike. The Soviets have lots of time, and will strike when they know the time is ripe.

      4. It’s the Chinese who appear to be pushing for war. Russia seems reluctant but will have no choice because of its interest in seeing China defeat the USA. Remember: that is how Russia gains dominance over Europe. This is their near-term objective.

      5. The only path to victory over Evil and its carriers and representatives is – in the long run – to overcome one’s own psychotronic illiteracy, to learn to work with the sideric information pendulum according to the manual of the Russian psychotronics expert Alexander Sviash and thus become relatively omniscient. And then promote this art among the people and teach them to use it. The People of Evil now have a monopoly on mass media disinformation. And with this disinformation they destroy all their opponents. Few people can overcome this mass media smokescreen. And even fewer people have the courage to stand up to political and mass media power. Therefore, we cannot do without overcoming our current psychotronic illiteracy. I have been talking about psychotronic literacy and working with the anchor information pendulum on television – if I am allowed to do so as chairman of an opposition political party – since 2010. The results are already visible. But it is a journey of many years. But there is no other way to win. Because if you start an anti-government political party or an anti-government political initiative, the first 100 members will be secret service agents, and they will occupy all the positions in it. If you become suspicious and start standing in their way, they will expel you from your political party… I speak from personal experience! I survived only with the help of God and all his saints.

        Sincerely all the good to all the good and the bad away!
        Petr Cibulka, +

    2. The Marx-Satanic Russian and Chinese intelligence services, with the help of Western useful idiots, have totally infiltrated the entire West. The USA and Europe in the first place. That is why there is no position in politics and mass media that they do not directly or indirectly control. Whoever stands up to them, they will destroy. Physically, politically, morally…

      Today, when someone in Europe criticizes satanic Islam, he is labeled in all mass media as a Nazi, fascist, racist, xenophobe and is excluded by these Marx-Satanists from the so-called “decent society”….

      The European Union today publicly declares so-called “European values”. However, its new “European values” are not traditional Christian values according to the Bible, but anti-Christian Marx-Satanic values! Those who today do not bow deeply to these satanic values are branded as pariahs of human society.

      I apologize in advance for any errors of my translator:

      Regards all good to all good and Bad away!
      Peter Cibulka,

      1. The Pharisees of old worshipped the law, rules and legalism; the new religion in the West is worship of the rules and laws of wokery. So far it has mostly been a case of “if you openly dissent, you will be cancelled” but it’s getting worse; soon it will be “openly embrace and swear allegiance to the woke neo Marxist agenda, or be cancelled”. In fact, you may not even be able to buy or sell soon if you don’t go along to get along.

  10. Mr. Nyquist, you said about ”Poshlost’ that ;

    ”I know this Russian word, but never had it explained in terms of the denial of transcendentals. This makes sense. Evil is its own kind of stupid. ”

    Indeed. Poshlost is a word that teaches that there are external signs of inner realities, an aesthetic dimension to Good and to Evil, yes the denial or affirmation of Trancendentals extends into every facet of existence.

    Seeing a Clergyman in his vestments wearing a watch worth more in monetary values than what most make in a year, peeking out of his robes, is one of those signs, and not a good one, for example.

    People in their hearts know the external signs of Poshlost, but feel themselves compelled by force or fraud to pretend otherwise, as with the profoundly evil Chinese story of of Zhao Gao and his ”Point Deer Make Horse”;

    This is also why Tsar Peter and his order for all the beards in Russia be shaved (except for the Peasantry and Clergy) or else a fine, was far more traumatic than anyone might realize, because of the spiritual and cultural reasons men wore beards in the Old Russia, and abhorred men being shaved in the West and elsewhere. It seems trivial, but it really wasn’t at all.

    You really can ”gaslight” people that one thing is another,that something happened that didn’t or vice versa,but inside people know. People feel humiliated when they have accepted something false as true, because the signs are there all the time. But humility can be the first step to repentance and regeneration.


    1. I know that so many people do not understand consciously infiltration and corruption,and how ”Poshlost” fits into the conversation (although Ithink Mr. Nyquist gets it, since he placed that picture Epstein had of President William Jefferson Clinton in Monica Lewinsky’s dress at the Oval Office-that is Poshlost on so many levels…). So,I thought I’d play a couple scenes from Kubrick’s ”Lolita”, the adaptation of Nabokov’s book (and Nabokov wrote a great deal about the aesthetic aspects of ‘Poshlost”). These scenes are from Peter Sellers character, Clare Quilty, a corruptor, insinuator, and infiltrator of lives, perfect example of what most truly Evil really is like in the real world;

      Seller’s ”got it”.

      1. Evil has its own kind of Kitsch aesthetic involuntarily then, Mr. Vladimir? Now that’s quite an fascinating insight you brought up!

        That may explain why the Main Cathedral of Brasilia, Brazil – in all of its Modernist “glory” – features an underground entrance! Perhaps Niemayer, by designing such feature, was poking at Christians by literally saying “Hey! In our Brave New World, you fellas will go back to the catacombs!”. But the joke’s on him since the suffering of the martyrs at the catacombs is one of the quintessential parts of the Logos.

        As a work of art it is absolutely horrendous. As humor it falls flat. Anyway, perhaps a bit of anecdotal evidence about the “Poshlost” here in Brazil.

        Best regards,


  11. Jeff, immense respect to you for all your meticulous work over such an extended period.

    I’ll keep this as concise as possible. I want to propose an amendment to your lab-leak conclusions. It potentially affects your view of Dong Jingwei.

    I’d suggest you may be incorrect inasmuch as I’d argue the lab leak was indeed an accident. Strong evidence suggests the virus was released — somehow — in October or November 2019. Or maybe even before that. The Chinese New Year was 25 January 2020.

    And the INITIAL chaos and confusion in response to all this from the Chinese themselves, the US government, the CDC and the WHO, suggests to me that at first everyone was scrambling to figure what had happened and what to do. It wasn’t as if it was the first phase of a well-crafted strategic plan.

    And the Chinese New Year travel scenario may well have been a deliberate decision, to spread the thing — after it had been accidentally (but irreversibly) released several months earlier.

    But THEN, a couple months later, someone, somewhere, at a high level, started to co-ordinate and dictate the global response. Lockdowns, strict media censorship, massaging and exaggerating the statistics (because it was actually quite a weak weapon), no dissent, no cheap viable treatments (HCQ and Ivermectin), etc.

    So here’s my question. Is the following possible?

    The release WAS an accident, although the virus had certainly been bio-engineered as a weapon. But then what happened was that a decision was made to BRING AN EXISTING PLAN FORWARD and capitalize on the release. That would seem (to me) to explain everything we’ve seen.

    The very crude analogy in nuclear war terms would be the accidental firing of a ballistic nuke, and then after a brief but intense bunch of high-level chaos, scrambling to start the war earlier than planned. Because once the nuke’s in the air, it’s all irrevocable. One might as well seize the initiative.

    And then, as you;’e observed, the virus really is quite weak. The virus itself doesn’t cut it as a frightening weapon, despite all the attempts to hype it up as super-scary. (It’s real, but nothing like anthrax or the plague.)

    HENCE the Stage 2 implementation, that may or may not have been in the original pre-release plan, to make the ‘vaccine’ the true weapon that would bring the US to its knees. (Many other countries too, but China may not care about those.)

    Combined with everything else — power outages, software attacks on infrastructure, social weakening, political turmoil, and more — this softens up the American people big time before maybe something much more kinetic is actioned.

    The implications of that — if true — would be that Dong Jingwei may be legitimate. After all, he may have said that the release was an accident. We DON’T know if he also told the DIA that China then capitalized on that by bringing their war plan forward. Hence posting this comment on this thread. I do look forward to your thoughts.

  12. How to win without using brute force!
    Sun Tzu was a brilliant military strategist who lived in China 25 centuries ago. He commanded the armies of King Wei and always won. He wrote down his thoughts in his book “The Art of War” (published in English in 2005), which – as we know from historical documents – was known to Japanese rulers as early as the 8th century AD. “Those who are skilled in the art of war will humble the enemy’s army without a fight. They conquer cities without having to attack them and defeat governments without having to fight them for long,” Sun Tzu wrote, adding: “Your aim must be to control everything under the sun in an untouched state. Then your army will remain undiminished and your victory will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy.”
    But how to achieve these goals? For this, Sun Tzu gives “thirteen golden principles”:
    1. Discredit everything that is good in the adversary’s country.
    2. Draw the leaders of the adversary’s ruling classes into criminality.
    3. Undermine their good name. At the proper moment, throw them before the contempt of their countrymen.
    4. Exploit for co-operation especially the beings of the MOST submissive and the MOST subdued, and build your influence and power upon them.
    5. By all means disorganize the efficiency of the adversary’s government.
    6. Sow division, passion, and dissension among the inhabitants of the enemy’s state.
    7. Set the young against the old, women against men, the healthy against the sick, the incapable against the capable, the unbelievers against the believers, all that is weak and infirm against all that is strong and healthy, all that is unnatural and perverse against all that is natural and normal, human spiritual and moral refuse against national and state spiritual and moral elites, all that is lower against all that is higher.
    8. Mock the spiritual and moral traditions of your adversaries.
    9. By all means bring confusion into the hinterland, into the supplies and directly into the troops of the enemy.
    10. Weaken the enemy’s will to resist with sensual songs, music, alcohol and drugs.
    11. Send prostitutes to complete the work of destruction.
    12. Spare no promises or gifts to gain information. Spare no expense, for money thus spent will be repaid a hundredfold.
    13. Infiltrate your spies everywhere!

    PS. All of these recommendations are followed to the letter by the barbaric Genghis Khan’s Asiatic Moscow to this day!

    “Only a man who has just such means at his disposal and can use them to sow division and confusion, only such a man is worthy to rule and command. He is a treasure for his ruler and the mainstay of the country,” – in these words Sun Tzu summed up his code of 13 warrior principles.
    The “13 Golden Instructions” were the terms of reference for the activities of the merchants sent by Genghis Khan. Because merchants could move everywhere and meet everyone, they were able to put all these principles into practice, point by point.

    In the twentieth century, the role of the merchants was taken over by other “leaders of public opinion”, Marxist intellectuals in politics and mass media, who were able to embody in a flawless way the ancient anti-civilizing “art of war” in the equally dangerous and equally reprehensible anti-civilizing leftist ideology of the so-called “art of war”. They have already dominated, subverted, and almost destroyed the entire democratic Western world with this anti-civilizing ideology of “political correctness” – in the original Soviet Russian of the 1920s and 1930s, the proven ideology of “political correctness” – and are attempting to further export this anti-civilizing ideology of “political correctness” to every country that is not already theirs, in order to subvert and dominate it just as they have subverted and dominated our originally democratic West. Their most effective and reliable weapon against us, our human, national, religious, civilizational, political and civil rights and freedoms is the IDEOLOGY of “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS” – THEN THE POLITICS OF TOLERANCE TO EVIL AND TOLERANCE TO GOOD – AS A HIDDEN DEMONSTRATION OF OUR WESTERN CIVILIZATION AT THE HANDS OF “USEFUL IDIOTS” – NOW MARX-SATANIC ACTIVISTS – INSERTED IN POLITICS AND ALL THE MEDIA! !!
    The purpose of all the perfectly disguised Marx-Leninist strategies of their criminal ideology of so-called “political correctness” ruling us today is to weaken, subvert and destroy the West! Those “13 golden instructions” are the unchanging assignment, today no longer for the activities of the merchants sent by Genghis Khan, but for the activities of the Marx-Satanic intellectuals, directed directly or indirectly by Genghis Khan’s immediate successor, the Evil Empire, Russia. Since the down-to-earth materialist intellectuals have long since taken over all Western societies worldwide, have unlimited ability to move everywhere and meet everyone, they have had and have ample opportunity to put all these destructive anti-civilizational principles into practice, point by point. They are going about it very well indeed, and in a highly sophisticated manner, in this 300-year subversive covert civil war against us. Judge for yourself: TOP!!!

    I apologize in advance for any errors of my translator:

    Regards all good to all good and Bad away!
    Peter Cibulka,

  13. SARU, you said;

    ”Evil has its own kind of Kitsch aesthetic involuntarily then, Mr. Vladimir? Now that’s quite an fascinating insight you brought up!”

    Thank you,I believe that it does, Evil being not some ”substance” of reality, but rather a deficiency in someway of something originally good.

    ”That may explain why the Main Cathedral of Brasilia, Brazil – in all of its Modernist “glory” – features an underground entrance! Perhaps Niemayer, by designing such feature, was poking at Christians by literally saying “Hey! In our Brave New World, you fellas will go back to the catacombs!”. But the joke’s on him since the suffering of the martyrs at the catacombs is one of the quintessential parts of the Logos.”

    I’ve seen modern buildings look like all manner of things, but the ”churches” managing to out-do themselves in innovations and novelty for novelties’ sake really put me out. One look and I know that the people who worship there have retained only vestigial remnants of Faith.

    ”As a work of art it is absolutely horrendous. As humor it falls flat. Anyway, perhaps a bit of anecdotal evidence about the “Poshlost” here in Brazil.”

    I was thinking that many buildings in Brasilia look so ”modern” in that hideous dated 1960’s style, but recall too that Saint Petersburg in Russia in it’s time was equally trying very hard to imitate the Modernism of the 1700’s Western Europe and the latest from Masonic architects, much like Washington DC a little later or Paris in the 1800’s.

    ”Best regards,


    Thank you!

    1. Now that you’ve mentioned, Mr. Vladimir, only now I noticed that St. Petersburg feels distinctively Western European in its aesthetics, it definitely does not feel “Russian”. While I’d argue that St. Petersburg clearly has the upper hand, in terms of beauty, when compared to Brasilia, both cities perhaps represents a more concerning topic: the systematic replacement of the institutions of the past by what’s Modern and foreign.

      On one hand, Brazil’s eagerness for Modernization following the end of the Empire brought the ills of Positivism, Technocracy and Careerism. On the other, in Russia, Socialism and Nihilism. While one could argue that the whole world is suffering from the excesses of Modernity, few went through the same processes of shaming and condemnation of the Monarchical/Christian Past such as Brazil and Russia (perhaps the only other example I can think of, thanks to Richard Weaver, is the Old South, notwithstanding the horrors of slavery and Jim Crow).

      Also, Mr. Nyquist, in regards to your comment, I definitely think you would subscribe to Olavo de Carvalho’s comments that the Evil operates not only through subversion but also through inversion. Virtue becomes “toxic masculinity” and Cowardice and Treason are rewarded and so forth…

      Anyway, always an honor hearing your insights, gentlemen.

      Best regards,


      1. Oh yes. I absolutely concur with Olavo’s commentary on inversion. It is a truth I arrived at independently, but strongly share with him. A spiritual/intellectual inversion is at work. All the surface phenomena of politics has its roots in the soul. Weaver also made similar points — though with greater nuanced subtlety — about the Old South.

      2. Thank you SARU!

        You are most correct when speaking of the crisis of modernity, simply for the fact that human nature won’t sustain it. And it is impossible to sustain in any case, because of environmental factors and finite resources.In many places it is being replaced by Non-Modern or Pre-Modern systems, unfortunately often by a resurgent and militantly expanding Islam. In Russia, the large cities are full of them.

  14. Mr. Nyquist,in reply to our ruminations (which were sparked by the possibility of how one can discern infiltration,deception) which went into some depth as to the nature of Evil-and it’s asinine and abysmal stupidity, it’s crass vulgarity, aesthetic and moral chaos and so forth, To which you said;

    ”Here is the analogue to order and disorder — to divine symmetry and the misshapenness of evil.”

    Ah,and this is the crux of Dostyoevsky’s personal philosophy; all that arises from man’s essential and existential freedom!

    He can be a blockhead! A Swine… Or a Saint. Or anywhere in-between. And so Dostyoevsky plays a bit of a trick on us;while his Devil in ”Brothers Karamazov” is so tawdry and banal and stupid (whining about his rheumatism and quite forgetful!) and embodies ”Poshlost” perfectly, he offers us earlier in the book a seemingly more intelligent Evil, more sad in his infernal grandeur but absolutely opposed to Jesus Christ (but allegedly one of His clergymen-there’s an ”infiltration” right there…). Dostyoevsky’s ”Grand Inquisitor”. But I say that he’s a silly old fool full of proud assumptions. You be the judge;

    The Devil, trying to get Ivan to do something terrible;

    And the magnificent John Gielgud as the Grand Inquisitor;

    All boils down to freedom,and discernment between good and evil, the problem of the deception and infiltration.

      1. I suspect that you’re right Mr. Nyquist,about the Devil ”feeling sorry for himself”. And I think that leads somewhat into the wicked ”lacking discernment”.

        For the Devil must needs well seduce the best of us (for he has the rest), and he and his followers can genuinely use and evoke the memory of Heaven, in order to persuade them that Heaven can be had right here on Earth,with the right scheme or plan.

        Thing is is that in our fallen condition, Heaven (in the thinking of the Fathers) would be worse than Hell for the Damned, and so they must destroy even their attempted Utopias on Earth, settling for money and power and the pleasures they can buy instead.

        The Wicked by Wickedness undone.

  15. Thank you so much your insights, which are very organized, well researched, and logical.

    I agree with you beyond a doubt that the Chinese is the biggest threat to mankind. It is the Chinese that are taking over the world and want to commit genocide on local population, so they can replace them with the Chinese race (includingVietnamese, Koreans, Thai, Singaporeans, Koreans, et al).

    When I first heard of the Wuhan virus in January 2020, I automatically thought that the Chinese are intentionally killing people based on my research from the Khmer genocide of the native SE Asian people from the Khmer Empire, whose land were invaded, plundered, and stolen to form modern day Chinese territories: Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand — all these ilk originated from China.

    Fortunately, my undergrad. and graduate studies allowed me to travel extensively. Most of my time were spent speaking and interviewing in the Khmer language– leading me to understand how the Chinese want to dominate the world. My understanding is much outside the ‘narrative’ of the Western superficial view.

    The Chinese/Vietnamese funded and trained Pol Pot. They used the youth to kill their own families and they murdered the intellectual, so no one can speak up against them. This is in parallel with Chinese owned media of using youths to join BLM and silence “oppositions” on social media.

    Their tactics during this Communist takeover doesn’t surprise me one bit. They are much brutal than Hitler. Their culture is based on violence, hate, deception, and harming innocent people.

    I do not think America will defend itself from the Communist take over because so many Americans (Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics) are breeding with the Chinese race (more so with Whites), and want to see China’s takeover than to defend for their freedoms. They have been compromised and are communist sympathizers.
    However, the Brits are not.

    Have you read the writings how the Chinese view themselves as the “superior race” and they literally believe that they are decedents of reptilian (either a snake or dragon)?

      1. You’re right, Jeff. It’s all about communism. I mean, Marx-Satanism. MARXISM IS AN EXTREME FORM OF SATANISM!

        Otherwise, equally militantly anti-Christian is the Talmud, the Jewish Bible. It’s the Bible of the international financiers. They are fighting today and will continue to fight the Satanists for our planet. See:

        Christians will only begin to play a major role after the brief war known as the “All Against All” war of 3797. 82 percent of Humanity will not survive that one. After this war, Humanity will split into the Race of Good People and the Race of Evil People.

        The Race of the Good People will start in a small colony somewhere in eastern Siberia or South America and will gradually grow stronger.

        Translated with (free version)

      2. Jeff, I don’t know how my translator translated it. Let’s do it again. Jews are not Satanists. But about 20-30 percent of Jews profess the Talmud. The Talmud is extremely anti-Christian. It’s Luciferian. I also have a problem with the Old Testament of the Bible. It refers to the Jews as “the chosen people.” Chosen by whom? God or Lucifer?

        Christ came from God to save all mankind by His love. The Talmud does not want to save all mankind. The Talmud wants to save only the Jews. I can’t agree with that! That’s why I accept only the New Testament from the Bible. And then “The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ”. That’s the authentic Christ. You can find it on Google in the English original.

        I apologize in advance for the errors of my translator:

        Regards to all the good for all the good and bad away!
        Peter Cibulka,

      3. Because people of many faiths come to this site, I do not want a religious discussion here. This is very negative what you are writing. This site exists to oppose communism — not to raise questions about the validity of the Old Testament or to offend people of other faiths. I am not running a seminary here. All anti communists are welcome — but any rhetoric that threatens to divide us or divert us from opposing communism is unwelcome.

    1. If not for the virus hoax which began in China, would the decimation of independence of Hong Kong, have been so casually acceded to by the United States? US business is partnered with Chinese companies, run by Chinese military generals. In China, one has to produce a visa, to travel from one town to the next. Will be required to show a vaccination passport, to visit LA from San Diego?

  16. Social distancing is implemented to discourage congregating, as at Church, movies, and rallies, where crowds might be prone to become agitated to act in concert against tyranny. People have been herded into cities from the country side, by big agriculture buying up farm land, and employment more available in the cities, but now people are steered to work from there townhomes, online, like copper tops in the Matrix.

    We need to be aware of infiltrators, but the effect is to not trust anyone, which reinforces, social distancing.,

  17. The highly educated and intelligent persons of the modern world, who are not content with their lives, are often actually more open to infiltration and subversion by persons representative of the more Demoniac aspects of modernism.

    This is partly if not primarily because they are secretly libidinally ”turned on” by the prospect of smashing the modernity they live in and replacing it with a newer and improved version. But it’s mainly the smashing part, because the intellectual is spiteful and (out of a high nervous and enervating consciousness of themselves) hates the artificiality of the lives they live in, often with a sense both of resentment in an egalitarian society and of superiority. Their sad isolationism impels them to belong to something,something which makes them appear good and useful and noble,without actually requiring much if any goodness or usefulness or nobility.

    If a partisan of the Devil gets a hold of them and resolutely plays them like a piano key, they can be weaponized to do anything.

    1. The Rajneeshis case in point. Their members consisted largely of doctors, lawyers, engineers, academics, and other well to do professionals, who sold their realty and cashed out their pensions, to donate to the Bagwan, who bought a Rolls Royce, for every day of the month, to drive around the Big Muddy Ranch.

      Nevertheless, Church is for sinners.


        The Communist Machines
        (1) Precursors in the Carbonari
        “It has been said that the European version of the Order of the Illuminati contributed in no small measure to the development of revolutionary doctrines which eventually culminated in the Russian and other Communist Machines.”
        – Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies

        “…As soon as, perhaps sooner than Weishaupt had passed away, the supreme government of all the Secret Societies of the world was exercised by the Alta Vendita or highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari. The Alta Vendita ruled the blackest Freemasonry of France, German, and England; and until Mazzini wrenched the scepter of the dark Empire from that body, it continued with consummate ability to direct the revolutions of Europe.”
        – Mgr. George E. Dillon, D.D., Grand Orient Freemasonry, Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism

        In 1816, Charles Nodier, an alleged Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, “published anonymously one of his most curious and influential works, A History of Secret Societies in the Army under Napoleon…It develops a comprehensive philosophy of secret societies. And it credits such societies with a number of historical accomplishments, including the downfall of Napoleon.”
        – Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail

        “In the early nineteenth century, certain figures – Charles Nodier, for example…and Filippo Buonarroti, a master conspirator who was much admired by such men as Bakunin – make a point of inventing, and disseminating information about a number of wholly fictitious secret societies. So convincing was this information that perfectly innocent people found themselves being harried and persecuted for alleged membership of clandestine organizations that did not exist. Confronted by such persecution, the victims, as a means of self-defense, began to form themselves into a real secret society which conformed to the blueprint of the fictitious one.”
        – Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy

        According to the Carbonari, or “charcoal-burners”, the history of this organization started in Scotland as happy democratic mystics. “For the purpose of avoiding suspicion of ulterior motives, they took to charcoal-burning, which is described as the industry par excellence of Scotland.” Francis I, King of France, was supposedly admitted to the Order. “When he went back to France, he scrupulously fulfilled his undertaking, declaring himself Protector of the Carbonari, and he increased their numbers. The Order now spread through Germany, France and England.”

        “It has been said by some historians that the inspiration of the Carbonari and similar societies came from pre-Christian times, for there were settled in the Alps communities which seemed to owe allegiance to Gnostic and other ideas which some profess to see reflected in Freemasonry, Templarism and the discipleship of the way of the Sufis.”
        “The Italian patriots Garibaldi, Mazzini and Cavour revived the secret society after 1830, and its members were again found to be ready for any sacrifice for republicanism and rule by the Carbonari. The effect which they had upon the world was considerable: and it continued to be so. For fifty years they had fought in civil war; they spread to many other lands, including Germany, where they were responsible for the Totenbund (the Death League) which was dedicated to assassinating tyrants.)
        – Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies

        (2) The Palladian Rite Hoax

        “In 1870, Mazzini and Pike reached an agreement for the creation of the new supreme rite, to be called the New and Reformed Palladian Rite. Pike was to be called the Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, and Mazzini was to be called Sovereign Chief of Political Action. Pike was to draw up the statutes and grades.”
        – William T. Still, New World Order

        “No mention of it would ever be made in the assemblies of the Lodges and Inner Shrines of other rites…for the secret of the new institution was only to be divulged with the greatest caution to a chosen few belonging to the ordinary high grades.
        “Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite. Its religion in Manichean new-gnosticism, teaching that the divinity is dual and that Lucifer is the equal of Adonay. The whole masonic world was set up at Charleston, the sacred city of the Palladium.”
        – Edith Star Miller, Occult Theocracy

        “If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (The God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty…and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black.
        “That is why the intelligent disciples of Zoroaster, as well as, after them, the Gnostics, the Manicheans and the Templars have admitted, as the only logical metaphysical conception, the system of the two divine principles fighting eternally, and one cannot believe the one inferior in power to the other. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”
        – Gen. Albert Pike, “Instructions”

        “In the 1880s,there was a Parisian publisher named Leo Taxil who was famous for his scurrilous anti- Catholic tracts. Then one morning he proclaimed his conversion to Catholicism. Shortly thereafter, he declared that he had unearthed the doings of the Satanic Masonic sect called the Paladins. He began publishing the memoirs of a woman named Sophia Walden, who claimed to have left the order. For two years this fed into an anti-Masonic hysteria in Europe, and there was even a Papal Benediction given to Sophia Walden, whom no one had even met. After a few years, Taxil broke down and confessed that he’d made it all up. It’s interesting that one hundred years ago, you also saw nativist stories in the United States about Masons, Catholics and Mormons who were allegedly kidnapping children and holding them as slaves. And a hundred years later, we seem to be experiencing more of the same.”
        – Gerry O’Sullivan, Satanism in America

        “In many anti-Masonic books you’ll see what is supposed to be a quotation from Pike, saying that all Masons of the ‘Higher Degrees’ are secret worshipers of Lucifer. The historical fact is that those words were written in 1894, three years after Pike’s death. They were written by a notorious atheist and pornographer named Gabriel Jogand-Pages who was better known by his pen name, Leo Taxil. Taxil was engaged in an elaborate hoax to discredit the Church of Rome and made up the Pike quotation out of thin air.
        “His purpose was to show that the Church had failed to recognize the ‘threat’ posed by Freemasonry and was, therefore, headed by fools and incompetents. Taxil publicly admitted the hoax in 1897, but it had already been published by a man named Abel Clarin de la Rive, who took Taxil’s hoax at face value.
        “Rive’s book, La Femme et l’Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle (Woman and Child in Universal Freemasonry), was quoted by Edith Starr Miller in 1933 in her book Occult Theocrasy. She translated the ‘quotation’ into English.
        “Since that time, several writers of anti-Masonic books have simply repeated the ‘quotation’ without checking on its source or authenticity. Taxil’s public confession notwithstanding, the lie continues to shadow the name of Pike, who was, to his death, an Episcopalian Christian.”
        – Jim Tresner, “Conscience and The Craft”

        (3) The Russian Revolution

        The February 1917 Revolution was provoked by Freemasons and was operated from the few masonic Lodges left after decades of persecution from Tsarist Secret Police. Alexander Kerensky, Justice Minister in the provisional government of Prince Georgi Yevegenievich Lvov, was a Freemason. After the Petrograd uprising in July 1917 which led to the resignation of Lvov, Kerensky took over as Prime Minister and appointed exclusively Masons to the government.”
        – Stephen Knight, The Brotherhood

        “In its organization, in its techniques for recruitment, in its means of eliciting loyalty from its adherents, in its Messianic urgency, Lenin’s revolutionary party structure derives directly from Bakunin, as Lenin himself acknowledges in his notebooks. But for Bakunin, revolution was more than a social and political phenomenon. It was ultimately cosmic, theological, religious in character. Having spent more than twenty years working his way up through the ranks of Freemasonry, Bakunin had acquired a metaphysical philosophical framework for his social and political ideas. Bakunin was a self-proclaimed Satanist. According to one commentator, he saw Satan ‘as the spiritual had of revolutionaries, the true author of human liberation’. Satan was not only the supreme rebel, but also the supreme freedom-fighter against the tyrannical God of Judaism and Christianity. The established institutions of church and state were instruments of the oppressive Judaeo-Christian God, and according to Bakunin it was a moral, and theological obligation to oppose them. Although Lenin himself never explicitly indulged in any such cosmological conceptions, there is no question that he recognized their utility.”
        – Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy

        Bakunin and Lenin “were both apocalyptic zealots, while their Marxist rivals…were – in comparison – Pharisees.”
        – A.P. Mendel, Michael Bakunin: Roots of Apocalypse

  18. Trigo, It seems that your quoting (or the source of this compilation is just lazy and non-discriminating) is a mixed sack. But I’ll address each paragraph;

    ”The Communist Machines
    (1) Precursors in the Carbonari
    “It has been said that the European version of the Order of the Illuminati contributed in no small measure to the development of revolutionary doctrines which eventually culminated in the Russian and other Communist Machines.”
    – Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies”

    ”Arkon Daraul” is first of all, an obvious psuedonym, the author (I used to own the book) rehashing old texts or making stories up out of whole cloth… And he was an Occultist himself.

    ”“…As soon as, perhaps sooner than Weishaupt had passed away, the supreme government of all the Secret Societies of the world was exercised by the Alta Vendita or highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari. The Alta Vendita ruled the blackest Freemasonry of France, German, and England; and until Mazzini wrenched the scepter of the dark Empire from that body, it continued with consummate ability to direct the revolutions of Europe.”
    – Mgr. George E. Dillon, D.D., Grand Orient Freemasonry, Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism”

    Dillon should know better. Adam Weishaupt fled to the court of the Duke of Gotha after his ”Illuminati” adventure, re-converted to Catholicism, and was distinguished in later life for writing tracts against the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Built a church with his own money and died in1820, his children joining the nobility. If I can learn that, that the ”Illuminati” if anything were probably themselves a ”false front organization”, so can anyone else.

    ”In 1816, Charles Nodier, an alleged Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, “published anonymously one of his most curious and influential works, A History of Secret Societies in the Army under Napoleon…It develops a comprehensive philosophy of secret societies. And it credits such societies with a number of historical accomplishments, including the downfall of Napoleon.”
    – Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail”

    The Authors are exceedingly stupid, taken in by the whole ”Priory of Sion” fraud by a French conman and collaborator with the Germans. They added to their stupidity by sensationally creating a story about Jesus and Mary Magadalene-God forgive me-being married and having children. Later morons ran with it. The real Rennes-les-Chateau story has nothing to do with either,by the way.

    ”“In the early nineteenth century, certain figures – Charles Nodier, for example…and Filippo Buonarroti, a master conspirator who was much admired by such men as Bakunin – make a point of inventing, and disseminating information about a number of wholly fictitious secret societies. So convincing was this information that perfectly innocent people found themselves being harried and persecuted for alleged membership of clandestine organizations that did not exist. Confronted by such persecution, the victims, as a means of self-defense, began to form themselves into a real secret society which conformed to the blueprint of the fictitious one.”
    – Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy”

    Debatable. Again, these men are demonstrably stupid.

    According to the Carbonari, or “charcoal-burners”, the history of this organization started in Scotland as happy democratic mystics. “For the purpose of avoiding suspicion of ulterior motives, they took to charcoal-burning, which is described as the industry par excellence of Scotland.” Francis I, King of France, was supposedly admitted to the Order. “When he went back to France, he scrupulously fulfilled his undertaking, declaring himself Protector of the Carbonari, and he increased their numbers. The Order now spread through Germany, France and England.”

    ”“It has been said by some historians that the inspiration of the Carbonari and similar societies came from pre-Christian times, for there were settled in the Alps communities which seemed to owe allegiance to Gnostic and other ideas which some profess to see reflected in Freemasonry, Templarism and the discipleship of the way of the Sufis.”
    “The Italian patriots Garibaldi, Mazzini and Cavour revived the secret society after 1830, and its members were again found to be ready for any sacrifice for republicanism and rule by the Carbonari. The effect which they had upon the world was considerable: and it continued to be so. For fifty years they had fought in civil war; they spread to many other lands, including Germany, where they were responsible for the Totenbund (the Death League) which was dedicated to assassinating tyrants.)
    – Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies”

    Again, ”Arkon Daraul” and his dubious research.

    ”(2) The Palladian Rite Hoax

    “In 1870, Mazzini and Pike reached an agreement for the creation of the new supreme rite, to be called the New and Reformed Palladian Rite. Pike was to be called the Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, and Mazzini was to be called Sovereign Chief of Political Action. Pike was to draw up the statutes and grades.”
    – William T. Still, New World Order

    “No mention of it would ever be made in the assemblies of the Lodges and Inner Shrines of other rites…for the secret of the new institution was only to be divulged with the greatest caution to a chosen few belonging to the ordinary high grades.
    “Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite. Its religion in Manichean new-gnosticism, teaching that the divinity is dual and that Lucifer is the equal of Adonay. The whole masonic world was set up at Charleston, the sacred city of the Palladium.”
    – Edith Star Miller, Occult Theocracy

    “If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (The God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty…and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black.
    “That is why the intelligent disciples of Zoroaster, as well as, after them, the Gnostics, the Manicheans and the Templars have admitted, as the only logical metaphysical conception, the system of the two divine principles fighting eternally, and one cannot believe the one inferior in power to the other. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”
    – Gen. Albert Pike, “Instructions”

    “In the 1880s,there was a Parisian publisher named Leo Taxil who was famous for his scurrilous anti- Catholic tracts. Then one morning he proclaimed his conversion to Catholicism. Shortly thereafter, he declared that he had unearthed the doings of the Satanic Masonic sect called the Paladins. He began publishing the memoirs of a woman named Sophia Walden, who claimed to have left the order. For two years this fed into an anti-Masonic hysteria in Europe, and there was even a Papal Benediction given to Sophia Walden, whom no one had even met. After a few years, Taxil broke down and confessed that he’d made it all up. It’s interesting that one hundred years ago, you also saw nativist stories in the United States about Masons, Catholics and Mormons who were allegedly kidnapping children and holding them as slaves. And a hundred years later, we seem to be experiencing more of the same.”
    – Gerry O’Sullivan, Satanism in America

    “In many anti-Masonic books you’ll see what is supposed to be a quotation from Pike, saying that all Masons of the ‘Higher Degrees’ are secret worshipers of Lucifer. The historical fact is that those words were written in 1894, three years after Pike’s death. They were written by a notorious atheist and pornographer named Gabriel Jogand-Pages who was better known by his pen name, Leo Taxil. Taxil was engaged in an elaborate hoax to discredit the Church of Rome and made up the Pike quotation out of thin air.
    “His purpose was to show that the Church had failed to recognize the ‘threat’ posed by Freemasonry and was, therefore, headed by fools and incompetents. Taxil publicly admitted the hoax in 1897, but it had already been published by a man named Abel Clarin de la Rive, who took Taxil’s hoax at face value.
    “Rive’s book, La Femme et l’Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle (Woman and Child in Universal Freemasonry), was quoted by Edith Starr Miller in 1933 in her book Occult Theocrasy. She translated the ‘quotation’ into English.
    “Since that time, several writers of anti-Masonic books have simply repeated the ‘quotation’ without checking on its source or authenticity. Taxil’s public confession notwithstanding, the lie continues to shadow the name of Pike, who was, to his death, an Episcopalian Christian.”
    – Jim Tresner, “Conscience and The Craft””

    Again,as it says right at the start, a Hoax.

    Here’s where it gets interesting;

    ”(3) The Russian Revolution

    The February 1917 Revolution was provoked by Freemasons and was operated from the few masonic Lodges left after decades of persecution from Tsarist Secret Police. Alexander Kerensky, Justice Minister in the provisional government of Prince Georgi Yevegenievich Lvov, was a Freemason. After the Petrograd uprising in July 1917 which led to the resignation of Lvov, Kerensky took over as Prime Minister and appointed exclusively Masons to the government.”
    – Stephen Knight, The Brotherhood”

    The February 1917 Revolution was created by the German High Command’s intelligence units and traitors to Russia. It’s like these tales don’t realize that a world war was going on, and focus on memberships in Lodges and kooky Occult groups. Russia was like California in the 1960’s back then, full of wealthy westernized liberal blockheads and ninnies. When the war happened, they didn’t have a clue of what to say or do, other than oppose the war effort from within, and some were actively treasonous. It was no surprise that they couldn’t govern, either.

    ”“In its organization, in its techniques for recruitment, in its means of eliciting loyalty from its adherents, in its Messianic urgency, Lenin’s revolutionary party structure derives directly from Bakunin, as Lenin himself acknowledges in his notebooks. But for Bakunin, revolution was more than a social and political phenomenon. It was ultimately cosmic, theological, religious in character. Having spent more than twenty years working his way up through the ranks of Freemasonry, Bakunin had acquired a metaphysical philosophical framework for his social and political ideas. Bakunin was a self-proclaimed Satanist. According to one commentator, he saw Satan ‘as the spiritual had of revolutionaries, the true author of human liberation’. Satan was not only the supreme rebel, but also the supreme freedom-fighter against the tyrannical God of Judaism and Christianity. The established institutions of church and state were instruments of the oppressive Judaeo-Christian God, and according to Bakunin it was a moral, and theological obligation to oppose them. Although Lenin himself never explicitly indulged in any such cosmological conceptions, there is no question that he recognized their utility.”
    – Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy”

    It is not genius to recognize this. These men were Satanic

    ”Bakunin and Lenin “were both apocalyptic zealots, while their Marxist rivals…were – in comparison – Pharisees.”
    – A.P. Mendel, Michael Bakunin: Roots of Apocalypse”

    Which is to say that they were serious about Revolution as an end unto itself, aside from the merits or lack thereof of Socialism as an economic system.

  19. I think you’re right. It’s obvious you’ve read a lot. I just think Albert Pike was a Luciferian.

    If we are to understand events on our planet correctly, we need to look at them from a cosmic perspective. There are three forces in our present universe that are fighting amongst themselves for the future shape of Humanity:
    1. Satan and his hosts. Their time has passed and in the current world war I think they will be defeated.
    2. Lucifer and his hosts (these are mainly Talmudic Jews = international top financiers). They are fighting mostly with foreign hands. I think they will be victorious in this world war.
    3. Christ and his hosts. Their time will not come until after 3797. After a short war known as the “War of All Against All”.

    82% of humanity will not survive this war. This war will mean the final division of Mankind into two races: the Race of the People of Good, which has an eternal future, and the Race of the People of Evil, which has no eternal future.

    The final phase of the struggle for our planet will be purely spiritual. It will be a battle between white and black magicians. It will lead to the splitting of our planet in the spiritual world into a higher planet of Good and a lower planet of Hell. On the lower planet of hell, Lucifer and his hosts and Satan and his hosts will end up. I draw my information from the works of Rudolf Steiner and his spiritual science.

    God is defined as infinite Power, infinite Wisdom and infinite Love.
    Satan and his hosts are defined by Power + Intelligence, but without Love. (These are typical communists!)
    Lucifer and his hosts are defined by Power and Wisdom, which partially includes Love.
    Christ and

    Humanity is to become a new God at the end of its evolution. That is why it is so important what kind of God it will be. […]

    I apologize in advance for the errors of my translator:

    Regards to all the good for all the good and bad away!
    Peter Cibulka,

    1. Mr. Cibulka, I can’t follow the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. I have read with some profit the works of his follower Owen Barfield, who was a friend of C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and J.R.R. Tolkien. (together the were the ”Inklings” literary circle). I like this quote of Barfield’s;

      ”In our critical thinking as physicists or philosophers, we imagine ourselves set over against an objective world consisting of particles, in which we do not participate at all. In contrast, the phenomenal, or familiar, world is said to be riddled with our subjectivity. In our daily, uncritical thinking, on the other hand, we take for granted the solid, objective reality of the familiar world, assume an objective, lawful manifestation of its qualities such as color, sound, and solidity, and even write natural scientific treatises about the history of its phenomena—all while ignoring the human consciousness that (by our own, critical account) determines these phenomena from the inside in a continually changing way.”

      But then, I’m a philosophical Idealist, not a Materialist.

      As far as ”Black Magicians” go, I follow J.R.R. Tolkien’s talk about ”Magic” compared to ”Art”, as to what the ”Black Magicians” are all about;

      ”The Elves are there (in my tales) to demonstrate the difference. Their “magic” is Art, delivered from many of its human limitations: more effortless, more quick, more complete (product, and vision in unflawed correspondence). And its object is Art not Power, sub-creation not domination and tyrannous re-forming of Creation. The “Elves” are “immortal”, at least as far as the world goes: and hence are concerned rather with the griefs and burdens of deathlessness in time and change, than with death. The Enemy in successive forms is always “naturally” concerned with sheer Domination, and so the Lord of magic and machines; but the problem: that this frightful evil can and does arise from an apparently good root, the desire to benefit the world and others – speedily and according to the benefactor’s own plans – is a recurrent motive.”

      Whereas in the Modern world we still have the domination of the Baconian philosophy of Nature being an infinite cornucopia to extract whatever we desire from. It isn’t.

      About the Talmud, I actually skimmed through the multi-volume Soncino edition of the Babylonian Talmud once, and with the Cabbala among other works read the ”Zohar”.I was inspired to do so after reading Gershom Scholem’s book about the false Messiah Sabbatai Zevi.

      I won’t say what I think, aside from the fact of holding to the teachings of the Orthodox Fathers with regards to them, and the eschatological dimension of all this.

      1. I read Gresham Scholem’s book, too. Incredibly long. A strange history with many lessons. Self-flattery can get out of hand.

      2. If you ignore the spiritual science of Rudolf Steiner, you are harming yourself. Rudolf Steiner is one of the greatest psychics in human history. And he’s a Christian! He actively fought Satanism and Luciferianism his whole life. He considered Jesus Christ to be the most important figure of mankind.

        As for black magicians, they’re dangerous. The Russian GRU espionage has several Spetsnaz squads who master this black art. Try typing in “CONTACTLESS WAR” on Google or YOU TUBE. Preferably in Russian. You will see what these people can do.

        As for our or other’s subjectivity, you need to know that the whole cosmos is of an existential nature. Thus, everything we see in the cosmos are living beings or parts of living beings.

        If we are ever to restore our original unity with God at the end of our evolution, we must gradually get rid of everything that separates us from Him. God is infinite Power, infinite Wisdom and infinite Love. Nothing else.Therefore, we must gradually get rid of everything that defines us as human beings.

        I apologize in advance for the errors of my translator:

        Regards to all the good for all the good and bad away!
        Peter Cibulka,

  20. Mr. Nyquist, you said;

    ”I read Gresham Scholem’s book, too. Incredibly long.”

    It is not light reading before bedtime, to be sure.

    ”A strange history with many lessons.”

    Yes indeed. 1666 AD was a really bad year all around.

    ” Self-flattery can get out of hand. ”

    Yes. Some people are mad, and their madness leads to mass psychosis in turn.

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