We should therefore stop the ridiculous game of opposing the Stalinist terror to the ‘authentic’ Leninist legacy betrayed by Stalinism: ‘Leninism’ is a thoroughly Stalinist notion.

Slavoj Zizek,
Revolution at the Gates, p. 193

There was a meeting of minds earlier today. Jean Robin called it an “Anticommunist Conference,” which he hosted. Four writers from four different countries have come together to discuss the latest news from their respective countries: Alex Benesch (Germany), Trevor Loudon (New Zealand), Jeff Nyquist (USA), and Jean Robin (France).

Four Anti-Communist Voices

A Meeting of Minds

Jimmy From Brooklyn on Lenin’s Method

Quarterly Donation (to keep the cite running)



238 thoughts on “A Meeting of Minds: Plus Jimmy from Brooklyn

  1. Congrats for this meeting.
    It would be interesting to monitor the Google statistics of «golitsyn», I have the feeling this is spreading fast.

      1. I really do not have the authority to give an advice to Jeff Nyquist, but believe that a short movie about Golitsyn´s life and ideas would help, once most people are very lazy and do not like to read. In my view, anti communist thinkers are soo high above that becomes difficult to understand them. The sad part is that if truth about Golitsyn is not spread, probably communists will spread lies and confusion about him

      2. The truth is, Golitsyn’s story is a complicated one and Golitsyn was not a perfect human being. This is ways going to be used to discredit him. I asked the late Vladimir Bukovsky why he could not simplify his explanations about communism. He said that you cannot simplify it, that Americans want everything to be simplified, but that there is no simple way to understand communism that does not end up being used against you. There are no shortcuts, though I will continue to make videos.

      3. Dear Jeff, I think that there is a simple way to understand communism and present it to the wider audience in a simpler way; It is to present “IT” as a strictly PARASITIC ideology and an anti spiritual ideology of PARASITISM for that matter. Me experience proves that the motivation that drives a “human” PARASITE perfectly overlaps with the essence of ideology of Marxism/Leninism/ communism.
        As I have written before, the artificial complexity of M/L/C resembles the complexity of forms created by bat droppings in a bat cave in which millions of cockroaches scavenge in a search of any trace of organic matter. The GAUNO in a bat cave is Marxism/Leninism itself and the traces of organic matter in it are TRUTH and a REASON. The followers of Marxism/Leninism are like those cockroaches scavenging for it.
        Unfortunately, exactly the same explanation applies to Islam as well, the difference is Islam being a quasi spiritual ideology of PARASITISM. Hence the extended collaboration with the majority of the followers of both and their alliance against Christianity and the so called “West”.
        We have to simplify the message in order to reach to the good people.
        Kindest regards – Bogdan

      4. My message is pretty simple. Moscow and Beijing are you enemeis. The Communist movement is working with and for them. The communists have created all sorts of associated movements — environmentalism, feminism. Critical Race Theory, etc. If you want to understand the psychology behind it and why it succeeds, and why people allow it to succeed, it gets more complicated. I cannot blandly repeat something simple for very long without being bored out of my mind. And if I bore myself I will bore you.

      5. Thank you Jeff, I understand your argument perfectly. I never get bored reading your articles.
        Regards – Bogdan

  2. Mr Nyquist, have you ever heard of French thinker Pierre Legendre ? He recently passed away at a very old age.
    A very peculiar, deep thinker, specialist in romano-canonic juridic corpus, history of the state and administration, etc…
    Black-balled by the establishment for having «conservative, even reactionary» positions on topics such as same sex marriage, and consequent evolutions in the filiation legal frame.
    The specificity of Legendre is his psycho-analysis with Jacques Lacan in the 50’s.
    He borrowed some conceptual tools from psycho-analysis to elaborate what he calls «dogmatic anthropology». He posits that each society has it’s own very specific «Text», defined as an original symbolic smoke screen that occult the abyss of death and the mystery of existence to make it habitable (heidegerian tones that the establishment used against him), and that this Text is not negotiable not permutable, and that touching it can mean the subjective collapse of an individual or a people, by subverting its own internal logic.
    «I invented the subject in anthropology» he once said. Or «I campaign for the misunderstanding between the Peoples» he ironically said, respectful of human alterity, that he thinks is negated by technician approach of human organisation, common to both marxist-leninism and western social ideal of «management» with its «human ressources».

    I’m neither a philosopher, nor an English speaker, so that’s all I can tell you about him.
    Long ago I was impressed by a sentence of his: «French republic is a Soviet union that succeeded»
    While it says a lot about France, what about Soviet union failing? Legendre was probably too busy with 13th century Latin manuscripts to pay attention.
    But in the end we have this very important thinker, totally shadow-banned by French establishment, which work could be very fruitful to our cause.
    Kind regards

    1. Thank you, Vance, for this interesting post. Your quotations from Pierre Legendre are intriguing. I have had similar thoughts myself, which I set down in “The Fool and His Enemy.” And I agree that there should be misunderstandings between peoples; for peoples are unique, and they are formed out of unique ideas (or texts). Why should they all agree? We would then be eradicating human variety. If you negate these ideas or texts, you negate the people who live by them. Why should one eraducate a people by deconstructing their texts? This would be malicious. And here, I must insist that Marxism-Leninism is not in itself such a text, but an attempt to eradicate all prior texts — replacing all with malice. And as Del Noce says, the negation of Marxism-Leninism is not a positive text in its own right. It does not create a new people, but degrades all existing peoples. It negates what came before, with the magical expectation that negation is creation. It signifies hatred of mankind. This hatred today is especially reserved for the West, which has assimilated more elements from more varied civilizations than any other. Jacques Derrida would probably be annoyed at Legendre’s anti-deconstructionist comments. For deconstructionism is yet another iteration of the destructionist method of the Marxists. By the way, Derrida taught at UC Irvine when I was a graduate student there. I attended one of his lectures and found him pompous and incomprehensible. My suspicion was that his obscurity fed his pomposity as the academic rabble mistook his tortured abstractions for depth of insight. As his lecture was ringing in my ears, I thought to myself: “Jacques Derrida is BORING.” He was pointlessly erudite. What was all this about if not a malicious hatred of people — of our civilization? How many ways can you express this hatred? How often must you repeat it? You know what he is going to convey at every turn, you just do not know the nauseating form it will take. The ingratitude, the lack of grace, the malevolence, the fraud of it. You become rich, you become celebrated, for expressing hatred of your own society, of your own culture. For this he was the highest paid professor at UC Irvine. I forget what his salary was, but its publication must have aroused envy among the faculty. Everyone was gushing over him. But then, most of these academics were themselves profoundly malicious. That’s why they celebrated him. That’s why they hired him.

      1. Would you say the fool and his enemy is your most philosophical book? What is your own favorite production, if I may ask?

        It’s funny you mention derrida, as his beautiful granddaughter broke my heart some years ago…
        I also knew many children of lacan’s first circle. I personally interacted with these people in their milieu.
        That probably contributed to my presence on your blog today! Some other day I will effort-post a little life story on how you go from lefty/arty avant garde to radical anti-communism.

        I agree with you, these people are pompous and malignant. Though extremely intelligent and subtle.

        Derrida taught that Europe was «logocentric»… Massive African immigration was a blessing for these people. Suddenly, they didn’t have to care about the indigenous (white, Christian) prole! And that, I think, is the reason behind structuralism entirely!
        That didn’t keep him from professing a return to marxist-leninist orthodoxy at the end of his life.

        Legendre is a different animal, and has been ignored by this establishment all his life.
        I’ve found that some dugin-orbiter rightists in France are trying to talk about him… I’m not surprised since there’s also some kind of anti americanism in his work.

        But I think his thought can be very useful to our cause, and I invite you and others to read some reviews and make your own, more enlightened opinion.

        And thanks for elaborating on the «magic wand of destruction»

      2. Vance: There is a bit of philosophy in “Origins of the Fourth World War,” but the “The Fool and His Enemy” is more philosophical; especially since it considers the idea of enmity, which includes a process of demonization involving a genuine ontological antagonism where one side presents itself along the lines of a Satanic rebellion. Here we have direct opposition to Christian civilization, and the opponent of that civilization behaves like John Milton’s version of Satan. This is so strikingly clear, you are forced to look at the metaphysical implications of depth psychology. One ends up reading Jung’s “Aeon,” wondering where the key to this madness lies. Reality is a very strange thing.

        PS – I would be very interested to learn about your adventures with subtle and malignant people.

  3. Well, the communist have caused major confusion, they have converged the right and the left but thankfully they haven’t demoralized the few anti communist left standing. That was an excellent discussion and I really hope that you continue these once a month as there are fewer and fewer places to go anymore.
    As a former Democrat I remember hearing them talk about the military industrial complex and how they were creating war to make billions of dollars for themselves. Well, four years ago I decided to check out the Republicans and I am now hearing the exact same propaganda, verbatim. The Republicans now want America to disarm themselves and when I have questioned Republicans on how we are going to defend ourselves I get called a war hawk or old and out of date. Also, they are not seeing the importance of our allies. Lastly, I couldn’t believe it when on John’s show that military vet called you a fascist and said he was siding with the Communist. The communists converged right and left thinking and now they are dividing the left with Israel/Hamas and dividing the right with Ukraine. Only God can save us now.

    1. You can see how effective Moscow’s active measures are in that one caller to John’s show. What can you say to someone who has been so brainwashed, who appears to be emotionally disturbed? This is how Moscow’s active measures work. They target your emotions. Ask yourself: What is the I.Q. of an emotion?

      1. “What is the I.Q. of an emotion?” I had to laugh at that. Some of the most foolish things I’ve heard and read have come out of the mouths of high IQ people. The ego, emotional attachment to certain ideas and intellectual hubris lead men (and women) to rationalize irrational ideas in pseudo-erudition. In that regard, they remind me of conspiracy theorists.

      1. Mmm, that’s it? So you’re calling him and Johnson names..does that also mean that the subject matter he is reporting is not anything to be concerned about?

      2. It’s like Johnson and Wray discuss a real problem, in a way that they eachg cancel one another out, so that nothing gets resolved, but they can both say that they talked about it on the floor, and that it was everyone else who failed to act.

      3. Johnson sidelined the priorities of the Freedom Caucus by putting the border security measure in a bill separate from the omnibus which funds Ukraine, whereas all measures ought to be discretely proposed for one topic only. In this case, if Congress wanted to support additional funds for Israel, they had to include more funds for Ukraine. Those are two, distinctly different issues which shouldn’t be lumped in together as an all or nothing proposition.

        If Johnson had any integrity, he would have stated up front his own personal priority, rather then to accept the speakership on false pretext. For him to say that he changed his mind due to an intel briefing, without alluding to specifics just rubber stamps chauvinistic tyranny of Homeland Security, which never should have been created as an clearing house of intel from all US security agencies which were deliberately kept isolated from each other for security reasons.

        Now that Homeland Security has access to all data from all intel agencies, that makes it so much easier for subversives and spies to steal State secrets, yet Johnson acts as if he was given such sensitive information that Americans are not allowed to know, yet America’s enemies have full access to, from subversives.

        Jeff, maybe you can speculate what Johnson might have been told that changed his mind? Further, perhaps you can say why we should trust Wray, after the way he evaded Johnson’s question in support of censoring Americans?

      4. I wonder if Johnson was told that if Ukraine falls, China and Russia are ready to unleash a war in the Pacific, and that preparations for that war include a massive cyber attack on the United States which could collapse our society. Simply because you think the border security measure should have been in the bill, does not mean Johnson has no integrity. In all probability it will be easier to pass border security without marrying it to Ukraine. It is Biden and his communist friends who do not want either bill. By putting them together in one bill, neither can be passed. But each can pass separately. This is what so many have missed.

      5. Aside from the fact that Ukraine is already rubble, how is what you wonder anything that Johnson wouldn’t be able to discuss with the Freedom Caucus or even his constituents? After all, the Pentagon has recently said as much, publicly. They always talk like that, but even the little boy who cried wolf, was right the last time. Anyone could guess that, as if never had occurred to Johnson?

        As far as omnibus versus discrete bills, it’s not a matter of strategy of what will pass that ought to count, rather it’s the principal of deciding each measure on the merits of each separate issue, which should prevail.

      6. So Ukraine is already rubble is it? Should we just abandon Ukraine then? Nice you see back on THE board again.

      7. I never did grasp how NATO donating Soviet surplus weapons for Ukraine to attack Russians in Ukraine, was supposed to preserve infrastructure in Ukraine.

      8. Yeah I guess Ukraine used NATO donated Soviet era weapons to blow up Mariupol? Oh wait that was Russians from Russia using Soviet Era and more modern weapons to invade and turn to rubble a Ukrainian city populated by Russian speaking Ukrainian citizens. You are a slimy little weasel yourself. And previously blocked/ deleted. Sickening.

      1. @Jeff Nyquist: Let’s not forget that Israel has been historically a Soviet puppet state. Most of the IDF and Mossad were former agents in KGB and other Soviet agencies. These people were trained by the Soviets directly. Many Soviet defectors have talked on how Israel was a Soviet project to control and divide Islam. Eventually, Netanyahu and Likud nationalists grown tied of communists, so they started to end the shambles of a divisive Israel which was created by Soviets in the first place. Currently, I assume that the Soviets have chosen the Iranians as the successor of Islam and Judaism (after US, Iran has the most Jewish population). Soviets are not creating another front in the Middle East to weaken the US Armed Forces but they’re also waging the Final Solution against Jews who aren’t under their control.

      2. KGB spies in Israeli intelligence? That is true in nearly every intelligence service in the West. It doesn’t make Israel or other services into Soviet-trained services. The searches employs many thousands of people. Some will work for the enemy.

      3. @Jeff Nyquist: Don’t it ever trouble you that huge amount of Jews in early Israel were either coming from USSR (during Soviet occupation of East Europe) or having socialist backgrounds. That’s my grand point to accuse Israel having Soviet puppetry behind it.

      4. Zionism involved a kind of agrarian socialism, but Stalin did not trust or like Zionists in the end. Of course, I am not an expert in Israeli intelligence history. This is a murky area, and like all Western countries Israel has had problems. The story of the Jews and their relationship to communism is riddled with myths and misunderstandings.

  4. The KGB knows that it is useless to penetrate one political party (leftist socialist) and to leave the other, the still right-wing party, without infiltration and subversion takeover by the communist assets.

    But this all must remain secret as much as possible, and so such communist agents must one time or another, when it is most convenient, to bring about some positive conservative change or policy, and some of them do at times, but lately for some years they do it when there is no real chance to get it done and get it through the legislative body so that it can become the law.

    And the more one looks at the whole situation the more one has to pause and think whether these are truly people whom they say they are and what exactly they represent and how they serve and don’t serve the communist strategy.

    For example – if there was a true intent to enact a law or policy to completely eliminate what they dare to call public education, then how many of these pretenders would actually go along with it and support it – when they are communists agents they are obligated by the Party’s directives to oppose such a policy with all they’ve got, to the death.

    This is how they can be recognized – by their support of the communist strategy and policies that lead to accomplish that or any other communist targeted goals, and on the other hand their sabotage of any and every effort to thwart such anti-communist policies at all and any cost.

    Because empty promises don’t cost anything, but the actual work for implementing anti-communist policy and laws, it takes moral strength, love of the truth and true justice and determination to pull through with it…such people today do not exist, the last one who had that determination was Sen. Joseph McCarthy (it cost him his life), and in one way or another J. Edgar Hoover, and perhaps Angleton also…but nobody else…

    In Europe the situation is much worse, and will get more worse as these evil times progress…

  5. A TYPO – should have been “their sabotage of any and every effort to thwart such communist policies at all and any cost. “

      1. Dear Mr. Nyquist,

        It is the deplorable consequence (here) of doing too many things at the same time, and too fast, without reflecting (too late reflecting) that there is the contradiction in the initial text of the 1st posting.

        There is always the hope that people will understand that it is unintentional and that they will tolerate these little mishaps, but there is no excuse anyway as it alters the truth.

        Many people still don’t believe the truth that there was never any genuine collapse of communism and that these Russian KGB Bolsheviks are so cunning that they were able to pull off this evil long-term deception without the world realizing that these atheistic monsters must never be trusted and that they will not convert and amend, only become more and more evil in what overall they accomplish, and that all of it is solely oriented towards their worldwide victory of atheistic communism, which means the total enslavement of the whole world by this nihilistic tyrannical system of the devil.

        And that they will never tolerate any deviance from it is confirmed by the well known bloody history of communism itself. It is the actual realization of this point that makes that conclusion somewhat difficult to make, as people are very slow to realize that there could be such a vast number of diabolically possessed monsters in this would who are truly capable of being this evil, to this extraordinarily extreme end…

        That is what makes the whole long-term strategy so successful, the unbelief of the rest of the world that this is actually possible to be done, and that it has been done.

  6. Jeff, I always enjoy the information that Jimmy from Brooklyn provides but I gotta take issue with our side always distinguishing “radical” Islam. IMO there is no such thing as “radical” Islam. Let’s start referring to these as “fundamentalists”. That’s what they are. Regardless of the fact that these Muslims have been educated and manipulated by Communists, if one studies this political socio-religious ideology and reads their trilogy, the Quran, Sira, and Hadith, it is exactly opposite of Judeo Christian morals and values. So when we have so-called “radical Muslims” carrying out terrorist activities, it really is these individuals carrying out fundamentalist beliefs they’ve been taught. As Steven Coughlin, Robert Spencer, even Bill Warner have explained for years, these people are practicing fundamentalist actions that their trilogy teaches.
    I can agree that they have been manipulated by Communists but stop referring to Muslim terrorists as “radicals”. They’re Islamic fundamentalists, period.

    1. Read Stephen Coughlin’s book “Catastrophic Failure- Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad”.
      Read “Infiltration-How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington” by Paul Sperry.
      “Reliance of the Traveller”
      “Milestones” by Seyyid Qutb.

      1. Conservative media talking heads like a Carlson, Hannity, Levin, Beck, even the deceased Rush Limbaugh know nothing of the growing Communist threat today, 2024. No clue. Every one of these individuals spew political propaganda via the airwaves and these days it comes straight from Russian propaganda.
        That’s not even mentioning our own FBI and all the other national security govt ABC agencies that are supposed to be protecting the American public.

        And forget about relying on American government officials for civil defense actions today either.

        Read “Nuclear War Survival Skills” by Cresson H. Kearny.

      1. Again, if one reads, studies their trilogy, it is filled with violence against kafirs (anyone who doesn’t believe their way, including the majority of the United States of America). FUNDAMENTALISTS….not “radical” Muslims.

        The West is ignorant as to anything Islam. No idea regarding culture or otherwise. As S. Coughlin writes, our own FBI and entire government was infiltrated via the Muslim Brotherhood as far back as the 1950’s. “Suit and ties” in our State Dept today control what the American public hear or see. Exactly as the continued advance of Communism has advanced and infiltrated our government since before the fall of the Berlin Wall courtesy Reagan!

    2. The way I’ve always seen it:

      A “radical Muslim” wants to kill you.

      A “moderate Muslim” wants a “radical Muslim” to kill you.

    3. «if one studies this political socio-religious ideology and reads their trilogy, the Quran, Sira, and Hadith, it is exactly opposite of Judeo Christian morals and values. »

      I’m sorry but i can’t let this pass.
      Islam is a carbon copy of talmudic judaism. In fact many scholars speculate koran was redacted by some rabbis, and crafted as a weapon against Christianity, as the rest of history pretty much shows.
      I can provide a thorough theological and historical demonstration of this.
      Noahide laws are definitive on this matter, Islam being perfectly valid, while the belief in trinity is sanctioned by death by decapitation.

      I can almost feel the breath of the blade of the saber on my neck, actually.
      So it is no light matter.

      1. Something went wrong, my answer was meant to BRCC661 APRIL 24, 2024 AT 6:30 PM
        I would be very careful to not, under the legitimate worry to not participate in anti-Semitism, propagate deceptive, and frankly anti-christian narratives.
        In a strictly religious perspective, Islam and judaism form an alliance against Christianity.
        The conflict around Israel is just an epiphnomenon in this 1300 years old story.

        The judeo-christian value consist for the christian man to charitably help his Jewish friend to get out of error. Nothing else.

      2. Absolutely, and the meaning of my post make it clear that islamo-christian values (the communist trope) makes no more sense than judeo-christian values.
        I will not engage in controversies about this specific subject further, as I understand this is not the place for it.
        But it is my moral duty to not let pass such manipulation.
        And I reiterate that I can provide a demonstration, if asked.
        The battle against communism doesn’t allow one to clandestinely convey his own particular propaganda, especially at the expense of Christianity’s core dogmas.
        Are we supposed to only be the symmetrical, opposite reflection of communists?
        Or is truth blind to phony dichotomies?

    4. I live in france, in a little city.
      I’d say that in my immediate surrounding, roughly half of 20yo males are Muslim, or Muslim friendly. And the dynamic is exponential.
      Now, I personally wish these people were not here.
      But I think they will not go away, ever.
      The demographic battle is lost. We are in danger, short term.

      Hopefully, a vast majority of these people would never commit any act of terror…
      …unless they are patiently prepared to do so.

      Now, «BRCC661», what do you think you’re doing, saying what you’re saying?
      You are exacerbating the polarities, exciting Muslim hate, and with your so-called «judeo-christian» values (please define it precisely) you are SCAPEGOATING CHRISTIANS. That is exactly what you’re doing, knowingly or not.

      I saw over the decades who opened the gates wide, and who provided the foreigners the most hateful ideology possible.
      And while I’m extremely cautious in my conclusions, I will not let you twist reality to deceive people.

      Europe is nitro-glycerine. And you’re shaking it like a fool.
      Sometimes I wonder who will kill Europe first. Commies or Americans?

      1. Vance, I stand by what I said earlier. I can back up my own points with lots of information I have from my own reading and research over the years.
        You take offense to what I say or said? So be it. Everyone has opinions here and sometimes they don’t agree with my own but I’m not gonna turn Jeff’s forum into “Facebook type” drama because you got upset for my earlier comments.

      2. Mr Nyquist, first please forgive the inflammatory tone. Some forces are scapegoating Europeans for what is happening in israel/palestine. It is very real and immediate to me. You can see the hatred developing in the air a little more every day.
        As I said, «i feel the breath of the saber on my neck». That should be a beginning of an answer to your question.
        But please note that the question in itself is maybe not a good one. Because integrating to a disappearing human group makes no real sense. It’s not the dynamic at work here, generally.

        But in fact, yes, there is a little, a very little fraction of the children of Muslim immigrants that just begin to integrate to (what remains of) French culture (It is bizarre, not very pleasant, but in the end a good thing)

        There is also this massive dynamic of apostasy. That is partly a natural and necessary phenomenon, but it is inorganically pushed and handled by materialists on YouTube, tiktok, etc…
        (Tricky situation, very recent)

        Because, even if I think islam is ontologically a weapon against Christianity, all Muslims are not aware of it, and most of all, there is something in islam that is not digestible by communism.

        There is an anti-communist element in islam, as in any religion.

        I heard many Muslims talk about the Satanism of communism (historical communism in russia). But they, too, believe the west is somehow the communist side.

        I think a proper strategy would consist in exacerbating this anticommunist element.
        With the golytsin revelation, what would keep an honest Muslim man to connect the dots, and see how he’s manipulated by materialist, satanic forces?
        This strategy would necessarily touch some people. And could at least confuse a little the lines.

        The thing is, what else do? I’m not sure you realise the human reality on the ground.
        The only real question here is: can we even slightly limit the coming massacre?

        Now, this «judeo-christian» values propaganda trope since oct7, allied with hysterical demonizing of the entire religion, I call it to throw gasoline on the fire.

        I call it a communist tactic, actually.

        It means giving Muslims to the commies on a silver plate. The very «SIG» deception at work…

        And terminally protestant americans fall for it, and that will be fatal to europeans.
        Because before any nuclear head fall on me, it is this very religious civil war that will paint the streets red.

        I suspect you have a nuanced and strategic approach regarding the Israel question and it’s relation with Soviet russia, (which I confess troubles me), I can only advise to be very cautious with statements the like of those I decried.

        Because you in America have at least the privilege to not be surrounded by Muslims.
        And the distant cousins who remained on the old continent would appreciate to not be sacrificed to Lenin !

        I think I can sum up what I said pretty simply:

        «Judeo-christian values against islam»

        Mr Nyquist what do think of my theorema?

      3. We in America have this European problem in abundance, as America is being divided and conquered by a frontal attack on white privilege with demands for reparations to African-Americans. As a European you can appreciate the irony of reparations ideology when all European ethnicities have suffered wars and defeats from others. We might imagine a thousand years of ethnic grievance in Europe —leaving everyone demanding money from everyone. The communists use a “politics of exploiting contradictions” — racial, sexual, ethnic, religious. From this they would fashion a homogenized human type — a poor creature without heritage at all. They reduce society to an absurdity which they intend to play with. By mixing Arabs with Frenchmen they bring the Algerian War to Metropolitan France. Of course, there are no racially pure countries. Men must bind up their wounds. The communists rub salt in them.

      4. BRCC661

        Please consider there was a (two) malfunction with the replies. My bad.

        I don’t post my life or the life of my loved ones on Facebook.
        But it is the very life of me and my loved ones that your erroneous, irresponsible words participate to endanger.

        Fare well, komrad.

      5. @Mr Nyquist
        The activation of Muslims is inevitable.
        We must not alienate the clever, reasonable part of the Muslim population in Europe. There are some, I know some.
        It is absolutely vital, because they are the ones that can maybe hold their hateful correligionaries when the inevitable massacre begins.
        And hate is everywhere already.

        The alternative is hitlerist/suicidal delusion.
        Muslims are soon to be half of west Europe population, do you realise the implications?

        And you can be very reasonable, yet it’s hard to befriend someone who spit on your religion in your face… I don’t do that to Muslims, I don’t do that to jews.
        Even if I know our religions are like water and oil.

        Sorry for the multiple Facebook posts everyone, I’ll have some vacations…
        I’m just frightened to realise some people even here might not grasp the imminent nightmare, especially in France…
        Half population not white, no weapons, genocidal regime…hello?
        Act responsible please.

        God help us.

      6. As someone who opposes Moscow, Beijing, and the communists, I have always avoided antagonizing people along religious lines. I have received some very kind emails from Muslim readers over the years. We are all targeted by the same enemy, and should note that our differences are being used to make two scorpions in a bottle.

      7. A bit over the top there Vance. Quite a bit. Muslims are no friends of the West, even if your neighbors do tolerate you or ignore you for now.

  7. Jeff,
    I just finished listening to your group discussion with such other eminent thinkers and writers as yourself. That was amazing. Please ask your friend, Jean Robin, to keep doing this.

    Speaking of Robin, I was very interested in his almost offhand remark that Kennedy was killed because he agreed with Golitsyn. Can you elaborate or speculate what Robin meant?

    1. About the Kennedy assassination: Robin’s conclusion stems from the fact that Bobby Kennedy was meeting with Angleton and Golitsyn in 1963. Bobby Kennedy was actually running the CIA from the Attorney General’s Office, hunting for moles. This was dangerous for the KGB who had a lot at stake. Jean is pointing out that whenever a head of state is convinced of the Soviet long-range strategy he dies in office. Is it proof? No. But it is suggestive. The evidence of communist involvement in Kennedy’s death is overwhelming, as I pointed out last year in my series on the subject.

      1. There is even more on this principle and from Golitsyn himself – about the sudden death of the French president Pompidou, who was then replaced by the traitor DeGaulle, who have given up French Algeria. The military even tried to assassinate DeGaulle, unsuccessfully.

        But Pompidou was receptive to Golitsyn when the French intel was purged thanks to him of KGB assets, as the history tells, and of course the case of Kim Philby etc. in UK.

        There are also situations when the KGB permitted on purpose some independent contacts to US traitors, to lure them into traps, and for money, so the KGB could make believe that the rest (communist agents within the CIA etc, FBI not excluded) are a fairy tail, so to say to create better cover for them by purposely exposing such people who were trapped by the KGB for money (to make sure that those who are ideological communist assets are the more protected from those who are traitors for money only).

        One had to wonder what the actual percentage of communist penetration of all these western intel agencies truly is, but one has to conclude, given their seeming inability to recognize nor detect the KGB threat, the long-range communist plan, is the sufficient proof that these agencies are thoroughly penetrated by the KGB and GRU etc., i.e. to make them inefficient and unable to respond to the communist threat at all.

  8. @BRCC661 I agree with you. I am afraid Tucker is lost at sea.I may have a chance to meet him this summer in a smallish group setting. What would you have me ask him?

    Beck, too. He distrusted and dislikes Putin, but he hates our appropriation bills to help Ukraine. He knows a lot about Ukrainian corruption. He is rightly oriented against Dugan and Putin, but he completely misses the big picture of what happens if Putin defeats Ukraine. More importantly to me, he never acknowledges the sacrifice and courage of the Ukrainian people and military. Yet he is terrified of an expanded war. He must be getting bad info from Jason Butril, his editorial staff at The Blaze, and Steve Deace. GB is so conflicted. He reflects and thinks like a patriotic Constitutionalist but he is stumbling into the territory of Russian propaganda.

    1. You didn’t ask me, but perhaps Jeff would donate a copy of Origins WW4 for you to drop on Tucker. It might be worth the investment. My luck at getting anyone to read it has been abysmal. Like 0-20.

      1. Golitsyn? Not a chance. When I got my copy of New Lies for Old in 2001 from U of DE library the book had only been taken out like 6 or 7 times and not for very long. Granted I don’t know when the university got it but it was published in 1984. No one reads it.

      2. I was fascinated by Thomas Carlyle when I was in graduate school. The UC Irvine library had a whole rack covered with a set of Carlyle’s selected works in beautiful hardbound, published in the 1880s. These books were among the most beautiful I have ever seen. And when I began to read them I discovered, to my dismay, that the pages were uncut in every volume. For those who do know, books published in the 19th century were made so that the pages were part of continuous sheets, so on purchasing the book you needed to take a razor blade to the pages to cut them. So imagine, this great modern writer who was the second in prestige for English letters in prose, was entirely neglected by the University of California at Irvine, for years. Those volumes sat untouched, and probably no one has checked them out since I was there. The fact that few read serious books, that we are now television or video watchers, goes part of the way to explaining why we are in trouble.

      3. Yes thats crazy. Pages never even viewed.I’m apparently reading past my education level. Professional academics, retired military, radio talk show hosts I know won’t read you or Golitsyn.

      4. I must admit, I have only read New Lies for Old and Origins of the Fourth World War thru for the first time these past several months. Of course, I had read much of what Jeff and Contemplative Observer have written regarding Golitsyn, and had started New Lies for Old several times the past year or two, but gotten bogged down with work each time and had to start over three or four times. I remodel and repair houses, and sometimes get so overloaded between working on my job and then coming home and figuring on other jobs, that I would sometimes not mentally be up to taking Golitsyn in at night. One thing pretender Xeno Man has somewhat indirectly correct, is that Golitsyn truly had a very disciplined mind and intellect, and I assume it is the same for many KGB people. You can’t sit down and read Golitsyn like it’s the Sunday paper for sure.

        And Origins really opened my eyes to some things, and resonated with some gut feelings or suspicions I had long had in regard to the severely weakened and foolish positions of America and the West on dealing with our Marxist foes.

      5. I have read sections, but am now about to begin going through my hard copy of Perestroika Deception. Can you believe it coat over $200 used?? Cheapest I could find, but I prefer a physical copy of a book to a digital any day.

        Also, due to getting well over halfway thru New Lies for Old several times before having to start over until I finished it, helped more of it stick in my mind. Of course I plan to continue re reading it.

      6. You can get pdfs for most defector literature meaning free. If you are ok with it. Golitsyn’s books are reference materia for me. I understand less than half of it at best. But someone complied all the predictions and did the hard work. You can find it online. Can remember the name. I have the same problem with apologetics, once I tell people- here read this it helped bring me Christ- they get scared and refuse to pursue. It’s intellectual cowardice.

      7. I don’t know what it is, but I always prefer hard copies when I can get them. Red Cocaine is pretty high, but I’m about to get it.

        Funny thing, I had ordered a copy of Origins directly from Jeff. About two months ago, I ordered another copy for a friend from a used book site I use a lot. It still hasn’t arrived. That has never happened before.

      8. Yes, my copy did arrive from you, and I have read it. I think it was actually the latter part of last year if I’m not mistaken.

        What I had done a couple months ago was order a copy from an online used bookstore for a friend, and that copy has not arrived. I believe it was in March when I ordered that one.

      9. I didn’t know how many copies you still have, and didn’t want to deplete from your store, but can I order another one from you?

      10. I have 140 left. Just send me $25 by PayPal with your mailing address instructions, which covers shipping. I send Priority Mail.

      11. If you want get more of a picture of Golitsyn as a man, Spycatcher, Peter Wright. And some of Jay Edgar Epstein’s website articles. He was a difficult man.

      12. He probably had to be to survive. I will check out Epstein’s articles first. I read Epstein’s book on Armand Hammer year before last. It was very well done.

      13. Have you or anyone had better luck getting anyone to read Jeff’s first book? It’s been a eye opening 25 years, really changed the way I see the world.

      14. I haven’t been able to get anyone to read Origins or Golitsyn so far. Haven’t been trying for too long, but it doesn’t look promising from the attempts I’ve made so far.

      15. Re: Carlyle’s selected works

        Did you actually take a razor to those valuable artifacts?

        Your alma mater offers more than one hundred different doctorate programs. There must be quite a few that would qualify Carlyle’s works for citation. At least you managed to use them for yours.

      16. I changed my mind. I’m going to marry a Russian woman and move to Khazakstan. Will you come visit?

    2. Honestly, I would not have you “ask “ anything.

      Tucker Carlson was played for a fool with his interview w Putin. He looked like a Junior in high school American History class (wild eyed and clueless) while listening for 30 minutes to Putin spew his own twisted propaganda regarding Russian history.

      Tucker Carlson is a Russian shill as far as I’m concerned. Same as Douglas Macgregor and the convicted pedophile Scott Ritter and their weekly pro Russia, pro Putin propaganda via You Tube and Faux News interviews these days.

      Glenn Beck? He lost any credibility with me years and years ago when he spewed his support of Republican political candidates as “conservative” leading up to the election against the incumbent Marxist Islamist Obama….He went from Michelle Bachman, then she dropped out, then Rick Santorum, who dropped out, then finally did his due diligence to convince his audience to go for Mitt Romney who “won” the nomination…these news personalities carry water for a political Party and get $$$ for doing so. But Hannity, Levin, Limbaugh (for example) do the same exact thing every election cycle.
      Truth is, you can’t trust anything these conservative talking head media personalities spew.

  9. From PACEPA – Liberation theology (2015 article):

    (His only fault is that he didn’t make the proper distinction about the Novus Ordo Sect and failed to recognize that it is not the Catholic Church at all – and that their admission of this poisonous KGB scheme as a “heresy” means nothing at all…as they are involved in it too with their own anti-Catholic poisonous new religion):

    “Liberation theology, of which not much has been heard for two decades, is back in the news. But what is not being mentioned is its origins. It was not invented by Latin American Catholics. It was developed by the KGB. The man who is now the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, secretly worked for the KGB under the code name “Mikhailov” and spent four decades promoting liberation theology, which we at the top of the Eastern European intelligence community nicknamed Christianized Marxism.

    In 1971, the KGB sent Kirill — who had just been elevated to the rank of archimandrite — to Geneva as emissary of the Russian Orthodox Church to the World Council of Churches. The WCC was, and still is, the largest international religious organization after the Vatican, representing some 550 million Christians of various denominations in 120 countries. Kirill/Mikhailov’s main task was to involve the WCC in spreading the new liberation theology throughout Latin America. In 1975, the KGB was able to infiltrate Kirill into the Central Committee of the WCC — a position he held until he was “elected” patriarch of Russia, in 2009. Not long after he joined the Central Committee, Kirill reported to the KGB: “Now the agenda of the WCC is also our agenda.”

    During Kirill’s years at the helm of the WCC, liberation theology put down deep roots in Latin America — where the map now has significant patches of red. Russian military ships and bombers are back in Cuba for the first time since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, and Russia has also newly sent ships and bombers to Venezuela.

    Of course, it was and remains a threat — one deliberately designed to undermine the Church and destabilize the West by subordinating religion to an atheist political ideology for its geopolitical gain.

    Now names — like Oscar Romero and Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann – not heard since the 1980s, when the Soviet Union was still en vogue, are again making international news. And here we are. The promoters of a KGB-inspired religious ideology, which once embraced violent Marxist revolution, are now denying its link to Marxism and to the KGB. ”

    Many deceased KGB officers must have been chortling in their graves on New Year’s Eve, 1999, when their old boss, Vladimir Putin, at one time my KGB counterpart, enthroned himself in the Kremlin. During the Cold War, the KGB was a state within a state. Now the KGB — rechristened FSB — is the state itself. According to a study published in the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, by 2003, some 6,000 former KGB officers were running Russia’s federal and local governments. The respected British newspaper the Guardian reports that President Putin has secretly accumulated over $40 billion, becoming Europe’s richest man.

    In Russia, the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same.

    This brings us back to Kirill/Mikhailov. In 2006 Archbishop Kirill’s personal wealth was estimated at $4 billion by the Moscow News. No wonder. In the mid-1990s, the Russian Orthodox Church’s Department for External Church Relations, managed by Kirill, was granted the privilege of duty-free importation of cigarettes as reward for his loyalty to the KGB. It did not take long for him to become the largest supplier of foreign cigarettes in Russia.

    A few years ago, while Kirill was visiting Ukraine as the new Patriarch of Russia, a newspaper published a photo in which the prelate could be seen wearing a Breguet wristwatch, the price of which was estimated at 30,000 euros. The Russian newspaper Kommersant accused Kirill of abusing the privilege of duty-free importation of cigarettes, and dubbed him the “tobacco metropolitan.” Kirill denied having such a watch. He said the photograph must have been altered by his enemies, and he posted the “real” photograph on his official website. A careful study of this “real” photograph, however, shows that the Breguet watch had been airbrushed off his wrist, but its reflection is still clearly visible on a table surface beneath his arm.

    Mikhailov and his KGB, rechristened FSB, are now doing their best to airbrush out the apron strings connecting them to liberation theology. Let’s not allow them to succeed. ”

    KGB controls the Muslim terrorist networks for long decades, and so through them they were able to inflict many operational attacks against various enemy countries, including the 9/11 attack in NYC, Pentagon and so on. Many people fail to recognize that this “Muslim fundamentalism” is nothing but KGB operation striving to reinvent itself into yet another cover under which these terror attacks are carried out the more successfully, but the Kremlin remains still the main beneficiary and the worldwide communist conspiracy is thus furthered the more…

  10. RED COCAINE (pg. 57):

    As Jan Sejna explained religions are viewed as an especially dangerous force within socialist countries and in all countries being prepared for revolution, given the conflict between Marxist and religious morality.

    [The attack on religion is at the core of the revolution: Gorbachev proclaimed on 15th December1987, after all, that ‘there must be no let-up in the war against religion because as long as religion exists, Communism cannot prevail. We must intensify the obliteration of all religions wherever they are being practiced or taught’ – Ed.].

    Within socialist countries, the long-term – 50-year – objective was to eliminate
    the importance and influence of religions. Outside the socialist countries, propaganda, deception, diplomacy and intelligence services were to be used to destroy, influence or use the various religions.

    Within the Third World countries, religions were viewed as ‘temporary friends’ because they supported the revolutionary spirit.

    Overall, the principal directions of Soviet activity directed against religions were as follows:

    • To encourage leading religious centres to support the Soviet policy of peaceful coexistence.

    • To compel leading religious groups to deny their support for capitalism and to promote the idea that the rich countries must help the poor countries.

    • To support desired political, social and economic changes which will bring the Communists to power in the various targeted countries.

    • Through propaganda and deception, to show that socialism is allied with religious groups in the ‘fight’ for a better life generally.

    • To use religious groups to exploit and further disarmament – that is, to exploit the idea that it is against the will of God to kill people. [For the revolutionaries are content invoke God, of course, when it suits their purposes to do so – Ed.].

    • To build a mass psychological perception of nuclear warfare as signifying the end of the world.

    • To infiltrate the religious centres with the following order of priority:

    (1). The Vatican;
    (2). Moslems;
    (3). Jews;
    (4). Buddhists;

    (5). Reactionary sects. With reference to ‘reactionary sects’, Czechoslovak intelligence had three clerical agents within the Vatican in the late 1960s. They were located, Sejna asserted, within the sections responsible for foreign policy, finance and ideology.

    The Moslems were particularly important because of their role within the Middle East and Africa. One consequence of the Arab-Israeli War was that it enabled Soviet Bloc intelligence services to infiltrate ALL of the leading Moslem centres.

    The Jewish community was regarded as an especially important target to assist the Soviet Union to gain economic influence over the West, and as an especially important source for intelligence information, and as a liberal counterweight against right-wing forces…”


    They want to control the WHOLE world, and so they must eliminate the influence of the opposing camp, and ultimately of God Himself, which evil diabolical task these atheistic monsters will NEVER succeed in accomplishing…

    Hell will be paved with their perverted souls at the end…

  11. Some people in the last thread where wondering about Diana West’s views in Ukraine. Here is a new video released on April 22.

    Minute 15 – Diana bemoans the flag of a foreign country being waved in Congress while nothing was done to address the US border situation. She says the US has no relations or history with Ukraine, not like for, example with Britain, so it doesn’t owe anything to that country. So she doesn’t know, or she forgot, Ukraine gave up its nukes and destroyed its conventional arms stockpiles at the insistence of the US and Russia, which paved the way for the full-on invasion. Later on she says that she has no idea what’s going on in Ukraine, she implies that it’s impossible to know the truth because the information sphere has been so polluted. “There is no oversight over anything that’s happening to our material, our men, our money. There is no oversight whatsoever.” [Note how she says it’s impossible to know what’s happening in Ukraine but then she asserts with absolute certainty that there’s no oversight. There’s no way to know the truth therefore there’s no point in trying to learn anything about what’s happening in a faraway corner of the world, but if America is in any way involved then it’s bad for America –that seems to be the new MAGA mantra. You’d think a Yale graduate and ace journalist like herself would be more inquisitive about a complex new issue.] She doesn’t believe anything in the media and thinks one can’t learn anything from dispatches and news reports. “It’s a black hole… it’s just a poison well, so I don’t make a lot of noise about Ukraine in general except to say I don’t want to fund it. And I don’t think it can be understood in terms of Russia vs the EU and America with Ukraine in the middle… it’s not what it seems.”

    Minute 20 – she is aware that some people view Ukraine as a victim in the fight against communism. Someone on Twitter asked her if letting Ukraine fall would be a better option from a pure anti-communist perspective, to which Diana answered that there is no anti-communist perspective on Ukraine. “Not if you’re looking for a horse to ride, neither side is anti-communist. That is a completely defendable statement. Neither side’s victory would uphold or restore liberties associated with anti-communism. [Clearly she can’t imagine that things could be even worse if Russia gets Europe and China invades America.] The EU and Russia are interchangeable when you look at state power, vaccine surveillance, centralization. Meanwhile in the US we are in the late stage of Bolshevization after the 2020 coup… My own anti-communist, American perspective, tells me there’s something wrong with funding such a war even as we, the people, are being invaded, replaced, bankrupted, persecuted etc…With more and more taxpayer money and military material going to Ukraine, it looks like another means of depleting the USA by the open borders swamp, quite possibly under direction or influence, or through deception by our foreign adversaries.” [It sounds like she didn’t bother to learn that most of those funds will stay in the US and fund the domestic arms production industry. The bill is less than 1% of the US’s trillion dollar budget, not even in the top 20 for depleting the US’s resources. And again, we see the lumping together of 2 separate issues, a slogan repeated at nauseum that is never questioned, all done to imply that helping Ukraine prevents the border crisis from being resolved.]

    Later on, she accuses the person who asked whether it’s better to push back against Communist Russia of being a Russian bot. “Who knows who these people are.” She agrees that Putin and Xi are enemies of America and have designs on running the world, but she questions whether Ukraine is the best way to stop them. She questions the idea of “us versus them” brought up by self described anti-communist supporters of Ukraine, saying that America has been so Bolshevized that “I don’t know who we are anymore”. She explains: “And it surprises me about some of these advocates, just because they do know quite a lot about the communist subversion of our country. And yet they revert to this kind of almost, movie version of “us versus them”, the good fight. Very strange to me, the simplification of the issue as it stands with a lot of people who support it, who are not on the left.”

    She may as well be calling Jeff simplistic for having a clear view of the enemy and for arguing that Americans/Europeans need to wake up and stop Russia and China’s plans before it’s too late. It’s as if she believes that because America has been so thoroughly infested with communism, there’s no reason to oppose the Communist bloc’s world conquest. She ironically implies that opposition to this conquest is somehow nefarious or serving foreign interests. If she were more knowledgeable about Russia and China plans, she would know they are not going to give the US time to sort out its domestic problems before attacking. In a way the chaos, confusion and demoralization campaign of the communists has succeeded if patriots like Diana are dismissing the idea of the enemy and “us versus them” as simplistic and beneath consideration. It’s baffling how someone can know so much about the history of Soviet subversion of America and then say that stopping the expansion of neo-Soviet Russia is not serving anti-communist interests. It’s like not wanting to cut off the head of the beast that’s attacking you. It’s been noted before on this site that during the Cold War, when the West had a clearer idea of the enemy, many phenomena like gay marriage, transgenderism, anti-white racism, open borders etc. were non-existent or nowhere near as bad as today. The idea of having a mortal enemy forced Americans and Europeans to restrain their worst liberal impulses. But if the idea of an enemy is too simplistic, does she think that an epiphany will come from the hopelessly confused information landscape? She doesn’t get into that but she pooh poohs the most promising basis around which Americans can unite and overcome entrenched ideological differences. Despite writing “American Betrayal” with it focus on WWII, Diana does not seem to grasp the importance of external matters like alliances, global strategy and military readiness, which is the other side of the coin when it comes to the advancement of communism. Perhaps the knowledge of high-level communist subversion that went into writing that book forever tainted, in her mind, the idea of Americans rallying behind their government to fight an outside enemy. But as Jeff would say, this is misplacing the blame, it is blaming the dupes of communism rather than the real communist enemy who resides beyond our borders.

    1. When trying to read American Betrayal around 2015 or so, I stopped at around page 30, where she first speaks of a collapse of the Soviet Union or of communism in the Soviet Union in 1991. At that point, I realised she hadn’t grasped the issue, as explained by Anatoliy Golitsyn, of a grand, long-term deception strategy on the part of Moscow & Beijing. Only two or three years later, I picked up her book again and read it to the end. As an historical review of communist infiltration of America, the book is certainly a treasure. Otherwise, it was a great disappointment. Jimmy from Brooklyn should realise that Diana West cannot contribute a thing to the urgent task of educating people about what’s at stake. She hasn’t understood things herself and has now joined, basically, the Alex Joneses of this world. What a disaster!

      1. Yes, Dear Observer, it is as mind blowing as it is depressing that such highly educated and seemingly highly intelligent people like Diana West, and so many others as well, can be at same time be so DUMB. For anyone with at least two functioning grey cells is obvious that both border security and the survival of Ukraine are equally crucial for the very survival of America. In fact, the survival of Ukraine is even more important. Let’s dream out that we, the conservatives somehow win and start rebuilding our countries. It will be extremely difficult and, most probably very bloody to expel all the illegals that infiltrated the US or Europe, but it is still possible and Trump is boasting that if he is elected he will order the biggest expulsion of illegals in the American history.
        On the other side, the fall of Ukraine will dramatically raise the prospect of the thermonuclear attack on America because it will convince once for all Russia and China that the so called “West” is weak and cowardly and the Chinese and neo Bolshevik commies can get away with anything.
        If Ukraine falls, we will have some three hundred thousand Russian and two hundred thousand Belorussians troops at the NATO (Polish in particular) border. However, at the very front line there will be at least two hundred thousand forcibly conscripted Ukrainian men spiked with drugs and alcohol forced to attack with human waves (the Russians do exactly that in Ukraine right now) and those who will try to escape or surrender will be machine gunned down by Russians. I’m not talking even about the unimaginable massacre that the neo Bolsheviks will conduct on the innocent Ukrainians; We are talking here about millions that will be exterminated. I remember, when the city of Kherson was liberated by Ukrainians, they found the documents, left by hastily and chaotically retreating Russians with detailed instructions pointing exactly on those Russian plans.
        And there is no doubt that Putin and his cohort would not hesitate to detonate two or three medium sized nukes on the Polish soil and use them as a tool of blackmail to force break up of NATO. With the break up of NATO, America wouldn’t stand a chance of survival alone against the Russian/Chinese/ Islamic alliance.
        The moronic, even if noble, individuals like Dian West, Rand Paul, Marjorie Taylor Green, prof. Patterson and so many others are completely delusional in their belief that the lonely America surrounded by the ocean of totalitarianism and barbarity would survive as a democratic country of FREE PEOPLE. She wouldn’t, even if Russians and Chinese would abstain from launching a direct thermonuclear attack on America.
        Regards – Bogdan

      2. America alone would face a siege followed by bombardment and invasion. The communists would demonize us like no other nation has been demonized.

      3. It is easy to feel despair at the domestic situation and to throw the baby out with the bath water; to oppose NATO and America as if these were the instigators rather than the targets of deception. Our poor disoriented people, left and right, are caught in a tangle of communist lies and deceptions. We cannot get everyone to see the lies right away, but in the end everyone will be able to understand if we keep on telling the story until the enemy’s destructive plans become clear and undeniable. Then our fellow citizens can see and turn against the false narratives they now take for granted. This is our only way forward, as frustrating as it is.

      4. By the way, Observer, I am glad you returned, and thank you for your site with its many links. I read it often.

    2. From this I gather that Diana West is unaware that Ukraine banned its Communist Party. She really has not followed the subject, then. I suppose her thought is that Ukraine is not anticommunist and is thus not worthy of defense. One might write off every land, and let it fall to communism. Especially America. In Ukraine they are fighting Kremlin troops — the Kremlin that is allied with communist China, North Korea, and Cuba, etc. so I would say Ukraine is the closest thing we have to an anticommunists military formation. This is not theory. It is bloody reality. Ukraine is so effective at resistance, in fact, that the Ukrainians are earmarked for slaughter. How can one decry the Holodomor and oppose support for Ukrainian resistance to a second Holodomor? It boggles my mind.

    3. This is an important commentary you have written, Laura. One of the objectives of communist strategy is the demoralization of free society. Another is the alienation of the person. To be alienated in this case is to give up all hope of a return of the society – or the country’s core — especially to its true self. We must always struggle toward the right course, which is to oppose all enemies foreign and domestic. We are not the enemy. And we do not give up.

  12. Where is an academics mind to go when you have the research and knowledge that our government has been overwhelmingly infiltrated. She obviously can’t run to daddy Putins side for protection as the Alex Jones, Scott Ritters and Tucker Carlsons have done. She knows that we as a country have been severely weakened so to declare that a country is our enemy and support a country that is trying to defend itself from them brings reality too close to home. The reality is is that what we are facing is absolutely terrifying and to not have to face that you say that it is too complicated and therefore do not give it much thought. It sounds to me that her highly intelligent mind is completely paralyzed by fear.

  13. Every time some prominent people begin to blame their government and its agencies, including their intelligence sector, and federal law enforcement (like the FBI etc.) without making the proper distinction who the people who run such agencies truly are and what are their priorities and ideological leaning (pro-communist etc., abuse of authority in the name of furthering the communist strategy and so on), then they are blaming the system instead of explaining the truth about its abuses by the communist enemies infiltrated inside the system of government, and without declaring the facts that such communist subversives are there embedded only to bring about its total destruction and helping to replace that existing order with their atheistic communist totalitarian tyranny.

    Then it is no longer dishonesty, but manifest intention to cause harm to those who are the anti-communist resistance, and of course, to eliminate their influence and subordinate the whole system to their communist ideology and its abusive tyrannical approach – including most of all their systemic abuse of authority (judicial, legislative, executive).

    When this level of communist subversion and abuse is reached there is usually no path to turn it back without the genuine force of active resistance, but then very few understand this point that when the communists realize that all major (essential) places of government, in all its branches, are in their hands and that they can proceed without any consequences for their abuses of authority, the system is perverted and no longer salvageable…without genuine active resistance.

    And the more decadent the country (society) is the worse and more difficult it will be to restore the rule of sound order and true justice…and this is only possible, firstly with the essential help of God, and then with the full commitment of all those who love the truth and hate the lies and injustice caused by them…and such communist inflicted injustice is their objective how they have always destroyed the country from within and established their atheistic communist tyranny, and they know it and will do it, no matter how many times they have to abuse justice and lie and cheat and murder and inflict tyrannical measures – the communists do NOT have any regard to anything except their own way of life and active terrorist exclusion of those who disagree with it – which point the bloody history of the atheistic communism proves in abundance.

    And it is a supreme folly to expect people who have already failed in their task to reverse this deplorable tragic course to be able to change their minds and deeds in favor of destroying communism, which must be done actively and firmly, without the slightest compromise as nothing less will do.

    1. It is supreme folly to expect that force of arms will succeed against the government in a society where all the institutions of force — police and army — are loyal to a communist cabal. The only correct procedure, and the only one that can lead out of tyranny, is to expose the danger of national suicide from the cabal such that the institutions of police, secret service, and armed forces, recognize the domestic enemy and refuse all illegal orders per law, and charge the appropriate authorities to impeach, arrest or otherwise remove all enemies. If there are no patriotic men in the system, if all are puppets of a communist suicide regime, no armed resistance to that regime by non-officials can succeed. Only the recognition of foreign infiltration and subversion by official persons can remedy the situation under present circumstances. Americans as a people are not so wicked, or so absolutely stupid, that they cannot eventually recognize the common enemy, the common danger, and the actions necessary to save the country. It is not probable that everyone in the government wills the destruction of the country. If that were true, we’d be dead already. If that were true, Russia and China would not be threatening nuclear war. The key action needed today is one of intellectual recognition — not immediate violence — of an external threat aided and abetted by a fifth column inside our government. You have to win the country’s many factions, including government officials, to the recognition of common danger from a common enemy foreign and domestic.

  14. It goes in stages and the final stage is that when the government, which by its pro-communist abuses of authority become thus illegitimate (as no authority belongs to those who abuse it for evil ends, such authority is null when the outcome is injustice, atheism forced upon the population and so on), then the gradual resistance is the only course of action.

    This doesn’t mean that when the communist penetrated government engages in active lawfare that people take up arms and begin the civil war, but that the same resistance is employed to resist such injustice – provided of course that the justice is still salvageable, which in case of communist subversion nearly complete is NOT.

    Then there are 2 ways to deal with it – united resistance (which is highly improbable as the western countries are highly disunited on that score alone, much less on anything else), and or to crawl under and submit to the communist tyranny.

    Of course when it comes to those who still claim to be Catholic and their Catholic religion (which is solely Catholic Tradition) is attacked by the communists inside the government, these Catholics have overriding duty towards God and His Church to resist and disobey and actively oppose such communist measures, in kind, not above and beyond that.

    But when there is no more recourse to justice, then it has to be weighed what other course of action is there available and use it – specially when the communist tyranny employs their use of concentration camps, murder, mayhem and terror by force, then pacifism must be excluded from the options available – provided of course that this rule of resisting communism is followed.

    Of course it has to be excluded any individualist approach, and based on private determination of what the proper course of action should be, but to exclude armed resistance when all other avenues of anti-communist opposition are exhausted, that of itself leads to demise of the holy principles of truth and justice, and in fact it leads to moral consent to communist injustice and tyranny in certain degree as well.

    Nobody is advocating violence at first, but it is the realistic point about the communist strategy and what evils these atheistic monsters are capable of, and then no society and country is saved from those consequences, provided that the people unite and actively resist communism to the death, God willing and helping of course.

    1. When no sensible organized resistance is possible, the individualist approach is martyrdom. It is entirely correct. You lay down your life on principle. Of course, most will submit to tyranny — which is sad but understandable. What if millions of individuals stand up at once on their own, without being organized to do it? The Ukrainian people rose up spontaneously in 2013-14 and the key communist functionaries fled to Moscow after enraging the population by using lethal violence against the heaven’s hundred protesters. This could happen in Brazil or the U.S. if certain provocations occur. Here millions might make an individual decision to stand up. As such, it is an extraordinary event which no individual has control over. Here was a spontaneous event, in Ukraine, where the government was acting against the people to whom it was accountable where millions stood up in a show of opposition. If this happens it happens. Revolutions are always possible, even in a Soviet country where all the leading officials tremble with fear. If it can happen in Ukraine, where the Constitution was not overthrown — leading to open armed resistance to Russia — it can happen in America or Brazil.

      1. The guiding principle and proper intent must be set forth, but what is the guiding principle of anti-communist resistance ? Better living standards under capitalist society, more freedom, or something more elevated ?

        So then the answer is with the Angelic Doctor, and this from 13th century – whether vengeance is lawful…

        And St. Thomas even quotes St. John Chrysostom, which is another great Doctor of the Church.

        In that article St. Thomas speaks about the proper criteria of resisting evil with vengeance and he sets forth the principle that when the human souls united in love of God and within the bosom of His Church are united by common task of defending the honor of God and His religion and His Church, God helps and such vengeance on the perpetrators of evil is lawful, provided that other criteria are observed, which in regards to tyrannical enforcement of the heresy of heresies atheism, and this by communist criminals fully equipped with the will and means to achieve such an evil, then there is overriding duty of all true Catholics to take up arms and destroy the enemies of God, in Holy Crusade (so to call it).

        BUT today something of this kind is unthinkable, and this because of the level of perversion and denial of the Catholic religion, and this on part of those who label themselves as Catholic…and so only human suffering will remedy this, and God’s punishment as such, of the general apostasy in this world.

        But at the end, the authority comes from God and for this purpose of defending the Catholic Faith (which is only Catholic Tradition), the authority to resist the devil and his communist henchmen is substantially present, but in fully organized effort.

        The example of Ukraine works, but in so far as the noble purpose remains, which is here their liberty of conscience. But the rest must be observed in regards to the proper means and how to proceed with them.

      2. We have to remember that this issue of communism destroying society affects all people, of all religions, and even those who are not religious. If we only make our message for one denomination, some will say this is a religious site written for one faith. I am writing for the sake of all people of good will, and I am basing most of my analysis on the testimony of open source intelligence officers rather than on religion. The truth of communism’s danger is of ecumenic importance, and so we should not descend to religious particulars when such are an occasion for our enemy to divide us; for Western society consists in many denominations and many schools of thought and science. We need to unite to form the largest sensible combination to oppose communism. As we are speaking of secular threats, let us respect that the readership here might be of mixed belief.

  15. The thing which I am about to write is breaking my heart, but corruption in Ukraine still exists on the highest level. I have a good friend, who stayed in Ukraine and takes part in this war. In peaceful life he was building airplanes and helicopters. Now he is building drones. He participated in a meeting with highest officials discussing the price of the drones. Their company was asked to increase the price twice above the net cost so that half of the money spent on the drones, would go to the pockets of these highest officials, including the top one. The hypocrisy of president of my country is above any limits. He is an actor, putting on a concerned grieving face when asking West for money and scolding for not cooperating, as if he was standing on a higher moral ground, while being the lowest of the low in his real moral values. Ukraine is doomed. It is holding on only on brave and honest military men, similar to general Zaluzhniy, who was telling the truth and therefore was fired. So if the West is doomed to fall after the fall of Ukraine, this would happen not just because of the West’s actions, but because of our corruption as well.

    1. Ukraine is going to fall, but whether it falls to Russia is a serious question at the moment. Russia will be destroyed because of the stupidity of the regime.

    2. «The hypocrisy of president of my country is above any limits. He is an actor»
      Many enemies of communism are not what they pretend to be.
      I feel for you, this whole situation is so disgusting.

      1. There is a general lack of integrity on many sides. It is difficult to take famous people seriously. Their fame seems to compromise them. There are also unfair slanders. The problem of political and religious civil wars is serious one. America’s melting pot is being stirred up into divisions. Europe is also subject to this. Moscow and Beijing are the beneficiaries.

      1. Anonymous allegations are poison, and are spread across social media. Russian agents set up a Facebook Page to spread Zelenskyy corruption narratives touching a million recipients. Naturally, there is corruption in every government as thousands are doing government work. Everyone is not honest. Yet, we must be careful about believing disinformation.

    3. Here, on this blog, we have no idea who you are or whether you are trustworthy. Where is your proof? Zelensky is already wealthy? Why would he commit treason in this way, to merely make money, and risk his life? It makes no sense. If the Russians do not kill him any Ukrainian would kill him if this were true. Proof? You cannot just drop this here anonymously. .

      1. Zelensky has started news marathon, that runs his propaganda all the time. And a lot of truth telling journalists were persecuted. Ukrainians would have been happy to smite Zelensky, but the most patriotic and brave ones are at the front line. Also everybody realises, that if you start a war against him right now, it will play for Russia. So Ukrainians will not start anything until after the war (if it will ever end). In a way he would not want this war to end, because he is terrified of losing the power. Also I am not a troll. I heard of bribes in higher offices before. But posted this only now, when it came from the closest friend of mine. And of course you have no way of knowing if I or him are telling the truth. Unless something I posted here makes me look like a person not worthy of trust.

      2. Can you elaborate on this—do all or the majority of Ukrainians really want to get rid of him? Last I heard his approval rating was in the 60’s and not that far behind Zaluzhny’s. That is some very strong language, calling him the “lowest of the low”. Also can you give more details about these journalists and why they were persecuted?

    4. The US military industrial complex functions the same. It’s called, ‘Capitalism’. If the manufacture of weapons isn’t profitable, it can’t continue without a side gig, such as oil drilling or caviar sales.

  16. Actually surprised we haven’t seen any other posters who claimed to be Ukrainian. As far as I can remember Valentina is the first here.

  17. The John Moore Show caller yesterday still irritates me. The show should have dumped the call early on. Nyquist can’t talk for an hour without mentioning 5 books and citing good information. The caller should read one for 20 minutes or scroll down this blog for some
    history. It amazes me that people try to talk to Jeff without any clue about Communism.
    Thanks for all the interviews. It must be exhausting to produce so much stuff without
    staff. Tucker probably has a huge staff and they focus on marketing or entertainment
    rather than reading some history.

    1. Yes, these famous people have staff researchers. And they do not read much themselves, as we see in the case of Carlson and Beck.

  18. Sometimes, I am quite seriously doubting If Ukraine seriously fights Russia or someone within Ukraine’s leadership sabotage the efforts to fight Russia (not NATO stooges of KGB or EU bureaucrats). For many years, there is no Ukrainian leader acknowledging the truth of Anatoliy Golitsyn spoke. He is a fellow Ukrainian with the deepest desire of an Ukrainian identity but none of Ukrainian elites ever celebrated the man!

    My experience with South Vietnamese veterans, talking about how their country was totally controlled by communist agents in every part of the government, demonstrates a similiarity with Ukraine. In South Vietnam, there was almost zero effort to expose the communist infiltration and indoctrination. Occassionally, there were execution of suspected communists but they were poor people got paid for spying. Meanwhile, actual communists were governors of entire provinces!! The experience of South Vietnam probably illustrates a similar case in Ukraine where none of Ukrainian leaders never tried to expose global communism plot that Golitsyn warned for years! Because of corruption! President Zelenskyy is the only one courageous enough to fight corruption but it seems becoming very hard for him.

    1. It is also interesting that Golitsyn is absent from Russian-Ukrainian infospace altogether, I mean totally. You will never hear about him on any side, either from pro or from anti-Communists. I learned of him only here, on this blog. Konstantin Borovoy, who is one of the founders of Russian democracy and quite an honest man in my judgement and had to emigrate to USA because otherwise he would have been killed b KGB, mentioned today in his video that collapse of Soviet Union as a good thing and never mentions that it was a planned trick. Novodvorskaya never mentioned it. Nobody ever does. They are still living in the paradigm, which exists in the West, that SU collapse was good, but Putin came and spoiled it all. And they play over in detail the story of how Putin came to power, and how Yeltsin needed protection of his riches and found a quiet obedient KGB guy, who was trustworthy enough to do the job.

      1. The only nation that probably took Golitsyn seriously is Poland. Their armed forces mandate the officers and higher-ups to read Golitsyn’s books. Still, it doesn’t prevent Donald Tusk and his communists to rise into power at Poland. There must be a very powerful force trying to erase all traces of Anatoliy Golitsyn and his equivalent.

        Communism is the philosophy of governing people through corruption. Only this explains why almost every elite in the world became communist. Central Banking was invented by early day socialists, and the global elites realized how they can make more money through financial speculations than producing & selling stuffs. Having a global socialism systems means that they will never have to worry about going bankrupt, absorbing losses, and death to fiscal responsibility. Lenin actually spoke of this as a way of manipulating capitalists into submission.

      2. There are Russians who know about Golitsyn, but they do not like to advertise their interest. Sadly, it’s very hard to get this onto Russian mainstream sites.

      3. Dear Valentina, it is, of course, heart wrenching that the large chunk of the American money is being stolen and wasted by the corrupt sector of Ukraine. However look at it from some perspective; American GDP is some twenty trillion dollars. Ukraine is to receive 68 billion in military aid. This is barely 0,7% of American GDP and it is much less than Americans spent on beer. If you were earning two hundred dollars a day would you shedding your tears for sixty eight cents spent on beer? And here, we are talking about the ABSOLUTELY crucial factor to the very survival of America.
        By comparison, America is wasting 2,5-3 trillion Dollars per year to maintain her PARASITIC sector and the army of “clerks” that administer it.
        In such light, money spent on Ukraine is NOTHING.
        China under the Chiang Kai-Shek was also immensely corrupt. That argument was used by the treasonous “democrats” to cut any military assistance to China. It resulted in Mao taking over China, murdering seventy million innocent Chinese and destroying lives of, at list, one billion of Chinese people by permanently enslaving them.
        Then, in a prolonged act of an UNIMAGINABLE STUPIDITY, America has transferred to the commie China some ten million jobs and, perhaps, fifty trillion Dollars for no benefit of her own thus creating along the way THE BEAST that is poised to annihilate her.
        We, the “West” have betrayed Vietnam in similar fashion and that, again’ costed million of lives of innocent Vietnamese, people of Cambodia, Laos and another billion of people being enslaved.
        There is no country in the world, with the noble exception of, perhaps, Singapore. Even my current EUNUCHALIA is corrupt to the proverbial bone. So is my country of origin, Poland, especially under the current DEGENERATE regime of Donald Tusk elected by the majority of the CRETINISED Poles. Does that mean that the good and noble Poles and equally good and noble Ukrainians aren’t worthy to help them to survive?
        Many of the European Jews were also corrupt, devious and in many cases treasonous. And still, the great majority were decent, hard working and patriotic people like you and me. However, by refusing to act in advance the so called “West” has allowed one of the greatest crimes in history of humanity to be perpetrated on them. Now, “we” are beating our chests in never ending and hypocritical “Mea Culpa”…
        It looks like some people never learn.
        In order to survive, the “West” and that included America must help Ukraine to survive al ALL COST.
        Regards – Bogdan

      4. @BOGDAN JODKOWSKI: More than that, Ukraine needs NATO boots on the ground.

      5. Is old Rusky sayings: “Ve pretend vork and zay pretend pay..”

        When the Soviet Union pretended to dissolve, the United States pretended to believe them. Then NATO moved in as if East Europe were now free countries. Butter wouldn’t melt.

      6. Golitsyn is absent from from all InfoSpace. Haven’t you noticed? Why would a former USSR state be any different? Just because Golitsyn was Ukrainian?

    2. All anticommunist groups are infiltrated by communist agents. That does not mean anticommunism is hopeless. It is the condition resistance. We must accept it as one of many challenges.

  19. I am sorry for the feelings of all those, who I upset saying that Zelensky is corrupt. I would never post this information on the social media, because I know how well it plays for Russia. I post it here because I believe this place is for the most informed people out there and I am filling the gap in knowledge where I see it. But, I agree that if you look overall, Ukraine has to get help even if some of it misused. My friend, who I mentioned before, would never post this information openly, even though being a highly moral and honest person he felt sick to his stomach being at that meeting, because he knows how much harm it would do for the morals of already extremely fatigued people.

    1. Were they asking your friend for a higher price to make money for themselves or to raise money for additional weapons to fight crisis? This is a tactic used in Cold War America. Overcharge for one weapon system to buy a more important one.

      1. This is a very interesting question. I do not have the exact details of the conversation. Only the general idea. But I will try to find out.

      2. In wars there is the necessity to take money from one project so that money will be there for another, which is secret and which cannot be openly funded.

      3. What I found out is that they did not say exactly, where the money would go. But the general understanding, from the way how communication went, was that it was not for extra weapon. Considering that none of it is proveable, and I do not want to compromise my source, which is reliable to me and not to others, let’s give Zelensky benefit of the doubt and continue to think of him as a wise and unselfish leader. I am sure that top officials in any country definitely know the truth and it might be one of the reasons behind their reluctance in giving help to Ukraine among many other bad reasons.

      4. In this war they need to pay for many things besides weapons. They need to pay government employees. They need to take care of people at all levels. I would not assume it’s for stealing and pocketing it themselves.

      5. My thought was that given the uncertainty of war, and with major cities and Ukrainian society being under such immense pressure, it might make sense for the government to set aside a rainy-day fund that can be easily accessed without any political back-and-forth. Wartime increases government secrecy which can easily give the appearance of corruption. During WWII and the Cold War there were a lot of “black budgets” that were kept secret. Maybe, as you suggested, the overcharging is for a project that is too politically or militarily sensitive to be disclosed to the public. Given that Ukraine has managed to hold on even with supplies and ammunition running low, some benefit of the doubt should be given to government officials. It may be that when it comes to the government sector graft and a certain level of corruption is the cost of doing business. The important thing is that it is kept at an acceptable level so that it doesn’t derail the ultimate objective, which in this case is the survival of a country. That should be the ultimate focus and the prism through which corruption in Ukraine should be viewed.

      6. With Ukraine being suddenly cut off, some parts of Ukraine’s military may have been sponteneously defunded. As the money was allocated per the legislative budget, and the foreign assistance was canceled, they might be juggling accounts. Maybe it is pay for soldiers or their families. Maybe it is for medicine because there are more wounded. Who knows why. In the United States defense contractors were caught charges tens of thousands for toilet seat covers. This had become accepted practice because projects operate on projections where more money is needed in certain areas that are not budgeted. How do they move the money without disrupting the project and haggling with agreed on price? Of course, black projects are also funded this way, as we see with these UFO-related allegations. These projects might save our country one day. Do we really want to jail contractors who might be acting patriotically? Or are they all thieves? It’s a difficult issue. Corruption does exist. No doubt. The idea that an already wealthy comedian/president would risk his reputation to pocket money, when he is already rich, when he could have taken Biden’s offer to live comfortably in the United States, it begins to stretch credulity. He was brave enough to stay in Ukraine as someone the Russians want to kill. He is target Number One. This is not a greed thing. Pocketing shekels from a corrupt drone deal makes no sense. Shifting money to other projects makes more sense.

  20. Larisa Lava is a Kremlin mouthpiece. They are angry Johnson passed the Ukraine bill. Seeing as this is not a left-wing site, they utilize the Russian script of attacking him from the Right, using the now-confirmed Kremlin talking point that “America’s border should be guarded before Ukraine’s”, knowing of course that America’s border will never be addressed.

    Poor demonic FSB agents. They were so greedy they wanted to both cause Ukraine’s collapse and get the double bonus of having their domestic US enemies be the cause of it. My deepest condolences to the Cheka murderers, better luck next time.

    1. Proof that KGB puppets are instructed to rile up the Right using the US border:

      “The Washington Post said that one of the political strategists instructed a Russian troll farm employee to post comments of “no more than 200 characters in the name of a resident of a suburb of a major city.”

      The fictional American also had to describe U.S. President Joe Biden’s policies as those that are leading the U.S. “toward collapse” and to oppose further military aid to Ukraine, promoting the message that “the money should be spent on America’s border and not Ukraine’s.”

      The accounts emphasized the number of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and called for border security to be prioritized over any aid to Ukraine.”

      Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/washington-post-russia-uses-trolls-124613714.html

  21. @PERSEUS: “By the way, Observer, I am glad you returned, and thank you for your site with its many links. I read it often.” –

    There is something new coming soon (after a full year’s pause, shame on me!), and a very long piece of, by now, 40,000 words…

    Best wishes! Depending where you are, have a nice spring season (we might not have many of those left until the great conflagration …)!

  22. It’s getting very disturbing that this point that various readers are accusing each other for treason. Instead of having an educational discussion, it ultimately evolves into a witch hunt trial. I am now understanding why the communists have been very successful in their subversion. Just looking this forum, I am very disheartened.

      1. Alas, some accusations are needed. One good example is the so-called “Alt-Right” which is basically a propaganda tool for Putin.

    1. Yes, it is deeply disheartening when those who parrot documented FSB talking points are pointed out as parroting FSB talking points. If only we could have an “educational discussion” about how Mike Johnson should have stalled the bill until the US border was funded by Democrats, which would have been never. I say we devote several long threads to how “the US border should be funded before defending Ukraine’s border!” Instead we have “divisive accusers” tsk tsk! *wrings hands and rends clothing asunder*

      I am familiar with most commenters here. Those who parrot narratives beneficial to Russia will be at the very least noted as propagating those narratives. Those who patrol Jeff’s blog like clockwork to propagate those narratives, diligently and almost as if they are on an assignment, will also be noted.

      Which is more divisive, attempting to turn conservatives here against Mike Johnson or noting that that tactic is a Russian operation? It’s fairly clear what you believe.

    2. @Jeff Nyquist: This also reminded me of your story talking about Christopher Story who helped writing the New Lies for Old and Perestroika Deception. Before his death, the guy exhibited extreme paranoia and even accused you of being communist. Many readers here are too emotionally attached, zealous (especially towards antisemitism), and lack a cold, calculating head that Soviet defectors had to have. I rarely see anyone here having such a calculating head except for Europeans who actually lived through communism.

      One of many techniques that aided to the downfall of Western conservatism is to ultilizing paranoia through using religion. I also understand on why Russia is very insistent to keep the facade of being a Christian civilization when church attendance is record low. However, I don’t really see if the usage of Western conservative elites like Tucker Carlson or Donald Trump is really worth the money. Having money-grabbing, powerful puppets like Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama is far more effective.

      Perhaps, the facade of Russia being a Christian civilization is a psychological weapon that seeks to drive the Western conservatives insanely zealous enough that they will commit terrorism against the West, when the communists need them to be. Hamas is the closest example of such when communists cultivated religious radicalism to drive generations being delusional and violent for the communist cause, unknowingly. The main difference here is that Islam has a young population with a religion that has rarely undergone reforms to tone down radicalism (Quran still quotes to demand death of all Jews). Meanwhile, Christianity has undergone drastic reforms to liberalize but the consequences left a dying population of followers but you still have a considerable army of vulnerable zealots.

      I currently predict two possibilities here. Either Russia will keep faking Christian to lure certain Western fanatics to do sabotage/espionage/terrorism against the West or Russia will abolish the facade of religions altogether and use the money strategies for sabotage/espionage/terrorism against the West.

      1. Very sly, Xeno Man. Attempting to divide sincere believers and non-religious; European and American I see.

        You are very suspicious. It seems you also try to muddy the waters by saying those at the top of the Communist structures in Russia and China are direct descendants of long, despotic, Asiatic bloodlines.

        I’ve seen you seem slightly defensive about China.

        You’ve tried to hint that the Communist bloc had possibly abandoned the long range policy, and maybe broader war, (i.e. against America) isn’t necessarily imminent.

        You have slandered Israel as a Soviet contrivance.

        But you have inserted all of this gradually, lightly sprinkled over the course of many longish comments after the past several postings by Jeff.

        I’m not being divisive. I’m telling you plainly, something doesn’t smell right about you, and here are concrete reasons for that statement, easily checked by perusing your statements the past several articles.

      2. Are you implying that if someone calls BS on your statement that Israel was basically a Soviet contrivance, that they are an emotional, religious zealot, without the means to be “coldly calculating”, as the Soviets were?

        Of all the things Golitsyn accurately tried to warn the West about regarding Communist countries and also their influence on non-Communist countries, it seems he must have entirely missed this about Israel. So glad you are so matter-of-factly, off-handedly aware of it.

        It only took a slight, negative comment in reply to one of your several suspicious ones to get you spinning elaborate statements denigrating the 1.) divisive, and 2.) religious, and I guess non-European commenters.

        Again, I say you are very sly and subtle, and not up to any good here.

      3. Correction: Christopher Story did not help write “New Lies for Old.” He was the publisher of “The Perestroika Deception.” The Russians and Chinese want to get control over as many political players as possible, and play both sides of the fence. It is not their way to only seek control over the left. They want to control the American right, too.

      4. Xeno Man: like Greyknight, I too have noticed that your comments “just don’t smell right”.

        I spent years in Europe. I can see no significant difference between Nazi and communist. But then I’m looking at their actions, not their forms, according to Biblical thinking (a man is known by his repeated actions Proverbs 20:11). In P.I. (pre-Internet) times I read that someone who had worked at the Nazi headquarters reported that the Nazi leaders were Marxists, they just lied about it in public. The reporter was a woman who had worked as a secretary. She reported examples of Marxist discussions that went on around her. The example I remember most vividly was how the Nazi leaders, including Hitler, were puzzled at how the American proletariat didn’t rise up in rebellion during the Great Depression according to Marxist theory.

        “One of many techniques that aided to the downfall of Western conservatism is to ultilizing paranoia through using religion.” While in Germany, I met Germans who refused to be part of the state church, which they considered heretical. They included those with numbers tattooed on their arms (very few returned) and those who had to go into hiding from the Gestapo. The Nazis could control the state churches, they tried to eliminate those Christians not under the control of the state churches. I don’t think it’s paranoid recognizing what happened, just realistic.

        I see the exact same thing happening under the communists. Both Russia and China.

        “Perhaps, the facade of Russia being a Christian civilization is a psychological weapon that seeks to drive the Western conservatives insanely zealous enough that they will commit terrorism against the West,…Either Russia will keep faking Christian to lure certain Western fanatics to do sabotage/espionage/terrorism against the West…” This is crazy. This sounds like something that comes out of the weaponized FBI where they are trying to egg conservatives on to violence, and we are having none of it. According to this report, the FBI has released a list of 72 types of people who are terrorists to be watched, #40 caused me to laugh as all males between the ages of 16 to 60 are part of the unorganized militia, legally. https://www.activistpost.com/2013/08/72-types-of-americans-that-are.html If there is violence, they and their proxies have to start it, not us. We try to unite all Americans against a common enemy.

        Xeno Man, I see your comments as a mixture of truth, insight and lies all combined into a goulash of deceit.

      5. I 3rd that. He said Ukraine is only holding on because of shadow NATO operators, something very close that. Implying plenty and clarifying nothing when asked to.

      6. @GreyKnight & R.O & BEDLAMSBARD1: I also hold you guys with the same suspicion. Many zealots here accused anyone with rational thinking of communists, and I never see you guys once ever contemplate the sophistication of Marxist-Leninist techniques. You resort to typical mob behaviors against anyone not holding up to your zealotry. Very typical Stalinists and Maoists.

        There are readers sharing their knowledge on the realistic situations of things across the world. I see you accusing two people here going against the narrative on Ukraine as agents of Kremlin. I am probably the only one advocating for direct NATO interventions, while you guys probably won’t support it. Why? It is harmful against Russia, of course!

        This type of ardent mob-hunt against any moderate or people with skeptical mindset is what driving the many able-leaders of the West towards their death or vanishment.

        I am here to hear and absorb new ideas from fellow seekers of truth. Not picking quarrels. So from now on, I won’t care if you guys exist around here. Totally pointless to argue with zealots!

        @Jeff Nyquist: Yes, he was the publisher for the second one. I also watched the McIlhaney’s interview with Christopher Story where he claimed to help writing the books.

      7. You are dishonest. You no longer warrant conversation. You don’t answer for statements. I’m done with you.

      8. Did Christopher story claim to help Golitsyn with the first book. It’s been awhile since I listened to the McIlhaney interview with Chris Story. Are you sure?

      9. The Russian regime has long used the Russian Orthodox Church as a tool of the regime. Russia is no more Christian than the US. While there are far more churchgoers in the US, most of them do it because of cultural reasons, not because they are actually Christians.

      10. R.O., there was no significant difference between Stalinism and Nazism. After Germany lost the war, those of the Gestapo that found themselves in eastern Europe after the festivities were finished, merged right into the machinery of repression of eastern Europe and fit right in.

    3. @Jeff Nyquist: I heard it in the interview. There are two versions for New Lies for Old and Perestroika Deception. Christopher is not only the publisher for the second book but he is also the editor. Chris definitely had direct contact with Golitsyn back in the days.

      1. I used to have long conversations with Chris Story back in the 1990s. He never said how he got to publish Golitsyn’s second book. I suppose Golitsyn noticed his Soviet Analyst newsletter.

      2. Why don’t back up your claim with a link to time in the interview where he claims to have helped G write NLFO? You mention that Story claimed Nyquist was a communist, then try to draw G and Stiry closer together. You !re trying to discredit both Nyquist and Goliysyn. And you don’t have the balls to link to Story claiming he helped G write the books. Sad troll.

  23. Here’s some good news to report. Tell Jimmy from Brooklyn.

    I watched Bill O’Reilly tonight. He has always been in support of the US aid to Ukraine and anti Putin, but he has been getting much more vocal in the past month.

    Here is an example from tonight. O’Reilly is praising George Will’s column and giving him credit for supporting Ukraine and lambasting the 112 Republicans who vetoed aid bill. O’Reilly says he doesn’t normally get along with George Will because he had been a critic of his Killing Reagan book.

    O’Reilly’s point is we have to put differences aside and unite on Ukraine.

    Quoting George Will’s column in the Washington Post,

    ‘ “The first one [quote] says “Stoking the passion, that is their excuse for pandering, the nihilism of the febrile minority in their party. A majority of House Republicans voted last Saturday to endanger civilization. Hoping to enhance their political security and their mostly safe seats, and for the infantile satisfaction of populist naughtiness, insulting a mostly fictitious establishment. They voted to ensure Vladimir Putin’s attempt to erase a European nation,” unquote.’

    “That’s pretty accurate. For Will. Okay. That, you know, if you don’t give Ukraine the arms, 60 billion in arms, Putin wins. Takes the country over.

    “Second paragraph. Quote. ‘ “The Republican Party was founded as a noble rejection of the most consequential bad thing Congress has ever done. The 1854 Kansas-Nebraska act, which authorized territories to vote slavery up or down, thereby valuing popular sovereignty more than liberty.

    “On Saturday, the House voted 311 to 112 for 61 billion for Ukraine, with 112 ignoble House Republicans voting to condemn Ukraine to death, starved of such military basics as artillery shells.” ‘

    “Okay, so these people are hard right…congress people and senators, not all of them hard right, but most of them are. Are they bad? No. Not. Generally speaking, they’re voting their conscience, what they should do. They say they’re representing the people who voted them in and that that’s what they should do. I’m not condemning them across the board. That’s not what I’m doing here.

    “I’m telling you they’re wrong. They’re wrong. I’m saying that if Putin takes Ukraine, this world is going to be tumultuous because the Chinese will move right into Taiwan. The mullahs in Iran, it was an alliance, okay. Russia. Iran. China. They’re allied against the world. And you think they’re going to stop? But it’s never going to stop. You got to stop him [Putin].

    “Okay, so I hope you all understand where I’m coming from here. I’m not a party guy, I’m an American guy.

    “But the Republicans…you know they want to blow your own party up and assure the Democrats win in November. My God, I mean, how bad does the Biden administration have to get before you wise up? And you have to make some accommodations. So, the Republican Party is not doing that. That gives the Democrats a huge advantage in November. Huge. And that’s the memo.”

      1. Just as Republicans become defacto Democrats, at what point did Democrats go from being Communist, even Antifa-schist, to become anti Rusky? Those transitions seem all sort of a blur, now.

      2. I have written extensively on this. The left did an about-face from 2012-2013, shortly after Obama was caught on a hot microphone offering Putin what he wanted except Obama needed to win one last election first. There was the need to create distance between the comrades.

      3. Perhaps you didn’t always elaborate enough to recall? –LL


        Mr. Obama’s Republican adversaries seized on the comment, which followed a meeting between Mr. Obama and Mr. Medvedev in Seoul, South Korea, where both had struggled to find common ground amid strong objections in Russia to the American plans for a missile defense system based in Europe.

        As a pool of television journalists gathered for a news conference on the leaders’ meeting, Mr. Obama leaned in to deliver private assurances to Mr. Medvedev. But speaking inadvertently into an open microphone, he offered a frank assessment of the difficulty of reaching a deal — on this or any other subject — in an election year.

        “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this can be solved, but it’s important for him to give me space,” Mr. Obama could be heard saying to Mr. Medvedev, according a reporter from ABC News, who was traveling with the president.

        “Yeah, I understand,” the departing Russian president said. “I understand your message about space. Space for you … .”

        Mr. Obama then elaborated in a portion of the exchange picked up by the cameras: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”

        “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” Mr. Medvedev said, referring to Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin, who just won an election to succeed Mr. Medvedev.


      4. The author of the above article claims to know O’bama from Columbia University, but nobody else remembers him. In fact O’bama himself claims to have actually been in Pakistan instead. Coincidentally, at that time, Americans weren’t allowed there. Must have used his British Colonial Kenyan passport, if not his Indonesian one.

        Therefore, I suspect that the author of the above article is a RINO who gives O’bama an alibi.

  24. I support helping Ukraine. The fifth column does not. The fifth column has influence on how the Ukraine funding is spent. I do not. Is money being skimmed off the top before it gets to Ukraine? If so, how much? If so, where is going? To elections in the U.S and Europe? To activist groups? To “brown shirts” or terrorist organizations? Jeff has stated in the past that the Russian oligarchs signed contracts with the KGB to be oligarchs. Did the Ukrainian oligarchs do the same? There are reports that some of the Ukrainian money is being stolen by the oligarchs? Is it true? If so, are they enriching themselves or are they using the money for the services of the KGB?

    I support securing the US border. The fifth column does not. If a border bill is passed, the fifth column will have influence on how that money is spent. I will not. Will the money be used to slow the flow of people, drugs, etc across the border or to speed it up? If additional border agents are hired, will they be used to interdict people, drugs etc coming across the border or will they be used to speed the processing of the people coming across the border.

    I am not advocating against either of these funding bills, but I am encouraging us to be sober-minded about the reality we face. As long as the fifth column has influence in how our money is spent, we will constantly face catch-22s, and any funding provided by Congress will not be wholly for our benefit and depending on how much influence the fifth column has, may go more to our harm than for our good.

    1. Those who would sabotage the United States, and who are in a position within the government, will misuse funds and cause policy failures. We know all this from decades of watching it. What we need is to take down names. Who are the saboteurs? Who is a useful idiot? Who is an enemy agent? Who is merely confused? We will have to appeal to people who are confused.

    2. @Jeff Nyquist: Although the communists have dominated our Western governments, it’s lucky that our anti-corruption laws still function. We don’t have military to fight the communists but we can use good old journalism to find corrupt officials and tried them to the court. That’s the good way to fight the good fight!

    3. Jeff has written extensively on this, or at least a little bit.
      He says that most of the funding for Ukraine is spent in the United States.
      Perhaps he might please, elaborate?

      My own little guess is that it goes mostly to the US Space Force.

      1. Oh, glad you chimed in Engenious Ohio. Maybe you can please be the one to kindly explain why Russia tolerates that?

  25. Johnson is absolutely just an opportunist. I’ve been watching him delay and kick the can on Ukraine for quite awhile. Some claim he had a Road to Damascus experience talking to a Christian pastor in Ukraine who told of how the Russians persecute non-Orthodox. The more likely explanation is that he miscalculated with the anti-Ukraine crazies and needed the support of the Democrats to keep his position, and that’s why the Ukraine vote finally happened after months of delays and his snide little comments.

    1. Now, this is a worrisome development. This is the real invasion unfolding here.

    2. That is a serious concern, and one that think is happening. There are far too many Chinese coming across the borders, and we have caught weapons smuggling from China over the last 20 years. The first time I head about weapons smuggling was when I live in Ohio in the early 00s. Given that illegals are getting government handouts, the troops can live Ok while waiting for word to assemble and draw weapons. While they will not have enough to actually take over teh US, they will have enough to neutralize the country. To a great extent, their work has been done for them.

      1. Yes, we have caught the Chinese smuggling weapons I to the USA. In Oakland back in 1999 and in Tennessee/Florida 2020. It made the news.

      2. Jeff, you know many folks who have national security experience and influence to various administrations. Why/How does this happen? How does our so called “intelligence” community seemingly allow this to happen over the past 2+ decades?
        We are talking treasonous actions to “allow” this infiltration to happen.

      3. I just saw there’s a webinar with a panel (including Roger Robinson) regarding Wall Street investors and the CCP connections in businesses here and abroad. Which reminds me of the webinar last year regarding federal government employees TSP retirement plans being compromised via CCP involvement as well.
        The ChiComms have us (ordinary Americans) by the balls in so many ways, courtesy our treasonous “elected” officials.
        I mean, when a Dick Gephart and a Trent Lott “retire” from politics and take jobs as lobbyists courtesy Chinese interests? Mitch McConnell fixing to do the same thing with his own ties to Chinese shipbuilding via his Chinese spouse and her family business?

        I think the deck is stacked against us “ordinary Americans” in many facets of our society and frankly, it makes me mad as hell that our meager efforts to thwart this go unanswered and untouched.

      4. The Chinese are losing ground in the world economy. Fewer and fewer people trust them. And they are shifting to a war economy. This hurts everyone, and everyone begins to see what is happening.

  26. I bought several copies of O4WW. Back when they were cheap. I have the habit of losing books, or damaging them. Jeff should be reassured, apparently he’s still obscure enough that no one is pirating his books yet. I check every once in while. Lol

  27. Hello, Jeff.
    Is there anyone conducting research to demonstrate the connection between conspiracy theories regarding the supposed Jewish influence in Russia and the KGB?
    Thank you and have a great day.
    Nelson Filho.

    1. There are the allegations/suggestions made by Kevin Coogun in his biography of American Nazi Francis Parker Yockey’s biography, “Dreamer of the Day.” Yockey was supposedly working with the KGB in Europe and had apparently visited communist Cuba.

  28. More good news and a question. Your friend, Trevor Loudon, is going to be speaking at a conference in Grants Pass, Oregon tomorrow, and two of my friends are part of the committee that organized the event. It made me wonder, Jeff. Would you come speak if invited to Republican groups? Maybe both of you going to R groups can help more understand the dangerous infiltration of the Communist movement.

    In unrelated news, Glenn Beck interviewed another of your friends, Alex Newman, for an hour. That will be aired tomorrow on Glenn Beck’s podcast. Both men are strong anti-communists.

    Maybe Alex will get Glenn straight on Ukraine. I can hope, anyways.

    1. If he could invited to speak to organizations, not just the GOP, it would be a good thing and solid way to get the word out.

      1. Well, let us know when your time opens up. RE Jannelle’s question, my thinking is this: That was the past. Different people and certainly different times. Who knows where we’ll be in 2025.

      2. @JRNyquist: ‘Largely, yes’–


        I’m sorry that it has to be this way for you. It, of course, should not be. You deserve to be well-known for your immense talents and skills.

  29. Even considering that Joe Biden has a the secret diplomacy in favor of Russia, how do you explain that all democrats voted for sending military aid to Ukraine? More than 100 republicans voted against it, is the pro-russian something of Biden himself, but disconnected with the democrat party? As the situation appears, the narrative that republicans are pro-Putin is becoming consistent due to the fact the half voters in the Congress were against helping the ukrainian sovereignity. How is it possible that the battle against red globalism is maintained thanks to democrat votes? Joe Biden may be pro-russian, but the party itself seems to go according to a personal agenda not linked to Moscow on this ongoing conflict.

    1. The Russian agents in the Dem Party have a problem because they went anti-Russian against Trump and they cannot reverse themselves without giving themselves away. Biden has to do what he can to mitigate the Ukraine aid, and he has; but these folks got too invested in the anti-Russian angle as an any-trump angle . They have to keep with it. What does Biden do? Come out suddenly and advocate for a Russian victory? Biden did nothing for the first six weeks of the war, expecting Ukraine to collapse. Russia had its chance to win. Biden might say “sorry, but I cannot do more without gutting myself.”

      1. In addition, Jeff, didn’t you at one time point out that some Dems felt betrayed and therefore outraged by the Russians when they invaded Ukraine? Was it Obama’s people who thought that if they reduced our western nuclear arsenal, let the Ukrainian nukes go back to Russia, that these concessions to “the bear” would prevent future aggression? Let them have Georgia and the Donbas, and Putin and his henchmen will be content. So, when the Russians invaded Ukraine, these Dems believed that they had been double-crossed…. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!”

      2. Some changes are visible among a large section of Democrats since Biden became President. The Alaska meeting with the Chinese back in Biden’s first year soured a lot of leftists on China. The Chinese were arrogant and some of our people got the feeling that China was bullying us. There was also the bad after-taste of China’s behavior throughout the pandemic, their access to our capital markets, and business people getting ripped off, treated badly. China was openly preparing to sieze Western businesses over the last couple of years. Some people caught on and a decoupling has begun. Then the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its cruelties. Many people are on the left because they think socialism stops suffering. Well, there’s real suffering and it is front and center. So I think there has been an evolution of views on the left, and the trick of posing as anti-Russian made it a lot worse, when Russia invaded. What ruined everything was when Ukraine did not fall quickly. If Ukraine had fallen quickly the issue would not have been so bad. Oh well, everyone would sigh, it’s water under the bridge. We need to get along with Moscow. But with Ukraine bravely fighting it caused more sympathy for Ukraine, and a prolonged crisis with Russia, and prolonged animosity from the left. No easy way out for the communists who cannot always control everyone’s thoughts. The Russians and Chinese are not happy with their American friends, who cannot fulfill their obligations under the circumstances. To openly support Russia now, when they smeared Trump as a Russian stooge, would make them Trump-like in their own eyes. It’s not something they can try on.

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