I am one of the most censored people in the United States, suffering at the hands of the radical left; but also conservatives, “responsible conservatives,” who don’t like my views … that I am pro-vaccine…. I am in support of what President Trump did with his Operation Warp Speed. I think it’s a tremendous American achievement.

Cliff Kincaid

Cliff’s work has been worth following for many years. Cliff and I had an interesting discussion off-air, prior to our broadcast, about the vaccine. I expressed my reservations and he expressed his confidence in American science. Whatever our differences might be, Cliff is one of those rare journalists who knows that Russia and China are working against the United States. Here is our discussion:

88 thoughts on “Discussion With Cliff Kincaid

  1. Prof. Mike Yeadon, ehemaliger President und Chief Science Officer von Pfizer Inc hat folgendes gesagt:
    “Milliarden Menschen sind bereits zu einem bestimmten, unaufhaltbaren und qualvollen Tod verdammt.
    Jeder Mensch der die Injektion bereits erhalten hat, wird mit Sicherheit vorzeitig sterben, und 3 Jahre sind eine großzügige Schätzung für Ihre verbleibende Lebenserwartung.”

    Jacques Attali schrieb 1981, damals Berater von François Mitterrand: „In Zukunft wird es darum gehen, einen Weg zu finden, die Population zu reduzieren. Wir fangen mit den Alten an, denn sobald sie 60-65 Jahre überschreiten, lebt der Mensch länger als er produziert und das kommt die Gesellschaft teuer zu stehen.

    Dann die Schwachen, dann die Nutzlosen, die der Gesellschaft nichts bringen, weil es immer mehr von ihnen geben wird, und vor allem schließlich die Dummen. Euthanasie, die auf diese Gruppen abzielt. Euthanasie wird ein wesentliches Instrument unserer zukünftigen Gesellschaften sein müssen, in allen Fällen. Natürlich werden wir nicht in der Lage sein, Menschen hinzurichten oder Lager zu errichten. Wissensbewahrung: Wir werden sie los, indem wir sie glauben machen, dass es zu ihrem eigenen Besten ist. Die Überbevölkerung, und meist nutzlos, ist etwas, das wirtschaftlich zu kostspielig ist. Auch gesellschaftlich ist es viel besser, wenn die menschliche Maschine abrupt zum Stillstand kommt, als wenn sie sich allmählich verschlechtert.
    Wir werden auch nicht in der Lage sein, Millionen und Abermillionen von Menschen auf ihre Intelligenz zu testen, darauf können Sie wetten! Wir werden etwas finden oder verursachen, eine Pandemie, die auf bestimmte Menschen abzielt, eine echte Wirtschaftskrise oder nicht, ein Virus, das die Alten oder die Fetten befällt, es spielt keine Rolle, die Schwachen werden ihm erliegen, die Ängstlichen und Dummen werden daran glauben und sich behandeln lassen. Wir werden dafür gesorgt haben, dass die Behandlung vorgesehen ist, eine Behandlung, die die Lösung sein wird.
    Wissensbewahrung: Die Selektion der Idioten erledigt sich dann von selbst: Sie gehen von selbst zur Schlachtbank.“ [ Die Zukunft des Lebens – Jacques Attali, 1981 ] Interviews mit Michel Salomon, Sammlung Les Visages de l’avenir, éditions Seghers. „…

  2. U.S. doctors sound alarm: people may pose danger to the unvaccinated after vaccination
    Doctors with America’s Frontline Doctors warn that the spike protein the body makes after vaccination against Corona is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and causing neurological damage. Even vaccinated people can excrete the spike protein, making unvaccinated children and adults sick. It can also cause vaginal bleeding in women, doctors said.
    Not only the spike proteins, but also the nanoparticles in the “vaccine” can pass through the blood-brain barrier, which protects sensitive parts of the body. There is not enough time to find out what brain disorders and how often brain disorders occur as a result, the doctors’ group says.
    Spike proteins that cross the blood-brain barrier can cause chronic inflammation, thrombosis (blood clots), tremor (shaking), Bell’s facial palsy and ALS-like symptoms, the doctors warn. The nanoparticles can fuse with brain cells, leading to neurodegenerative diseases.
    Pfizer confirms people can shed spike proteins
    People who have been vaccinated produce many trillions of spike proteins and can excrete some of the particles, with the result that people who come near them can get sick.
    The founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, Simone Gold, refers to a document in which pharmaceutical giant Pfizer confirms that people can excrete the spike proteins. Pfizer warned men to stay away from pregnant women during clinical trials, but now the CDC wants pregnant women to take an experimental vaccine, Gold tweeted, adding that this is very contradictory.
    The document makes clear that someone could be exposed to the spike proteins from test subjects “through inhalation or skin contact.” This can be dangerous, doctors say. The spike proteins actually cause disease, just like the virus. (???????, if you believe in viruses, that is).
    ➡️➡️➡️ (https://uncutnews.ch/us-aerzte-schlagen-alarm-menschen-koennen-nach-der-impfung-eine-gefahr-fuer-die-ungeimpfte-darstellen/)

  3. The whole Covid thing and the Great Reset is more likely a desperate attempt to save global capitalism, after its leaders realized they had been fooled with the “collapse” of communism, they now try to do something to mobilize the system, possibly for war, or for collapse of dollar. World Economic Forum are definitely not communists. Both Putin and Xi rejected the idea of great reset.

    1. Just because a thing has a capitalist label does not mean it hasn’t been infiltrated by Marxists. If the CIA can be run by our country’s enemies why can’t big capital be infiltrated by Marxists? It seems pretty obvious to me that the capitalists are an easier target. We are so stupid in our readiness to believe labels and packaging.

      1. I’ve puzzled about the globalists for some time. I think infiltrate is the precisely correct word. Not every globalist is a communist. But they are sprinkled in there. Here are a couple globalists but also communists – Michelle Bachelet, George Soros. Maybe Merkel also. If they stray from PC talking points and communist goals let’s see how long they remain a mover and a shaker.

      2. George Soros immigrated to the West from the communist bloc and somehow became a billionaire who funnels money to communist fronts. During the Cold War Angela Merkel was a youth leader in the German Democratic Republic’s Socialist Unity Party (the ruling Marxist-Leninist Party of East Germany). Bachelet’s father was one of Chilean communist Salvador Allende’s lieutenants. Is it really a puzzle who these people are?

      3. > If the CIA can be run by our country’s enemies why can’t big capital be infiltrated by Marxists?

        probably yes, but it works both ways. Capitalists and imperialists, who I believe are behind the Great Reset, use seemingly Marxist (only to people who know nothing about actual Marxism) rhetoric to serve their needs.

    2. Covid and the Great Reset are in the process of destroying global capitalism, not saving it. The collapse of the dollar and the coming war will be initiated by the communists, not us. Perhaps Putin and Xi , as leaders of world communism, can afford to be against the Great Reset as it may not apply to them, but will apply to their enemies in the West.

      1. > The collapse of the dollar and the coming war will be initiated by the communists

        yes, but indirectly, would have happen without the Great Reset

        Global capitalism heavily depends on capital exports, wealth extraction from undeveloped countries and circulation of dollars via bonds held by big exporters. Communists understand this, because it was already described by Lenin, who also predicted some future degenerations of the system. As long as relatively weak petro states dominated among exporters, it was possible to threaten them and keep the system alive. Also it was possible to keep undeveloped countries under control, via IMF loans, cause there was no alternative.

        Now, if dollar system collapse, America will have to find a way how to live without 600 billion or so imported goods (the size of trade deficit). The pandemic can help to decrease consumption, destroy service sector and use its resources in industry.

  4. I really disagree with Cliff about the vaccine. But he is such a nice guy, such a good person that I can’t get too worked up or contentious against him on this point. I’ll just say some prayers that he and his listeners avoid the vaccine side effects.

  5. There is much that I probably disagree with Mr. Kincaid on (just as with Mr. Nyquist perhaps), but on the matter of the COVID-19 vaccines I absolutely agree with him. In the eyes of History and in the workings of Divine Providence, President Trump’s actions regarding the vaccine development I believe will go down as having saved many millions of American lives. Imagine another President in office, beholden to the feckless and foul Elites. They would have taken more time to ”safely” develop these vaccines and sandbag on their production, millions of more people would have died from Covid-19, and it would have crippled America far worse. No gentlemen, I am a ”Masker”, I believe in sensible but strict lock downs, and I believe in ”Manhattan Project” and ”Apollo mission” level American can-do attitude. To me this isn’t Ideological; it’s the same kind of spirit that won the world wars and builds civilization.

      1. As Napoleon once said (if I recall correctly); ”morale is to material, as three is to one”.

  6. I am not defending communism here, I usually agree with Jeff’s analysis of communist grand strategy, but I also think he intentionally ignores faults of the capitalist system, assumes that its leaders are always the “good guys”, unable of any evil conspiracy, unless they are closet communists.

    1. No, they are stupid, money-grubbing capitalists who fell for the communists, especially after 1990, and sold them the rope on which they will soon be hanged.

      1. They are stupid, I agree. That is why I believe that the Great Reset is going to fail.

    2. And the many people who believe that communism has gone down will blame the ‘evil’ capitalists for the coming economic disaster, financial crash and everything else bad. They will think that capitalism is no good, doesn’t work, and the Moscow/Peking axis can sit back and laugh.

    3. That is up to the people, the nations, who must finally wake up and not only inform themselves on television. I had 40 years of Soviet communism in the GDR, I know what makes them tick. Unfortunately I had no English, but Deepl. translates it hopefully well

      1. I was born in socialist Czechoslovakia. Back then, the eastern block countries were insulated internationally, China was still very poor, geopolitical situation was not good. Nowadays it is different, balance of power shifted with the rise of China.

    4. I have never said the leaders of capitalism are good guys. They are less violent than the communists, more adapted to Western culture. A capitalist is a builder and producer by trade, not a Marxist revolutionary ready to put people against the wall. Our elected officials are usually lawyers. Ever hear a lawyer joke? I would never generalize by calling our leaders “good.” So please do not put words in my mouth. How often must I quote Jacob Burckhardt, who said, “Power is evil”? Or how about Lord Acton? “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely.” I would put my argument as follows: Western leaders are often bad men, while communist leaders are evil. The West has a system of checks and balances, however, which keeps bad men in check. In the East bad men become corrupted by absolute power and a system that rewards supremely evil conduct. As our system is broken down by the Marxists we are getting closer to such a system ourselves. There should also be an intellectual qualification and a moral qualification as we move forward from the age of chivalry and the “gentlemen.” Very few gentlemen are now left. Our present leaders are almost uniformly lower types, from the school boards and city councils on up. But we are not yet ruled by the type which rule China and Russia. To reiterate: the only thing that protects us from our leaders is a political system that clearly limits their power.

      1. > To reiterate: the only thing that protects us from our leaders is a political system that clearly limits their power.

        seems they are able to do whatever they want during this pandemic and no one is able to resist. BTW there are much more restrictions in “the west” than in the east. The UK is by far the worst in all kinds of restrictions. Talk about freedom in Anglo countries.

      2. You are not taking in the larger picture. In China and Russia, if a dissident publicly disagree with the state in an effective way, you are jailed. In America they have only done this to a few people. The Marxist have a little further to go here. And we are armed. They have reason to be cautious. The final check on their power has not been overcome — in America.

      3. The UK worse than the Chinese? You can’t even buy gasoline in many parts of China without getting your ID written down and put on a list. People are routinely kidnapped by police, interrogated for hours, days, months, or outright disappeared by police for statements made online or around town. During the one child policy, roving bands of “family planners” would interrogate families and, if discovering a pregnant woman, would force an abortion and even take pictures of the woman holding her aborted baby as punishment. Repeat offenders were forcefully sterilized. Soon the Chinese will go the opposite extreme: forcing women between the age of 21-27 to become pregnant due to the plunging population rate of workers in China. Right now they are currently trying to persuade people to have babies “for China!”. Soon that will be insufficient and the family planning gangsters will be put into motion.

        All that I’ve written here is but a taste of what it means to be submitted to the Chinese regime.

      4. Bravo! This is a brilliant rebuttal. I am so sick of Americans or Westerners saying they live under a police state. We have lots of freedom. Only, we are not using our freedom as we should.

  7. Would they be wrong? Seems it really does not work in its current stage.

      1. Is it possible that the West took the wrong course a long time ago, in your opinion? After all, Oswald Spengler named Western civilization the ”Faustian” after Dr. Faustus, who made a pact with the Devil to attain what he desired….

      2. Yes. We went wrong as we moved toward materialism, rationalism and linguistic literalism. Both East and West took a wrong turn.

  8. Jeff,you’ve said in the past that might matters more than money.Those in possesion of the former (the communists) could simply tell the globalists,stick m up,and then have both.But are the globalists too stupid to foresee this then?Or was the one world government they aspire to,always intended to be run out of Moscow or Bejing?But then again,under those circumstances,how could they expect to hold on to their wealth and influence?Why would they be so sanguine at the prospect of forfeiting it all?

    Also,I’d be interested to know if you still think these vaccines (for a variety of reasons) are dangerous.Here in Europe at least,the vaccin-sceptics are being driven into a corner.I fear the time might not be far off when we won’t even be able to go to work without some sort of pasport.

    1. In Pareto’s theory of “circulation of elites,” you need both lions and foxes. Lions are your confrontational, violent types. Foxes are your manipulative, cunning types. Financiers are always foxes. Soldiers are lions. Foxes simply want to keep the peace. And here they have a problem. Peace never lasts. And so we need lions as well as foxes. In fact. If the foxes try to run the world without lions they will — says Pareto — be killed in the end. This is where the West is today. One does not need to postulate stupidity. It is a question of nature. A fox has a fox-like nature, and a lion has a lion-like nature. You cannot exclude the lions without putting the foxes at risk. Right now nature is out of balance here in the West.

      1. > Are you a Leninist?

        he was correct in naming problems of late stage capitalism, but I don’t agree with his solutions of those problems

    1. Nonsense, unless those corporations are nationalized. Actually the opposite is happening, the corporations are taking over states.

  9. I believe that Covid 19 was an escapee from a laboratory, an accident, that if anything set back certain plans while also offering opportunities for a cunning but immoral few. If this is not the case, it is unclear if the real story will be revealed in any circumstances. I also believe that Trump saved millions of lives by taking the actions he was able to take and pushing hard on ”operation warp speed”.

    Again, I am pretty different in the political Western sense from others here, I tend to ignore neat ideological lines and focus on human nature and the realities of the world, in which I find more agreement with Mr. Nyquist than disagreement in many areas. Geopolitically what I focus on is China, the role of China in the world. To quote again from Napoleon; ”China is a sleeping giant, when he awakes he will shake the whole world.” China is a threat to all, striving to restore the Middle Kingdom to being the center of the Cosmos.

    There are calculations which take that reality into consideration, as well as the geopolitical, spiritual/cultural threat from the West (although the West is slowly imploding, who wants to be drawn into the gravity of it’s spiritual black hole at this stage?) Profoundly Anti-Western/Anti-Modern and yet mindful of the threat from the East. I am reminded of a poem by Alexander Blok written after the October Revolution;


    Reminded, yet not necessarily in total agreement.

    1. China is not a sleeping giant. It is a rotting zombie that threatens to drag us all down with it to the grave. The sheer magnitude of stupid, destructive policies in China, to this very day, boggles the mind. The Chinese can’t even build a dam without causing enormous damage to the environment. They’ve stripped the ocean of fish and dumped poisons into their own water supply, creating entire communities of people riddled with tumors. They’ve built massive ghost cities with buildings that are falling apart a year or two after construction. A single Earthquake kills tens of thousands of school children because government contractors cut corners and actively steal building materials. Chinese businessmen can’t do business with westerners without stealing from them or cheating them in some way. Chinese citizens pay little old ladies to take the blame for traffic infractions to get out of a suspended license, then they jump back onto the road and run over a little kid–and if the kid is still wiggling around on the ground, they run them over again because it’s better to kill someone than to pay for a disabled person.

      This is a rotten and thoroughly incompetent civilization that continues its life by having a mastery over deception, infiltration, and a willingness to murder in the most shameful of ways. I suspect when the shooting starts, we will kill them in vast numbers. Their soldiers will run away from the field of battle in terror, just like they did against unarmed Indian soldiers. Their jets and planes and missiles will not work as intended. Glorious Chinese fighter pilots will die screaming without ever meeting an enemy. If they win, it will not be because of their great strength, but because of our gigantic weakness, which unfortunately looks like the most likely outcome at this point.

      1. I am well aware of the nature of Khitai. And yet, I will not underestimate them either.

    2. vlad, I believe we are witnessing very powerful corporate and communist forces at work with the gene therapy, “vaccine”, which it’s not a real vaccine—it’s pharmaceutical progressive sorcery. I believe President Trump was used by the Fauci/Gates lobby to get this “injection” implemented–he fell into their hands like ripe fruit. Trump was used and beaten over the head by it. The reason this came at warp speed is that the pharma powers had produced all the tests they needed in this things 15 years ago where the majority of the lab animals died as a result of the injection. They learned what they needed to know in those first RNA based injections. Fauci/Gates after being set-back in their gain-of-function experiments in 2015 was curtailed in the US by Obama admin over concerns of accidental releases (watch movie Plandemic that details this), decided to deal with what they thought would be good partner, free of regulations and limits, a python called communist China. Given the level of infiltration China has in the medical industrial complex—they basically own entire parts of the research and supply chain—its not large jump of logic to believe that this gene therapy jab has a function built into it that could bring the world to its knees in the future at the release of covid 2.0.

      1. I guess the best thing I can say to a well-organized and thought out conspiracy theory is; ”we’ll see”. In the larger scheme of things I trust in He Who made me. All these things like wars and plagues and such are punishments from God collectively speaking, as unpopular as that may sound. And nothing is done without His will and nothing that is His direct will can be impeded either.

        As for President Trump, I have every confidence that that man has never been taken in by anyone in his entire life, and is himself an absolute master of strategy, among other things. I also believe that he has a very developed worldview, one that is extremely Anti-Communist and Anti-Socialist and Pro-Capitalist. Be that as it may, he suffers as most of us do, saddled with a fairly secularist and modernistic worldview.

        I’m not saying that I entirely dismiss your concerns or these ideas about this being biological warfare, far from it. But what I do think is that the truth is something far different than the vaccine supporters or opponents believe it is. I think that the world (and America in particular) dodged a bullet with COVID-19, and generations to come will have President Trump and his team to thank for it (regardless of how one may think of him politically or personally).

  10. Richard Galvin, you write with such detail about goings-on in China — things I never heard before. Do you live there? If not, what is the source of your knowledge? This sounds like first-hand experience to me.

    I also wanted to add this point to the discussion: I know a person from China who tells me about a common practice in China of dog-napping. Twenty percent of Chinese eat dog meat, and they believe that if you torture a dog first, it makes the meat taste that much better. So the practice is to raise dogs on farms for food, but also to roam the cities and countryside, looking for dogs to abduct, torture, and eat.

    America is certainly guilty of horrible values where sex and some other things are concerned, but on the positive side, Americans — even the liberal ones — have a kind attitude toward animals and anyone who’s suffering. This is in marked contrast to the cruelty we see in China toward animals. Anyone who saw the videos of the wet markets, and the poor, live animals suffering in cages there, knows the truth of this.

    If a good percentage of the people of a nation are cruel at heart, I think that reflects in the government they end up with. Perhaps this is why China has the most demonic government on Earth.

    1. “This sounds like first-hand experience to me.”

      It probably sounds like that because I watch videos from first hand witnesses and start to feel like I saw them myself lol.

      Check out the following channels:


      “Serpentza” is a white South African who spent most of his 20s in China working as a teacher and traveling across the whole country. He constantly uploads informative videos about the country and speaks the language fluently. You’ll learn many obscure details from him, such as details of all the small and daily little corrupt practices that occur in China. He’s also visited the “ghost cities” in person and ripped “concrete” from the walls with his bare hands.


      “Laowhy86” is best friends with Serpentza, has a Chinese wife and two half-chinese children, and also spent years living and traveling via motorcycle across China. He has the same first hand insight into China, the CCP and its corruption.


      ADVChina is the combined channel of Serpentza and Laowhy where they post videos of their travels across China (and other countries) on their motorcycles. They also post their China podcast there where they cover Chinese news.

      If you click on these videos, you’ll eventually get recommendations for many other channels on China. I recommend all of the ones associated with the Epoch Times, and I also recommend the Epoch Times as a news source on China and the rest of the world. They’re an anti-communist news source.

      There are other sources for my anecdotes, though they’re derived from years of reading and, in some cases, from the Chinese students I used to teach the English language to back at A&M for years. But the sources above are very good without having to recollect where each detail I might mention here or there came from.

  11. I watched an American Thought Leaders interview with Dr. Scott Atlas. It just came out today. He has all kinds of statistics about the deaths caused by the lockdowns. Record suicides, opiod abuse and death, self-harm up 300%, are just a few stats he details. The lockdown for 14 months did Not save lives. It cost lives. It will take decades to recover. One in 4 young people are afraid of having any interactions witb other people. This is such a failure of our public health policy makers.

    Also, I found out from my doctor this factoid. Did you know that if you have recovered from Covid, hospitals want donations of blood, but they have a questionnaire you have to complete first? If you have received one of the shots, they will not accept blood from a vaccinated person. Now, isn’t that strange? Why would that be?

    1. Natural antibodies are the real deal. The artificial are apparently harmful. I saw a story that a vaccinated mother lost her baby from nursing. Could her spike proteins have killed her baby? I do not know. But I wonder. Our leaders have made many blunders. Imagine if we had to fight an actual war. Speaking of which: I just finished reading Lt. Col. Lohmeier’s book. It seems we are at the edge of an abyss in terms of our military. The Marxists have done tremendous damage. We need thousands like Lohmeier. And only 24 members of Congress signed the letter to have him reinstated. Out of 435 members of Congress only 24 support him? No senators! What are people waiting for? There are only so many shopping days till Christmas.

      1. People in lands that have become weak and corrupt, one always waits for the other man to make the first move, to say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done. Of course, it is easier if the young men had the example and the wisdom of the older ones, but without that wisdom from the elders this is why such lands become weak and corrupt in the first place. Historically, leaders are often for this reason to be found in exile, in prison, in hiding, etc… Before they are summoned by the people (or indeed, God Himself) to deliver them.

      2. Mr. Nyquist,

        I called my (Republican) U.S. Representative’s office today and requested an explanation for why he did not sign the Demand for the Defense Department to Reinstate Lt. Colonel Lohmeier to his previous command position in the Space Force.

        The Staff member that I spoke with had no answer.

        I insisted that my Representative DEMAND that Lt. Colonel Lohmeier be REINSTATED to his previous command position in the Space Force.

        I will NOT hold my breath.


      3. The letter was only signed by 24 members of Congress. I suspect that Lohmeier will prove himself more valuable to the country out of uniform than in uniform.

  12. COMMIT are you from the Czech Republic?
    A few days ago, Russia included the Czech Republic and the United States on the list of enemy states.
    Why are there only two states on that list? And why the Czech Republic?
    I have found that there are many anti-communist and anti-Russian-minded people in Eastern and Central Europe. It seems that Moscow and Beijing in the area do not yet have everything under control.
    A few years ago, I read Jeff’s interview with Petr Cibulka.


    Cibulka and his voters claim that the world is ruled by the KGB and the GRU.
    I tried to translate his website and his information is very informative. Translate it and study each sentence, it’s very interesting:



    Jeff, what do you think about that?

    And what do you think of this site that quotes you a lot:?

    1. Petr is an interesting guy. Always controversial. Does that site quote me a lot? I’m sure it’s only if I say something super scary.

      1. They have links to your articles in Financialsense and WorldNetDaily, but the sites are no longer available.

        I discovered the tldm.org website recently, but it seems to be working steadily and still warning against Russia and China. This is a rarity, given Russia’s efforts to tire of world public opinion and criticism of Russia. People (especially young people) today do not read older articles and do not click on links. Everyone is just watching the discussions under the new reports. This suits Russia and the Chinese because the KGB and GUOANBU already have all the social networks under control. Yes, the Communists are trying to disarm us linguistically. They want to rid us of the souls. Internet connection with these criminals and liars will be fatal for the West and freedom. To save the West, it would be enough not to trust the Soviets / Russians – the greatest liars and impostors in the world.

        Btw: In this discussion, a certain Vladimir writes, I think it’s a Russian troll. I don’t believe a word he says.

    2. “Why are there only two states on that list? And why the Czech Republic?”

      it is because of recent accusations of Russia from a sabotage of ammunition depot. The accusation is baseless IMO, it was used to prevent Russia from getting a nuclear power plant contract here.

  13. Mr. Nyquist,

    Please tell me what you think of Albert Brewster’s essay regarding holding Politicized Flag Officers
    responsible for their actions under the Uniform Code for Military Justice.


    What will be the National Security consequences of recruiting Cross Dressing sexual perverts?


    What are your thoughts on this video interview of Lt. Colonel Matthew Lohmeier?



    Keep up the GOOD WORK!!!

  14. Well, ”Oliver P”, it seems that you like to calumnate people you don’t know. In any case, Mr. Nyquist and I write each other with respect it seems, so perhaps you can do the same and write with respect, both with regards to myself and to an entire people that you damn with either your ignorance and/or your malice. A ”troll” is as a troll does; I will let others judge who is acting like a ”troll” in this case. After all, is there anything specific that i’ve written that you do not like or think untrue?

    1. The other thing that angers me when I am attacked as a ”troll” by characters out there like ”Oliver P” when I defend Russian Civilization and the Russian People, besides the lunatic Russophobia that always exists, is the suggestion that the desire to maintain the Russian Lands somehow makes one in league with ”Communists” or that i’m a Marxist-Leninist myself. This is exceedingly stupid. We Orthodox Christians pray in the Liturgies for ”Right-Believing Kings and Queens”, and I take that very much to heart; it’s a traditional and literal option that runs counter to anything resembling Marxist-Leninism. That makes me a Monarchist, a Tsarist. Of course, there are plenty out there who would hate that just as much if not more so than Communism, but I’ll not speak of such people.

      Again, what I find more interesting sometimes than Communism, is Anti-Communism. Why was and is it such a spectacular failure? Why the ignorance of the teachings of Marxist Leninism and diversions into Anti-Semitism and other ideological pathologies? I’ll say again that in my opinion, it is partly because modern men are better than half in the Communist camp already, before any exposure to direct Marxist propaganda. At least 500 years of anthropocentric materialist and atheistic philosophy, rationalism and evolutionary theory proceeded anything written by Marx or Engels or Lenin and Mao.

      But I reject all that. Yet, somehow defending one’s people from others using the ideas of Nyquist and Golitsyn, Lunev and Suvorov and Sejna as cover for ethno-tribal and religious hatreds puts me in the camp of those scum like Lenin, that internationalist traitor to Russia…

      1. I have often had similar thoughts. Anti-communism is a spectacular failure because some of the things that make communism lethal can also be seen in those who oppose communism (without really knowing why it is dangerous). There is a joke about an old American senator who was berating an opponent who objected by saying he was an anti-communist. The old senator said, “I don’t care what kind of communist you are!”

      2. Vladimir: A question about Russian TV. I saw the Boris Gudonov series from Russian television and I enjoyed it. I generally hate television, but this was something very different. I was intrigued by the positive portrayals of some of the Orthodox priests, and the complexity of the story-telling. There was something special about the way the producers handled this story. Nothing like this would have been possible in the West. I wondered if you had seen it and what your thoughts were.

  15. To Mr. Nyquist and All the Ships at Sea.

    This IS NOT A TEST.







    It’s Time For ALL Good Men To Come To The Aid of Their Country!!!!!


    In The CROSS HAIRS!!!







    Soviet COMBAT UNITS.

    THIS IS the TIME For ALL Good Men To Come To The Aid of Their Country!!!!!



    “Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Plan” Will Weaken Special Operations Forces

    Center For Military Readiness


  16. Speaking of Lions…


    But this story out of Canada suggests that the distinction between the “bad men” who are Western leaders and “evil Communists” is blurring. In the mid-1960s, the young seers of the remote Spanish village of Garabandal prophecized a crescendo of catastrophes culminating “when Communism comes again.”


  17. Mr. Nyquist, you made the comment earlier in reply to my statement of the West going off the rails a long time ago, Spengler’s ”Faustian Civilization” and all that, that such is the case with both West and East…

    I agree, but they are suffering from the same illness, that of Modernity. Of course that’s not exactly the primary divide, which is that between Good and Evil… But that is exceedingly complicated, and the battle lines are within the human heart, and the battle rages every day that there is life. But…

    Consider an entire Pagan civilization built entirely on the foundations of this-worldly concerns, with no concept of a Creater as such, only the felicity of this life and the attendant pushes and pulls of reward and punishment, matter-of-fact this-worldly materialism. Today this civilization has the highest level of irreligion (religion as we may understand it) in the entire world;


    So what are we to think of such a nation-civilization? They are not to be easily dismissed in their goals of World Hegemony. They are not Marxist Leninist because Marxist-Leninism is something alien to them that they wished to hold to, rather it almost seems as if Communism/Historical-Dialectical Materialism is something quite native to their thinking, which might be why it seems so strikingly bizarre everywhere else (I do not speak of Non-Marxist Socialism, which comes from a different place). It appears to me as if a whole different species arose in the West after 1492 AD (the 7000th year of the world in the Orthodox calendar) and merged with age-old streams of Asiatic thought (Leibniz comes to mind as an early example, Voltaire, Christopher Wolff and Thomas Paine too, of Enlightenment thinkers who were also Sinophiles). Will an exhausted West eventually accept the Middle Kingdom of the Dragon as the center of the Cosmos?

    1. Insofar as the West represents a disintegrated formation, it’s collapse could theoretically result in the death of all western nations/tribes. When an animal is sick it may die or recover. Can China replace the West or rule over the West? I do not think so. China is bound to sink to a very low state as a result of its presently degraded condition. China can destroy things and kill people, of course; but I do not think China can build anything positive given its cultural degradation. If the CCP fell from power, and spiritual thinking returned, together with upright conduct in practice, then you might see something good in China. It is the cynical side of ancient China that has triumphed in China’s last century, and this is a dead end. As you know, Chinese civilization has always been remarkably materialistic. Corruption is the reason for China’s eclipse in the 19th century. More than 2,000 years ago the first Chin emperor was a monster. This legacy haunts China. The country has often existed at the disintegrated end of the spectrum. The materialistic orientation results in perversions of various kinds. We see some extremely pathological inversions/perversions right now in the West as well. At any rate, the East is not healthy enough to carry the banner of global civilization. Materialistic civilizations are always running to seed. Materialism has destructive implications. I believe the West is headed for a series of catastrophic episodes that would dwarf the two world wars. I am surprised we are still here and the superstructure can bear so many mad deformities. China merely facilitates this cycle of collapse and dissolution, probably falling victim in its own turn.

      1. jeff your arrogance will be your downfall, your analysis is awfully mistaken concerning ukraine, eastern europe, china, russia you have failed to grasp our strategy once again, Did golitsyn seriously think that his 2 little books will allow the west to understand our strategy when he himself didnt understand it fully. that was only the beginning and your end is near, but dont worry we have no plans to let the west live, youll replaced by chinese and communist peoples of the world, the west is a bourgois nation it is the beacon of the bourgoisie but dont be afraid your leftists once they have done their job will join you below the ground without a doubt . you keep looking for stupid reasons to trick yourself that you have a chance (solar minimum, navalny (he is kgb and you stupid westerners still fall for it, you have no idea was is going on in russia same as you had no idea starting from 1917 ) ,

      2. You are not a very good student of Marx. The victory of communism does not follow from the “arrogance” of one bourgeois writer. And I have not as yet presented my analysis of Ukraine. I have only expressed skepticism that Ukraine is the main target of Russia’s military preparations. The head of Ukrainian intelligence, by the way, has suggested that Ukraine will serve as a “bridge” for uniting Russia with Europe. That seems more in line with Gorbachev’s theme of the One Common European Home. As for tricking myself, I have never tricked myself into believing a false doctrine of political salvation through the ideas of Karl Marx. In this regard your criticisms are projections. You are the one suffering from arrogance and crazy beliefs.

      3. All good points. The worrisome part is if the persons leading that nation decide to ”solve” their problems like so many have done in the past with many other nations; by war, conquest.

    2. I also think that the demographers who are saying that the Chinese population collapse already began are correct, and that situation will only worsen. It’s hard to imagine a people taking over the world as their population ages and is cut in half. There will be so many consequences of this, beyond simply economic ones which will be bad enough. How do you maintain your facade of 5 to 10% gdp growth while losing people every year? What of all the Chinese men who will never have a chance at marriage because of sex selective abortion and the one child policy?

  18. Mr. Nyquist,

    What is your take on Trevor Loudon’s suggested strategy for thwarting and denying the Biden (May soon be Harris) administration’s efforts to bring the chaos of self destruction to America and thereby make it easier for the allied Communists to: invade the U.S, move-in, and mop up?

    Mr. Loudon suggests that a good means to frustrate the Communist efforts would be to implement (between now and the Federal Congressional Election Day (November 2022) a 33 Red State (State Legislature + State Governor) based Nullification Strategy designed to Nullify and frustrate enforcement of the Biden/Harris administrations efforts to destroy America.


    What do you make of Angelo Codevilla’s observation on the current situation in the U.S.?

    “The good aspect of it is that we who swear to uphold the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic owe no allegiance whatever to the oligarchy that now runs this country.

    Nor can we persuade them about right and wrong. If we are to avoid becoming the oligarchy’s mere subjects we can and must treat them as the enemies they are: deny their legitimacy, and rebuild the republic amongst those of us who love it.”



    1. I am a longtime admirer of Angelo Codevilla. Nice to see you posting his article here. Trevor has many interesting ideas on the level of practical politics. 👍

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